2,472 research outputs found

    Harnessing machine learning for fiber-induced nonlinearity mitigation in long-haul coherent optical OFDM

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    © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) has attracted a lot of interest in optical fiber communications due to its simplified digital signal processing (DSP) units, high spectral-efficiency, flexibility, and tolerance to linear impairments. However, CO-OFDM’s high peak-to-average power ratio imposes high vulnerability to fiber-induced non-linearities. DSP-based machine learning has been considered as a promising approach for fiber non-linearity compensation without sacrificing computational complexity. In this paper, we review the existing machine learning approaches for CO-OFDM in a common framework and review the progress in this area with a focus on practical aspects and comparison with benchmark DSP solutions.Peer reviewe

    Turbo Packet Combining for Broadband Space-Time BICM Hybrid-ARQ Systems with Co-Channel Interference

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    In this paper, efficient turbo packet combining for single carrier (SC) broadband multiple-input--multiple-output (MIMO) hybrid--automatic repeat request (ARQ) transmission with unknown co-channel interference (CCI) is studied. We propose a new frequency domain soft minimum mean square error (MMSE)-based signal level combining technique where received signals and channel frequency responses (CFR)s corresponding to all retransmissions are used to decode the data packet. We provide a recursive implementation algorithm for the introduced scheme, and show that both its computational complexity and memory requirements are quite insensitive to the ARQ delay, i.e., maximum number of ARQ rounds. Furthermore, we analyze the asymptotic performance, and show that under a sum-rank condition on the CCI MIMO ARQ channel, the proposed packet combining scheme is not interference-limited. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the gains offered by the proposed technique.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, and 2 table

    Receiver algorithms that enable multi-mode baseband terminals

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    Frequency-Domain Turbo Equalisation in Coded SC-FDMA Systems: EXIT Chart Analysis and Performance

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    In this paper, we investigate the achievable performance of channel coded single-carrier frequency division multiple-access (SC-FDMA) systems employing various detection schemes, when communicating over frequency-selective fading channels. Specifically, three types of minimum mean-square error (MMSE) based frequency-domain (FD) turbo equalisers are considered. The first one is the turbo FD linear equaliser (LE). The second one is a parallel interference cancellation (PIC)-assisted turbo FD decision-feedback equaliser (DFE). The final one is the proposed hybrid interference cancellation (HIC)-aided turboFD-DFE, which combines successive interference cancellation (SIC) with iterative PIC and decoding. The benefit of interference cancellation (IC) is analysed with the EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts. The performance of the coded SC-FDMA systems employing the above-mentioned detection schemes is investigated with the aid of simulations. Our studies show that the IC techniques achieve an attractive performance at a moderate complexity

    Advanced modulation technology development for earth station demodulator applications. Coded modulation system development

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    A jointly optimized coded modulation system is described which was designed, built, and tested by COMSAT Laboratories for NASA LeRC which provides a bandwidth efficiency of 2 bits/s/Hz at an information rate of 160 Mbit/s. A high speed rate 8/9 encoder with a Viterbi decoder and an Octal PSK modem are used to achieve this. The BER performance is approximately 1 dB from the theoretically calculated value for this system at a BER of 5 E-7 under nominal conditions. The system operates in burst mode for downlink applications and tests have demonstrated very little degradation in performance with frequency and level offset. Unique word miss rate measurements were conducted which demonstrate reliable acquisition at low values of Eb/No. Codec self tests have verified the performance of this subsystem in a stand alone mode. The codec is capable of operation at a 200 Mbit/s information rate as demonstrated using a codec test set which introduces noise digitally. The measured performance is within 0.2 dB of the computer simulated predictions. A gate array implementation of the most time critical element of the high speed Viterbi decoder was completed. This gate array add-compare-select chip significantly reduces the power consumption and improves the manufacturability of the decoder. This chip has general application in the implementation of high speed Viterbi decoders

