783 research outputs found

    Topological Semantics and Decidability

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    It is well-known that the basic modal logic of all topological spaces is S4S4. However, the structure of basic modal and hybrid logics of classes of spaces satisfying various separation axioms was until present unclear. We prove that modal logics of T0T_0, T1T_1 and T2T_2 topological spaces coincide and are S4.Wealsoexaminebasichybridlogicsoftheseclassesandprovetheirdecidability;aspartofthis,wefindoutthatthehybridlogicsof. We also examine basic hybrid logics of these classes and prove their decidability; as part of this, we find out that the hybrid logics of T_1andT2 and T_2 spaces coincide.Comment: presentation changes, results about concrete structure adde

    Decision procedures for some strong hybrid logics

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    Hybrid logics are extensions of standard modal logics, which significantly increase the expressive power of the latter. Since most of hybrid logics are known to be decidable, decision procedures for them is a widely investigated field of research. So far, several tableau calculi for hybrid logics have been presented in the literature. In this paper we introduce a sound, complete and terminating tableau calculus TH(@,E,D,♦ −) for hybrid logics with the satisfaction operators, the universal modality, the difference modality and the inverse modality as well as the corresponding sequent calculus SH(@,E,D,♦ −). They not only uniformly cover relatively wide range of various hybrid logics but they are also conceptually simple and enable effective search for a minimal model for a satisfiable formula. The main novelty is the exploitation of the unrestricted blocking mechanism introduced as an explicit, sound tableau rule

    Algebraic methods for hybrid logics

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    Ph.D. (Mathematics)Algebraic methods have been largely ignored within the eld of hybrid logics. A main theme of this thesis is to illustrate the usefulness of algebraic methods in this eld. It is a well-known fact that certain properties of a logic correspond to properties of particular classes of algebras, and that we therefore can use these classes of algebras to answer questions about the logic. The rst aim of this thesis is to identify a class of algebras corresponding to hybrid logics. In particular, we introduce hybrid algebras as algebraic semantics for the better known hybrid languages in the literature. The second aim of this thesis is to use hybrid algebras to solve logical problems in the eld of hybrid logic. Specically, we will focus on proving general completeness results for some well-known hybrid logics with respect to hybrid algebras. Next, we study Sahlqvist theory for hybrid logics. We introduce syntactically de ned classes of hybrid formulas that have rst-order frame correspondents, which are preserved under taking Dedekind MacNeille completions of atomic hybrid algebras, and which are preserved under canonical extensions of permeated hybrid algebras. Finally, we investigate the nite model property (FMP) for several hybrid logics. In particular, we give analogues of Bull's theorem for the hybrid logics under consideration in this thesis. We also show that if certain syntactically de ned classes of hybrid formulas are added to the normal modal logic S4 as axioms, we obtain hybrid logics with the nite model property

    Hybrid Branching-Time Logics

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    Hybrid branching-time logics are introduced as extensions of CTL-like logics with state variables and the downarrow-binder. Following recent work in the linear framework, only logics with a single variable are considered. The expressive power and the complexity of satisfiability of the resulting logics is investigated. As main result, the satisfiability problem for the hybrid versions of several branching-time logics is proved to be 2EXPTIME-complete. These branching-time logics range from strict fragments of CTL to extensions of CTL that can talk about the past and express fairness-properties. The complexity gap relative to CTL is explained by a corresponding succinctness result. To prove the upper bound, the automata-theoretic approach to branching-time logics is extended to hybrid logics, showing that non-emptiness of alternating one-pebble Buchi tree automata is 2EXPTIME-complete.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper was presented at the International Workshop on Hybrid Logics (HyLo 2007

    Relation-Changing Logics as Fragments of Hybrid Logics

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    Relation-changing modal logics are extensions of the basic modal logic that allow changes to the accessibility relation of a model during the evaluation of a formula. In particular, they are equipped with dynamic modalities that are able to delete, add, and swap edges in the model, both locally and globally. We provide translations from these logics to hybrid logic along with an implementation. In general, these logics are undecidable, but we use our translations to identify decidable fragments. We also compare the expressive power of relation-changing modal logics with hybrid logics.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2016, arXiv:1609.0364

    Satisfiability for relation-changing logics

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    Relation-changing modal logics (RC for short) are extensions of the basic modal logic with dynamic operators that modify the accessibility relation of a model during the evaluation of a formula. These languages are equipped with dynamic modalities that are able e.g. to delete, add and swap edges in the model, both locally and globally. We study the satisfiability problem for some of these logics.We first show that they can be translated into hybrid logic. As a result, we can transfer some results from hybrid logics to RC. We discuss in particular decidability for some fragments. We then show that satisfiability is, in general, undecidable for all the languages introduced, via translations from memory logics.Fil: Areces, Carlos Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física. Sección Ciencias de la Computación; ArgentinaFil: Fervari, Raul Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física. Sección Ciencias de la Computación; ArgentinaFil: Hoffmann, Guillaume Emmanuel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física. Sección Ciencias de la Computación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Martel, Mauricio. Universitat Bremen; Alemani

    On the Hybrid Extension of CTL and CTL+

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    The paper studies the expressivity, relative succinctness and complexity of satisfiability for hybrid extensions of the branching-time logics CTL and CTL+ by variables. Previous complexity results show that only fragments with one variable do have elementary complexity. It is shown that H1CTL+ and H1CTL, the hybrid extensions with one variable of CTL+ and CTL, respectively, are expressively equivalent but H1CTL+ is exponentially more succinct than H1CTL. On the other hand, HCTL+, the hybrid extension of CTL with arbitrarily many variables does not capture CTL*, as it even cannot express the simple CTL* property EGFp. The satisfiability problem for H1CTL+ is complete for triply exponential time, this remains true for quite weak fragments and quite strong extensions of the logic
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