11 research outputs found

    A Simulation Technology for Supply-Chain Ingeration

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    Abordagem analítica à segmentação da cadeia de abastecimento

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    Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialO tema da definição de estratégia da cadeia de abastecimento está a ganhar importância e não existe uma estratégia ideal. Consequentemente, de forma a ganhar vantagem competitiva sustentável as organizações devem escolher as estratégias de abastecimento mais adequadas tendo em conta as características quer da procura quer dos produtos alinhando a oferta com a procura. Para a definição do foco da tese, é feito um estudo bibliometrico da literatura. De seguida, definiu-se uma sequência de passos para a segmentação da cadeia de abastecimento e sua consequente aplicação num caso de estudo, uma empresa alimentar B2B. O estudo exploratório contribui com uma série de ideias originais: Uma nova variável de classificação é proposta, uma análise de produtos com base nos componentes comuns, e finalmente, uma nova abordagem às compras baseada nas características da procura. Tudo isto permite uma abordagem prática à segmentação ao longo de toda a cadeia de abastecimento.O tema da definição de estratégia da cadeia de abastecimento está a ganhar importância e não existe uma estratégia ideal. Consequentemente, de forma a ganhar vantagem competitiva sustentável as organizações devem escolher as estratégias de abastecimento mais adequadas tendo em conta as características quer da procura quer dos produtos alinhando a oferta com a procura. Para a definição do foco da tese, é feito um estudo bibliometrico da literatura. De seguida, definiu-se uma sequência de passos para a segmentação da cadeia de abastecimento e sua consequente aplicação num caso de estudo, uma empresa alimentar B2B. O estudo exploratório contribui com uma série de ideias originais: Uma nova variável de classificação é proposta, uma análise de produtos com base nos componentes comuns, e finalmente, uma nova abordagem às compras baseada nas características da procura. Tudo isto permite uma abordagem prática à segmentação ao longo de toda a cadeia de abastecimento

    Evaluation of production control strategies for the co-ordination of work-authorisations and inventory management in lean supply chains

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    A decision support framework is proposed for assisting managers and executives to possibly utilise lean production control strategies to coordinate work authorisations and inventory management in supply chains. The framework allows decision makers to evaluate and compare the suitability of various strategies to their system especially when considering conflicting objectives, such as maximising customer service levels while minimising Work in Process (WIP) in a business environment distressed by variabilities and uncertainties in demand stemmed from customer power. Also, the framework provides decision guidance in selecting and testing optimal solutions of selected policies control parameters. The framework is demonstrated by application to a four-node serial supply-chain operating under three different pull-based supply chain strategies; namely CONWIP, Kanban, and Hybrid Kanban-CONWIP and exhibiting low, medium, and high variability in customer demand (i.e., coefficient of variation of 25%, 112.5%, and 200%). The framework consists of three phases; namely Modelling, Optimisation and Decision Support; and is applicable to both Simulation-Based and Metamodel-Based Optimisation. The Modelling phase includes conceptual modelling, discrete event simulation modelling and metamodels development. The Optimisation phase requires the application of multi-criteria optimisation methods to generate WIP-Service Level trade-off curves. The Curvature and Risk Analysis of the trade-off curves are utilised in the Decision Support phase to provide guidance to the decision maker in selecting and testing the best settings for the control parameters of the system. The inflection point of the curvature function indicates the point at which further increases in Service Level are only achievable by incurring an unacceptably higher cost in terms of average WIP. Risk analysis quantifies the risk associated with designing a supply chain system under specific environmental parameters. This research contributes an efficient framework that is applicable to solve real supply chain problems and better understanding of the potential impacts and expected effectiveness of different pull control mechanisms, and offers valuable insights on future research opportunities in this field to production and supply chain managers

    Analysing supply chain operation dynamics through logic-based modelling and simulation

