7 research outputs found

    Building Space Thermal Control Model Responding to Sharp Changes in Outdoor Temperature

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    As computing and data-driven technologies have improved, the precision of the building thermal control models has been gradually improved, but the use of energy resources to operate them has been also increased. It is imperative to investigate the optimized point of energy use and human comfort for their thermal control strategies. The aim of this research is to find an energy-efficient thermal control model to maintain the constancy of thermal comfort and suppress the increase of energy use in association with precise environmental controls. Based on a cooling and heating air supply model in a simplified building model, a comprehensive energy use pattern is confirmed by adding an adaptive control model that allows indoor thermal comfort to be maintained at a setting level. The adaptive control model utilizing the artificial neural network and the adjustment process of initial settings is proposed to examine its performance in controlling the amount of thermal supply air and its temperature. For the clear comparison between a baseline model and a proposed model, the statistical indices of each thermal dissatisfaction value and the weekly heating energy use are utilized. The results of this research show that the thermal dissatisfaction fluctuation is alleviated by about 22.0~41.0% and the energy efficiency is improved by about 5.1%, respectively. The results provide the effectiveness of the proposed model which can improve both the energy use and thermal comfort in a building space. This advantage can help old thermal systems to improve their usability without replacing any major components

    Energy assessment in early architectural design stages : framework and validation methodology for architect-friendly computacional energy assessment

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    Today’s buildings are responsible for about 40% of the global energy demand. To reduce energy consumption by using Energy Assessment (EA) methods, the Early Architectural Design Stages (EADS) are especially suitable to implement the best cost-benefit measures. To integrate EA into EADS, two main challenges must be simultaneously tackled: (a) the architect-(un)friendliness of computational models and (b) the results’ reliability. To accomplish both goals a Framework for Energy Assessment Tools in Early Architectural Design Stages (FORwArDS) and a validation methodology, Relative Validation (RV), is presented. FORwArDS feature three components: Input Model, Assessment Model, and Output Model, but focuses on the creation of a Simplified Input Model (SIM) throughout parameters reduction, the creation of alternative values for the chosen parameters and exemplary mathematical and geometrical simplification steps. In the case study, a SIM is created according to the exemplary simplification rules described in FORwArDS, springing from a detailed project model; a validation procedure follows the proposed methodology. The results are presented, analyzed and conclusions are drawn regarding the framework’s and validation methodology’s contributions to the improvement of the EADS. The framework’s open structure and the applicability of the validation methodology to any simulation contribute to the discussion about the integration problems of energy assessment in EADS and present useful tools for the creation and test of model simplification methodologies and EA for architects during EADS.EdifĂ­cios sĂŁo responsĂĄveis por cerca de 40% da demanda global de energia. Para reduzir este consumo utilizando mĂ©todos de avaliação de energia (Energy Assessment – EA), as primeiras etapas de projeto arquitetĂŽnico (Early Architectural Design Stages – EADS) sĂŁo especialmente adequadas para implementar medidas eficientes com a melhor relação custo-benefĂ­cio. Para integrar a EA na EADS, dois desafios principais devem ser abordados simultaneamente: (a) a (nĂŁo-)amigabilidade para arquitetos dos modelos computacionais e (b) a confiabilidade dos resultados. Para realizar ambos os objetivos, Ă© apresentado neste trabalho um ambiente para o desenvolvimento de ferramentas de aferição de energia em EADS (Framework for Energy Assessment Tools in Early Architectural Design Stages –FORwArDS) e uma metodologia de validação, a validação relativa (Relative Validation – RV). FORwArDS possui trĂȘs componentes: o modelo de entrada, o modelo de avaliação e o modelo de saĂ­da, mas o trabalho concentra-se na criação de um modelo de entrada simplificado (Simplified Input Model – SIM) atravĂ©s da redução de parĂąmetros, da criação de valores alternativos para os parĂąmetros escolhidos e, por fim, passos de simplificação matemĂĄtica e geomĂ©trica. A estrutura aberta do ambiente permite uma ampla variedade de aplicaçÔes em pesquisa, prĂĄtica e educação. A metodologia de validação proposta baseia-se no conceito de que a contextualização dos resultados obtidos representa a mais importante contribuição para a orientação de projeto no EADS. Este trabalho confronta pares de resultados, representando a mudança de projetos arquitetĂŽnicos similares originados em dois modelos de entrada diferentes, visando avaliar a precisĂŁo de seus correspondentes. No estudo de caso, um SIM, proveniente de um modelo de projeto detalhado, Ă© criado de acordo com as regras de simplificação descritas no FORwARrDS. Os resultados sĂŁo apresentados e analisados permitindo conclusĂ”es sobre as principais contribuiçÔes deste trabalho. O trabalho apresenta uma ferramenta Ăștil para o desenvolvimento de metodologias de simplificação de modelos e EA para arquitetos durante EADS

