763 research outputs found

    I did it my way

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    Despite globalization which often tends to serves its own interest through fast capital movement, maximization of profit, cost cutting and global mind making, each country is on its own path to future. This path is paved with past achievements, government decision about taxation, privatization, usage and export of natural wealth, efficiency and environmental decisions but as well as mentality, consumer strengths, weaknesses and ability to change or not long term decisions regarding the human life and existence. How country is capable to recognize friends, trading opportunities, use inner strengths, respect past achievements and ancestors, develop creative approach in production, visualize future path while being aware of today’s needs are just a few steps on the long journey called overall country success. One part of it is economy which incorporates Feng Shui in its future cash flow as well as quality of life overall.regional,development,policy

    I did it my way

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    Despite globalization which often tends to serves its own interest through fast capital movement, maximization of profit, cost cutting and global mind making, each country is on its own path to future. This path is paved with past achievements, government decision about taxation, privatization, usage and export of natural wealth, efficiency and environmental decisions but as well as mentality, consumer strengths, weaknesses and ability to change or not long term decisions regarding the human life and existence. How country is capable to recognize friends, trading opportunities, use inner strengths, respect past achievements and ancestors, develop creative approach in production, visualize future path while being aware of today’s needs are just a few steps on the long journey called overall country success. One part of it is economy which incorporates Feng Shui in its future cash flow as well as quality of life overall

    I did it my way

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    Despite globalization which often tends to serves its own interest through fast capital movement, maximization of profit, cost cutting and global mind making, each country is on its own path to future. This path is paved with past achievements, government decision about taxation, privatization, usage and export of natural wealth, efficiency and environmental decisions but as well as mentality, consumer strengths, weaknesses and ability to change or not long term decisions regarding the human life and existence. How country is capable to recognize friends, trading opportunities, use inner strengths, respect past achievements and ancestors, develop creative approach in production, visualize future path while being aware of today’s needs are just a few steps on the long journey called overall country success. One part of it is economy which incorporates Feng Shui in its future cash flow as well as quality of life overall

    MusaPolku - "I did it my way" : Sovellus ja peli oppilaan musiikkipolun havainnollistajaksi

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    Soitonopiskelu koostuu monenlaisista osa-alueista, jotka kaikki vaikuttavat lopputuloksen ”soittotaito” syntymiseen. Tekniset haasteet, sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus ja luovan ajattelun kehittyminen ovat jokainen suuressa roolissa soittajan matkalla. Kun tähän soitonopiskelun monimuotoisuuteen yhdistää oppilaiden yksilöllisyyden ja sen, että oppija prosessoi saamaansa tietoa aikaisempien kokemustensa perusteella, oppimispolut voivat olla hyvin erilaisia. Mielestämme oppilaan hahmotus omasta osaamisestaan hautautuu helposti harvojen kertasuoritusten alle ja opintopolku jää näkymättömiin. Kehittämisprojektimme tarkoitus on tuoda oppilaan osaaminen paremmin esiin ja hyödyntää tätä tietoa oppimisprosessissa. Olemme suunnitelleet mobiilipelistä ja -sovelluksesta koostuvan MusaPolku -kokonaisuuden opettajan ja oppilaan käyttöön musiikinopiskelun tueksi. Sovelluksesta ja pelistä toteutetaan  kevään 2017 aikana prototyyppi EduDigi -hankkeen avulla. Opinnäytetyömme kirjallisessa osuudessa avaamme kokemuksiamme ja ajatuksiamme musiikin opettamisesta, oppimisesta ja arvioinnista. Peilaamme ajatuksiamme myös uunituoreen opetussuunnitelman viitekehyksessä. Lisäksi esittelemme MusaPolku -kokonaisuuden sekä raportoimme projektin suunnittelusta ja toteutukseen liittyvistä vaiheista. Tämä opinnäytetyö kattaa projektin tapahtumat syksystä 2016 kevään 2017 loppuun. Opinnäytetyömme kirjallisessa osassa pyrimme kytkemään käytännön työtä yleisiin oppimiskäsityksiin ja teorioihin. Musiikkiopiston arjessa tekemämme havainnot opettamisesta ja oppimisesta ovat keskeinen lähde projektin suunnittelussa. Kehitysprosessin aikaisten kokemusten reflektointi on keskeinen työtapa projektin työstämisessä. Lisäksi olemme benchmarkanneet erilaisia digitaalisia oppimisympäristöjä sekä oppimispelejä. Näemme peleissä ja leikeissä huomattavia mahdollisuuksia oppimisen rikastuttajana ja siksi tukeudumme kehitysprojektissamme myös pelillisyyteen. MusaPolku konkretisoi koko oppilaan opintomatkan. Se soveltuu itsearviointitaitojen harjoitteluun ja selkeyttää oppilaalle musiikinopiskelun oppisisältöjä. MusaPolku kurottaa hauskan oppimisen keinoin pelillisillä elementeillä kohti iloista ja innostuvaa oppimista.The path to mastering a musical instrument involves various components, such as technical skills, social interaction and progress of creative thinking. On top of this, the students’ individuality and way of processing information in reference to their previous experiences results in even greater variety in individual learning paths. In our opinion, students’ understanding about their skills is easily buried under occasional tests and the learning path itself remains invisible. The purpose of our research and development project is to find a way to identify the student’s competence and to use this information in the learning process. Our solution was to design a tool entitled MusaPolku (Music Path), which is a combination of a digital application and a game for teachers and students. During spring 2017, we worked on a prototype that will be implemented in cooperation and with the contribution of the EduDigi project in summer 2017. In this report, we share our experiences and thoughts about teaching, learning and assessment. We also reflect on our thoughts in the framework of the new national curricula for music and general education. In addition, we introduce MusaPolku and report on the steps of planning and implementing the project. This thesis covers the process from autumn 2016 until spring 2017. In this report, we discuss instrumental tuition in reference to common learning concepts and theories, based on our observations and experience of our daily work at a music institute and describe how we used our reflection in the development of MusaPolku. Additionally we have benchmarked different digital learning environments and learning games and we are convinced that gamification offers great possibilities to enrich the learning process. MusaPolku concretizes the student’s entire learning path, improves their self evaluation skills and clarifies the contents of learning to the student. MusaPolku employs gamification to make learning a fun and inspired experience

