78 research outputs found

    Design and Validation of a Secured Tunnel in the Automatic Multicast Tunneling (AMT) Environment

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    IP multicasting is a communication mechanism in which data are communicated from a server to a set of clients who are interested in receiving those data. Any client can dynamically enter or leave the communication. The main problem of this system is that every client that is interested in receiving the multicast data has to be in a multicast enabled network. The Network Working Group at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has come up with a solution to this problem. They have developed a protocol named Automatic Multicast Tunneling (AMT). This protocol offers a mechanism to enable the unicast-only clients to join and receive multicast data from a multicast enabled region through an AMT tunnel, which is formed between the two intermediate participants named Gateway and Relay. However, AMT does not provide any Participant Access Control (PAC). Malla has designed an architecture for adding PAC at the receiver’s end in the AMT environment. His work is based on the assumption that the AMT tunnel is secure and the tunnel can recognize and pass the additional message types that his design requires. We have designed the solution to secure the AMT tunnel. We also defined the additional message types. Lastly, we validated our work using the Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AVISPA) tool to ensure that our design is secure

    Key distribution technique for IPTV services with support for admission control and user defined groups

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia ElectrotĂŠcnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Graphical Tool for Packet Generation

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou generátorů síťových paketů. První část je věnována teorii komunikace v počítačových sítích z pohledu architektury TCP/IP. Druhá část je věnována výsledkům rešerše aktuálně dostupných nástrojů. Třetí část je věnována návrhu a implementaci vlastního nástroje s grafickým uživatelským rozhraním pro generování paketů. Nástroj je navržen objektovým způsobem s důrazem na snadnou možnost budoucího rozšíření. Koncept nástroje zahrnuje, kromě možnosti generovat jednotlivé pakety, také prostředky pro generování jejich dynamicky se měnících sérií za účelem simulace síťových toků. Navržený nástroj je implementován pomocí programovacího jazyka C++ s využitím frameworku Qt. Poslední část práce obsahuje zhodnocení dosažených výsledků a porovnání vytvořené aplikace s již dostupnými řešeními.This bachelor's thesis is about network packet generators. The first part is devoted to communication theory in computer networks from the perspective of TCP/IP architecture. The second part describes the results of search for currently available tools. The third part is devoted to design and implementation of own tool with graphical user interface for packets generation. The tool is designed object-oriented with an emphasis on ease of future expansion. The application concept includes also tools for generating dynamically changing series of packets to simulate network flows. The designed tool is implemented using the programming language C++ and the Qt framework. The last part contains an evaluation of results and comparison with the already available solutions.

    A Common API for Transparent Hybrid Multicast

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    Group communication services exist in a large variety of flavors and technical implementations at different protocol layers. Multicast data distribution is most efficiently performed on the lowest available layer, but a heterogeneous deployment status of multicast technologies throughout the Internet requires an adaptive service binding at runtime. Today, it is difficult to write an application that runs everywhere and at the same time makes use of the most efficient multicast service available in the network. Facing robustness requirements, developers are frequently forced to use a stable upper-layer protocol provided by the application itself. This document describes a common multicast API that is suitable for transparent communication in underlay and overlay and that grants access to the different flavors of multicast. It proposes an abstract naming scheme that uses multicast URIs, and it discusses mapping mechanisms between different namespaces and distribution technologies. Additionally, this document describes the application of this API for building gateways that interconnect current Multicast Domains throughout the Internet. It reports on an implementation of the programming Interface, including service middleware. This document is a product of the Scalable Adaptive Multicast (SAM) Research Group

    Architectures of Internet-Based Systems with Multicasting

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    Spolu s rozvojem šíření multimediálního obsahu a aplikací s distribuovaným výpočtem napříč Internetem vzrostla důležitost optimalizace provozu, zde se jako nejlepší nástroj k dosažení cíle ukázal multicasting. Tato diplomová práce na téma skupinového směrování v Internetu klade důraz zejména na protokoly multicastem užívané, přičemž se snaží shrnuté poznatky aplikovat v konkrétním komerčním řešení a ozkoušet je tak v praxi s výstupem v podobě podrobného rozboru činnosti.With rapid expansion of interest in multimedia and distributed computing applications across the Internet increases importance of optimized delivery of group traffic. According to current situation the best practice to achieve this goal is multicasting. This masters thesis summarizes multicasting methods and facts. Also it draws conclusions from practical application of presented information on commercial project.

