3,850 research outputs found

    Using string-matching to analyze hypertext navigation

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    A method of using string-matching to analyze hypertext navigation was developed, and evaluated using two weeks of website logfile data. The method is divided into phases that use: (i) exact string-matching to calculate subsequences of links that were repeated in different navigation sessions (common trails through the website), and then (ii) inexact matching to find other similar sessions (a community of users with a similar interest). The evaluation showed how subsequences could be used to understand the information pathways users chose to follow within a website, and that exact and inexact matching provided complementary ways of identifying information that may have been of interest to a whole community of users, but which was only found by a minority. This illustrates how string-matching could be used to improve the structure of hypertext collections

    The StorySpinner Sculptural Reader

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    This demo is of a hypertext reading system called StorySpinner. It follows the sculptural hypertext methodology and has been used as a test bed for experimenting with the authoring of narrative flow in automatically generated stories. Readers are able to select and read one of two available stories. Reading a story involves selecting tarot cards which are mapped to chunks of story text based on possible interpretations of the cards and information concerning current story state

    Generating trails automatically, to aid navigation when you revisit an environment

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    A new method for generating trails from a person’s movement through a virtual environment (VE) is described. The method is entirely automatic (no user input is needed), and uses string-matching to identify similar sequences of movement and derive the person’s primary trail. The method was evaluated in a virtual building, and generated trails that substantially reduced the distance participants traveled when they searched for target objects in the building 5-8 weeks after a set of familiarization sessions. Only a modest amount of data (typically five traversals of the building) was required to generate trails that were both effective and stable, and the method was not affected by the order in which objects were visited. The trail generation method models an environment as a graph and, therefore, may be applied to aiding navigation in the real world and information spaces, as well as VEs

    StorySpinner: Controlling Narrative Pace in Hyperfiction

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    This paper describes the StorySpinner system, a sculptural hypertext reader used as a test bed for experimenting with the authoring of narrative flow in automatically generated stories. An overview of the system is presented along with discussion and conclusions arising from initial user trials

    Penggunaan model pembelajaran hypertext dan hypermedia dengan blended learning terhadap hasil belajar

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    Hypertext and hypermedia are kinds of media software that interlink of text, image, graphic, video, and audio. The use of hypertext and hypermedia as a method on a blended learning situation make learning activity more interactive. Users can make connection between text, image, audio clips and video clips as a link or hyperlink. Cooperative skills of students in the methods Hypertex and Hypermedia through Blended Learning in social studies integrated together and learning process with the full meaning, because it is not only related to the achievement of the learning material, but students also learn to operate the computer well and social life when discussions group.The use of hypertext and hypermedia is effective to motivate students learning on of social science. It can also effective to enhance students learning achievement on social science

    Adaptive Educational Hypermedia based on Multiple Student Characteristics

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    The learning process in Adaptive Educational Hypermedia (AEH) environments is complex and may be influenced by aspects of the student, including prior knowledge, learning styles, experience and preferences. Current AEH environments, however, are limited to processing only a small number of student characteristics. This paper discusses the development of an AEH system which includes a student model that can simultaneously take into account multiple student characteristics. The student model will be developed to use stereotypes, overlays and perturbation techniques. Keywords: adaptive educational hypermedia, multiple characteristics, student model

    Hypertext 2008: A Great Safari (ACM SIGWEB Trip Report)

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    The 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia was held in Pittsburgh, PA from June 19th to 21st of 2008. Like all great coming-of-age parties it was a mix of celebrating the past and looking forward with excitement to the future. Over the last few years the conference has grown in scope to cover a wide range of trends and technologies concerned with connecting information and people. This year the main themes were Information Linking and Organization, Social Linking, Applications of Hypertext, and Hypertext, Culture and Communications; once more attracting a fascinating mix of people from both the technical and literary worlds


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    The Hutchinson Electronic Encyclopedia, First Electronic Version, Oxford, Random Century and Attica Cybernetics, 1991. ISBN: 1–873472–00–5. Price £99
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