13 research outputs found

    A systematic literature mapping of risk analysis of big data in cloud computing environment

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    This paper investigates previous literature that focusses on the three elements: risk assessment, big data and cloud. We use a systematic literature mapping method to search for journals and proceedings. The systematic literature mapping process is utilized to get a properly screened and focused literature. With the help of inclusion and exclusion criteria, the search of literature is further narrowed. Classification helps us in grouping the literature into categories. At the end of the mapping, gaps can be seen. The gap is where our focus should be in analysing risk of big data in cloud computing environment. Thus, a framework of how to assess the risk of security, privacy and trust associated with big data and cloud computing environment is highly neede

    Towards an Evaluation Framework for Business Process Integration and Management

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    Process-awareness in enterprise computing is a must in order to adequately support business processes. Particularly the interoperability of the (process-oriented) business information systems and the management of a company’s process map are difficult to handle. Process-oriented approaches (like workflow systems and enterprise application integration tools) offer promising perspectives in this respect. However, a major problem for project managers is the accomplishment of economic-oriented assessments of such approaches. Currently, there exists no suitable evaluation framework. This position paper discusses important issues related to the introduction of such a framework. Doing so, we distinguish two evaluation areas: Business Process Integration and Business Process Management. While the former operates at the technical level of process and application integration, the latter addresses organizational process topics. Starting from those two perspectives we describe benefits, evaluation criteria and metrics that are relevant to set up an evaluation framework

    Relationship between mature software engineering practices and agility practices

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    This paper reports on research work on Argentinean software development organizations. The analysis pro-vides insights on the profile of the companies regarding the usage of agile methods and software engineering practices trends, their motivations, and drivers. The conclusions can be used to understand what drivers facilitate the understanding of bonds between both in order to increase their competitiveness in domestic and off-shore markets.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Agile and software engineering, an invisible bond

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    The bond between agile practices and Software Engineering practices is clear and apparent for sea-soned practitioners with experience on the operation of high maturity development environments, yet it’s often ig-nored on the domain bibliography where most hybrid approaches are adopted. This article reviews a sensible sam-ple of the bibliography to confirm that trend and develop a map between what long established Software Engineer-ing practices and concepts stated as agile foundation principles. Previous research efforts are integrated into rein-forcing which aspects of an agile-based project need to be addressed with priority to protect the additional value yield by the usage of these methodologies.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Agile and software engineering, an invisible bond

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    La relación entre metodologías ágiles y las mejores practices recomen-dadas por la Ingeniería de Software es clara y evidente para los profesionales experimentados en la operación de ambientes para desarrollo de alta madurez. Es sin embargo a menudo ignorada en la bibliografía del dominio donde se tartan como si fueran enfoques separados. Este artículo revisa una muestra significativa de la bibliografía y confirma esta tendencia desarrollando un mapa de cuales son las practicas establecidas de Ingeniería de Software y los conceptos subyacentes que operan en las metodologías ágiles. Se integran esfuerzos previos de investi-gación para reforzar que aspectos de la gestión de proyectos basados en metodo-logías ágiles necesitan ser abordados con prioridad de manera que el valor adi-cional que las mismas generan resulte protegido.The bond between agile practices and Software Engineering practices is clear and apparent for seasoned practitioners with experience in the operation of high maturity development environments, yet it is often ignored on the domain bibliography where mostly hybrid approaches are adopted. This article reviews a sensible sample of the bibliography to confirm that trend and develop a map be-tween long-established Software Engineering practices on the one hand, and con-cepts stated as agile foundation principles on the other. Previous research efforts are integrated into reinforcing those aspects of an agile-based project which need to be addressed with priority in order to protect the additional value yield by the usage of these methodologies.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    A new approach making it possible to change software behavior dynamically