    Signalling of Point to Multipoint Trees in Metro Ethernet and Core Networks

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    DiplomityÜssä tutustuttiin IPTV-kanavien siirtoon Core-verkosta MetroEthernet-verkon asiakasta lähinnä olevalle laidalle. Tavoitteena oli kehittää nopeampi ratkaisu monilähetyspuiden konfigurointiin laitevalmistajan toteuttamilla protokollilla. Nykyinen ratkaisu, jossa käytetään Resource reSerVation Protocol:ia MultiProtocol Label Switching-tunneleiden signaloimiseen, Internet Group Management Protocol Snooping:ia halukkaiden vastaanottajien kartoittamiseen sekä Protocol Independent Multicast-Source Specific Multicast:ia runkoverkon monilähetykseen on liian tyÜläs. Uudet ratkaisut, joissa yhdistellään RSVP:tä, point-to-multipoint RSVP:tä, Fast ReRoutea ja PIM-SSM:ia testataan TeliaSoneran tietoverkkolaboratoriossa. Tulosten perusteella ei voida sanoa paljoa varmasti, mutta FRR ME-verkossa vaikuttaa helppokäyttÜiseltä ja toimivalta ratkaisulta. Lisäksi P2MP RSVP-TE herätti toiveita nopeammin vikatilanteista toipuvasta monilähetysratkaisusta runkoverkosta, kunhan ilmenneiden vikojen syyt saadaan selville.This master's thesis studies the distribution of IPTV channels from a core network to the edges of a MetroEthernet network. The goal is to find a faster solution for configuring multicast trees using protocols implemented by vendors. The current solution which uses Resource reSerVation Protocol for signalling MultiProtocol Label Switched tunnels, Internet Group Management Protocol Snooping for mapping receivers and Protocol Independent Multicast-Source Specific Multicast for core multicast creates too much work. The new solutions combine RSVP, point-to-multipoint RSVP, Fast ReRoute and PIM-SSM and they are tested in the TeliaSonera networking laboratory. Based on test results there is not much certainty about many things but it can be said that FRR seems to be working well and it is easy to use. Furthermore, P2MP RSVP seemed promising for the core network with faster convergence times in failure cases than PIM-SSM. However, there are few problems to be solved before the protocol is ready for use in the production network

    Linux-Box: DVB and VoD streaming over local area networks

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    Aquest treball tracta sobre un projecte comú anomenat Linux-Box portat a terme per diferents persones al departament de Telecomunicacions (IET) de la Universitat de Pisa. Linux-Box és un sistema dotat amb targetes TDT (DVB-T) i de televisió per satèl·lit (DVB-S) que permet transmetre aquests senyals fins a un àmbit domèstic. Més endavant podria ser utilitzat en àmbits privats com les cases de clients o en institucions públiques com escoles, universitats, biblioteques i també seria possible en àmbits empresarials. El projecte està dividit en 4 apartats: 1. Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. Explica perquè s’utilitza Ubuntu en el projecte. A més també s’explica de forma breu que és Linux i les distribucions més utilitzades. 2. Multimedia Network Protocols: s’expliquen els diferents protocols desde la capa de xarxa fins la capa d’aplicació que s’utilitzen en el projecte Linux-Box. Aquests protocols són utilitzats tant en streaming, com en anunciació, unicast/multicast, encapsulat de vídeo i codecs. Els diversos temes tractats aquí es fan amb el propòsit de comparar i no només com a recerca teòrica. A la fi es veuen els programes utilitzats en el projecte per analitzar el tràfic de la xarxa. 3. Linux-Box: s’explica el funcionament i els objectius globals del projecte. Es dedica un sub-apartat a “VideoLan - VLC” part important a nivell de sofware. Més endavant es parla de les característiques de la Linux-Box de forma acurada: streaming de VoD i senyals de TV i s’analitzen els problemes coneguts i les seves solucions proposades. A la fi s’enumeren els llenguatges de programació utilitzats al projecte i en quina part s’utilitzen. Observarem que és una aplicació on diversos llenguatges de programació estan contínuament solapats. 4. Developed Part: es posa en pràctica la teoria estudiada a la resta del treball. Està dividida en 4 seccions: Desenvolupar una aplicació en codi C per convertir la llista de Canals (tant terrestre com de satèl·lit) en format XML. Una secció dedicada al streaming de Canals de TV a la pàgina web principal. Un anàlisis profund dels paquets creats per la Linux-Box i la seva activitat a la xarxa. Finalment s’analitzen els diferents scripts i les seves configuracions. Alguns són útils per a un futur desenvolupament i d’altres s’utilitzen en seccions prèvies. 5. Conclusions: conté les conclusions i línies futures. El projecte compta amb diverses opcions que encara poden ser implementades i estudiades. Aquí exposem les nostres interpretacions i possibles línies futures d’estudi
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