1,852 research outputs found

    An Unsupervised Approach for Automatic Activity Recognition based on Hidden Markov Model Regression

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    Using supervised machine learning approaches to recognize human activities from on-body wearable accelerometers generally requires a large amount of labelled data. When ground truth information is not available, too expensive, time consuming or difficult to collect, one has to rely on unsupervised approaches. This paper presents a new unsupervised approach for human activity recognition from raw acceleration data measured using inertial wearable sensors. The proposed method is based upon joint segmentation of multidimensional time series using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) in a multiple regression context. The model is learned in an unsupervised framework using the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm where no activity labels are needed. The proposed method takes into account the sequential appearance of the data. It is therefore adapted for the temporal acceleration data to accurately detect the activities. It allows both segmentation and classification of the human activities. Experimental results are provided to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach with respect to standard supervised and unsupervised classification approache

    A Novel Approach to Complex Human Activity Recognition

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    Human activity recognition is a technology that offers automatic recognition of what a person is doing with respect to body motion and function. The main goal is to recognize a person\u27s activity using different technologies such as cameras, motion sensors, location sensors, and time. Human activity recognition is important in many areas such as pervasive computing, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, health care, health outcomes, rehabilitation engineering, occupational science, and social sciences. There are numerous ubiquitous and pervasive computing systems where users\u27 activities play an important role. The human activity carries a lot of information about the context and helps systems to achieve context-awareness. In the rehabilitation area, it helps with functional diagnosis and assessing health outcomes. Human activity recognition is an important indicator of participation, quality of life and lifestyle. There are two classes of human activities based on body motion and function. The first class, simple human activity, involves human body motion and posture, such as walking, running, and sitting. The second class, complex human activity, includes function along with simple human activity, such as cooking, reading, and watching TV. Human activity recognition is an interdisciplinary research area that has been active for more than a decade. Substantial research has been conducted to recognize human activities, but, there are many major issues still need to be addressed. Addressing these issues would provide a significant improvement in different aspects of the applications of the human activity recognition in different areas. There has been considerable research conducted on simple human activity recognition, whereas, a little research has been carried out on complex human activity recognition. However, there are many key aspects (recognition accuracy, computational cost, energy consumption, mobility) that need to be addressed in both areas to improve their viability. This dissertation aims to address the key aspects in both areas of human activity recognition and eventually focuses on recognition of complex activity. It also addresses indoor and outdoor localization, an important parameter along with time in complex activity recognition. This work studies accelerometer sensor data to recognize simple human activity and time, location and simple activity to recognize complex activity

    Minimal Infrastructure Radio Frequency Home Localisation Systems

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    The ability to track the location of a subject in their home allows the provision of a number of location based services, such as remote activity monitoring, context sensitive prompts and detection of safety critical situations such as falls. Such pervasive monitoring functionality offers the potential for elders to live at home for longer periods of their lives with minimal human supervision. The focus of this thesis is on the investigation and development of a home roomlevel localisation technique which can be readily deployed in a realistic home environment with minimal hardware requirements. A conveniently deployed Bluetooth ® localisation platform is designed and experimentally validated throughout the thesis. The platform adopts the convenience of a mobile phone and the processing power of a remote location calculation computer. The use of Bluetooth ® also ensures the extensibility of the platform to other home health supervision scenarios such as wireless body sensor monitoring. Central contributions of this work include the comparison of probabilistic and nonprobabilistic classifiers for location prediction accuracy and the extension of probabilistic classifiers to a Hidden Markov Model Bayesian filtering framework. New location prediction performance metrics are developed and signicant performance improvements are demonstrated with the novel extension of Hidden Markov Models to higher-order Markov movement models. With the simple probabilistic classifiers, location is correctly predicted 80% of the time. This increases to 86% with the application of the Hidden Markov Models and 88% when high-order Hidden Markov Models are employed. Further novelty is exhibited in the derivation of a real-time Hidden Markov Model Viterbi decoding algorithm which presents all the advantages of the original algorithm, while producing location estimates in real-time. Significant contributions are also made to the field of human gait-recognition by applying Bayesian filtering to the task of motion detection from accelerometers which are already present in many mobile phones. Bayesian filtering is demonstrated to enable a 35% improvement in motion recognition rate and even enables a floor recognition rate of 68% using only accelerometers. The unique application of time-varying Hidden Markov Models demonstrates the effect of integrating these freely available motion predictions on long-term location predictions

    Probabilistic modelling and inference of human behaviour from mobile phone time series

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    With an estimated 4.1 billion subscribers around the world, the mobile phone offers a unique opportunity to sense and understand human behaviour from location, co-presence and communication data. While the benefit of modelling this unprecedented amount of data is widely recognised, a number of challenges impede the development of accurate behaviour models. In this thesis, we identify and address two modelling problems and show that their consideration improves the accuracy of behaviour inference. We first examine the modelling of long-range dependencies in human behaviour. Human behaviour models only take into account short-range dependencies in mobile phone time series. Using information theory, we quantify long-range dependencies in mobile phone time series for the first time, demonstrate that they exhibit periodic oscillations and introduce novel tools to analyse them. We further show that considering what the user did 24 hours earlier improves accuracy when predicting user behaviour five hours or longer in advance. The second problem that we address is the modelling of temporal variations in human behaviour. The time spent by a user on an activity varies from one day to the next. In order to recognise behaviour patterns despite temporal variations, we establish a methodological connection between human behaviour modelling and biological sequence alignment. This connection allows us to compare, cluster and model behaviour sequences and introduce novel features for behaviour recognition which improve its accuracy. The experiments presented in this thesis have been conducted on the largest publicly available mobile phone dataset labelled in an unsupervised fashion and are entirely repeatable. Furthermore, our techniques only require cellular data which can easily be recorded by today's mobile phones and could benefit a wide range of applications including life logging, health monitoring, customer profiling and large-scale surveillance

    Central monitoring system for ambient assisted living

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    Smart homes for aged care enable the elderly to stay in their own homes longer. By means of various types of ambient and wearable sensors information is gathered on people living in smart homes for aged care. This information is then processed to determine the activities of daily living (ADL) and provide vital information to carers. Many examples of smart homes for aged care can be found in literature, however, little or no evidence can be found with respect to interoperability of various sensors and devices along with associated functions. One key element with respect to interoperability is the central monitoring system in a smart home. This thesis analyses and presents key functions and requirements of a central monitoring system. The outcomes of this thesis may benefit developers of smart homes for aged care

    Latitude, longitude, and beyond:mining mobile objects' behavior

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    Rapid advancements in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), and wireless communications, have resulted in a surge in data generation. Mobility data is one of the various forms of data, which are ubiquitously collected by different location sensing devices. Extensive knowledge about the behavior of humans and wildlife is buried in raw mobility data. This knowledge can be used for realizing numerous viable applications ranging from wildlife movement analysis, to various location-based recommendation systems, urban planning, and disaster relief. With respect to what mentioned above, in this thesis, we mainly focus on providing data analytics for understanding the behavior and interaction of mobile entities (humans and animals). To this end, the main research question to be addressed is: How can behaviors and interactions of mobile entities be determined from mobility data acquired by (mobile) wireless sensor nodes in an accurate and efficient manner? To answer the above-mentioned question, both application requirements and technological constraints are considered in this thesis. On the one hand, applications requirements call for accurate data analytics to uncover hidden information about individual behavior and social interaction of mobile entities, and to deal with the uncertainties in mobility data. Technological constraints, on the other hand, require these data analytics to be efficient in terms of their energy consumption and to have low memory footprint, and processing complexity
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