    Equalização digital para sistemas de transmissão ópticos coerentes

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    This thesis focus on the digital equalization of fiber impairments for coherent optical transmission systems. New efficient and low-complexity equalization and mitigation techniques that counteract fiber nonlinear impairments are proposed and the tradeoff between performance and complexity is numerically assessed and experimentally demonstrated in metro and long-haul 400G superchannels-based transmission systems. Digital backpropagation (DBP) based on low-complexity split-step Fourier method and Volterra series nonlinear equalizers are experimentally assessed in an uniform superchannel system. In contrast with standard DBP methods, these techniques prove to be able to be implemented with larger step-sizes, consequently requiring a reduced number of multiplications, and still achieve a significant reach extension over linear equalization techniques. Moreover, given its structure, the complexity of the proposed Volterra-based DBP approach can be easily adjusted by changing the nonlinear filter dimension according to the system requirements, thus providing a higher flexibility to the nonlinear equalization block. A frequency-hybrid superchannel envisioning near-future flexible networks is then proposed as a way to increase the system bit-rate granularity. The problematic of the power-ratio between superchannel carriers is addressed and optimized for linear and nonlinear operation regimes using three distinct FEC paradigms. Applying a single FEC to the entire superchannel has a simpler implementation and is found to be a more robust approach, tolerating larger uncertainties on the system parameters optimization. We also investigate the performance gain provided by the application of different DBP techniques in frequency-hybrid superchannel systems, and its implications on the optimum power-ratio. It is shown that the application of DBP can be restricted to the carrier transporting the higher cardinality QAM format, since the DBP benefit on the other carriers is negligible, which might bring a substantially complexity reduction of the DBP technique applied to the superchannel.A presente tese foca-se na equalização digital das distorções da fibra para sistemas óticos de transmissão coerente. São propostas novas técnicas eficientes e de baixa complexidade para a equalização e mitigação das distorções não lineares da fibra, e o compromisso entre desempenho e complexidade é testado numericamente e demonstrado experimental em sistemas de transmissão metro e longa distância baseados em supercanais 400G. A propagação digital inversa baseada no método de split-step Fourier e equalizadores não lineares de séries de Volterra de baixa complexidade são testadas experimentalmente num sistema baseado em supercanais uniformes. Ao contrário dos métodos convencionais utilizados, estas técnicas podem ser implementadas utilizando menos interações e ainda extender o alcance do sistema face às técnicas de equalização linear. Para além disso, a complexidade do método baseado em Volterra pode ser facilmente ajustada alterando a dimensão do filtro não linear de acordo com os requisitos do sistema, concedendo assim maior flexibilidade ao bloco de equalização não linear. Tendo em vista as futuras redes flexı́veis, um supercanal hı́brido na frequência é proposto de modo a aumentar a granularidade da taxa de transmissão do sistema. A problemática da relação de potência entre as portadoras do supercanal é abordada e optimizada em regimes de operação linear e não linear utilizando paradigmas diferentes de códigos correctores de erros. A aplicação de um único código corrector de erros à totalidade do supercanal mostra ser a abordagem mais robusta, tolerando maiores incertezas na optimização dos parâmetros do sistema. O ganho de desempenho dado pela aplicação de diferentes técnicas de propagação digital inversa em sistemas de supercanais hı́bridos na frequência é tamém analizado, assim como as suas implicações na relação óptima de potência. Mostra-se que esta pode ser restringida à portadora que transporta o formato de modulação de ordem mais elevada, uma vez que o benefı́cio trazido pelas restantes portadotas é negligenciável, permitindo reduzir significativamente a complexidade do algoritmo aplicado.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe

    Digital Signal Processing for Optical Coherent Communication Systems

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    Compensation of fibre impairments in coherent optical systems

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Transmission strategies for broadband wireless systems with MMSE turbo equalization

