13 research outputs found

    Constrained RS coding for Low Peak to Average Power Ratio in FBMC -- OQAM Systems

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    Multi-carrier modulation techniques have now become a standard in many communication protocols. Filter bank based multi-carrier (FBMC) generation techniques have been discussed in the literature as a means for overcoming the shortcomings of IFFT/FFT based OFDM system. The Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) is a problem faced by all multi-carrier techniques. This paper discusses the methods for reducing PAPR in a FBMC system while maintaining acceptable Bit Error Rate (BER). A new PAPR minimizing scheme called Constrained Reed Solomon (CRS) coding is proposed. The hybrid techniques using coding and companding are tested for different channel models and is found to yield promising results.Comment: 6 pages,6 Figures, Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineerin

    A Novel PAPR Reduction in Filter Bank Multi-Carrier (FBMC) with Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (OQAM) Based VLC Systems

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    The peak to average power ratio (PAPR) is one of the major problem with multicarrier-based systems. Due to its improved spectral efficiency and decreased PAPR, Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC) has recently become an effective alternative to the orthogonal multiplexing division (OFDM). For filter bank multicarrier communication/offset quadrature amplitude modulation-Visible light communication (FBMC/OQAM-VLC) systems is proposed a PAPR reduction technique. The suggested approach overlaps the proposed FBMC/OQAM-based VLC data signal with the existing signals. Non-redundant signals and data signals do not overlap in the frequency domain because data signals are scattered on odd subcarriers whereas built signals use even subcarriers. To reduce the effects of large-amplitude signal reduction, the suggested technique converts negative signals into positive signals rather than clipping them off as in conventional FBMC-based VLC systems. The PAPR reduction and bit error rate (BER) are realized using a scaling factor in the transformed signals. Complementary cumulative distribution function(CCDF) and BER are used to calculate the performance of the proposed approach. The presented study found that FBMC/OQAM-VLC systems to achieve a good trade-off between PAPR reduction and BER

    Enhanced Multicarrier Techniques for Professional Ad-Hoc and Cell-Based Communications (EMPhAtiC) Document Number D3.3 Reduction of PAPR and non linearities effects

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    Livrable d'un projet Européen EMPHATICLike other multicarrier modulation techniques, FBMC suffers from high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), impacting its performance in the presence of a nonlinear high power amplifier (HPA) in two ways. The first impact is an in-band distortion affecting the error rate performance of the link. The second impact is an out-of-band effect appearing as power spectral density (PSD) regrowth, making the coexistence between FBMC based broad-band Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) systems with existing narrowband systems difficult to achieve. This report addresses first the theoretical analysis of in-band HPA distortions in terms of Bit Error Rate. Also, the out-of band impact of HPA nonlinearities is studied in terms of PSD regrowth prediction. Furthermore, the problem of PAPR reduction is addressed along with some HPA linearization techniques and nonlinearity compensation approaches

    Analysis of PAPR Reduction in 5G communication

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    The goal of this thesis is to analyze PAPR reduction performance in 5G communication. 5G communication technology is beyond 4G and LTE technology and expected to be employed around 2020. Research is going on for standardization of 5G technology. One of the key objective of 5G technology is to achieve high data rate (10Gbps). For this a large bandwidth is needed. Since limited frequency resources are available, the frequency spectrum should be efficiently utilized to obtain high data rate. Also to utilize white space, cognitive radio networks are needed. In cognitive radio network very low out of band radiation is desired. OFDM is used in 4G communication but it has the drawback of low spectral efficiency and high out of band radiation, which makes it a poor choice for 5G communication. So for 5G communication new waveform is required. FBMC, UFMC, GFDM are some of the waveform candidates for 5G communication. FBMC is a potential candidate for 5G communication and it is used in many 5G projects around the world. In this thesis FBMC is used as a waveform candidate for 5G communication. High PAPR is always a problem in multicarrier communication system. FBMC is also a multicarrier communication system, so it also suffers from high PAPR problem. To reduce the PAPR several PAPR reduction techniques have been proposed over the last few decades. Tone injection and companding are two promising techniques, which are used in PAPR reduction of multicarrier communication system. In this thesis a combined scheme of tone injection and companding is used, which gives significant performance improvement compared to the tone injection and companding techniques taken separately. Simulation is performed to analyses the PAPR and BER performance of FBMC-FMT and FBMC-SMT system. Also a new clipping based PAPR reduction scheme is proposed in this thesis. For this scheme simulation is performed to analyze the PAPR performance of FBMC-FMT, FBMC-SMT and FBMC-CMT system. All the simulations are performed in MATLAB

    Subcarrier Filtering For Spectrally Efficient Multicarrier Modulation Schemes and Its Impact on PAPR: A Unified Approach

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    Multicarrier modulation (MCM) based schemes have been a major contributing factor in revolutionizing cellular networks due to their ability to overcome fading. One of the popular scheme orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), having been part of 4G, is also adapted as part of 5G enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB).  Though it has several advantages, spectral efficiency (SE) and peak to average power ratio (PAPR) have been two major concerns which have attracted lot of attention resulting in proposals of several other MCM schemes.  But most of these studies have treated the two issues independently. This paper in particular studies the subcarrier filtering approach to improve the spectral efficiency of MCM scheme and its impact on the overall PAPR of such schemes. The analysis shows that the PAPR improvement is also achieved by such filters meant for spectral confinement and the simulation results validate the same provoking a unified research direction less explored till now