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    12th Turkish National Software Engineering Symposium (2018: Istanbul; Turkey)Nowadays software provided over web and mobile platforms can be frequently updated. W i t h updates the behavior of software changes. Certain behaviors can cause undesired damages. Therefore, the correc¬ tion of incorrect behavior that reaches customers is done via new up¬ dates. Fixing software's source code, testing these new changes, getting peer approval through code reviews, building a new version of the soft¬ ware and deploying it to the production environment can take hours. As a result, being able to correct any changes that may severely affect a lot of customers in the matter of seconds is an important need for software developers to preserve developers' prestige and customer satisfaction. I n this study, we propose an approach that enables developers to change software's behavior at run time and describe an implementation realiz¬ ing this approach. W i t h our approach, software updates can be deployed incrementally without making any code changes or they can be reverted completely within seconds. I n addition, our approach makes it possible to try out experimental features on small subsets of users in production environments.Günümüzde web ve mobil platformlar üzerinden sağlanan yazılımlar sık sık güncellenebilmektedir. Güncellemeler ile beraber yazılımların davranışları değişir. Bazı davranışlar istenmeyen hasarlara yol açabilir. Bu sebeple müşteriye ulaşan hatalı davranışların düzeltilmesi yeni güncellemeler yoluyla yapılmaktadır. Kaynak kodlarda düzeltmelerin yapılması, değişikliklerin test edilmesi ve kaynak kod denetimlerinden geçmesi, bu değişikliklerle yeni yazılım versiyonunun inşa edilmesi ve güncellenmiş versiyonun üretim ortamlarına konuşlandırılması saatler alabilir. Dolayısıyla birçok müşteriyi etkileyebilecek ve hatalı olduğunda müşterilerde büyük iş kayıplarına yolaçabilecek değişikliklerin saniyeler mertebesinde düzeltilebilmesi yazılım üreticilerinin prestijinin korunması ve müşteri memnuniyetinin devamı için önemli bir ihtiyaçtır. Bu çalışmada koşan yazılımların davranışlarını dinamik olarak değiştirilebilmesini sağlayacak bir yaklaşım ve bu yaklaşımı gerçekleştiren bir yazılım aracı sunmaktayız. Yaklaşımımız yazılım güncellemelerinin herhangi bir kod değişikliği gerektirmeden kademeli olarak devreye alınmasını veya saniyeler içerisinde tamamen devreden çıkarılmasını sağlamaktadır. Aynı zamanda yaklaşımımız deneysel sayılabilecek yeni yazılım özelliklerinin üretim ortamında ufak bir kullanıcı kitlesi üzerinde denenebilmesini mümkün kılmaktadır

    Assessing and Communicating Customer value in B2B-markets in Software Engineering

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    Tämä työ käsittelee ohjelmistoliiketoiminnalle keskeisiä asiakasarvon määrittämistä ja viestimistä käsitteleviä teorioita. Työn tavoitteena on tutkia valittujen asiakasarvon teorioiden soveltuvuutta ohjelmistoliiketoiminnassa. Työ toteutettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja käsiteltäviksi teorioiksi valikoitui kolme asiakasarvon määrittämistä ja kaksi asiakasarvon viestimistä käsittelevää teoriaa. Työn tulosten perusteella ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan asiakasarvon määrittämisen tavoitteena on tunnistaa asiakkaalle keskeiset arvoelementit, joiden määrittäminen on kustannustehokasta ja tulokset luotettavia, jotta ne kasvattavat asiakkaan havaitsemaa arvoa. Tästä johdettuna asiakasarvon viestimisessä tulee löytää tasapaino arvolupauksen monipuolisuuden ja sen luotettavuuden väliltä. Työssä tunnistetaan myös asiakkaan henkilöstön kyvykkyyksien ja liikesuhteen tiiviyden vaikutus ohjelmistojen tuottamaan arvoon, minkä vuoksi asiakasarvon analysoinnin on sisällettävä myös aiempiin kokemuksiin perustuvia ennusteita, kun halutaan huomioida myös ohjelmistontoimittajasta riippumattomia tekijöitä. Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnassa asiakkaiden arvostamat luotettavuus- ja läpinäkyvyyskriteerit tulevat täytettyä näinkin, kunhan nämä perusteet määritelmille on selkeästi esitetty

    Methods of Disambiguating and De-anonymizing Authorship in Large Scale Operational Data

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    Operational data from software development, social networks and other domains are often contaminated with incorrect or missing values. Examples include misspelled or changed names, multiple emails belonging to the same person and user profiles that vary in different systems. Such digital traces are extensively used in research and practice to study collaborating communities of various kinds. To achieve a realistic representation of the networks that represent these communities, accurate identities are essential. In this work, we aim to identify, model, and correct identity errors in data from open-source software repositories, which include more than 23M developer IDs and nearly 1B Git commits (developer activity records). Our investigation into the nature and prevalence of identity errors in software activity data reveals that they are different and occur at much higher rates than other domains. Existing techniques relying on string comparisons can only disambiguate Synonyms, but not Homonyms, which are common in software activity traces. Therefore, we introduce measures of behavioral fingerprinting to improve the accuracy of Synonym resolution, and to disambiguate Homonyms. Fingerprints are constructed from the traces of developers’ activities, such as, the style of writing in commit messages, the patterns in files modified and projects participated in by developers, and the patterns related to the timing of the developers’ activity. Furthermore, to address the lack of training data necessary for the supervised learning approaches that are used in disambiguation, we design a specific active learning procedure that minimizes the manual effort necessary to create training data in the domain of developer identity matching. We extensively evaluate the proposed approach, using over 16,000 OpenStack developers in 1200 projects, against commercial and most recent research approaches, and further on recent research on a much larger sample of over 2,000,000 IDs. Results demonstrate that our method is significantly better than both the recent research and commercial methods. We also conduct experiments to demonstrate that such erroneous data have significant impact on developer networks. We hope that the proposed approach will expedite research progress in the domain of software engineering, especially in applications for which graphs of social networks are critical

    A Changing Landscape:On Safety & Open Source in Automated and Connected Driving

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    A Changing Landscape:On Safety & Open Source in Automated and Connected Driving

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