66 research outputs found

    Insights on Memory Controller Scaling for Multicore Embedded Systems

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    In recent years, the growth of the number of cores as well as the frequency of cores along different processor generations has proportionally increased bandwidth needs simultaneously in both CPU and GPU systems. In order to address the communication latency between CPU and GPU memories in recent implementation of heterogeneous mobile embedded systems with hard or firm real-time requirements, sharing the same address space adds significant levels of contention. In addition, when heterogeneous cores are simultaneously present in a single system, memory parallelism is significantly restricted by a small amount of memory controllers (MCs). As a strategy to approach these significant levels of memory pressure, it is proposed in this paper evaluations of the impact of scaling MCs up to four to eight units - limited by motherboard size for embedded purposes. Our findings show that performance is enhanced by a factor of 4× when employing only CPU cores, 4.6× when only GPU cores and finally, 2× when both CPU and GPU cores are simultaneously considered

    General‐purpose computation on GPUs for high performance cloud computing

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Expósito, R. R., Taboada, G. L., Ramos, S., Touriño, J., & Doallo, R. (2013). General‐purpose computation on GPUs for high performance cloud computing. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 25(12), 1628-1642., which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.2845. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.[Abstract] Cloud computing is offering new approaches for High Performance Computing (HPC) as it provides dynamically scalable resources as a service over the Internet. In addition, General‐Purpose computation on Graphical Processing Units (GPGPU) has gained much attention from scientific computing in multiple domains, thus becoming an important programming model in HPC. Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) has been established as a popular programming model for GPGPUs, removing the need for using the graphics APIs for computing applications. Open Computing Language (OpenCL) is an emerging alternative not only for GPGPU but also for any parallel architecture. GPU clusters, usually programmed with a hybrid parallel paradigm mixing Message Passing Interface (MPI) with CUDA/OpenCL, are currently gaining high popularity. Therefore, cloud providers are deploying clusters with multiple GPUs per node and high‐speed network interconnects in order to make them a feasible option for HPC as a Service (HPCaaS). This paper evaluates GPGPU for high performance cloud computing on a public cloud computing infrastructure, Amazon EC2 Cluster GPU Instances (CGI), equipped with NVIDIA Tesla GPUs and a 10 Gigabit Ethernet network. The analysis of the results, obtained using up to 64 GPUs and 256‐processor cores, has shown that GPGPU is a viable option for high performance cloud computing despite the significant impact that virtualized environments still have on network overhead, which still hampers the adoption of GPGPU communication‐intensive applications. CopyrightMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación; TIN2010-1673

    Effective memory management for mobile environments

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    Smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices exhibit vastly different constraints compared to regular or classic computing environments like desktops, laptops, or servers. Mobile devices run dozens of so-called “apps” hosted by independent virtual machines (VM). All these VMs run concurrently and each VM deploys purely local heuristics to organize resources like memory, performance, and power. Such a design causes conflicts across all layers of the software stack, calling for the evaluation of VMs and the optimization techniques specific for mobile frameworks. In this dissertation, we study the design of managed runtime systems for mobile platforms. More specifically, we deepen the understanding of interactions between garbage collection (GC) and system layers. We develop tools to monitor the memory behavior of Android-based apps and to characterize GC performance, leading to the development of new techniques for memory management that address energy constraints, time performance, and responsiveness. We implement a GC-aware frequency scaling governor for Android devices. We also explore the tradeoffs of power and performance in vivo for a range of realistic GC variants, with established benchmarks and real applications running on Android virtual machines. We control for variation due to dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS), Just-in-time (JIT) compilation, and across established dimensions of heap memory size and concurrency. Finally, we provision GC as a global service that collects statistics from all running VMs and then makes an informed decision that optimizes across all them (and not just locally), and across all layers of the stack. Our evaluation illustrates the power of such a central coordination service and garbage collection mechanism in improving memory utilization, throughput, and adaptability to user activities. In fact, our techniques aim at a sweet spot, where total on-chip energy is reduced (20–30%) with minimal impact on throughput and responsiveness (5–10%). The simplicity and efficacy of our approach reaches well beyond the usual optimization techniques

