1,372 research outputs found

    Creating WWW-based Soap Operas for Learning English

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    Getting on Nicely in the Dark: The Perils and Rewards of Annotating Ulysses

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    The problem of how to provide useful contextual and extra-textual information to readers of Ulysses has vexed Joyceans for years. The debate has generated lively and opinionated discussions in print and at Joyce meetings, forums and listservs. On one side are scholars who argue for scaled-down annotations that present only basic information as simply as possible, minimizing the amount of interpretation involved. On the other side are the actual first-time readers, struggling to make sense of Joyce’s complex, highly allusive text, and willing to accept help wherever it may be found. The work of annotation is both complicated and enriched when it is undertaken in a hypermedia environment. This thesis addresses these issues, particularly as they relate to the task of annotating a list of characters in the novel for The Joyce Project, a hypermedia version of Ulysses under the direction of Professor John Hunt at the University of Montana. With brief entries for more than 180 characters, the list is intended primarily as an aid to help readers keep track of the dozens of characters who inhabit the pages of Joyce’s work. However, creating the list in hypermedia, with links between characters in the list, between the text and the list, and between the text and external sources, creates a virtual web of connections which leads to new insights and directions for further study

    20 Questions Toward Better Thinking: A Look at Internet Based Learning

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    New technology and good teaching practices must be combined to produce the most up-to-date and effective Internet-based learning. Critical and creative thinking techniques incorporated with technological enhancements will stimulate better comprehension of a variety of resources including in Internet-based learning. Two key concepts of critical and creative thinking that I focus on are Metacognition and Frame of Reference. Metacognition is the self-awareness of one’s thought process. It includes knowing why one makes decisions, what factors contribute to a choice, and why the opposite decision was not chosen. While most people disregard or ignore metacognition it can have numerous positive effects on one’s thought process. Understanding one’s Frame of Reference is understanding oneself. Frame of Reference factors include identifying one’s personal goals, values, ideals and personal experiences. It is influenced by experiences taught directly or indirectly. To illustrate the integration of technology with critical and creative thinking in Internet based learning; I have created a computer simulation game based on the classic game of twenty questions. The computer will choose a topic from a random list of topics. The students will complete a form by selecting questions from a list of keywords. After selecting a question the computer will respond whether the question is true or false in relation to the topic. The game will stimulate thinking by incorporating prompts, called stimuli, which assist the student in understanding their biases and frame of reference when choosing a question. The stimuli will incorporate the critical and creative thinking concepts of Metacognition and Frame of Reference. They will be open-ended to provoke introspective thought. The game runs on the teacher’s Internet server and utilizes the TCP/IP protocol to connect one or many students to the computer. It will dynamically store the student’s questions, answers and comments in the computer’s database. The computer uses the Web function of hypertext links to enable both student and teacher to view his and other student’s work. The links also provide connections to related subject matter Web-sites

    RDF, the semantic web, Jordan, Jordan and Jordan

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    This collection is addressed to archivists and library professionals, and so has a slight focus on implications implications for them. This chapter is nonetheless intended to be a more-or-less generic introduction to the Semantic Web and RDF, which isn't specific to that domain


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    Danny Saunders and Nina Smalley (eds.), The International Simulation and Gaming Research Yearbook — Volume 8: Simulations and Games for Transition and Change, London: Kogan Page, 2000. ISBN: 0–7494–3397–3. Hardback, viii+271 pages, £40.00

    HTML, Java, ActiveX : Strukturen und Zusammenhänge

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    Das World Wide Web (WWW) ist als Hypermedia-System konzipiert; es stellt textuelle, graphische und auditive Informationen sowie Interaktionsmöglichkeiten auf WWW-Seiten zur Verfügung, auf die über graphische Benutzeroberflächen, sogenannte WWW-Browser, zugegriffen wird. Die Bereitstellung der Hypermedia- und Interaktionsfunktionalitäten im Browser erfolgt mit HTML, Java, JavaScript, AvtiveX oder Kombinationen dieser Werkzeuge. Die Auszeichungssprache HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) kennzeichnet die Struktureigenschaften eines WWW-Dokumentes sowie darin enthaltene Verweise auf andere Dokumente im WWW. Aufgrund ihrer Fähigkeiten, die erweiterten Kommunikations- und Hypermediafunktionalitäten von CGI, JavaScript, Java und ActiveX zu integrieren, werden HTML-Umgebungen zukünftig verstärkt als Organisationszentren für WWW-Projekte fungieren. Java als Alternative oder Supplement zu HTML im WWW ist der hochaktuelle Nebenschauplatz einer objektorientierten Programmiersprache, die zur Entwicklung beliebiger Software eingesetzt werden kann. ActiveX überträgt Microsofts OLE-Modell auf das Internet und ermöglicht die verteilte Datenhaltung und Interoperabilität zwischen Applikationen auf unterschiedlichen Rechnerplattformen. Das vorliegende Arbeitspapier stellt die genannten Gestaltungswerkzeuge mit ihrer Struktur, Funktionsweise und gegenseitigen Anknüpfungspunkten vor

    Solving Organisational Problems with Intranet Technology

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    Information serves as an essential intermediate input in decision-making for any business process. It is an essential requirement not only for effective and efficient management but also for medium and long term planning. In this era of technological advancement the rapid growth of information flow has contributed significantly in the expansion of business, commercial, industrial, financial, educational and research organisations. Electronic communication provides the ability to overcome many organisational problems. In recent years, an easy and inexpensive access to information through the Internet and e-mail has created an atmosphere of strong competition among organisations. In this competitive environment, the organisations need an efficient, productive and competent internal set-up based on a well-informed workforce. In the absence of effective co-ordination, the expansion of an organisation may result in inter-group conflicts, unhealthy bureaucratic activities, and various complexities in decision-making [Telleen (1996)]. This applies even more to organisations in developing countries such as Pakistan that are in need of efficient ways to improve governance and enhance institutional reforms.
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