548 research outputs found

    Soft Computing Techiniques for the Protein Folding Problem on High Performance Computing Architectures

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    The protein-folding problem has been extensively studied during the last fifty years. The understanding of the dynamics of global shape of a protein and the influence on its biological function can help us to discover new and more effective drugs to deal with diseases of pharmacological relevance. Different computational approaches have been developed by different researchers in order to foresee the threedimensional arrangement of atoms of proteins from their sequences. However, the computational complexity of this problem makes mandatory the search for new models, novel algorithmic strategies and hardware platforms that provide solutions in a reasonable time frame. We present in this revision work the past and last tendencies regarding protein folding simulations from both perspectives; hardware and software. Of particular interest to us are both the use of inexact solutions to this computationally hard problem as well as which hardware platforms have been used for running this kind of Soft Computing techniques.This work is jointly supported by the FundaciónSéneca (Agencia Regional de Ciencia y Tecnología, Región de Murcia) under grants 15290/PI/2010 and 18946/JLI/13, by the Spanish MEC and European Commission FEDER under grant with reference TEC2012-37945-C02-02 and TIN2012-31345, by the Nils Coordinated Mobility under grant 012-ABEL-CM-2014A, in part financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). We also thank NVIDIA for hardware donation within UCAM GPU educational and research centers.Ingeniería, Industria y Construcció

    On the role of metaheuristic optimization in bioinformatics

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    Metaheuristic algorithms are employed to solve complex and large-scale optimization problems in many different fields, from transportation and smart cities to finance. This paper discusses how metaheuristic algorithms are being applied to solve different optimization problems in the area of bioinformatics. While the text provides references to many optimization problems in the area, it focuses on those that have attracted more interest from the optimization community. Among the problems analyzed, the paper discusses in more detail the molecular docking problem, the protein structure prediction, phylogenetic inference, and different string problems. In addition, references to other relevant optimization problems are also given, including those related to medical imaging or gene selection for classification. From the previous analysis, the paper generates insights on research opportunities for the Operations Research and Computer Science communities in the field of bioinformatics

    Optimización de algoritmos bioinspirados en sistemas heterogéneos CPU-GPU.

