3,721 research outputs found

    Pengenalan Individu Berdasarkan Biometrik Gigi Dengan Metode Dekomposisi Mode Empiris

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    ABSTRAKSI: Biometrik merupakan suatu teknologi yang digunakan sebagai alat otentikasi dengan cara menganalisis karakteristik fisiologis dan karakteristik perilaku. Dental biometric adalah salah satu cabang biometrik yang menggunakan gigi sebagai dasar identifikasi. Karakteristik gigi pada seseorang dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar identifikasi karena susunan gigi manusia sangat bervariasi. Pengenalan menggunakan biometrika gigi sangat berperan ketika terjadi bencana hebat yang menyebabkan bagian tubuh yang lain telah rusak dan sulit untuk dikenali. Saat ini metode pengenalan gigi masih manual sehingga dibutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk mencocokkan gigi dengan identitas seseorang.Tugas Akhir ini merancang sebuah simulasi pengidentifikasian citra gigi dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Matlab. Tahapan proses yang dilakukan adalah akuisisi citra, pre-processing, ekstraksi ciri, dan klasifikasi. Citra yang digunakan merupakan hasil foto gigi X-ray secara panoramic. Pada tahap pre-processing dilakukan proses normalisasi untuk menyeragamkan ukuran citra, kemudian mengubah format citra RGB ke dalam format grayscale, dilanjutkan dengan peregangan kontras untuk meningkatkan kualitas citra. Metode yang digunakan untuk ekstraksi ciri adalah metode Emphirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) dan juga metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA) untuk mereduksi data. Hasil dari ekstraksi ciri tersebut kemudian diklasifikasikan menggunakan perhitungan jarak Euclidean terdekat.Dengan mengggunakan Emphirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) tingkat akurasi yang diperoleh adalah 99,43% dengan level EMD 1, ukuran citra 640 x 480 piksel, koefisien stretch 0,01, dan nilai komponen utama sebesar 25%.Kata Kunci : pengenalan gigi, biometrik, EMD, IMF, PCA, jarak EuclideanABSTRACT: Biometrics is a technology that is used as a tool of authentication through analysis of the physiological and behavior characteristics. Dental biometrics is a branch of biometrics, which use teeth as a basis for identification. Characteristic in human teeth can be used as a basis for the identification because of its highly variable composition. The identification using dental biometric takes an important role in the great disaster when the other side of the body has been damaged and difficult to be recognized. Current methods of dental biometric are still done manually so it takes a long time to match the teeth with the person\u27s identity.This final project designs a simulation of dental biometric using Matlab programming language. The process in this system is image acquisition, pre-processing, feature extraction, and classification. The image used are the result of panoramic dental radiograph. In the pre-processing stage performed the normalization process for uniform image size, then change an RGG image into grayscale format, followed by stretching contrast to improve image quality. The method used for feature extraction is a Emphirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) methods to reduce the data. The results of the feature extraction are classified using the Euclidean distance method.By using Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) level of accuracy obtained is 99,43% with EMD 1th level, image size 640 x 480 pixel, stretch coefficient 0,01, and principal component value is 25%Keyword: dental identification, biometric, EMD, IMF, PCA, Euclidean distanc

    Dental Biometrics: Human Identification Using Dental Radiograph

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    Biometric is the science and innovation of measuring and analyzing biological information.In information technology, biometric refers to advancements that measures and analyzes human body attributes,for example,DNA, eye retinas, fingerprints and irises,face pattern,voice patterns,and hand geometry estimations,for identification purposes.The primary motivation behind scientific dentistry is to distinguish expired people,for whom different method for recognizable proof(e.g.,unique finger impression,face,and so on.)are not accessible.Dental elements survives most of the PM events which may disrupt or change other body tissues,e.g. casualties of motor vehicles mishaps,fierce violations,and work place accident,whose bodies could be deformed to such a degree,that identification even by a family member is neither desirable nor reliable.Dental Biometric utilises dental radiographs to distinguish casualties.The radiographs procured after the casualty's demise are called post-mortem radiograph and the radiograph obtained when the casualty was alive is called ante-mortem radiograph.The objective of dental biometric is to match the unidentified individual's post-mortem radiograph against a database of labelled antemortem radiograph.This thesis proposes a novel method for the contour extraction from dental radiographs.The proposed algorithm of Active Contour Model or the Snake model is used for this purpose. A correctly detected contour is essential for proper feature extraction.This thesis only works on the contour detection.The method has been tested on some radiographs images and is found to produce desired output.However,the input radiograph image may be of low quality,may suffer a clear separation between two adjacent teeth.In that case the method will not be able to produce a satisfactory result.There is a need of pre-processing(e.g. contrast enhancement) before the active contour detection model can be applie