    ‘I did it my way’: customisation and practical compliance with EU policies

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    By tackling shared problems through concerted policies, the European Union (EU) is thought to have a superior output legitimacy. However, EU policies change as they are being ‘customised’ during the implementation process. How do such patterns of ‘differentiated implementation’ affect EU governance in practice? While some studies highlight the danger of ‘watering down’ the objectives of EU law, others emphasise the role of decentralised problem-solving. We analyse how customisation affects states’ practical compliance with EU anti-discrimination, environmental, and justice and home affairs directives in 27 member states (excluding Croatia) between 2007 and 2013. The findings show that customised density (higher number of rules than prescribed by the EU directives) reduces practical compliance. Conversely, customised restrictiveness (stricter requirements than the EU directives) improves practical compliance. In contrast to earlier implementation research, we conclude that literal implementation is not the best form to ensure practical implementation

    ’’I Did It My Way’’? – en sociologisk samtidsdiagnose over den senmoderne/postmoderne død

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    I denne artikel beskrives de senere års forandringer i dele af den danske døds- og mindekultur med fokus på, hvorledes den enten adskiller sig fra eller mere skal ses som en forlængelse af den i samfundsforskningen ofte fremhævede, fortrængte og tabuiserede dødskultur fra det 20. århundrede. Gennem artiklen diskuterer og illustrerer forfatterne mange af nutidens forandringer gennem en række nedslag i form af et fokus på omsorgen for den døende, individualiseringen af institutionelle og professionelle praksisser, personliggørelsen af ritualer og ceremonier, udfordringen af traditioner og konventioner og den ændrede betydning af kirkegården og mindekulturen. Formålet med artiklen er således at beskrive og dokumentere nogle af de mest centrale ændringer i vores samfunds dødskultur som et spejlbillede på mange af de øvrige samfundsforandringer, der udspiller sig. Derudover ønsker forfatterne at anspore til debat om, hvorvidt den udbredte postmoderniseringstese om valgfrihed, fleksibilitet og individualisering inden for dødsområdet kan underbygges, eller om den skal suppleres med en senmoderniseringstese, der har fokus på institutionel kontrol og inerti. Søgeord: Senmoderne død, postmoderne død, institutioner, ritualer, mindekultur, professionalisering. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Janet Ferrari Wanseele and Michael Hviid Jacobsen: ”I did It My Way”? – A Sociological Contemporary Diagnosis of Late Modern/Post Modern Death This article describes some of the major changes taking place in the contemporary culture of death, dying and bereavement in Denmark. It does so by analysing how these may be contrasted with or seen as a continuation of the often advanced thesis of a death-denying and death-taboo culture of the 20th century. The authors illustrate many of the changes through analysis of selected topics such as the care of the dying, the individualization of institutional and professional practice, the personalized content of rituals and ceremonies, the challenge to traditions and conventions and the changing mentality regarding resting place and memorial culture. The purpose of the article is to describe and document some of the major shifts in death and dying as a corollary to contemporary changes within the culture at large. In addition the authors speculate as to whether the current popularity of the thesis of a postmodernization of death and dying can be substantiated or whether it needs to be supplemented by a late modern thesis concerned with institutional control and inertia. Key words: Late modern death, postmodern death, institutions, rituals, memorial culture, professionalization

