183 research outputs found

    The role of flow experience in codesigning open-design assistive devices

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    This paper describes the theoretical framework of an inclusive participatory design approach which leads to qualitative occupational experiences within the field of community-based rehabilitation. The aim is to support voluntarily controlled activities by applying co-construction theories to disabled users and their dynamic environment. The starting point of this open design process is a threefold interaction involving caregivers, patients and occupational therapists within their local product ecology. Co-creation is used as a set of iterative techniques to steer the patient towards flow experiences. Do-it-Yourself is consecutively applied as physical prototyping, communication language and personal manufacturing process. By implementing this active engagement process disabled people and their carers become conscious actors in providing collaborative maintenance of their own physical, mental and social well-being

    Why the internet of things needs object orientated ontology

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of connected devices with inputs and outputs operating in, and on, the physical world. The network is simultaneously fed by, and feeds into, data streams flowing across digital-physical boundaries, connecting sensors, servers, actuators, devices, and people. ‘Things’ of all types, lightbulbs, doorbells, kettles and cars, discretely-but-visibly do their jobs. Meanwhile in the unseen digital domain, where data swirls imperceptible to humans, the atmosphere is thick with the rapidly-moving data packets and content that constitute inter-machine chatter. Contrasting the visible calm in the physical world with obscured bedlam in the digital otherworld sets the scene for the argument we present in this paper. Applying Object Orientated Ontology, IoT designers may reimagine data, devices, and users, as equally significant actants in a flat ontology. In this paper, we exemplify our arguments by creating a Design Fiction around a reimagined ‘smart kettle’

    Modelo y diseño de interacción basado en confianza para espacios inteligentes orientados a la eSalud

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    La computación ubicua se ha convertido en un paradigma de referencia para el diseño de espacios inteligentes y los desarrollos actuales en el campo de la inteligencia ambiental están cada vez más relacionados con el concepto de Internet de las Cosas y la Internet del Futuro. A pesar de que este paradigma ofrece soluciones verdaderamente rentables en los ámbitos de la Teleasistencia, la sanidad y Ambient Assisted Living, no proporciona al usuario final un rol claramente defi?nido en el desarrollo de las interacciones dinámicas con el entorno. Por lo tanto, el despliegue de servicios de eSalud inteligentes en un espacio privado, como la casa, está todavía sin resolver. En este artículo se define un modelo de interacción persona-ambiente para fomentar la confianza y aceptación de usuarios en entornos privados mediante la aplicación de los conceptos de seguridad centrada en el usuario, diseño guiado por la actividad y la teoría de la acción

    Interactive Visualization of Video Data for Fish Population Monitoring

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    The recent use of computer vision techniques for monitoring ecosystems has opened new perspectives for marine ecology research. These techniques can extract information about fish populations from in-situ cameras, without requiring ecologists to watch the videos. However, they inherently introduce uncertainty since a

    Confidence: dependencies and their critical role in fostering user acceptance in pervasive applications

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    Pervasive computing offers new scenarios where users are surrounded by invisible and proactive technology making smart spaces. Although the utility and power of solutions developed using this computer paradigm are proved, there are unresolved problems that hinder their acceptance and inclusion in our private life. Users have problems understanding the operations of a pervasive computing solution, and therefore they should trust that the solution works properly and according to their expectations. Nevertheless, the concept of trust is already framed in a specific use within the ecosystem of applications that can populate a smart space. To take this concept of trust to the whole space, we propose to study and define the concept of confidence. In contrast to the concept of trust, confidence has deeper psychological implications

    The Use of the Delphi Method to Determine the Benefits of the Personas Method – An Approach to Systems Design

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    A persona represents a group of target users that share common behavioral characteristics. The personas method, an approach to systems design, has been receiving significant attention from practitioners. However, only anecdotal evidence currently exists for the effectiveness of personas. This research-in-progress, a Delphi study of personas experts, attempts to reach consensus on the benefits of incorporating personas into design projects. This study also lays the foundation for future research by identifying variables of interest, and building construct validity through the definitions of items given by the experts. Experimental studies will validate if groups of subjects that are provided with personas design more usable systems than groups that are given data on the target users in a non-persona form. Also, planned case studies will concentrate on studying the use of and effectiveness of personas in the organizational setting

    Activity-centered ubiquitous computing support to localized activities

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    This paper presents ActivitySpot, a ubiquitous computing framework for supporting localized activities, i.e., activities strongly associated to a specific physical environment, performed by occasional visitors. The ActivitySpot framework implements an activity-centered approach to ubiquitous computing, by defining a conceptual model inspired by Activity Theory and implementing a software infrastructure derived from this conceptual model. ActivitySpot has been evaluated by experiments run at different public spaces and results demonstrate the framework’s suitability to the targeted type of environment.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BD/13299/2003. Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) - POS_Conhecimento

    Implementation of RESHOT Method to Create a Good User Experience in an Application

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    In recent years User Experience (UX) has become something that must be implemented in making applications. Every application design practitioner has applied this discipline, but often they wonder how to simplify a user's journey flow by using applications and make it easier, faster, and simpler. This research aims to explain a method that can simplify the User Experience comprehensively. RESHOT is used (Refine the challenge, Remove, Shrink, Hide, Organize, Time). This method will make applications pay more attention to aspects that can increase user satisfaction. As a result, this study contributes to an explanation of simplifying the flow of uploading donor data files using the RESHOT method in the X blood donor data collection application. The results of streamlining the flow of uploading donor data files have been tested on five respondents and have a 100% user success rate in completing tasks with an average processing time of 14.5 seconds. In testing, there is a misclick rate of 10.7%. This is because the user wants to explore the designed application. And this is also a limitation of this study, namely not making the overall application design interaction

    Bridging the gap: building better tools for game development

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    The following thesis is about questioning how we design game making tools, and how developers may build easier tools to use. It is about the highlighting the inadequacies of current game making programs as well as introducing Goal-Oriented Design as a possible solution. It is also about the processes of digital product development, and reflecting on the necessity for both design and development methods to work cohesively for meaningful results. Interaction Design is in essence the abstracting of key relations that matter to the contextual environment. The result of attempting to tie the Interaction Design principles, Game Design issues together with Software Development practices has led to the production of the User-Centred game engine, PlayBoard

    User Experience Enhancement Strategy of LED Desk Lamp Using IPA Model

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    LED desk lamps are widely used in modern life as one of the lighting products. However, only a few studies focus on the user experience (UX) of LED desk lamps. Therefore, this study adopts the importance-performance analysis (IPA) model, with the aim of exploring strategies to enhance the UX of LED desk lamps. We evaluated the key factors of UX based on the importance and actual performance of LED desk lamps for users. By analyzing the results, we proposed strategies to improve LED desk lamps, thereby potentially improving the consumer experience and market competitiveness of LED desk lamps. Keywords: LED desk lamp; user experience; product design and development; IPA model eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2023. The Authors. Published for AMER and cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under the responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), College of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v8iSI15.509