847 research outputs found


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    L’intĂ©rĂȘt universitaire pour la population Huron-Wendat du dix-septiĂšme siĂšcle en Ontario est loin d’ĂȘtre nouveau. MalgrĂ© cela, ce n’est que trĂšs rĂ©cemment que les archĂ©ologues et autres chercheurs travaillent avec la communautĂ© Huron-Wendat autour des excavations de sites Huron-Wendat en Ontario. Cette implication est un premier pas, mais ne peut ĂȘtre vue comme une rĂ©elle collaboration car dans la plupart des cas les investigations ne sont pas des partenariats et ne rĂ©pondent pas Ă  de questions directement posĂ©es par les membres de la Nation. En 2015, pour le quatre-centiĂšme anniversaire de l’arrivĂ©e de Champlain en Ontario, les membres de la Nation Huron-Wendat et des archĂ©ologues ont co-organisĂ© un colloque autour de sujets significatifs pour la nation, parmi lesquels la relation avec les « Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent », les Wendat et l’histoire Wyandot aprĂšs 1650, ainsi que les analyses bio-archĂ©ologiques. Cet article prĂ©sente une brĂšve histoire de la recherche archĂ©ologique sur le passĂ© Huron-Wendat et dĂ©gage de nouvelles et plus collaboratives voies de recherche prĂ©sentes et Ă  venir.There is a long history of academic interest in the Huron-Wendat people of the seventeenth century in Ontario. Despite this interest, archaeologists and other academics have only recently begun to engage with the Huron-Wendat community regarding excavations of Huron-Wendat sites in Ontario. This engagement is a first step, and it does not represent true collaboration, because in most cases investigations are not partnerships and do not arise from questions posed by members of the Nation. In 2015, to mark the four-hundredth anniversary of the arrival of Champlain in Ontario, members of the Huron-Wendat Nation and archaeologists co-organized a conference focussed on subjects of interest to the Nation, including their relationship with the “St. Lawrence Iroquoians,” Wendat and Wyandot history after 1650, and bioarchaeological analyses. This paper presents a brief history of archaeological research on the Huron-Wendat past and outlines some new, more collaborative avenues of present and future research.Existe uma histĂłria longa de estudo acadĂȘmico do povo Huron-Wendat no sĂ©culo dezessete no Ontario. Apesar disso, Ă© muito recente o engajamento dos arqueĂłlogos e de outros acadĂȘmicos com a comunidade Huron-Wendat em relação Ă s escavaçÔes de sĂ­tios Huron-Wendat no Ontario. Este engajamento constitui um primeiro passo, porĂ©m nĂŁo representa uma verdadeira colaboração considerando que na maioria dos casos as investigaçÔes nĂŁo sĂŁo parcerias e nĂŁo se baseiam em perguntas diretamente formuladas pelos membros da Nação. Em 2015, para marcar o aniversario de quatrocentos anos da chegada de Champlain no Ontario, membros da Nação Huron-Wendat e arqueĂłlogos co-organizaram um colĂłquio sobre temas de grande interesse para a Nação, incluindo a relação com os “St. Lawrence Iroquoians,” os Wendat e a histĂłria dos Wyandot depois de 1650, assim como anĂĄlises bio-arqueolĂłgicas. Este artigo apresenta uma breve histĂłria da pesquisa arqueolĂłgica sobre o passado dos Huron-Wendat e revela alguns novos, e mais colaborativos, caminhos de pesquisas presentes e futuras

    Representing ethnography and history, interacting with heritage : analysing museological practices at the Huron-Wendat Museum

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    Ce mĂ©moire de maĂźtrise propose une rĂ©flexion sur les choix et mesures pris en termes de reprĂ©sentation et d'interaction dans les musĂ©es ethnographiques Ă  partir d’une Ă©tude de cas, le MusĂ©e Huron-Wendat Ă  Wendake, au QuĂ©bec. L'objectif est d'analyser et comprendre ces pratiques musĂ©ologiques destinĂ©es Ă  exprimer une identitĂ© autochtone locale. L’étude souhaite Ă©galement dĂ©montrer comment les publics s’identifient et interagissent avec les discours culturels et politiques spĂ©cifiques du musĂ©e. Une attention particuliĂšre est accordĂ©e Ă  l'Ă©tude du changement de paradigme musĂ©al d'un espace d'autoritĂ© Ă  un lieu inclusif. La mission des professionnels du musĂ©e concernant le concept de reprĂ©sentation sera analysĂ©e, ainsi que leur travail sur les notions d'accessibilitĂ© et de participation avec et pour le public. En se basant sur l'Ă©tude de terrain et la littĂ©rature scientifique, ce mĂ©moire s'engage Ă  questionner les notions prĂ©dominantes d'identitĂ©, de continuitĂ© et d'unitĂ©, dans le contexte de la nouvelle musĂ©ologie et du postcolonialisme.This master thesis is an analysis of the current specific actions on representation and interaction taken in contemporary ethnographic museums. The aim is to highlight museology pathways used to represent local Indigenous culture and to explore how the public is involved with and relates to these specific discourses on heritage. Special attention will be devoted to the study of the shift of museums from authoritative places of education to socially inclusive spaces. The mission of heritage professionals in terms of representation will be analysed, as well as their work on the notions of accessibility and involvement for and with the public. The Huron-Wendat Museum in Wendake, QuĂ©bec, serves to investigate these museum practices. Drawing from thorough fieldwork and extensive secondary literature, this master thesis will further probe the prevailing notions of identity, continuity and unity of the new museology in a postcolonial context

