19 research outputs found

    Modal insan dan operasi pergudangan: sejauhmana kaitannya?

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    Amalan pengurusan operasi pergudangan selalunya untuk dikaitkan dengan operasi pengilangan.Operasi pergudangan di sektor pengilangan merupakan unit yang berada paling hampir dengan pihak pembekal dan pelanggan organisasi.Ini menjadikan operasi pergudangan sangat penting kepada prestasi organisasi pengilangan.Walau bagaimanapun, operasi pergudangan adalah mencabar berdasarkan pengurusan inventori yang semakin kompleks dan kos penyelenggaraan stok yang semakin meningkat.Sifat aktiviti pergudangan itu sendiri yang kebanyakan berintensifkan buruh sudah semestinya memerlukan pekerja-pekerja yang berkelayakan dan kompeten untuk melaksana tugas mereka.Sehubungan dengan itu, artikel ini berhasrat untuk mengupas kepentingan peranan pekerja dari perpektif modal insan dalam operasi pergudangan.Hasil daripada kajian yang dijalankan ke atas unit pergudangan di syarikat pengilangan yang beroperasi di wilayah utara Semenanjung Malaysia telah dapat memberikan gambaran tentang hubungkait faktor-faktor modal insan terhadap prestasi pergudangan.Hasil kajian ini seterusnya dapat membantu pengurus mengenal pasti sumber yang berhubungan dengan prestasi

    Building Productivity in Virtual Project Teams

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    The steady increase in project failure rates is leaving businesses searching for better integration techniques to virtualize their project environments. Through virtualization, organizations may have positive impacts on communities across geographical boundaries and resource constraints. The focus of this phenomenological study was to explore, via the experiences of successful project management practitioners, best practice strategies for integrating virtual project teams through data analysis. The conceptual framework included von Bertalanffy’s general systems theory, decomposition model of business process and project management frameworks, and the recomposition approach. Twenty-two senior project managers with more than 5 years of experience managing virtual project environments participated in semistructured telephone interviews. The van Kaam process employing normalization and bracketing approaches in data analysis resulted in the emergence of 34 thematic categories. The 10 most common themes culminated in the identification of strategies relevant for virtual project teams. The major themes pertained to 3 broad areas: (a) structure that accommodates skills and technology for virtual team success, (b) governance leading to efficient virtual project team management, and (c) collaboration practices across diverse environments. This study involved the exploration of the experiences of the participants. Using the van Kaam method for normalization of the data and clustering like experiences into thematic statements, the study provided a plethora of new information concentrated on 10 themes that emerged

    HR Analytics: Concept, Application, and Impact on Talent Management, Branding, and Challenges

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    Purpose: Making wiser decisions about employees to improve performance at the individual and/or organizational levels is the process of HR analytics. HR analytics is a method for determining the correlation between HR practices and organizational performance outcomes such as sales volume or customer satisfaction. Human Resource Analytics was established in 1978 by Jac Fitz-Enz, the pioneer of human capital strategic analysis and performance benchmarking. In this paper, the researcher wants to discuss the concept of HR analytics, its application, impact on talent management, branding, and challenges in its application.Design/methodology/approach: The researcher examines secondary data and conducts a thorough literature review to understand the concept and its application across industries and nations, as well as to identify any challenges encountered during deployment and any benefits perceived by various industry professionals. Findings: The study's findings indicate that using HR analytics can help businesses build their brand and gain a competitive edge in today's fiercely competitive business environment while also enhancing workforce and employee productivity.Originality/value: This study has significant implications for both literature and HR analytics. Researchers will know more about the factors that contribute to and the mechanisms by which HR analytics improve organisational performance. The author's second claim is that having access to HR technology both facilitates and precedes HR analytics. Finally, concrete data from the literature demonstrates its influence on branding and organisational success. Keywords: Human resource (HR) analytics, People analytics, Branding, Talent Management, Organizational performance. Paper type: Research paper JEL Code: M12, M15 & M51 DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-8-06 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Human Resources Data Analytics – Evidence from an Irish Manufacturing Perspective

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    Industry is propelled by measurement and the transformative potential of data analysis as a driver of business success. Human Resource (HR) departments have not escaped this impetus, indeed it has gained momentum over the last decade. The promise of analytics is significant: to replace gut and intuition with data-based decision making and evidence-based strategies. HR analytics hails itself as a framework to temper HR intuition with objectivity. It promises rigour and validity to guide and prioritise human capital expenditure. Despite enormous interest, evidence of practical application has been scarce. This research adopts an inductive, interpretivist approach, using multiple case studies of Irish manufacturing firms, underpinned by interviews with HR Managers and industry experts. It contributes to research and practitioner knowledge with insights of industry led practical applications of HR analytics and the levels and application of HR analytics within companies. Furthermore, it reveals the factors impacting application outcomes in firms

