383,582 research outputs found

    Human occupation as a complex system

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    The present work justifies the change in theoretical approach required to use the concepts, principles and methods of artificial intelligence and computational science in order to deal with problems centered in social systems, such as studying the relation between human occupation and social stability and the validation of hypotheses about sociocybernetics strategies applied to governability. In order to model and study human occupation as a complex system, this document describes the autonomous components and the set of behaviors whose simultaneous and concurrent occurrence produce dynamical bifurcations (chaos) and emerging events in the Human Occupation, understood as a complex system between the triad: people - occupations - contexts, which expresses sensitive phenomena, impossible to be known completely and univocally. The components of the occupation are developed conceptually and relations of composition and condition of the given behaviors between these components are established, in order to establish human occupation as a complex system and in such a way that decision making and the prediction of occupational dynamics and behaviors in the individual and social levels can be modeled and simulated

    On Walking

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    Imagine the anatomy of architecture as a complex system, where the form is the result of generative processes, the material properties of the components, and their patterns of assembly. Within this paradigm, surface is that part of the system which exchanges energy, information, and materials with the local environment. How does human occupation of a space offer energy, information, or material to the system-building, and how can the surface best vector these exchanges? Walking could represent human occupation in this context. I choose my walker’s lineage and declare my interest, as an architect, in empathetic space. I explore the history of bipedalism, of the path as an architectural object, and of the sciences, philosophies and poetries of walkers. And I browse through contemporary architectural discourse pertaining to emergent design methodologies. Along the way, I test my proposal in two experiments: one complete, and one in progress..

    Southern occupational therapies: Emerging identities, epistemologies and practices

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    IndexaciĂłn: Web of Science; Scielo.For over a decade, debates in occupational therapy have extended into the profession's theoretical foundations as well as epistemological underpinnings thereof A series of proposals have emerged from around the world that aim to link the definition of occupational therapy, its knowledge and practices to contemporary social, political, cultural and economic conditions. Contributing to this is the increasing precariousness of the global social life, the economic crises of many social systems, and the deterioration of the ecological environment. The current paper critically reflects on the historical conditions that shape the institution of occupational therapy, particularly in the regions of South America and Africa. This involves a political, ethical, and epistemological rethinking of the foundations that underpin identities, knowledge and practices of occupational therapy and their effects on society. These foundations may favour processes of exclusion and ahistorical and individualist views of human occupation, as opposed to social perspectives expressed in collective occupations and human rights promoting practices. The authors propose to problematise the construction of a professional identity, knowledge and practices of occupational therapy, emphasising the need for a liberating discipline, committed to and acting alongside people and communities who are in situations of social exclusion. This implies the necessary positioning of occupational therapy within social transformation.http://ref.scielo.org/z57kz

    The Dr Elizabeth Casson Memorial Lecture 2018: Occupational stories from a global city

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    The Dr Elizabeth Casson Memorial Lecture 2018, given on June 12th 2018 at the 42nd Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, held at the Belfast Waterfront, Belfast, UK. This lecture aims to set out the potential for the global occupational therapy profession to exchange knowledge for social transformation practice. It identifies the profession’s concern with narratives as a vehicle for a socially critical approach to occupation, which can be used to negotiate intervention and action. Drawing on examples from literature, history and service users, the paper suggests that narrative provides a means for relating the value of occupation beyond professional boundaries to capture popular imagination and demand for the profession. Examples are given of the critical discussion of the everyday impact of health inequity, and in addressing diversity both in the profession and engaging service users. My lecture concludes that occupational therapy is a global network with the population of a city, and thus represents a community that can be a vibrant voice for social transformation through occupation through a reciprocal exchange of narrative. This is a collective and dialogical process which can draw on the experiences of both southern and northern hemispheres

    Reusing Human Resources Management Standards for Employment Services

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    Employment Services (ESs) are becoming more and more important for Public Administrations where their social implications on sustainability, workforce mobility and equal opportunities play a fundamental strategic importance for any central or local Government. The EU SEEMP project aims at improving facilitate workers mobility in Europe. Ontologies are used to model descriptions of job offers and curricula; and for facilitating the process of exchanging job offer data and CV data between ES. In this paper we present the methodological approach we followed for reusing existing human resources management standards in the SEEMP project, in order to build a common “language” called Reference Ontology