    Subcarrier Filtering For Spectrally Efficient Multicarrier Modulation Schemes and Its Impact on PAPR: A Unified Approach

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    Multicarrier modulation (MCM) based schemes have been a major contributing factor in revolutionizing cellular networks due to their ability to overcome fading. One of the popular scheme orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), having been part of 4G, is also adapted as part of 5G enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB).  Though it has several advantages, spectral efficiency (SE) and peak to average power ratio (PAPR) have been two major concerns which have attracted lot of attention resulting in proposals of several other MCM schemes.  But most of these studies have treated the two issues independently. This paper in particular studies the subcarrier filtering approach to improve the spectral efficiency of MCM scheme and its impact on the overall PAPR of such schemes. The analysis shows that the PAPR improvement is also achieved by such filters meant for spectral confinement and the simulation results validate the same provoking a unified research direction less explored till now

    D13.1 Fundamental issues on energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking

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    Deliverable D13.1 del projecte europeu NEWCOM#The report presents the current status in the research area of energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking and highlights the fundamental issues still open for further investigation. Furthermore, the report presents the Joint Research Activities (JRAs) which will be performed within WP1.3. For each activity there is the description, the identification of the adherence with the identified fundamental open issues, a presentation of the initial results, and a roadmap for the planned joint research work in each topic.Preprin

    A Closed Form Selected Mapping Algorithm for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Multicarrier Transmission

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    Nowadays, the demand for communication multi-carriers' channels, where the sub-channels are made mutually independent by using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), is widespread both for wireless and wired communication systems. Even if OFDM is a spectrally efficient modulation scheme, due to the allowed number of subcarriers, high data rate, and good coverage, the transmitted signal can present high peak values in the time domain, due to inverse fast Fourier transform operations. This gives rise to high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) with respect to single carrier systems. These peaks can saturate the transmitting amplifiers, modifying the shape of the OFDM symbol and affecting its information content, and they give rise to electromagnetic compatibility issues for the surrounding electric devices. In this paper, a closed form PAPR reduction algorithm is proposed, which belongs to selected mapping (SLM) methods. These methods consist in shifting the phases of the components to minimize the amplitude of the peaks. The determination of the optimal set of phase shifts is a very complex problem; therefore, the SLM approaches proposed in literature all resort to iterative algorithms. Moreover, as this calculation must be performed online, both the computational cost and the effect on the bit rate (BR) cannot be established a priori. The proposed analytic algorithm finds the optimal phase shifts of an approximated formulation of the PAPR. Simulation results outperform unprocessed conventional OFDM transmission by several dBs. Moreover, the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) shows that, in most of the packets, the proposed algorithm reduces the PAPR if compared with randomly selected phase shifts. For example, with a number of shifted phases U=8, the CCFD curves corresponding to the analytical and random methods intersect at a probability value equal to 10(-2), which means that in 99% of cases the former method reduces the PAPR more than the latter one. This is also confirmed by the value of the gain, which, at the same number of shifted phases and at the probability value equal to 10(-1), changes from 2.09 dB for the analytical to 1.68 dB for the random SLM

    Interleaving Technique Implementation to Reduce PAPR of OFDM Signal in Presence of Nonlinear Amplification with Memory Effects, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2018, nr 3

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    In OFDM systems, peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction of the signal is one of the main challenges that need to be overcome in order to use the transmitter in an efficient manner. As one of attractive techniques, interleaving can be used in PAPR reduction for multicarrier signals without spectrum distortion. In this paper, the authors propose to extend the possibilities of interleaving to improve PAPR reduction, to use a new coding of interleaver keys at the transmitter and a robust decoding procedure at the receiver. In order not to degrade the data rate, the use of null subcarriers to transmit side information to the receiver is proposed and evaluated. Simulation results in the context of the WLAN 802.11a standard in the presence of a nonlinear power amplifier model with memory, show a reduction of PAPR of approximately 5.2 dB, and an improvement of bit error rate and error vector magnitude of about 2 decades and 4% respectively, while respecting the spectral mask specification

    Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction of DOCSIS 3.1 Downstream Signals

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    Tone reservation (TR) is an attractive and widely used method for peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals, where both transmitter and receiver agree upon a number of subcarriers or tones to be reserved to generate a peak canceling signal that can reduce the peak power of the transmitted signals. The tones are selected to be mutually exclusive with the tones used for data transmission, which allows the receiver to extract the data symbols without distortions. This thesis presents two novel PAPR reduction algorithms for OFDM signals based on the TR principle, which do not distort the transmitted signals. The first proposed algorithm is performed in the time domain, whereas the second algorithm is a new clipping-and-filtering method. Both algorithms consist of two stages. The first stage, which is done off-line, creates a set of canceling signals based on the settings of the OFDM system. In particular, these signals are constructed to cancel signals at different levels of maximum instantaneous power that are above a predefined threshold. The second stage, which is online and iterative, reduces the signal peaks by using the canceling signals constructed in the first stage. The precalculated canceling signals can be updated when different tone sets are selected for data transmission, accommodating many practical applications. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms achieve slightly better PAPR reduction performance than the conventional algorithms. Moreover, such performance is achieved with much lower computational complexity in terms of numbers of multiplications and additions per iteration. Among the two proposed algorithms, the time-domain algorithm gives the best peak reduction performance but the clipping-and-filtering algorithm requires considerably less number of multiplications per iteration and can be efficiently implemented using the fast Fourier transform (FFT)/inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) structure