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    Biometrics-Unique and Diverse Applications in Nature, Science, and Technology provides a unique sampling of the diverse ways in which biometrics is integrated into our lives and our technology. From time immemorial, we as humans have been intrigued by, perplexed by, and entertained by observing and analyzing ourselves and the natural world around us. Science and technology have evolved to a point where we can empirically record a measure of a biological or behavioral feature and use it for recognizing patterns, trends, and or discrete phenomena, such as individuals' and this is what biometrics is all about. Understanding some of the ways in which we use biometrics and for what specific purposes is what this book is all about

    Automated dental identification: A micro-macro decision-making approach

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    Identification of deceased individuals based on dental characteristics is receiving increased attention, especially with the large volume of victims encountered in mass disasters. In this work we consider three important problems in automated dental identification beyond the basic approach of tooth-to-tooth matching.;The first problem is on automatic classification of teeth into incisors, canines, premolars and molars as part of creating a data structure that guides tooth-to-tooth matching, thus avoiding illogical comparisons that inefficiently consume the limited computational resources and may also mislead the decision-making. We tackle this problem using principal component analysis and string matching techniques. We reconstruct the segmented teeth using the eigenvectors of the image subspaces of the four teeth classes, and then call the teeth classes that achieve least energy-discrepancy between the novel teeth and their approximations. We exploit teeth neighborhood rules in validating teeth-classes and hence assign each tooth a number corresponding to its location in a dental chart. Our approach achieves 82% teeth labeling accuracy based on a large test dataset of bitewing films.;Because dental radiographic films capture projections of distinct teeth; and often multiple views for each of the distinct teeth, in the second problem we look for a scheme that exploits teeth multiplicity to achieve more reliable match decisions when we compare the dental records of a subject and a candidate match. Hence, we propose a hierarchical fusion scheme that utilizes both aspects of teeth multiplicity for improving teeth-level (micro) and case-level (macro) decision-making. We achieve a genuine accept rate in excess of 85%.;In the third problem we study the performance limits of dental identification due to features capabilities. We consider two types of features used in dental identification, namely teeth contours and appearance features. We propose a methodology for determining the number of degrees of freedom possessed by a feature set, as a figure of merit, based on modeling joint distributions using copulas under less stringent assumptions on the dependence between feature dimensions. We also offer workable approximations of this approach

    An improved Framework for Biometric Database’s privacy

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    Security and privacy are huge challenges in biometric systems. Biometrics are sensitive data that should be protected from any attacker and especially attackers targeting the confidentiality and integrity of biometric data. In this paper an extensive review of different physiological biometric techniques is provided. A comparative analysis of the various sus mentioned biometrics, including characteristics and properties is conducted. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the most relevant physiological biometrics is achieved. Furthermore, we propose a new framework for biometric database privacy. Our approach is based on the use of the promising fully homomorphic encryption technology. As a proof of concept, we establish an initial implementation of our security module using JAVA programming language

    Photographic Identification of Tooth Prints After High Temperature Exposure

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    Tooth prints is a very potential tool in forensic identification as the enamel rod patterns on tooth surface is individually unique. This study was aimed to detect changes of tooth prints after teeth were exposed with high temperatures. Forty-five extracted teeth were divided into 5 groups, then exposed to various high temperatures for 15 minutes in a furnace. To ensure practical application, a highly reproducible digital photographic method to detect tooth prints was developed. Before and after the heating process, tooth prints were photographed. The image data was analysed using an open-source biometric software, and the number of matching points of each tooth was compared before and after treatment. Results showed the decreasing number of match points of tooth prints in accord with the increasing of temperature exposure (P < 0.05). The number of tooth print matching points can be confidently observed at temperatures 600°C or lower. The consistence of matching points shows the prospect of tooth print analysis to become a reliable identification method. This digital photography technique offers a straightforward method for routine dental recording in daily practice by dentists and identification by forensic odontologists. It opens further direction for standardization of pattern analysis, database development, and daily protocols. Keywords: dental photography; forensic identification; high temperature; tooth print

