9 research outputs found


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    Penelelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penerimaan guru terhadap pembejaran model CBR. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Seubjek penelitian ini adalah 8 orang guru dari 7 SMK dengan program keahlian TKJ. Hasil penelitia menunjukan baik ditinjau dari faktor internal maupun faktor eksternal, penerimaan guru terhadap model pembejaran CBR positif dan signifikan, dengan rerata nilai koofisien korelasi sebesar 78,98%

    A Case-Based Approach to Cross Domain Sentiment Classification

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    This paper considers the task of sentiment classification of subjective text across many domains, in particular on scenarios where no in-domain data is available. Motivated by the more general applicability of such methods, we propose an extensible approach to sentiment classification that leverages sentiment lexicons and out-of-domain data to build a case-based system where solutions to past cases are reused to predict the sentiment of new documents from an unknown domain. In our approach the case representation uses a set of features based on document statistics, while the case solution stores sentiment lexicons employed on past predictions allowing for later retrieval and reuse on similar documents. The case-based nature of our approach also allows for future improvements since new lexicons and classification methods can be added to the case base as they become available. On a cross domain experiment our method has shown robust results when compared to a baseline single-lexicon classifier where the lexicon has to be pre-selected for the domain in question

    Інформаційна технологія ситуаційного управління прибутком підприємства в умовах нестабільного зовнішнього середовища

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    The article regards the creation of an information technology of situational management of profits of an industrial enterprise in unstable environment. The considered enterprise is characterized by incremental behavior, aimed at minimization of deviations from the conventional behavior inside the enterprise, and in its relations with environment. For effective management of such enterprise we propose the creation of a three-level hierarchical control system, at the middle level of which we recommend to implement the technology of situational control.We suggest the integral characteristics for the analysis of the current situation. To classify the considered problematic situation we realize the output technology based on precedents. A precedent is a description of the problematic situation with the management decision and the result of application of the decision. The visualization of the problematic situation is performed by two-dimensional images. The article presents the information technology of situational management of profit of the enterprise, able to provide a limited set of reliable management decisions. The results can be applied to get the management decision that is the best of those that have been accepted in the management of the enterprise previouslyРассматриваются вопросы создания путем реализации технологии вывода, основанного на прецедентах, информационной технологии ситуационного управления прибылью промышленного предприятия, характеризующегося приростным стилем поведения, функционирующего в условиях нестабильной внешней средыРозглядаються питання створення шляхом реалізації технології висновку, заснованого на прецедентах, інформаційної технології ситуаційного управління прибутком промислового підприємства, що має прирістний стиль поведінки і функціонує в умовах нестабільного зовнішнього середовищ


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    Penelelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penerimaan guru terhadap pembejaran model CBR. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Seubjek penelitian ini adalah 8 orang guru dari 7 SMK dengan program keahlian TKJ. Hasil penelitia menunjukan baik ditinjau dari faktor internal maupun faktor eksternal, penerimaan guru terhadap model pembejaran CBR positif dan signifikan, dengan rerata nilai koofisien korelasi sebesar 78,98%

    A Case-Based Approach to Cross Domain Sentiment Classification

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    This paper considers the task of sentiment classification of subjective text across many domains, in particular on scenarios where no in-domain data is available. Motivated by the more general applicability of such methods, we propose an extensible approach to sentiment classification that leverages sentiment lexicons and out-of-domain data to build a case-based system where solutions to past cases are reused to predict the sentiment of new documents from an unknown domain. In our approach the case representation uses a set of features based on document statistics, while the case solution stores sentiment lexicons employed on past predictions allowing for later retrieval and reuse on similar documents. The case-based nature of our approach also allows for future improvements since new lexicons and classification methods can be added to the case base as they become available. On a cross domain experiment our method has shown robust results when compared to a baseline single-lexicon classifier where the lexicon has to be pre-selected for the domain in question


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    Exploiting Extended Search Sessions for Recommending Search Experiences in the Social Web

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    20th International Conference, ICCBR 2012, Lyon, France, September 3-6, 2012.HeyStaks is a case-based social search system that allows users to create and share case bases of search experiences (called staks) and uses these staks as the basis for result recommendations at search time. These recommendations are added to conventional results from Google and Bing so that searchers can benefit from more focused results from people they trust on topics that matter to them. An important point of friction in HeyStaks is the need for searchers to select their search context (that is, their active stak) at search time. In this paper we extend previous work that attempts to eliminate this friction by automatically recommending an active stak based on the searchers context (query terms, Google results, etc.) and demonstrate significant improvements in stak recommendation accuracy.TS 27.05.1

    Harnessing the Experience Web to Support User-Generated Product Reviews

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    Proceedings of the 20th International Conference, ICCBR 2012, Lyon, France, September 3-6, 2012.Today, online reviews for products and services have become an important class of user-generated content and they play a valuable role for countless online businesses by helping to convert casual browsers into informed and satisfied buyers. In many respects, the content of user reviews is every bit as important as the catalog content that describes a given product or service. As users gravitate towards sites that offer insightful and objective reviews, the ability to source helpful reviews from a community of users is increasingly important. In this work we describe the Reviewer’s Assistant, a case-based reasoning inspired recommender system designed to help people to write more helpful reviews on sites such as Amazon and TripAdvisor. In particular, we describe two approaches to helping users during the review writing process and evaluate each as part of a blind live-user study. Our results point to high levels of user satisfaction and improved review quality compared to a control-set of Amazon reviews.TS 23.05.1