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    Los retos científicos del siglo XXI precisan del tratamiento y análisis de una ingente cantidad de información en la conocida como la era del Big Data. Los futuros avances en distintos sectores de la sociedad como la medicina, la ingeniería o la producción eficiente de energía, por mencionar sólo unos ejemplos, están supeditados al crecimiento continuo en la potencia computacional de los computadores modernos. Sin embargo, la estela de este crecimiento computacional, guiado tradicionalmente por la conocida “Ley de Moore”, se ha visto comprometido en las últimas décadas debido, principalmente, a las limitaciones físicas del silicio. Los arquitectos de computadores han desarrollado numerosas contribuciones multicore, manycore, heterogeneidad, dark silicon, etc, para tratar de paliar esta ralentización computacional, dejando en segundo plano otros factores fundamentales en la resolución de problemas como la programabilidad, la fiabilidad, la precisión, etc. El desarrollo de software, sin embargo, ha seguido un camino totalmente opuesto, donde la facilidad de programación a través de modelos de abstracción, la depuración automática de código para evitar efectos no deseados y la puesta en producción son claves para una viabilidad económica y eficiencia del sector empresarial digital. Esta vía compromete, en muchas ocasiones, el rendimiento de las propias aplicaciones; consecuencia totalmente inadmisible en el contexto científico. En esta tesis doctoral tiene como hipótesis de partida reducir las distancias entre los campos hardware y software para contribuir a solucionar los retos científicos del siglo XXI. El desarrollo de hardware está marcado por la consolidación de los procesadores orientados al paralelismo masivo de datos, principalmente GPUs Graphic Processing Unit y procesadores vectoriales, que se combinan entre sí para construir procesadores o computadores heterogéneos HSA. En concreto, nos centramos en la utilización de GPUs para acelerar aplicaciones científicas. Las GPUs se han situado como una de las plataformas con mayor proyección para la implementación de algoritmos que simulan problemas científicos complejos. Desde su nacimiento, la trayectoria y la historia de las tarjetas gráficas ha estado marcada por el mundo de los videojuegos, alcanzando altísimas cotas de popularidad según se conseguía más realismo en este área. Un hito importante ocurrió en 2006, cuando NVIDIA (empresa líder en la fabricación de tarjetas gráficas) lograba hacerse con un hueco en el mundo de la computación de altas prestaciones y en el mundo de la investigación con el desarrollo de CUDA “Compute Unified Device Arquitecture. Esta arquitectura posibilita el uso de la GPU para el desarrollo de aplicaciones científicas de manera versátil. A pesar de la importancia de la GPU, es interesante la mejora que se puede producir mediante su utilización conjunta con la CPU, lo que nos lleva a introducir los sistemas heterogéneos tal y como detalla el título de este trabajo. Es en entornos heterogéneos CPU-GPU donde estos rendimientos alcanzan sus cotas máximas, ya que no sólo las GPUs soportan el cómputo científico de los investigadores, sino que es en un sistema heterogéneo combinando diferentes tipos de procesadores donde podemos alcanzar mayor rendimiento. En este entorno no se pretende competir entre procesadores, sino al contrario, cada arquitectura se especializa en aquella parte donde puede explotar mejor sus capacidades. Donde mayor rendimiento se alcanza es en estos clústeres heterogéneos, donde múltiples nodos son interconectados entre sí, pudiendo dichos nodos diferenciarse no sólo entre arquitecturas CPU-GPU, sino también en las capacidades computacionales dentro de estas arquitecturas. Con este tipo de escenarios en mente, se presentan nuevos retos en los que lograr que el software que hemos elegido como candidato se ejecuten de la manera más eficiente y obteniendo los mejores resultados posibles. Estas nuevas plataformas hacen necesario un rediseño del software para aprovechar al máximo los recursos computacionales disponibles. Se debe por tanto rediseñar y optimizar los algoritmos existentes para conseguir que las aportaciones en este campo sean relevantes, y encontrar algoritmos que, por su propia naturaleza sean candidatos para que su ejecución en dichas plataformas de alto rendimiento sea óptima. Encontramos en este punto una familia de algoritmos denominados bioinspirados, que utilizan la inteligencia colectiva como núcleo para la resolución de problemas. Precisamente esta inteligencia colectiva es la que les hace candidatos perfectos para su implementación en estas plataformas bajo el nuevo paradigma de computación paralela, puesto que las soluciones pueden ser construidas en base a individuos que mediante alguna forma de comunicación son capaces de construir conjuntamente una solución común. Esta tesis se centrará especialmente en uno de estos algoritmos bioinspirados que se engloba dentro del término metaheurísticas bajo el paradigma del Soft Computing, el Ant Colony Optimization “ACO”. Se realizará una contextualización, estudio y análisis del algoritmo. Se detectarán las partes más críticas y serán rediseñadas buscando su optimización y paralelización, manteniendo o mejorando la calidad de sus soluciones. Posteriormente se pasará a implementar y testear las posibles alternativas sobre diversas plataformas de alto rendimiento. Se utilizará el conocimiento adquirido en el estudio teórico-práctico anterior para su aplicación a casos reales, más en concreto se mostrará su aplicación sobre el plegado de proteínas. Todo este análisis es trasladado a su aplicación a un caso concreto. En este trabajo, aunamos las nuevas plataformas hardware de alto rendimiento junto al rediseño e implementación software de un algoritmo bioinspirado aplicado a un problema científico de gran complejidad como es el caso del plegado de proteínas. Es necesario cuando se implementa una solución a un problema real, realizar un estudio previo que permita la comprensión del problema en profundidad, ya que se encontrará nueva terminología y problemática para cualquier neófito en la materia, en este caso, se hablará de aminoácidos, moléculas o modelos de simulación que son desconocidos para los individuos que no sean de un perfil biomédico.Ingeniería, Industria y Construcció

    Evolutionary Computation

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    This book presents several recent advances on Evolutionary Computation, specially evolution-based optimization methods and hybrid algorithms for several applications, from optimization and learning to pattern recognition and bioinformatics. This book also presents new algorithms based on several analogies and metafores, where one of them is based on philosophy, specifically on the philosophy of praxis and dialectics. In this book it is also presented interesting applications on bioinformatics, specially the use of particle swarms to discover gene expression patterns in DNA microarrays. Therefore, this book features representative work on the field of evolutionary computation and applied sciences. The intended audience is graduate, undergraduate, researchers, and anyone who wishes to become familiar with the latest research work on this field