    Novel Techniques for Automated Dental Identification

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    Automated dental identification is one of the best candidates for postmortem identification. With the large number of victims encountered in mass disasters, automating the process of postmortem identification is receiving an increased attention. This dissertation introduces new approaches for different stages of Automated Dental Identification system: These stages include segmentations, classification, labeling, and matching:;We modified the seam carving technique to adapt the problem of segmenting dental image records into individual teeth. We propose a two-stage teeth segmentation approach for segmenting the dental images. In the first stage, the teeth images are preprocessed by a two-step thresholding technique, which starts with an iterative thresholding followed by an adaptive thresholding to binarize the teeth images. In the second stage, we adapt the seam carving technique on the binary images, using both horizontal and vertical seams, to separate each individual tooth. We have obtained an optimality rate of 54.02% for the bitewing type images, which is superior to all existing fully automated dental segmentation algorithms in the literature, and a failure rate of 1.05%. For the periapical type images, we have obtained a high optimality rate of 58.13% and a low failure rate of 0.74 which also surpasses the performance of existing techniques. An important problem in automated dental identification is automatic classification of teeth into four classes (molars, premolars, canines, and incisors). A dental chart is a key to avoiding illogical comparisons that inefficiently consume the limited computational resources, and may mislead decision-making. We tackle this composite problem using a two-stage approach. The first stage, utilizes low computational-cost, appearance-based features, using Orthogonal Locality Preserving Projections (OLPP) for assigning an initial class. The second stage applies a string matching technique, based on teeth neighborhood rules, to validate initial teeth-classes and hence to assign each tooth a number corresponding to its location in the dental chart, even in the presence of a missed tooth. The experimental results of teeth classification show that on a large dataset of bitewing and periapical films, the proposed approach achieves overall classification accuracy of 77% and teeth class validation enhances the overall teeth classification accuracy to 87% which is slightly better than the performance obtained from previous methods based on EigenTeeth the performance of which is 75% and 86%, respectively.;We present a new technique that searches the dental database to find a candidate list. We use dental records of the FBI\u27s Criminal Justice Service (CJIC) ADIS database, that contains 104 records (about 500 bitewing and periapical films) involving more than 2000 teeth, 47 Antemortem (AM) records and 57 Postmortem (PM) records with 20 matched records.;The proposed approach consists of two main stages, the first stage is to preprocess the dental records (segmentation and teeth labeling classification) in order to get a reliable, appearance-based, low computational-cost feature. In the second stage, we developed a technique based on LaplacianTeeth using OLPP algorithm to produce a candidate list. The proposed technique can correctly retrieve the dental records 65% in the 5 top ranks while the method based on EigenTeeth remains at 60%. The proposed approach takes about 0.17 seconds to make record to record comparison while the other method based on EigenTeeth takes about 0.09 seconds.;Finally, we address the teeth matching problem by presenting a new technique for dental record retrieval. The technique is based on the matching of the Scale Invariant feature Transform (SIFT) descriptors guided by the teeth contour between the subject and reference dental records. Our fundamental objective is to accomplish a relatively short match list, with a high probability of having the correct match reference. The proposed technique correctly retrieves the dental records with performance rates of 35% and 75% in the 1 and 5 top ranks respectively, and takes only an average time of 4.18 minutes to retrieve a match list. This compares favorably with the existing technique shape-based (edge direction histogram) method which has the performance rates of 29% and 46% in the 1 and 5 top ranks respectively.;In summary, the proposed ADIS system accurately retrieves the dental record with an overall rate of 80% in top 5 ranks when a candidate list of 20 is used (from potential match search) whereas a candidate size of 10 yields an overall rate of 84% in top 5 ranks and takes only a few minutes to search the database, which compares favorably against most of the existing methods in the literature, when both accuracy and computational complexity are considered

    Gas Discharge Visualization: An Imaging and Modeling Tool for Medical Biometrics

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    The need for automated identification of a disease makes the issue of medical biometrics very current in our society. Not all biometric tools available provide real-time feedback. We introduce gas discharge visualization (GDV) technique as one of the biometric tools that have the potential to identify deviations from the normal functional state at early stages and in real time. GDV is a nonintrusive technique to capture the physiological and psychoemotional status of a person and the functional status of different organs and organ systems through the electrophotonic emissions of fingertips placed on the surface of an impulse analyzer. This paper first introduces biometrics and its different types and then specifically focuses on medical biometrics and the potential applications of GDV in medical biometrics. We also present our previous experience with GDV in the research regarding autism and the potential use of GDV in combination with computer science for the potential development of biological pattern/biomarker for different kinds of health abnormalities including cancer and mental diseases

    Medical System Concept of Operations for Mars Exploration Mission-11: Exploration Medical Capability (ExMC) Element - Human Research Program

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    NASAs exploration missions to Mars will have durations of 2-3 years and will take humans farther away from Earth than ever before. This will result in a paradigm shift for mission planning, spacecraft design, human systems integration, and in-flight medical care. Constraints on real-time communication, resupply, and medical evacuation are major architectural drivers. These constraints require medical system development to be tightly integrated with mission and vehicle design to provide crew autonomy and enable mission success. This concept of operations provides a common vision of medical care for developing a medical system for Mars exploration missions. It documents an overview of the stakeholder needs and goals of a medical system and provides examples of the types of activities the system will be used for during the mission. Development of the concept of operations considers mission variables such as distance from Earth, duration of mission, time to definitive medical care, communication protocols between crewmembers and ground support, personnel capabilities and skill sets, medical hardware and software, and medical data management. The information provided in this document informs the ExMC Systems Engineering effort to define the functions to be provided by the medical system. In addition, this concept of operations will inform the subsequent systems engineering process of developing technical requirements, system architectures, interfaces, and verification and validation approaches for the medical system. This document supports the closure of ExMC Gap Med01: We do not have a concept of operations for medical care during exploration missions, corresponding to the ExMC-managed human system risk: Risk of Adverse Health Outcomes & Decrements in Performance due to Inflight Medical Conditions. This document is applicable to the ExMC Element Systems Engineering process and may be used for collaboration within the Human Research Program