    FPT: a Fixed-Point Accelerator for Torus Fully Homomorphic Encryption

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    Fully Homomorphic Encryption is a technique that allows computation on encrypted data. It has the potential to change privacy considerations in the cloud, but computational and memory overheads are preventing its adoption. TFHE is a promising Torus-based FHE scheme that relies on bootstrapping, the noise-removal tool invoked after each encrypted logical/arithmetical operation. We present FPT, a Fixed-Point FPGA accelerator for TFHE bootstrapping. FPT is the first hardware accelerator to exploit the inherent noise present in FHE calculations. Instead of double or single-precision floating-point arithmetic, it implements TFHE bootstrapping entirely with approximate fixed-point arithmetic. Using an in-depth analysis of noise propagation in bootstrapping FFT computations, FPT is able to use noise-trimmed fixed-point representations that are up to 50% smaller than prior implementations. FPT is built as a streaming processor inspired by traditional streaming DSPs: it instantiates directly cascaded high-throughput computational stages, with minimal control logic and routing networks. We explore throughput-balanced compositions of streaming kernels with a user-configurable streaming width in order to construct a full bootstrapping pipeline. Our approach allows 100% utilization of arithmetic units and requires only a small bootstrapping key cache, enabling an entirely compute-bound bootstrapping throughput of 1 BS / 35us. This is in stark contrast to the classical CPU approach to FHE bootstrapping acceleration, which is typically constrained by memory and bandwidth. FPT is implemented and evaluated as a bootstrapping FPGA kernel for an Alveo U280 datacenter accelerator card. FPT achieves two to three orders of magnitude higher bootstrapping throughput than existing CPU-based implementations, and 2.5x higher throughput compared to recent ASIC emulation experiments.Comment: ACM CCS 202

    BDEv 3.0: energy efficiency and microarchitectural characterization of Big Data processing frameworks

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Future Generation Computer Systems. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2018.04.030[Abstract] As the size of Big Data workloads keeps increasing, the evaluation of distributed frameworks becomes a crucial task in order to identify potential performance bottlenecks that may delay the processing of large datasets. While most of the existing works generally focus only on execution time and resource utilization, analyzing other important metrics is key to fully understanding the behavior of these frameworks. For example, microarchitecture-level events can bring meaningful insights to characterize the interaction between frameworks and hardware. Moreover, energy consumption is also gaining increasing attention as systems scale to thousands of cores. This work discusses the current state of the art in evaluating distributed processing frameworks, while extending our Big Data Evaluator tool (BDEv) to extract energy efficiency and microarchitecture-level metrics from the execution of representative Big Data workloads. An experimental evaluation using BDEv demonstrates its usefulness to bring meaningful information from popular frameworks such as Hadoop, Spark and Flink.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; TIN2016-75845-PMinisterio de Educación; FPU14/02805Ministerio de Educación; FPU15/0338

    Enabling and scaling biomolecular simulations of 100 million atoms on petascale machines with a multicore-optimized message-driven runtime

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    A 100-million-atom biomolecular simulation with NAMD is one of the three benchmarks for the NSF-funded sustainable petascale machine. Simulating this large molecular system on a petascale machine presents great challenges, including handling I/O, large memory footprint and getting good strong-scaling results. In this paper, we present parallel I/O techniques to enable the simula-tion. A new SMP model is designed to efficiently utilize ubiquitous wide multicore clusters by extending the CHARM++ asynchronous message-driven runtime. We exploit node-aware techniques to op-timize both the application and the underlying SMP runtime. Hi-erarchical load balancing is further exploited to scale NAMD to the full Jaguar PF Cray XT5 (224,076 cores) at Oak Ridge Na-tional Laboratory, both with and without PME full electrostatics, achieving 93 % parallel efficiency (vs 6720 cores) at 9 ms per step for a simple cutoff calculation. Excellent scaling is also obtained on 65,536 cores of the Intrepid Blue Gene/P at Argonne National Laboratory. 1

    Slowing down for performance and energy: an OS-centric study in network driven workloads

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    This paper studies three fundamental aspects of an OS that impact the performance and energy efficiency of network processing: 1) batching, 2) processor energy settings, and 3) the logic and instructions of the OS networking paths. A network device’s interrupt delay feature is used to induce batching and processor frequency is manipulated to control the speed of instruction execution. A baremetal library OS is used to explore OS path specialization. This study shows how careful use of batching and interrupt delay results in 2X energy and performance improvements across different workloads. Surprisingly, we find polling can be made energy efficient and can result in gains up to 11X over baseline Linux. We developed a methodology and a set of tools to collect system data in order to understand how energy is impacted at a fine-grained granularity. This paper identifies a number of other novel findings that have implications in OS design for networked applications and suggests a path forward to consider energy as a focal point of systems research.First author draf

    Calidad de servicio en computación en la nube: técnicas de modelado y sus aplicaciones

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    Recent years have seen the massive migration of enterprise applications to the cloud. One of the challenges posed by cloud applications is Quality-of-Service (QoS) management, which is the problem of allocating resources to the application to guarantee a service level along dimensions such as performance, availability and reliability. This paper aims at supporting research in this area by providing a survey of the state of the art of QoS modeling approaches suitable for cloud systems. We also review and classify their early application to some decision-making problems arising in cloud QoS management