71 research outputs found

    Survey of Spectrum Sharing for Inter-Technology Coexistence

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    Increasing capacity demands in emerging wireless technologies are expected to be met by network densification and spectrum bands open to multiple technologies. These will, in turn, increase the level of interference and also result in more complex inter-technology interactions, which will need to be managed through spectrum sharing mechanisms. Consequently, novel spectrum sharing mechanisms should be designed to allow spectrum access for multiple technologies, while efficiently utilizing the spectrum resources overall. Importantly, it is not trivial to design such efficient mechanisms, not only due to technical aspects, but also due to regulatory and business model constraints. In this survey we address spectrum sharing mechanisms for wireless inter-technology coexistence by means of a technology circle that incorporates in a unified, system-level view the technical and non-technical aspects. We thus systematically explore the spectrum sharing design space consisting of parameters at different layers. Using this framework, we present a literature review on inter-technology coexistence with a focus on wireless technologies with equal spectrum access rights, i.e. (i) primary/primary, (ii) secondary/secondary, and (iii) technologies operating in a spectrum commons. Moreover, we reflect on our literature review to identify possible spectrum sharing design solutions and performance evaluation approaches useful for future coexistence cases. Finally, we discuss spectrum sharing design challenges and suggest future research directions

    “Multiple antenna systems: frontier of wireless access”

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    Improving the Performance of Medium Access Control Protocols for Mobile Adhoc Network with Smart Antennas

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    Requirements for high quality links and great demand for high throughput in Wireless LAN especially Mobile Ad-hoc Network has motivated new enhancements and work in Wireless communications such as Smart Antenna Systems. Smart (adaptive) Antennas enable spatial reuse, increase throughput and they increase the communication range because of the increase directivity of the antenna array. These enhancements quantified for the physical layer may not be efficiently utilized, unless the Media Access Control (MAC) layer is designed accordingly. This thesis implements the behaviours of two MAC protocols, ANMAC and MMAC protocols in OPNET simulator. This method is known as the Physical-MAC layer simulation model. The entire physical layer is written in MATLAB, and MATLAB is integrated into OPNET to perform the necessary stochastic physical layer simulations. The aim is to investigate the performance improvement in throughput and delay of the selected MAC Protocols when using Smart Antennas in a mobile environment. Analytical methods were used to analyze the average throughput and delay performance of the selected MAC Protocols with Adaptive Antenna Arrays in MANET when using spatial diversity. Comparison study has been done between the MAC protocols when using Switched beam antenna and when using the proposed scheme. It has been concluded that the throughput and delay performance of the selected protocols have been improved by the use of Adaptive Antenna Arrays. The throughput and delay performance of ANMAC-SW and ANMAC-AA protocols was evaluated in details against regular Omni 802.11 stations. Our results promise significantly enhancement over Omni 802.11, with a throughput of 25% for ANMAC-SW and 90% for ANMC-AA. ANMAC-AA outperforms ANMAC-SW protocol by 60%. Simulation experiments indicate that by using the proposed scheme with 4 Adaptive Antenna Array per a node, the average throughput in the network can be improved up to 2 to 2.5 times over that obtained by using Switched beam Antennas. The proposed scheme improves the performances of both ANMAC and MMAC protocols but ANMAC outperforms MMAC by 30%

    Timing synchronization in MIMO-OFDM systems

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    OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) provides a promising physical layer for 4G and 3GPP LTE Systems in terms of efficient use of bandwidth and high data rates. It is used in several applications likeWiFi (IEEE 802.11n),WiMax (IEEE 802.16), Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) and so on. OFDM suffers from inter-symbol interference and inter-carrier interference in wireless and fading environments and it is important to estimate and correct the start of OFDM symbol efficiently to reduce timing and frequency offset errors. Synchronization issues in OFDM are crucial and can lead to certain amount of information loss if they are not properly addressed. There are two modes of implementation forDigital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial (DVB-T) and this thesis implements the 2K mode. It highlights the implementation of OFDM in DVB-T according to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) . It mainly focuses on the timing offset problem present in OFDM systems and its proposed solution using Cyclic Prefix (CP) as a modified Schmidl and Cox’s (SC) algorithm. Simulations were performed to compare the different synchronization methods with different amount of timing offsets and under different channel environments

    Improving the Performance of Medium Access Control Protocols for Mobile Adhoc Network with Smart Antennas

