150 research outputs found

    Hybrid visual servoing with hierarchical task composition for aerial manipulation

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper a hybrid visual servoing with a hierarchical task-composition control framework is described for aerial manipulation, i.e. for the control of an aerial vehicle endowed with a robot arm. The proposed approach suitably combines into a unique hybrid-control framework the main benefits of both image-based and position-based control schemes. Moreover, the underactuation of the aerial vehicle has been explicitly taken into account in a general formulation, together with a dynamic smooth activation mechanism. Both simulation case studies and experiments are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed technique.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Visual servoing of aerial manipulators

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comThis chapter describes the classical techniques to control an aerial manipulator by means of visual information and presents an uncalibrated image-based visual servo method to drive the aerial vehicle. The proposed technique has the advantage that it contains mild assumptions about the principal point and skew values of the camera, and it does not require prior knowledge of the focal length, in contrast to traditional image-based approaches.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Uncalibrated visual servo for unmanned aerial manipulation

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper addresses the problem of autonomous servoing an unmanned redundant aerial manipulator using computer vision. The overactuation of the system is exploited by means of a hierarchical control law, which allows to prioritize several tasks during flight. We propose a safety-related primary task to avoid possible collisions. As a secondary task, we present an uncalibrated image-based visual servo strategy to drive the arm end-effector to a desired position and orientation by using a camera attached to it. In contrast to the previous visual servo approaches, a known value of camera focal length is not strictly required. To further improve flight behavior, we hierarchically add one task to reduce dynamic effects by vertically aligning the arm center of gravity to the multirotor gravitational vector, and another one that keeps the arm close to a desired configuration of high manipulability and avoiding arm joint limits. The performance of the hierarchical control law, with and without activation of each of the tasks, is shown in simulations and in real experiments confirming the viability of such prioritized control scheme for aerial manipulation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Visual guidance of unmanned aerial manipulators

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    The ability to fly has greatly expanded the possibilities for robots to perform surveillance, inspection or map generation tasks. Yet it was only in recent years that research in aerial robotics was mature enough to allow active interactions with the environment. The robots responsible for these interactions are called aerial manipulators and usually combine a multirotor platform and one or more robotic arms. The main objective of this thesis is to formalize the concept of aerial manipulator and present guidance methods, using visual information, to provide them with autonomous functionalities. A key competence to control an aerial manipulator is the ability to localize it in the environment. Traditionally, this localization has required external infrastructure of sensors (e.g., GPS or IR cameras), restricting the real applications. Furthermore, localization methods with on-board sensors, exported from other robotics fields such as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), require large computational units becoming a handicap in vehicles where size, load, and power consumption are important restrictions. In this regard, this thesis proposes a method to estimate the state of the vehicle (i.e., position, orientation, velocity and acceleration) by means of on-board, low-cost, light-weight and high-rate sensors. With the physical complexity of these robots, it is required to use advanced control techniques during navigation. Thanks to their redundancy on degrees-of-freedom, they offer the possibility to accomplish not only with mobility requirements but with other tasks simultaneously and hierarchically, prioritizing them depending on their impact to the overall mission success. In this work we present such control laws and define a number of these tasks to drive the vehicle using visual information, guarantee the robot integrity during flight, and improve the platform stability or increase arm operability. The main contributions of this research work are threefold: (1) Present a localization technique to allow autonomous navigation, this method is specifically designed for aerial platforms with size, load and computational burden restrictions. (2) Obtain control commands to drive the vehicle using visual information (visual servo). (3) Integrate the visual servo commands into a hierarchical control law by exploiting the redundancy of the robot to accomplish secondary tasks during flight. These tasks are specific for aerial manipulators and they are also provided. All the techniques presented in this document have been validated throughout extensive experimentation with real robotic platforms.La capacitat de volar ha incrementat molt les possibilitats dels robots per a realitzar tasques de vigilància, inspecció o generació de mapes. Tot i això, no és fins fa pocs anys que la recerca en robòtica aèria ha estat prou madura com per començar a permetre interaccions amb l’entorn d’una manera activa. Els robots per a fer-ho s’anomenen manipuladors aeris i habitualment combinen una plataforma multirotor i un braç robòtic. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és formalitzar el concepte de manipulador aeri i presentar mètodes de guiatge, utilitzant informació visual, per dotar d’autonomia aquest tipus de vehicles. Una competència clau per controlar un manipulador aeri és la capacitat de localitzar-se en l’entorn. Tradicionalment aquesta localització ha requerit d’infraestructura sensorial externa (GPS, càmeres IR, etc.), limitant així les aplicacions reals. Pel contrari, sistemes de localització exportats d’altres camps de la robòtica basats en sensors a bord, com per exemple mètodes de localització i mapejat simultànis (SLAM), requereixen de gran capacitat de còmput, característica que penalitza molt en vehicles on la mida, pes i consum elèctric son grans restriccions. En aquest sentit, aquesta tesi proposa un mètode d’estimació d’estat del robot (posició, velocitat, orientació i acceleració) a partir de sensors instal·lats a bord, de baix cost, baix consum computacional i que proporcionen mesures a alta freqüència. Degut a la complexitat física d’aquests robots, és necessari l’ús de tècniques de control avançades. Gràcies a la seva redundància de graus de llibertat, aquests robots ens ofereixen la possibilitat de complir amb els requeriments de mobilitat i, simultàniament, realitzar tasques de manera jeràrquica, ordenant-les segons l’impacte en l’acompliment de la missió. En aquest treball es presenten aquestes lleis de control, juntament amb la descripció de tasques per tal de guiar visualment el vehicle, garantir la integritat del robot durant el vol, millorar de l’estabilitat del vehicle o augmentar la manipulabilitat del braç. Aquesta tesi es centra en tres aspectes fonamentals: (1) Presentar una tècnica de localització per dotar d’autonomia el robot. Aquest mètode està especialment dissenyat per a plataformes amb restriccions de capacitat computacional, mida i pes. (2) Obtenir les comandes de control necessàries per guiar el vehicle a partir d’informació visual. (3) Integrar aquestes accions dins una estructura de control jeràrquica utilitzant la redundància del robot per complir altres tasques durant el vol. Aquestes tasques son específiques per a manipuladors aeris i també es defineixen en aquest document. Totes les tècniques presentades en aquesta tesi han estat avaluades de manera experimental amb plataformes robòtiques real