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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) is becoming increasingly important in the modern business world. In order to effectively manage and integrate a supply chain (SC), a deep understanding of overall SC operation dynamics is needed. This involves understanding how the decisions, actions and interactions between SC members affect each other, and how these relate to SC performance and SC disruptions. Achieving such an understanding is not an easy task, given the complex and dynamic nature of supply chains. Existing simulation approaches do not provide an explanation of simulation results, while related work on SC disruption analysis studies SC disruptions separately from SC operation and performance. This thesis presents a logic-based approach for modelling, simulating and explaining SC operation that fills these gaps. SC members are modelled as logicbased intelligent agents consisting of a reasoning layer, represented through business rules, a process layer, represented through business processes and a communication layer, represented through communicative actions. The SC operation model is declaratively formalised, and a rule-based specification is provided for the execution semantics of the formal model, thus driving the simulation of SC operation. The choice of a logic-based approach enables the automated generation of explanations about simulated behaviours. SC disruptions are included in the SC operation model, and a causal model is defined, capturing relationships between different types of SC disruptions and low SC performance. This way, explanations can be generated on causal relationships between occurred SC disruptions and low SC performance. This approach was analytically and empirically evaluated with the participation of SCM and business experts. The results indicate the following: Firstly, the approach is useful, as it allows for higher efficiency, correctness and certainty about explanations of SC operation compared to the case of no automated explanation support. Secondly, it improves the understanding of the domain for non-SCM experts with respect to their correctness and efficiency; the correctness improvement is significantly higher compared to the case of no prior explanation system use, without loss of efficiency. Thirdly, the logic-based approach allows for maintainability and reusability with respect to the specification of SC operation input models, the developed simulation system and the developed explanation system

    Análisis del Modelo SCOR y su Aplicación a una Cadena de Suministro del Sector del Automóvil

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    Análisis y aplicación del Modelo SCOR como herramienta en la gestión de la medición del rendimiento de la cadena de suministro en el ámbito del sector del automóvil.Patiño Rodríguez, A. (2008). Análisis del Modelo SCOR y su Aplicación a una Cadena de Suministro del Sector del Automóvil. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/12380Archivo delegad

    An Integrated Retail Supply Chain Risk Management Framework: A System Thinking Approach

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    It is often taken for granted that the right products will be available to buy in retail outlets seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. Consumer perception is that of a simple service requirement, but the reality is a complex, time sensitive system - the retail supply chain (RSC). Due to short product life-cycles with uncertain supply and demand behaviour, the RSC faces many challenges and is very vulnerable to disruptions. In addition, external risk events such as BREXIT, extreme weather, the financial crisis, and terror attacks mean there is a need for effective RSC risk management (RSCRM) processes within organisations. Literature shows that although there is an increasing amount of research in RSCRM, it is highly theoretical with limited empirical evidence or applied methodologies. With an active enthusiasm coming from industry practitioners for RSCRM methodologies and support solutions, the RSCRM research community have acknowledged that the main issue for future research is not tools and techniques, but collaborative RSC system wide implementation. The implementation of a cross-organisational initiative such as RSCRM is a very complex task that requires real-world frameworks for real-world practitioners. Therefore, this research study attempts to explore the business requirements for developing a three-stage integrated RSCRM framework that will encourage extended RSC collaboration. While focusing on the practitioner requirements of RSCRM projects and inspired by the laws of Thermodynamics and the philosophy of System Thinking, in stage one a conceptual reference model, The �6 Coefficient, was developed building on the formative work of supply chain excellence and business process management. The �6 Coefficient reference model has been intricately designed to bridge the theoretical gap between practitioner and researcher with the aim of ensuring practitioner confidence in partaking in a complex business process project. Stage two focused on a need for a standardised vocabulary, and through the SCOR11 reference guide, acts as a calibration point for the integrated framework, ensuring easy transfer and application within supply chain industries. In their design, stages one and two are perfect complements to the final stage of the integrated framework, a risk assessment toolbox based on a Hybrid Simulation Study capable of monitoring the disruptive behaviour of a multi-echelon RSC from both a macro and micro level using the techniques of System Dynamics (SD) and Discrete Event Simulation (DES) modelling respectively. Empirically validated through an embedded mixed methods case study, results of the integrated framework application are very encouraging. The first phase, the secondary exploratory study, gained valuable empirical evidence of the barriers to successfully implementing a complex business project and also validated using simulation as an effective risk assessment tool. Results showed certain high-risk order policy decisions could potentially reduce total costs (TC) by over 55% and reduce delivery times by 3 days. The use of the �6 Coefficient as the communication/consultation phase of the primary RSCRM case study was hugely influential on the success of the overall hybrid simulation study development and application, with significant increase in both practitioner and researcher confidence in running an RSCRM project. This was evident in the results of the hybrid model’s macro and micro assessment of the RSC. SD results effectively monitored the behaviour of the RSC under important disruptive risks, showing delayed effects to promotions and knowledge loss resulted in a bullwhip effect pattern upstream with the FMCG manufacturer’s TC increasing by as much as €50m. The DES analysis, focusing on the NDC function of the RSC also showed results of TC sensitivity to order behaviour from retailers, although an optimisation based risk treatment has reduced TC by 30%. Future research includes a global empirical validation of the �6 Coefficient and enhancement of the application of thermodynamic laws in business process management. The industry calibration capabilities of the integrated framework application of the integrated framework will also be extensively tested