    An investigation into the energy and control implications of adaptive comfort in a modern office building

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    PhD ThesisAn investigation into the potentials of adaptive comfort in an office building is carried out using fine grained primary data and computer modelling. A comprehensive literature review and background study into energy and comfort aspects of building management provides the backdrop against which a target building is subjected to energy and comfort audit, virtual simulation and impact assessment of adaptive comfort standard (BS EN 15251: 2007). Building fabric design is also brought into focus by examining 2006 and 2010 Approved Document part L potentials against Passive House design. This is to reflect the general direction of regulatory development which tends toward zero carbon design by the end of this decade. In finishing a study of modern controls in buildings is carried out to assess the strongest contenders that next generation heating, ventilation and air-conditioning technologies will come to rely on in future buildings. An actual target building constitutes the vehicle for the work described above. A virtual model of this building was calibrated against an extensive set of actual data using version control method. The results were improved to surpass ASHRAE Guide 14. A set of different scenarios were constructed to account for improved fabric design as well as historical weather files and future weather predictions. These scenarios enabled a comparative study to investigate the effect of BS EN 15251:2007 when compared to conventional space controls. The main finding is that modern commercial buildings built to the latest UK statutory regulations can achieve considerable carbon savings through adaptive comfort standard. However these savings are only modestly improved if fabric design is enhanced to passive house levels. Adaptive comfort can also be readily deployed using current web-enabled control applications. However an actual field study is necessary to provide invaluable insight into occupants’ acceptance of this standard since winter-time space temperature results derived from BS EN 15251:2007 constitute a notable departure from CIBSE environmental guidelines

    A Study of Impact of Thermal Model Resolution and Zone Set Point Profiles on Peak Heating Load and its Calculation

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    This thesis presents an experimental and theoretical study of the dynamic response of convectively heated buildings and their respective space heating peak demands for different room temperature set point profiles and thermal mass levels, with a focus on the impact of thermal model resolution on the peak demand calculation. Experiments were conducted at two identical and highly instrumented houses. One house is modified with different oor coverings, while the other is kept unchanged and used for reference. Through experimentation and simulation, peak power (due to space heating) reduction strategies are investigated. Twelve equivalent RC thermal network models of varying model resolution are developed for a north zone of the houses. Modelling approximations including linearization of the heat transfer, spatial and/or temporal discretization and approximations for reduction in model complexity are implemented into the models and their effects are investigated. The focus is on simple and physically meaningful building thermal models suited for model-based control. The models are used to study the impact of set point ramping lengths and \near-optimal" transition curves between two temperatures on peak demand reductions for a very cold day. Alterations to walls and ceilings in the models were done to hypothetically modify their properties in the zone and the effects in combination with ramping profiles were analyzed. This work can inform the development of new building materials. A commercial building is also considered and two low order RC thermal network are compared. The first model excludes the mass of the interior partitions, while the second model incorporates them. An advantage of the model with interior partitions is it can be used for retrofit studies

    Studies on SI engine simulation and air/fuel ratio control systems design

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.More stringent Euro 6 and LEV III emission standards will immediately begin execution on 2014 and 2015 respectively. Accurate air/fuel ratio control can effectively reduce vehicle emission. The simulation of engine dynamic system is a very powerful method for developing and analysing engine and engine controller. Currently, most engine air/fuel ratio control used look-up table combined with proportional and integral (PI) control and this is not robust to system uncertainty and time varying effects. This thesis first develops a simulation package for a port injection spark-ignition engine and this package include engine dynamics, vehicle dynamics as well as driving cycle selection module. The simulations results are very close to the data obtained from laboratory experiments. New controllers have been proposed to control air/fuel ratio in spark ignition engines to maximize the fuel economy while minimizing exhaust emissions. The PID control and fuzzy control methods have been combined into a fuzzy PID control and the effectiveness of this new controller has been demonstrated by simulation tests. A new neural network based predictive control is then designed for further performance improvements. It is based on the combination of inverse control and predictive control methods. The network is trained offline in which the control output is modified to compensate control errors. The simulation evaluations have shown that the new neural controller can greatly improve control air/fuel ratio performance. The test also revealed that the improved AFR control performance can effectively restrict engine harmful emissions into atmosphere, these reduce emissions are important to satisfy more stringent emission standards