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    This monograph details efficient transmission strategies for single-carrier wireless broadband communication systems employing iterative (turbo) equalization. In particular, the first part focuses on the design and analysis of low complexity and robust MMSE-based turbo equalizers operating in the frequency domain. Accordingly, several novel receiver schemes are presented which improve the convergence properties and error performance over the existing turbo equalizers. The second part discusses concepts and algorithms that aim to increase the power and spectral efficiency of the communication system by efficiently exploiting the available resources at the transmitter side based upon the channel conditions. The challenging issue encountered in this context is how the transmission rate and power can be optimized, while a specific convergence constraint of the turbo equalizer is guaranteed.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Entwurf und der Analyse von effizienten Übertragungs-konzepten für drahtlose, breitbandige Einträger-Kommunikationssysteme mit iterativer (Turbo-) Entzerrung und Kanaldekodierung. Dies beinhaltet einerseits die Entwicklung von empfängerseitigen Frequenzbereichs-entzerrern mit geringer Komplexität basierend auf dem Prinzip der Soft Interference Cancellation Minimum-Mean Squared-Error (SC-MMSE) Filterung und andererseits den Entwurf von senderseitigen Algorithmen, die durch Ausnutzung von Kanalzustandsinformationen die Bandbreiten- und Leistungseffizienz in Ein- und Mehrnutzersystemen mit Mehrfachantennen (sog. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)) verbessern. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird ein allgemeiner Ansatz für Verfahren zur Turbo-Entzerrung nach dem Prinzip der linearen MMSE-Schätzung, der nichtlinearen MMSE-Schätzung sowie der kombinierten MMSE- und Maximum-a-Posteriori (MAP)-Schätzung vorgestellt. In diesem Zusammenhang werden zwei neue Empfängerkonzepte, die eine Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit und Verbesserung der Konvergenz in Bezug auf existierende SC-MMSE Turbo-Entzerrer in verschiedenen Kanalumgebungen erzielen, eingeführt. Der erste Empfänger - PDA SC-MMSE - stellt eine Kombination aus dem Probabilistic-Data-Association (PDA) Ansatz und dem bekannten SC-MMSE Entzerrer dar. Im Gegensatz zum SC-MMSE nutzt der PDA SC-MMSE eine interne Entscheidungsrückführung, so dass zur Unterdrückung von Interferenzen neben den a priori Informationen der Kanaldekodierung auch weiche Entscheidungen der vorherigen Detektions-schritte berücksichtigt werden. Durch die zusätzlich interne Entscheidungsrückführung erzielt der PDA SC-MMSE einen wesentlichen Gewinn an Performance in räumlich unkorrelierten MIMO-Kanälen gegenüber dem SC-MMSE, ohne dabei die Komplexität des Entzerrers wesentlich zu erhöhen. Der zweite Empfänger - hybrid SC-MMSE - bildet eine Verknüpfung von gruppenbasierter SC-MMSE Frequenzbereichsfilterung und MAP-Detektion. Dieser Empfänger besitzt eine skalierbare Berechnungskomplexität und weist eine hohe Robustheit gegenüber räumlichen Korrelationen in MIMO-Kanälen auf. Die numerischen Ergebnisse von Simulationen basierend auf Messungen mit einem Channel-Sounder in Mehrnutzerkanälen mit starken räumlichen Korrelationen zeigen eindrucksvoll die Überlegenheit des hybriden SC-MMSE-Ansatzes gegenüber dem konventionellen SC-MMSE-basiertem Empfänger. Im zweiten Teil wird der Einfluss von System- und Kanalmodellparametern auf die Konvergenzeigenschaften der vorgestellten iterativen Empfänger mit Hilfe sogenannter Korrelationsdiagramme untersucht. Durch semi-analytische Berechnungen der Entzerrer- und Kanaldecoder-Korrelationsfunktionen wird eine einfache Berechnungsvorschrift zur Vorhersage der Bitfehlerwahrscheinlichkeit von SC-MMSE und PDA SC-MMSE Turbo Entzerrern für MIMO-Fadingkanäle entwickelt. Des Weiteren werden zwei Fehlerschranken für die Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit der Empfänger vorgestellt. Die semi-analytische Methode und die abgeleiteten Fehlerschranken ermöglichen eine aufwandsgeringe Abschätzung sowie Optimierung der Leistungsfähigkeit des iterativen Systems. Im dritten und abschließenden Teil werden Strategien zur Raten- und Leistungszuweisung in Kommunikationssystemen mit konventionellen iterativen SC-MMSE Empfängern untersucht. Zunächst wird das Problem der Maximierung der instantanen Summendatenrate unter der Berücksichtigung der Konvergenz des iterativen Empfängers für einen Zweinutzerkanal mit fester Leistungsallokation betrachtet. Mit Hilfe des Flächentheorems von Extrinsic-Information-Transfer (EXIT)-Funktionen wird eine obere Schranke für die erreichbare Ratenregion hergeleitet. Auf Grundlage dieser Schranke wird ein einfacher Algorithmus entwickelt, der für jeden Nutzer aus einer Menge von vorgegebenen Kanalcodes mit verschiedenen Codierraten denjenigen auswählt, der den instantanen Datendurchsatz des Mehrnutzersystems verbessert. Neben der instantanen Ratenzuweisung wird auch ein ausfallbasierter Ansatz zur Ratenzuweisung entwickelt. Hierbei erfolgt die Auswahl der Kanalcodes für die Nutzer unter Berücksichtigung der Einhaltung einer bestimmten Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit (outage probability) des iterativen Empfängers. Des Weiteren wird ein neues Entwurfskriterium für irreguläre Faltungscodes hergeleitet, das die Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit von Turbo SC-MMSE Systemen verringert und somit die Zuverlässigkeit der Datenübertragung erhöht. Eine Reihe von Simulationsergebnissen von Kapazitäts- und Durchsatzberechnungen werden vorgestellt, die die Wirksamkeit der vorgeschlagenen Algorithmen und Optimierungsverfahren in Mehrnutzerkanälen belegen. Abschließend werden außerdem verschiedene Maßnahmen zur Minimierung der Sendeleistung in Einnutzersystemen mit senderseitiger Singular-Value-Decomposition (SVD)-basierter Vorcodierung untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass eine Methode, welche die Leistungspegel des Senders hinsichtlich der Bitfehlerrate des iterativen Empfängers optimiert, den konventionellen Verfahren zur Leistungszuweisung überlegen ist