2,381 research outputs found

    Human Resource Management System

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    The main focus of the essay, "Human Resources Management System," is on controlling the administrator of a company's human resources department. The systems and procedures at the intersection of human resources and management are referred to as a human resource management system (HRMS).technology (IT) with human resources management (HRM). It combines HRM as a discipline, especially its fundamental HR actions and procedures related to information technology, as opposed to data processing programming. Systems developed into enterprise resource planning (ERP) software packages and established procedures. This paper's major goal is to make it easier for the administrator to keep track of everyday activities including attendance, projects, work, appointments, etc. This essay discusses the steps involved in identifying the personnel, tracking their hourly attendance, and figuring out their actual payable hours or days. This document should keep track of every employee's time spent working for the firm so that it may be used to evaluate performance. Based on that, transfers, dismissals, and promotions are possible

    The Relationship of Professional Ability and Management System Construction Under Mediation of Administrative Expert Role Cognition

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    This research explored the relationship among human resource practitioner professional ability, administrative expert role cognition and the degree of human resource management system construction. The paper is based on a questionnaire survey. Data collected from the foreign investment enterprise list in Shanghai city, China. Eight hundred questionnaires were sent out, 223 valid questionnaires were returned (27.88%). The results show that there is a significant influence between the: (1) Professional ability of human resource practitioners and the degree of human resource management system construction and (2) administrative expert role cognition of human resource practitioners and human resource management system construction and also that (3) administrative expert role cognition has a partial mediating effect between professional ability and the degree of human resource management system construction. The originality and value of this study is one of very few studies which have investigated that administrative expert role has the mediating effect between the human resource practitioners professional ability and human resource management system construction

    Cloud-Based Security Driven Human Resource Management System

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    With the emergence of cloud computing, it has become easy to store large volumes of data in the cloud to enhance Human Resource Management (HRM), based on the elasticity and scalability that cloud computing offers. This paper proposes the OnibereOdunayoSecurity-4 (OOS-4) security model for Human Resource Information System (HRIS) deployed on a cloud platform. The OOS-4 framework is a holistic and integrated model that is expected to allow for better interrelatedness of the various components of a HRM organization with adequate consideration for security. Furthermore, utilizing the Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud computing architecture, the model was implemented using the Google App Engine. The result is a scalable application in which the data in storage is encrypted and visible on the Google Cloud Platform data store. The application is secured by proving encryption for data in storage on the Google Cloud Platform. The application will enhance HRM

    Formation of human resource management system in organizations

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    The article deals with the formation of personnel reserve as one of the components of an integrated management system. A model of strategic human resource management has been described. The ways of solving socio-psychological contradictions in the process of formation of personnel reserve have been outlined; the basic principles of personnel reserve system have been proposed, and in addition, a three-level scheme of the formation of personnel reserve has been developed, indicating the information flows aimed at the implementation of the corporate strategy of development of the professional capacity of integrated association staff. Arguments showing that the human resource management system cannot be assembled like a mechanical construction, but should be “grown” in the long process of institutionalization of the developed project have been proposed.peer-reviewe

    Design and Implementation of Enterprise Human Resource Management System

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    随着计算机技术的飞速发展和各类企业信息化的迅速普及,单纯地依靠人工 方式进行人事业务的管理越来越无法满足企业管理的需求。如何对员工的信息进 行有效管理成为摆在企业面前的问题。为了全面提高企业人力资源管理的效率, 提高企业人力资源带来的业务成绩,越来越多的企业采用了人力资源管理信息系 统。论文的研究以本人所在单位的人事工作为参照,阐述了构建整个人力资源管 理系统的技术路线和开发过程。 本课题的研究目的是根据目前人力资源管理系统的背景入手,讨论人力资源 管理系统的现状和存在的问题,从而得出人力资源管系统设计开发的必要性和重 要性。结合目前信息技术,讨论开发该系统的可行性,然后对信息...With the rapid development of computer technology and enterprise information, simply relying on artificial way to handle personnel business is unable to meet the needs of enterprise management. How to effectively manage emplyee information is new issue placed in front of enterprise. In order to improve the efficiency of human resource management, more and more enterprise adopt a human resource...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323141

    Design and Implementation of Enterprise Human Resource Management System

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    当今企业竞争日益激烈,人力资源作为企业最重要的资源,对企业的竞争力是非常有决定性的。企业对人力资源的管理也跟着商业信息化的发展更加注重了起来,并且要求更高的力度和更有效的方式进行管理。大部分企业采取了企业信息化的方式进行人力资源管理,人力资源管理系统在企业信息化的浪潮中,逐步成为企业关注的焦点,并且在更新换代后,人力资源管理系统日趋复杂与成熟。 本文概述了人力资源管理系统的概念与发展,对系统的总体设计和结构做了详细介绍,并重点介绍系统管理模块和部门管理模块的设计和实现。最后通过运行结果对系统设计的有效性和准确性进行了验证。本系统采用.NET平台的最新技术WPF构造用户界面,用WCF完成业务逻...Today's enterprise increasingly fierce competition, human resource as the most important resource of enterprise, to the competitiveness of the enterprises is very crucial. Also follow business informatization of enterprises in human resources management pay more attention to the development of, and demand a higher strength and more effective way to manage. Most enterprises adopt the way of human r...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323104

    Design and Implementation of Enterprise Human Resource Management System

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    现在的企业单位人事管理部门变得越来越重要,工作的内容也越来越多。比如:考勤、档案管理、招聘、培训、薪资和企业文化等。人事部门的重要性不言而喻。这里面好多任务如果单纯的依靠人工来完成的话工作量是很大的,考勤信息的统计、人事档案的管理都是繁琐的工作。随着计算机信息技术的飞速发展,信息化已成为一个企业发展不可缺少的一部分。社会在不断发展,企业之间的竞争也越来越激烈,企业人事管理就越显示出其不可或缺性,它可以提升企业的工作效率,减少错误的出现。 企业人事信息管理系统是信息管理系统(MIS)中比较典型的一种。本系统是适应当前企业人力资源信息管理的迫切需求而设计开发出来的软件系统,它的内容对企业本身、员...The personnel management department now enterprises become more and more important, the work is more and more. For example: file management, attendance, recruitment, training, salary and enterprise culture etc.. It is self-evident importance of the personnel department. There a lot of tasks if you simply rely on the manual to complete the workload is very large, statistics, personnel attendance in...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323038

    Design and Implementation of Human Resource Management System for Enterprise

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    随着企业自身不断的发展,员工规模在不断增加,这时企业内部人力资源管理事务非常繁多,如果还是靠行政人员人工处理和安排,工作量会越来越大。比如当一个公司发展到上市以后员工人数接近一千,这时如果用传统的方式来维护员工主数据管理、文档管理、会议管理、请假统计管理及考勤汇总计算等,那是非常沉重的工作量,需要大量的人力资源,这无疑大大增加企业内部管理成本。但随着互联网信息技术的快速发展和普及,对于目前以上的这些问题可以通过开发一套内部人力资源管理系统来非常方便的解决。因此当下急需这套系统来减轻人力资源部门的工作量提高工作效率。本论文正是探讨对如何实现一个完善的企业内部人力资源管理系统进行具体设计和分析。 ...With the continuous development of enterprises themselves, the scale of the staff is increasing, the internal human resource management is very many, if we still rely on the administrative personnel to deal with and arrange, the workload will be more and more big. For example, when a company is listed in the number of employees close to one thousand, then if you use the traditional way to maintain...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323130