    Building Productivity in Virtual Project Teams

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    The steady increase in project failure rates is leaving businesses searching for better integration techniques to virtualize their project environments. Through virtualization, organizations may have positive impacts on communities across geographical boundaries and resource constraints. The focus of this phenomenological study was to explore, via the experiences of successful project management practitioners, best practice strategies for integrating virtual project teams through data analysis. The conceptual framework included von Bertalanffy’s general systems theory, decomposition model of business process and project management frameworks, and the recomposition approach. Twenty-two senior project managers with more than 5 years of experience managing virtual project environments participated in semistructured telephone interviews. The van Kaam process employing normalization and bracketing approaches in data analysis resulted in the emergence of 34 thematic categories. The 10 most common themes culminated in the identification of strategies relevant for virtual project teams. The major themes pertained to 3 broad areas: (a) structure that accommodates skills and technology for virtual team success, (b) governance leading to efficient virtual project team management, and (c) collaboration practices across diverse environments. This study involved the exploration of the experiences of the participants. Using the van Kaam method for normalization of the data and clustering like experiences into thematic statements, the study provided a plethora of new information concentrated on 10 themes that emerged.The steady increase in project failure rates is leaving businesses searching for better integration techniques to virtualize their project environments. Through virtualization, organizations may have positive impacts on communities across geographical boundaries and resource constraints. The focus of this phenomenological study was to explore, via the experiences of successful project management practitioners, best practice strategies for integrating virtual project teams through data analysis. The conceptual framework included von Bertalanffy’s general systems theory, decomposition model of business process and project management frameworks, and the recomposition approach. Twenty-two senior project managers with more than 5 years of experience managing virtual project environments participated in semistructured telephone interviews. The van Kaam process employing normalization and bracketing approaches in data analysis resulted in the emergence of 34 thematic categories. The 10 most common themes culminated in the identification of strategies relevant for virtual project teams. The major themes pertained to 3 broad areas: (a) structure that accommodates skills and technology for virtual team success, (b) governance leading to efficient virtual project team management, and (c) collaboration practices across diverse environments. This study involved the exploration of the experiences of the participants. Using the van Kaam method for normalization of the data and clustering like experiences into thematic statements, the study provided a plethora of new information concentrated on 10 themes that emerged.

    Building Productivity in Virtual Project Teams

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    Suoriutumisen johtamisen yhteys organisaation yksilö- ja yksikkötason suoriutumiseen

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    Suoriutumisen johtamisesta puhuttaessa käsitellään yhtä tärkeimmistä asioista organisaation toiminnan kannalta. Tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että suoriutumisen johtaminen voidaan nähdä jatkuvana prosessina. Tähän sisältyy yksilöiden, yksiköiden ja organisaatioiden suoriutumisen tunnistaminen, mittaaminen ja kehittäminen sekä näiden liittäminen organisaation strategisiin tavoitteisiin. Näin ollen, koska yksilön suoriutuminen on yksi organisaation kulmakivistä, on tärkeää tietää, miten yksilö-ja yksikkötason suoriutumiseen voidaan tehokkaimmin vaikuttaa. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee suoriutumisen johtamista sekä yksilön ja yksikön suoriutumista. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, onko suoriutumisen johtamisella positiivinen yhteys yksilö- ja yksikkötason suoriutumiseen. Keskeisimpänä teoriana tutkielmassa on suoriutu-misen johtaminen. Kvantitatiivisen tutkimuksen aineisto pohjautuu Vaasan yliopiston ja Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston Hermes-tutkimushankkeeseen, joka on kerätty Suo-messa sijaitsevista pienistä ja keskisuurista yrityksistä. Tutkimusmetodina käytettiin kyselyi-tä, jotka ovat aggregoitu organisaatiotasolle. Tässä tutkimuksessa mukana on 37 organisaatiota. Empiirisessä osiossa aineistoa analysoidaan soveltuvin tilastollisen menetelmin. Käytettyjä menetelmiä kuvailevien menetelmien lisäksi korrelaatioanalyysi sekä regressioanalyysi. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella yksilötason suoriutuminen sai osittaista tukea suoriutumisen johtamisesta. Kun organisaatiossa laaditaan tilaa ja toimintaa kuvaavia henkilöstöraportteja tai muita vastaavia dokumentteja, myös suoriutuminen paranee. Yksikkötason suoriutuminen ei kuitenkaan saanut tukea tehdyistä analyyseista. Hypoteesit jäivät vaille vahvaa selkeää tukea mahdollisesti siksi, että suoriutumisen johtaminen käsitteenä on hyvin laaja ja se sisältää eri vaiheita ja käytäntöjä. Lisäksi nykypäivänä henkilöstö tarvitsee hyvin erilaista suo-riutumisen johtamista, missä ei riitä enää ainoastaan tavoitteiden asettaminen ja suoriutumisen arviointi. Suoriutumisen johtaminen on menestyksekästä silloin, kun motivoidaan ja tarjotaan työntekijöille riittävät oppimis- ja kehittymismahdollisuudet

    Human Resource Management Intelligence Pattern Based on Data Science and Machine Learning

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    In recent years, the application of artificial intelligence, especially machine learning, has grown significantly in the field of HRM, which is unknown to many managers and experts in the field of HR due to the newness of this field. A lot of data is being generated by users of organization in HRM domains and the related fields, which are difficult to analyze and use in HR activities. The capabilities of data science and machine learning have been able to make great contributions to the field of HRM and beyond to the management of the organization with descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive reports and analyses. The purpose of the research is to examine the measures that have been taken so far in the field of HRM intelligence, and in this research, three main questions are answered. The first question is to identify HRM activities that can be made intelligent. In the second question, the application of various ML algorithms in HRMI has been identified. In the third question, based on the maturity levels of data analytics, the classification of "ML algorithms in intelligent HRM functions" has been made. In order to answer , a wide range of articles were extracted from reliable scientific databases and journals and analyzed based on a mixed method. In this method, qualitative and quantitative methods for data analysis were investigated at the same time. IN the quantitative part, text mining algorithms were used Python language, and in the qualitative part, thematic analysis was used MAXQDA2020