8 research outputs found

    Vision-Based Observation Models for Lower Limb 3D Tracking with a Moving Platform

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    Tracking and understanding human gait is an important step towards improving elderly mobility and safety. This thesis presents a vision-based tracking system that estimates the 3D pose of a wheeled walker user's lower limbs with cameras mounted on the moving walker. The tracker estimates 3D poses from images of the lower limbs in the coronal plane in a dynamic, uncontrolled environment. It employs a probabilistic approach based on particle filtering with three different camera setups: a monocular RGB camera, binocular RGB cameras, and a depth camera. For the RGB cameras, observation likelihoods are designed to compare the colors and gradients of each frame with initial templates that are manually extracted. Two strategies are also investigated for handling appearance change of tracking target: increasing number of templates and using different representations of colors. For the depth camera, two observation likelihoods are developed: the first one works directly in the 3D space, while the second one works in the projected image space. Experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the tracking system with different users for all three camera setups. It is demonstrated that the trackers with the RGB cameras produce results with higher error as compared to the depth camera, and the strategies for handling appearance change improve tracking accuracy in general. On the other hand, the tracker with the depth sensor successfully tracks the 3D poses of users over the entire video sequence and is robust against unfavorable conditions such as partial occlusion, missing observations, and deformable tracking target

    Algorithms and data structures for interactive ray tracing on commodity hardware

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    Rendering methods based on ray tracing provide high image realism, but have been historically regarded as offline only. This has changed in the past decade, due to significant advances in the construction and traversal performance of acceleration structures and the efficient use of data-parallel processing. Today, all major graphics companies offer real-time ray tracing solutions. The following work has contributed to this development with some key insights. We first address the limited support of dynamic scenes in previous work, by proposing two new parallel-friendly construction algorithms for KD-trees and BVHs. By approximating the cost function, we accelerate construction by up to an order of magnitude (especially for BVHs), at the expense of only tiny degradation to traversal performance. For the static portions of the scene, we also address the topic of creating the “perfect” acceleration structure. We develop a polynomial time non-greedy BVH construction algorithm. We then modify it to produce a new type of acceleration structure that inherits both the high performance of KD-trees and the small size of BVHs. Finally, we focus on bringing real-time ray tracing to commodity desktop computers. We develop several new KD-tree and BVH traversal algorithms specifically tailored for the GPU. With them, we show for the first time that GPU ray tracing is indeed feasible, and it can outperform CPU ray tracing by almost an order of magnitude, even on large CAD models.Ray-Tracing basierte Bildsynthese-Verfahren bieten einen hohen Grad an Realismus, wurden allerdings in der Vergangenheit ausschließlich als nicht echtzeitfĂ€hig betrachtet. Dies hat sich innerhalb des letzten Jahrzehnts geĂ€ndert durch signifikante Fortschritte sowohl im Bereich der Erstellung und Traversierung von Beschleunigungs-Strukturen, als auch im effizienten Einsatz paralleler Berechnung. Heute bieten alle großen Grafik-Firmen Echtzeit-Ray-Tracing Lösungen an. Die vorliegende Dissertation behandelt BetrĂ€ge zu dieser Entwicklung in mehreren Kernaspekten. Der erste Teil beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der eingeschrĂ€nkten UnterstĂŒtzung von dynamischen Szenen in bisherigen Verfahren. Hierbei behandeln wir zwei zur Parallelisierung geeignete Algorithmen zur Erstellung von KD-BĂ€umen und Bounding-Volume-Hierarchien. Durch Approximation von Kosten-Funktionen kann eine Verbesserung der Konstruktionszeit von bis zu einer GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnung erreicht werden (speziell fĂŒr BVH-Strukturen), bei nur geringem Verlust von Traversierungs-Effizienz. Mit Blick auf den statischen Teil einer Szene beschĂ€ftigen wir uns mit der Erstellung “perfekter” Beschleunigungs-Strukturen. Wir entwickeln einen Algorithmus zur BVH-Erstellung, der ein globales Optimum in polynomialer Zeit liefert. Dies fĂŒhrt zu einer neuartigen Beschleunigungs-Struktur, welche sowohl die hohe Leistung von KD-BĂ€umen, als auch den geringen Platzbedarf von BVH-Strukturen in sich vereinigt. Abschließend betrachten wir Echtzeit-Ray-Tracing auf Desktop-Computern. Wir entwickeln neuartige KD-Baum- und BVH-Traversierungs-Algorithmen, die speziell auf den Einsatz von Grafikprozessoren zugeschnitten sind. Wir zeigen damit zum ersten Mal, dass GPU-Ray-Tracing nicht nur praktikabel ist, sondern auch mehr als eine GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnung effizienter sein kann als CPU basierte Ray-Tracing-Verfahren, selbst bei der Darstellung großer CAD Modelle