    Adapting “Le Grand Will” in Wendake: Ex Machina and the Huron-Wendat Nation’s La TempĂȘte

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    This article examines how La TempĂȘte, a 2011 collaboration between Robert Lepage’s theatre company, Ex Machina, and the Huron-Wendat Nation on the Wendake First Nations reserve, fostered moments of productive interculturalism both on stage and off through what I have termed scenographic dramaturgy. Lepage’s process of scenic re-“writing” responds to the evocative potential of individual performer bodies and a production’s given physical location to craft a postdramatic adaptation rooted in highly physical and visual performance text. This analysis draws on intercultural theory, scenographic dramaturgy, postcolonial theory, and postdramatic adaptation and includes a brief survey of Quebecois and First Nations Shakespeare productions in Canada, highlighting some of the potential traps of staging postcolonial interpretations, including power imbalances among intercultural collaborators and reductionist portrayals of difference. Ex Machina and the Huron-Wendat Nation’s ability to avoid many of these traps will be interrogated through examples illustrating how scenographic dramaturgy’s three central components—bodies in motion, architectonic scenography, and historical spatial mapping—function as both a process and product fostering progressive dialogue between cultures.En 2011, la compagnie Ex Machina de Robert Lepage s’associait Ă  la PremiĂšre Nation huronne-wendat de Wendake pour une production de La TempĂȘte. Cet article examine comment cette collaboration a donnĂ© lieu Ă  des moments d’interculturalisme productifs tant sur scĂšne qu’en coulisses grĂące Ă  ce que Melissa Poll appelle la « dramaturgie scĂ©nographique ». En effet, la rĂ©-« écriture » scĂ©nique de Lepage met Ă  profit le potentiel Ă©vocateur du corps de chaque interprĂšte et l’emplacement du spectacle, afin de produire une adaptation postdramatique enracinĂ©e dans un texte scĂ©nique trĂšs visuel et physique. Puisant aux Ă©tudes interculturelles, Ă  la dramaturgie scĂ©nique, aux Ă©tudes postcoloniales et Ă  l’adaptation postdramatique, cette Ă©tude propose un bref survol des productions quĂ©bĂ©coises et autochtones de piĂšces shakespeariennes au Canada afin de mettre en Ă©vidence quelques piĂšges que pose la mise en scĂšne d’interprĂ©tations postcoloniales, notamment un Ă©ventuel dĂ©sĂ©quilibre dans le rapport de force entre les collaborateurs interculturels et une reprĂ©sentation rĂ©ductrice de la diffĂ©rence. Dans cet article, l’auteutre tentera de voir si Ex Machina et la PremiĂšre Nation huronne-wendat ont su Ă©viter ces Ă©cueils en examinant divers exemples qui illustrent le fonctionnement des trois composantes centrales Ă  cette dramaturgie scĂ©nique—les corps en mouvement, la scĂ©nographie architectonique et la cartographie historico-spatiale—qui, en tant que procĂ©dĂ©s et produits, encouragent le dialogue entre cultures

    Beyond the Divide: The Use of Native Languages in Anglo-and Franco-Indigenous Theatre

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    Eight plays by Yves Sioui Durand, Tomson Highway, and Floyd Favel all demonstrate the powerful impact of language in the­atre by repositioning the debate between the two so-called official languages of Canada and put­ting Aboriginal languages at the fore. Sioui Durand, a French-speaking Huron-Wendat, uses French, English, Spanish, Mohawk, Innu, Attikamek, Huron-Wendat, Ojibwe, and the Nahualt dialect of the Aztec language. Similarly, Highway uses Cree, his mother tongue, as well as some Ojibway-Anishnaabe in The Rez Sisters (1988) and Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing (1989), while Favel uses Cree in Governor of the Dew (2002) and All My Relatives (2002). Speaking in an endangered language is political and resistant; it also allows for greater ease and power of expression. Although Durand’s approach is pan-Native, encompassing many different Indigenous languages and cultures, while Favel and Highway deal specifically with Cree, all three playwrights succeed in decentring the power of the dominant languages