    Cooperative Particle Swarm Optimization for Combinatorial Problems

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    A particularly successful line of research for numerical optimization is the well-known computational paradigm particle swarm optimization (PSO). In the PSO framework, candidate solutions are represented as particles that have a position and a velocity in a multidimensional search space. The direct representation of a candidate solution as a point that flies through hyperspace (i.e., Rn) seems to strongly predispose the PSO toward continuous optimization. However, while some attempts have been made towards developing PSO algorithms for combinatorial problems, these techniques usually encode candidate solutions as permutations instead of points in search space and rely on additional local search algorithms. In this dissertation, I present extensions to PSO that by, incorporating a cooperative strategy, allow the PSO to solve combinatorial problems. The central hypothesis is that by allowing a set of particles, rather than one single particle, to represent a candidate solution, combinatorial problems can be solved by collectively constructing solutions. The cooperative strategy partitions the problem into components where each component is optimized by an individual particle. Particles move in continuous space and communicate through a feedback mechanism. This feedback mechanism guides them in the assessment of their individual contribution to the overall solution. Three new PSO-based algorithms are proposed. Shared-space CCPSO and multispace CCPSO provide two new cooperative strategies to split the combinatorial problem, and both models are tested on proven NP-hard problems. Multimodal CCPSO extends these combinatorial PSO algorithms to efficiently sample the search space in problems with multiple global optima. Shared-space CCPSO was evaluated on an abductive problem-solving task: the construction of parsimonious set of independent hypothesis in diagnostic problems with direct causal links between disorders and manifestations. Multi-space CCPSO was used to solve a protein structure prediction subproblem, sidechain packing. Both models are evaluated against the provable optimal solutions and results show that both proposed PSO algorithms are able to find optimal or near-optimal solutions. The exploratory ability of multimodal CCPSO is assessed by evaluating both the quality and diversity of the solutions obtained in a protein sequence design problem, a highly multimodal problem. These results provide evidence that extended PSO algorithms are capable of dealing with combinatorial problems without having to hybridize the PSO with other local search techniques or sacrifice the concept of particles moving throughout a continuous search space

    Analysis of physiological signals using machine learning methods

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    Technological advances in data collection enable scientists to suggest novel approaches, such as Machine Learning algorithms, to process and make sense of this information. However, during this process of collection, data loss and damage can occur for reasons such as faulty device sensors or miscommunication. In the context of time-series data such as multi-channel bio-signals, there is a possibility of losing a whole channel. In such cases, existing research suggests imputing the missing parts when the majority of data is available. One way of understanding and classifying complex signals is by using deep neural networks. The hyper-parameters of such models have been optimised using the process of back propagation. Over time, improvements have been suggested to enhance this algorithm. However, an essential drawback of the back propagation can be the sensitivity to noisy data. This thesis proposes two novel approaches to address the missing data challenge and back propagation drawbacks: First, suggesting a gradient-free model in order to discover the optimal hyper-parameters of a deep neural network. The complexity of deep networks and high-dimensional optimisation parameters presents challenges to find a suitable network structure and hyper-parameter configuration. This thesis proposes the use of a minimalist swarm optimiser, Dispersive Flies Optimisation(DFO), to enable the selected model to achieve better results in comparison with the traditional back propagation algorithm in certain conditions such as limited number of training samples. The DFO algorithm offers a robust search process for finding and determining the hyper-parameter configurations. Second, imputing whole missing bio-signals within a multi-channel sample. This approach comprises two experiments, namely the two-signal and five-signal imputation models. The first experiment attempts to implement and evaluate the performance of a model mapping bio-signals from A toB and vice versa. Conceptually, this is an extension to transfer learning using CycleGenerative Adversarial Networks (CycleGANs). The second experiment attempts to suggest a mechanism imputing missing signals in instances where multiple data channels are available for each sample. The capability to map to a target signal through multiple source domains achieves a more accurate estimate for the target domain. The results of the experiments performed indicate that in certain circumstances, such as having a limited number of samples, finding the optimal hyper-parameters of a neural network using gradient-free algorithms outperforms traditional gradient-based algorithms, leading to more accurate classification results. In addition, Generative Adversarial Networks could be used to impute the missing data channels in multi-channel bio-signals, and the generated data used for further analysis and classification tasks

    Seeking multiple solutions:an updated survey on niching methods and their applications

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    Multi-Modal Optimization (MMO) aiming to locate multiple optimal (or near-optimal) solutions in a single simulation run has practical relevance to problem solving across many fields. Population-based meta-heuristics have been shown particularly effective in solving MMO problems, if equipped with specificallydesigned diversity-preserving mechanisms, commonly known as niching methods. This paper provides an updated survey on niching methods. The paper first revisits the fundamental concepts about niching and its most representative schemes, then reviews the most recent development of niching methods, including novel and hybrid methods, performance measures, and benchmarks for their assessment. Furthermore, the paper surveys previous attempts at leveraging the capabilities of niching to facilitate various optimization tasks (e.g., multi-objective and dynamic optimization) and machine learning tasks (e.g., clustering, feature selection, and learning ensembles). A list of successful applications of niching methods to real-world problems is presented to demonstrate the capabilities of niching methods in providing solutions that are difficult for other optimization methods to offer. The significant practical value of niching methods is clearly exemplified through these applications. Finally, the paper poses challenges and research questions on niching that are yet to be appropriately addressed. Providing answers to these questions is crucial before we can bring more fruitful benefits of niching to real-world problem solving