    ‘I did it my way’: voice, visuality and identity in doctoral students' reflexive videonarratives on their doctoral research journeys

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    This article presents accounts of four UK doctoral students' engagement in a Higher Education Academy project which used digital video (DV) to promote reflexivity on their doctoral journeys. Proceeding from participants' accounts of the production of their videonarratives, the article analyses the relations between doctoral research, reflexivity and the use of DV, and their articulation in different ways by the participants. As an ‘assemblage’, the written form of the article aims to evoke both the collaborative design of the project, in that it is constructed as a multivocality, a series of ‘plateaus’, and also the multiple, shifting and always in-process nature of identity, immanent in each individual's account. The accounts address how epistemological, ontological and ethical considerations are articulated within visual and vocal re-presentations of the self in the individual videonarratives. Each narrative both does (and does not) resonate with the other narratives and each offers insights into the specificities of particular doctoral journeys. In experimenting with this form of presentation, we aim to bypass traditional accounts of research ‘findings’ as a form of transparent knowledge production and, instead, work within a mode of representation which seeks to acknowledge the ‘masks of methodology’

    “I did it my way": Learning Autonomy and Online Self-Access Skills of Students in Reading Classes in Pandemic Era in Peru Context

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    In order for students to succeed, especially in times of crisis like the Covid 19 Pandemic, they must be trained to be self-sufficient in their language studies. This research investigates using a self-access language learning strategy in an emergency virtual reading class during the covid 19 pandemics to improve language learners' Autonomy. It employed a descriptive correlational research design. The study involved 89 randomly selected language students in one University of Peru. Results of the study showed that the students can utilize internet as their learning resource using devices they have. This shows that all of the students have devices to be used for their online and blended language learning. It is interesting to note the all the sampled students have access to internet for their online language learning. Hence the students have a motivated level of learning Autonomy in reading classes. As to the assessment of internet self-access reading skills of the students. This shows that the students have a favorable attitude towards using the internet in their reading lessons. It shows that the students have a fair level of technology acceptance and utilization for their language learning. Self-Access Skills in Reading was shown to be closely linked to Students' Learning Autonomy. This suggests that the relevant factors in the research have a positive correlation. This means that the students are more likely to adopt online self-access reading skills if they have a good attitude about learning Autonomy. This result shed light on the gap in addressing students' online language learning engagement in the COVID 19 era, particularly in the context of Peru

    Sound for enhanced experiences in mobile applications

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    When visiting new places you want information about restaurants, shopping, places of historic in- terest etc. Smartphones are perfect tools for de- livering such location-based information, but the risk is that users get absorbed by texts, maps, videos etc. on the device screen and get a second- hand experience of the environment they are vis- iting rather than the sought-after first-hand expe- rience. One problem is that the users’ eyes often are directed to the device screen, rather than to the surrounding environment. Another problem is that interpreting more or less abstract informa- tion on maps, texts, images etc. may take up sig- nificant shares of the users’ overall cognitive re- sources. The work presented here tried to overcome these two problems by studying design for human-computer interaction based on the users’ everyday abilities such as directional hearing and point and sweep gestures. Today’s smartphones know where you are, in what direction you are pointing the device and they have systems for ren- dering spatial audio. These readily available tech- nologies hold the potential to make information more easy to interpret and use, demand less cog- nitive resources and free the users from having to look more or less constantly on a device screen