    Origins of Yukon First Nations Beading Styles: Searching Floral Patterns from 1500s France to 1800s Yukon

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    This dissertation shows the path of 1600s regional floral embroidery designs from France to the Yukon. These patterns became the first floral designs that my culture, the Yukon First Nations people, adopted in the mid-late 1800s. Before floral designs Yukon First Nations people created a geometric style of imagery that was applied to their clothing and tools. This begs the question: where did the floral imagery originate from? I begin with an examination of Athapaskan geometric designs before the adoption of floral designs. I then examine the Upper Yukon River Floral style that my people adopted in the mid-late 1800s. From here I move back in time to what I have identified as the Cree/MĂ©tis ‘A’ style. It was the Cree/Metis that first brought floral designs into the region which they themselves adopted earlier and from peoples further from the east. After examining the Cree/Metis, Anishinaabe, and styles of First Nations people in the Great Lakes region I will jump further back in history all the way to 1600s France where I believe the styles originated from. I will analysis the French Regional and Baroque Styles and it was these styles that were brought from France to New France by various Catholic orders. Now moving forward in time I will show the adopting of the French styles by the Huron and Iroquois. I will show through diffusion that these styles generally stayed the same over time as they spread west and north, eventually arriving into the Yukon. I then analyse various floral styles adopted by Yukon First Nations and show how they changed by the mid-1900s

    Initiative huronne-wendat de création d'une aire protégée : mobilisation des savoirs et affirmation territoriale

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    Ce mĂ©moire traite du projet de crĂ©ation de l’aire protĂ©gĂ©e Ya’nienhonhndeh de la Nation huronne-wendat. À travers l’exploration de la production, de la circulation et de l’utilisation des savoirs relatifs Ă  ce projet, nous cherchons Ă  Ă©clairer les dynamiques constitutives des relations entre la Nation huronne-wendat et l’État quĂ©bĂ©cois dans le cadre de la gestion du territoire traditionnel huron-wendat, le NionwentsĂŻo. Ce mĂ©moire vise d’abord Ă  mettre en lumiĂšre les aspirations de la Nation huronne-wendat concernant l’avenir de son territoire ancestral ainsi qu’à documenter les types de savoirs produits pour les faire valoir. Ensuite, Ă  partir de la cartographie du cheminement de ces savoirs, sont exposĂ©s les obstacles structurels qui entravent la rĂ©alisation de ces aspirations lorsqu’elles doivent passer par la bureaucratie quĂ©bĂ©coise. Puis, en s’appuyant sur quelques-unes des diverses utilisations qui furent faites de ces savoirs, la rĂ©flexion est Ă©largie pour porter sur les rapports de pouvoir Ă©tablis entre la Nation huronne-wendat et l’État quĂ©bĂ©cois dans le cadre de questions territoriales. Mots clĂ©s : aire protĂ©gĂ©e, Hurons-Wendat, projet autochtone, aspirations autochtones, bureaucratie, institutions, rapports de pouvoir, État quĂ©bĂ©coisThis study analyzes the Ya’nienhonhndeh protected area project of the Huron-Wendat First Nation. Through the exploration of the production, the circulation and the application of the knowledges associated with this project, I seek to shed light on the constituting dynamics of the relations between the Huron-Wendat and the Quebec state regarding the former’s traditional territory, the NionwentsĂŻo. This study first aims to expose the Huron-Wendat’s aspirations regarding the future of their traditional territory while documenting the knowledges produced to assert these aspirations. Then, from a cartography built on the circulation of these knowledges, I elucidate the bureaucratic and institutional obstacles blocking the realization of the Huron-Wendat’s aspirations. Finally, based on the observation of the applications made of these knowledges, I broaden my reflection on the power relations existing between the Huron-Wendat First Nation and the Quebec state regarding the NionwentsĂŻo. Key words : protected area, Huron-Wendat, project, aspirations, First nations, bureaucracy, institutions, power relations, Quebec stat

    Présentation : Théùtre québécois sans frontiÚres

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    Huron-Wendat historical visual arts tradition: symbol of cultural continuity and autonomy in the past, source of inspiration in the present

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    This article explores issues of representation in historical Aboriginal Canadian artworks, focusing on the souvenir arts business developed by the Huron-Wendat community


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