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    Requirements for high quality links and great demand for high throughput in Wireless LAN especially Mobile Ad-hoc Network has motivated new enhancements and work in Wireless communications such as Smart Antenna Systems. Smart (adaptive) Antennas enable spatial reuse, increase throughput and they increase the communication range because of the increase directivity of the antenna array. These enhancements quantified for the physical layer may not be efficiently utilized, unless the Media Access Control (MAC) layer is designed accordingly. This thesis implements the behaviours of two MAC protocols, ANMAC and MMAC protocols in OPNET simulator. This method is known as the Physical-MAC layer simulation model. The entire physical layer is written in MATLAB, and MATLAB is integrated into OPNET to perform the necessary stochastic physical layer simulations. The aim is to investigate the performance improvement in throughput and delay of the selected MAC Protocols when using Smart Antennas in a mobile environment. Analytical methods were used to analyze the average throughput and delay performance of the selected MAC Protocols with Adaptive Antenna Arrays in MANET when using spatial diversity. Comparison study has been done between the MAC protocols when using Switched beam antenna and when using the proposed scheme. It has been concluded that the throughput and delay performance of the selected protocols have been improved by the use of Adaptive Antenna Arrays. The throughput and delay performance of ANMAC-SW and ANMAC-AA protocols was evaluated in details against regular Omni 802.11 stations. Our results promise significantly enhancement over Omni 802.11, with a throughput of 25% for ANMAC-SW and 90% for ANMC-AA. ANMAC-AA outperforms ANMAC-SW protocol by 60%. Simulation experiments indicate that by using the proposed scheme with 4 Adaptive Antenna Array per a node, the average throughput in the network can be improved up to 2 to 2.5 times over that obtained by using Switched beam Antennas. The proposed scheme improves the performances of both ANMAC and MMAC protocols but ANMAC outperforms MMAC by 30%

    Femtocell deployment; next generation in cellular systems

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    The final Bachelor’s Thesis that is shown below has such a final purpose of giving an overview of the inclusion of the so-called Femtocells (or Home Node B) in the current cellular systems. The main objective is to give a clear but simple idea about the concepts of Femtocells, as well as to explain the benefits and disadvantages of the mass uses of these services both for consumers and associated companies with this phenomenon. In this text it is also possible to find a brief review of wireless technologies throughout the history of telecommunications, as well as an introduction to the more current wireless technologies, with a special interest in the concept of cellular systems. In the last chapter a simple mathematical explanation of the key issue of interference between Femtocells and macrocellular networks is presented, with a brief argument about possible solutions

    Cross-layer design and optimization of medium access control protocols for wlans

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    This thesis provides a contribution to the field of Medium Access Control (MAC) layer protocol design for wireless networks by proposing and evaluating mechanisms that enhance different aspects of the network performance. These enhancements are achieved through the exchange of information between different layers of the traditional protocol stack, a concept known as Cross-Layer (CL) design. The main thesis contributions are divided into two parts. The first part of the thesis introduces a novel MAC layer protocol named Distributed Queuing Collision Avoidance (DQCA). DQCA behaves as a reservation scheme that ensures collision-free data transmissions at the majority of the time and switches automatically to an Aloha-like random access mechanism when the traffic load is low. DQCA can be enriched by more advanced scheduling algorithms based on a CL dialogue between the MAC and other protocol layers, to provide higher throughput and Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. The second part of the thesis explores a different challenge in MAC layer design, related to the ability of multiple antenna systems to offer point-to-multipoint communications. Some modifications to the recently approved IEEE 802.11n standard are proposed in order to handle simultaneous multiuser downlink transmissions. A number of multiuser MAC schemes that handle channel access and scheduling issues and provide mechanisms for feedback acquisition have been presented and evaluated. The obtained performance enhancements have been demonstrated with the help of both theoretical analysis and simulation obtained results

    Performance improvement of ad hoc networks using directional antennas and power control

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    Au cours de la dernière décennie, un intérêt remarquable a été éprouvé en matière des réseaux ad hoc sans fil capables de s'organiser sans soutien des infrastructures. L'utilisation potentielle d'un tel réseau existe dans de nombreux scénarios, qui vont du génie civil et secours en cas de catastrophes aux réseaux de capteurs et applications militaires. La Fonction de coordination distribuée (DCF) du standard IEEE 802.11 est le protocole dominant des réseaux ad hoc sans fil. Cependant, la méthode DCF n'aide pas à profiter efficacement du canal partagé et éprouve de divers problèmes tels que le problème de terminal exposé et de terminal caché. Par conséquent, au cours des dernières années, de différentes méthodes ont été développées en vue de régler ces problèmes, ce qui a entraîné la croissance de débits d'ensemble des réseaux. Ces méthodes englobent essentiellement la mise au point de seuil de détecteur de porteuse, le remplacement des antennes omnidirectionnelles par des antennes directionnelles et le contrôle de puissance pour émettre des paquets adéquatement. Comparées avec les antennes omnidirectionnelles, les antennes directionnelles ont de nombreux avantages et peuvent améliorer la performance des réseaux ad hoc. Ces antennes ne fixent leurs énergies qu'envers la direction cible et ont une portée d'émission et de réception plus large avec la même somme de puissance. Cette particularité peut être exploitée pour ajuster la puissance d'un transmetteur en cas d'utilisation d'une antenne directionnelle. Certains protocoles de contrôle de puissance directionnel MAC ont été proposés dans les documentations. La majorité de ces suggestions prennent seulement la transmission directionnelle en considération et, dans leurs résultats de simulation, ces études ont l'habitude de supposer que la portée de transmission des antennes omnidirectionnelles et directionnelles est la même. Apparemment, cette supposition n'est pas toujours vraie dans les situations réelles. De surcroît, les recherches prenant l'hétérogénéité en compte dans les réseaux ad hoc ne sont pas suffisantes. Le présent mémoire est dédié à proposer un protocole de contrôle de puissance MAC pour les réseaux ad hoc avec des antennes directionnelles en prenant tous ces problèmes en considération. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Réseaux ad hoc, Antennes directives, Contrôle de puissance
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