    Efficient configuration space construction and optimization

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    The configuration space is a fundamental concept that is widely used in algorithmic robotics. Many applications in robotics, computer-aided design, and related areas can be reduced to computational problems in terms of configuration spaces. In this dissertation, we address three main computational challenges related to configuration spaces: 1) how to efficiently compute an approximate representation of high-dimensional configuration spaces; 2) how to efficiently perform geometric, proximity, and motion planning queries in high dimensional configuration spaces; and 3) how to model uncertainty in configuration spaces represented by noisy sensor data. We present new configuration space construction algorithms based on machine learning and geometric approximation techniques. These algorithms perform collision queries on many configuration samples. The collision query results are used to compute an approximate representation for the configuration space, which quickly converges to the exact configuration space. We highlight the efficiency of our algorithms for penetration depth computation and instance-based motion planning. We also present parallel GPU-based algorithms to accelerate the performance of optimization and search computations in configuration spaces. In particular, we design efficient GPU-based parallel k-nearest neighbor and parallel collision detection algorithms and use these algorithms to accelerate motion planning. In order to extend configuration space algorithms to handle noisy sensor data arising from real-world robotics applications, we model the uncertainty in the configuration space by formulating the collision probabilities for noisy data. We use these algorithms to perform reliable motion planning for the PR2 robot.Doctor of Philosoph

    Interactive High Performance Volume Rendering

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    This thesis is about Direct Volume Rendering on high performance computing systems. As direct rendering methods do not create a lower-dimensional geometric representation, the whole scientific dataset must be kept in memory. Thus, this family of algorithms has a tremendous resource demand. Direct Volume Rendering algorithms in general are well suited to be implemented for dedicated graphics hardware. Nevertheless, high performance computing systems often do not provide resources for hardware accelerated rendering, so that the visualization algorithm must be implemented for the available general-purpose hardware. Ever growing datasets that imply copying large amounts of data from the compute system to the workstation of the scientist, and the need to review intermediate simulation results, make porting Direct Volume Rendering to high performance computing systems highly relevant. The contribution of this thesis is twofold. As part of the first contribution, after devising a software architecture for general implementations of Direct Volume Rendering on highly parallel platforms, parallelization issues and implementation details for various modern architectures are discussed. The contribution results in a highly parallel implementation that tackles several platforms. The second contribution is concerned with the display phase of the “Distributed Volume Rendering Pipeline”. Rendering on a high performance computing system typically implies displaying the rendered result at a remote location. This thesis presents a remote rendering technique that is capable of hiding latency and can thus be used in an interactive environment

    Modélisation et distribution adaptatives de grandes scÚnes naturelles

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    Cette thĂšse traite de la modĂ©lisation et la diffusion de grandes scĂšnes 3D naturelles. Nous visons Ă  fournir des techniques pour permettre Ă  des utilisateurs de naviguer Ă  distance dans une scĂšne 3D naturelle, tout en assurant la cohĂ©rence botanique et l'interactivitĂ©. Tout d'abord, nous fournissons une technique de compression multi-rĂ©solution, fondĂ©e sur la normalisation, l'instanciation, la dĂ©corrĂ©lation, et sur le codage entropique des informations gĂ©ometriques pour des modĂšles de plantes. Ensuite, nous Ă©tudions la transmission efficace de ces objets 3D. L'algorithme de paquĂ©tisation proposĂ© fonctionne pour la plupart des reprĂ©sentations multi-rĂ©solution d'objet 3D. Nous validons les techniques de paquĂ©tisation par des expĂ©riences sur un WAN (Wide Area Network), avec et sans contrĂŽle de congestion (Datagram Congestion Control Protocol). Enfin, nous abordons les questions du streaming au niveau de la scĂšne. Nous optimisons le traitement des requĂȘtes du cĂŽtĂ© serveur en fournissant une structure de donnĂ©es adaptĂ©e et nous prĂ©parons le terrain pour nos travaux futurs sur l'Ă©volutivitĂ© et le dĂ©ploiement de systĂšmes distribuĂ©s de streaming 3D. ABSTRACT : This thesis deals with the modeling and the interactive streaming of large natural 3D scenes. We aim at providing techniques to allow the remote walkthrough of users in a natural 3D scene ensuring botanical coherency and interactivity.First, we provide a compact and progressive representation for botanically realistic plant models. The topological structure and the geometry of the plants are represented by generalized cylinders. We provide a multi-resolution compression scheme, based on standardization and instantiation, on difference-based decorrelation, and on entropy coding. Then, we study efficient transmission of these 3D objects. The proposed packetization scheme works for any multi-resolution 3D representation. We validate our packetization schemes with extensive experiments over a WAN (Wide Area Network), with and without congestion control (Datagram Congestion Control Protocol). Finally, we address issues on streaming at the scene-level. We optimize the viewpoint culling requests on server-side by providing an adapted datastructure and we prepare the ground for our further work on scalability and deployment of distributed 3D streaming systems

    Hyperplane Culling for Stochastic Rasterization

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    We present two novel culling tests for rasterization of simultaneous depth of ïŹeld and motion blur. These tests efïŹciently reduce the set of xyuvt samples that need to be coverage tested within a screen space tile. The first test finds linear bounds in ut - and vt -space using a separating line algorithm. We also derive a hyperplane in xyuvt - space for each triangle edge, and all samples outside of these planes are culled in our second test. Based on these tests, we present an efficient stochastic rasterizer, which has substantially higher sample test efficiency and lower arithmetic cost than previous tile-based stochastic rasterizers

    Fifth Biennial Report : June 1999 - August 2001

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