    An Adaptive Simulation-based Decision-Making Framework for Small and Medium sized Enterprises

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    Abstract The rapid development of key mobile technology supporting the ‘Internet of Things’, such as 3G, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and Zigbee etc. and the advanced decision making methods have improved the Decision-Making System (DMS) significantly in the last decade. Advanced wireless technology can provide a real-time data collection to support DMS and the effective decision making techniques based on the real-time data can improve Supply Chain (SC) efficiency. However, it is difficult for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) to effectively adopt this technology because of the complexity of technology and methods, and the limited resources of SMEs. Consequently, a suitable DMS which can support effective decision making is required in the operation of SMEs in SCs. This thesis conducts research on developing an adaptive simulation-based DMS for SMEs in the manufacturing sector. This research is to help and support SMEs to improve their competitiveness by reducing costs, and reacting responsively, rapidly and effectively to the demands of customers. An adaptive developed framework is able to answer flexible ‘what-if’ questions by finding, optimising and comparing solutions under the different scenarios for supporting SME-managers to make efficient and effective decisions and more customer-driven enterprises. The proposed framework consists of simulation blocks separated by data filter and convert layers. A simulation block may include cell simulators, optimisation blocks, and databases. A cell simulator is able to provide an initial solution under a special scenario. An optimisation block is able to output a group of optimum solutions based on the initial solution for decision makers. A two-phase optimisation algorithm integrated Conflicted Key Points Optimisation (CKPO) and Dispatching Optimisation Algorithm (DOA) is proposed for the condition of Jm|STsi,b with Lot-Streaming (LS). The feature of the integrated optimisation algorithm is demonstrated using a UK-based manufacture case study. Each simulation block is a relatively independent unit separated by the relevant data layers. Thus SMEs are able to design their simulation blocks according to their requirements and constraints, such as small budgets, limited professional staff, etc. A simulation block can communicate to the relative simulation block by the relevant data filter and convert layers and this constructs a communication and information network to support DMSs of Supply Chains (SCs). Two case studies have been conducted to validate the proposed simulation framework. An SME which produces gifts in a SC is adopted to validate the Make To Stock (MTS) production strategy by a developed stock-driven simulation-based DMS. A schedule-driven simulation-based DMS is implemented for a UK-based manufacturing case study using the Make To Order (MTO) production strategy. The two simulation-based DMSs are able to provide various data to support management decision making depending on different scenarios

    Discrete Event Simulations

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    Considered by many authors as a technique for modelling stochastic, dynamic and discretely evolving systems, this technique has gained widespread acceptance among the practitioners who want to represent and improve complex systems. Since DES is a technique applied in incredibly different areas, this book reflects many different points of view about DES, thus, all authors describe how it is understood and applied within their context of work, providing an extensive understanding of what DES is. It can be said that the name of the book itself reflects the plurality that these points of view represent. The book embraces a number of topics covering theory, methods and applications to a wide range of sectors and problem areas that have been categorised into five groups. As well as the previously explained variety of points of view concerning DES, there is one additional thing to remark about this book: its richness when talking about actual data or actual data based analysis. When most academic areas are lacking application cases, roughly the half part of the chapters included in this book deal with actual problems or at least are based on actual data. Thus, the editor firmly believes that this book will be interesting for both beginners and practitioners in the area of DES