    A review of aerial manipulation of small-scale rotorcraft unmanned robotic systems

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    Small-scale rotorcraft unmanned robotic systems (SRURSs) are a kind of unmanned rotorcraft with manipulating devices. This review aims to provide an overview on aerial manipulation of SRURSs nowadays and promote relative research in the future. In the past decade, aerial manipulation of SRURSs has attracted the interest of researchers globally. This paper provides a literature review of the last 10 years (2008–2017) on SRURSs, and details achievements and challenges. Firstly, the definition, current state, development, classification, and challenges of SRURSs are introduced. Then, related papers are organized into two topical categories: mechanical structure design, and modeling and control. Following this, research groups involved in SRURS research and their major achievements are summarized and classified in the form of tables. The research groups are introduced in detail from seven parts. Finally, trends and challenges are compiled and presented to serve as a resource for researchers interested in aerial manipulation of SRURSs. The problem, trends, and challenges are described from three aspects. Conclusions of the paper are presented, and the future of SRURSs is discussed to enable further research interests

    Hierarchical Task-Priority Control for Human-Robot Co-manipulation

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    The extensive distribution of collaborative robots in indus- trial workplaces allows human operators to decrease the weight and the repetitiveness of their activities. In order to facilitate the role of the human worker during the interaction with these robots, innovative con- trol paradigms, enabling an intuitive human-robot collaborative manipu- lation, are needed. In this work, a dynamic and hierarchical task-priority control framework is proposed, leveraging a physical interaction with a redundant robot manipulator through a force sensor. The foremost objec- tive of this approach is to exploit the non-trivial null-space of the redun- dant robot to increase the performance of the co-manipulation and, con- sequently, its effectiveness. A comparison between the proposed method- ology and a standard admittance control scheme is carried out within an industrial use case study consisting of a human operator interacting with a KUKA LBR iiwa arm

    A Control Architecture for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Operating in Human-Robot Team for Service Robotic Tasks

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    In this thesis a Control architecture for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is presented. The aim of the thesis is to address the problem of control a flying robot operating in human robot team at different level of abstraction. For this purpose, three different layers in the design of the architecture were considered, namely, the high level, the middle level and the low level layers. The special case of an UAV operating in service robotics tasks and in particular in Search&Rescue mission in alpine scenario is considered. Different methodologies for each layer are presented with simulated or real-world experimental validation

    Safe local aerial manipulation for the installation of devices on power lines: Aerial-core first year results and designs

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    Article number 6220The power grid is an essential infrastructure in any country, comprising thousands of kilometers of power lines that require periodic inspection and maintenance, carried out nowadays by human operators in risky conditions. To increase safety and reduce time and cost with respect to conventional solutions involving manned helicopters and heavy vehicles, the AERIAL-CORE project proposes the development of aerial robots capable of performing aerial manipulation operations to assist human operators in power lines inspection and maintenance, allowing the installation of devices, such as bird flight diverters or electrical spacers, and the fast delivery and retrieval of tools. This manuscript describes the goals and functionalities to be developed for safe local aerial manipulation, presenting the preliminary designs and experimental results obtained in the first year of the project.European Union (UE). H2020 871479Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España FPI 201