    Proposing a life cycle land use impact calculation methodology

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    The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) community is yet to come to a consensus on a methodology to incorporate land use in LCA, still struggling with what exactly should be assessed and which indicators should be used. To solve this problem we start from concepts and models describing how ecosystems function and sustain, in order to understand how land use affects them. Earlier our research group presented a methodology based on the ecosystem exergy concept. This concept as based on the hypothesis that ecosystems develop towards more effective degradation of exergy fluxes passing through the system and is derived from two axioms: the principles of (i) maximum exergy storage and the (ii) maximum exergy dissipation. This concept aiming at the area of protection natural environment is different from conventional exergy analysis in LCA focusing on natural resources. To prevent confusion, the ecosystem exergy concept is further referred to as the MAximum Storage and Dissipation concept (MASD concept). In this paper we present how this concept identifies end-point impacts, mid-point impacts and mid-point indicators. The identified end-point impacts to assess are Ecosystem Structural Quality (ESQ) and Ecosystem Functional Quality (EFQ). In order to quantify these end-point impacts a dynamic multi-indicator set is proposed for quantifying the mid-point impacts on soil fertility, biodiversity and biomass production (quantifying the ESQ) and soil structure, vegetation structure and on-site water balance (quantifying the EFQ). Further we present an impact calculation method suitable for different environmental assessment tools and demonstrate the incorporation of the methodology in LCA

    Lithics of the North African Middle Stone Age: assumptions, evidence and future directions

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    North Africa features some of the earliest manifestations of the Middle Stone Age (MSA) and fossils of our species, Homo sapiens, as well as early examples of complex culture and the long distance transfer of exotic raw materials. As they are elsewhere, lithics (i.e., stone tools) present by far the most abundant source of information on this cultural period. Given the importance of North Africa in human origins, understanding the character and distribution of MSA lithics is therefore crucial, as they shed light on early human behaviour and culture. However, the lithics of the North African MSA are poorly understood, and their technological variability is frequently obfuscated by regionally specific nomenclatures, often repeated without criticism, and diverse methods of analysis that are often incompatible. Characterising dynamic technological innovations as well as apparent technological stasis remains challenging, and many narratives have not been tested quantitatively. This significantly problematizes hypotheses of human evolution and dispersals invoking these data that extend beyond North Africa. This paper therefore presents a description of the lithics of the North African MSA, including their technological characteristics, chronology, spatial distribution and associated research traditions. A range of interpretations concerning early H. sapiens demography in North Africa are then re-evaluated in the light of this review, and the role and power of lithic data to contribute to such debates is critically assessed

    Learning to generate one-sentence biographies from Wikidata

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    We investigate the generation of one-sentence Wikipedia biographies from facts derived from Wikidata slot-value pairs. We train a recurrent neural network sequence-to-sequence model with attention to select facts and generate textual summaries. Our model incorporates a novel secondary objective that helps ensure it generates sentences that contain the input facts. The model achieves a BLEU score of 41, improving significantly upon the vanilla sequence-to-sequence model and scoring roughly twice that of a simple template baseline. Human preference evaluation suggests the model is nearly as good as the Wikipedia reference. Manual analysis explores content selection, suggesting the model can trade the ability to infer knowledge against the risk of hallucinating incorrect information

    Proposing a life cycle land use impact calculation methodology

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    The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) community is yet to come to a consensus on a methodology to incorporate land use in LCA. Earlier our research group presented a methodology based on the ecosystem exergy concept. The ecosystem exergy concept suggests that ecosystems develop towards more effective degradation of energy fluxes passing through the system. The concept is argued to be derivable from two axioms: the principles of (i) maximum exergy storage and the (ii) maximum exergy dissipation. In this paper we present a methodology to assess impacts of human induced land use occupation, in which we make a difference between functional and structural land use impacts. The methodology follows a dynamic multi-indicator approach looking at mid-point impacts on soil fertility, soil structure, biomass production, vegetation structure, on-site water balance and biodiversity. The impact scores are calculated as a relative difference with a reference system. We propose to calculate the impact by calculating the land quality change between the former and the actual land use relative to the quality of the potential natural vegetation. Impact scores are then aggregated, as endpoint impacts, in (i) structural land use impact (exergy storage capacity) and (ii) functional land use impact (exergy dissipation capacity). For aggregation of the relative mid-point impact scores no characterization factor is used. In order to fit this impact calculation in the LCA framework the end-point impact scores are multiplied by a LCA component, a component that enables us to report the impact per functional unit
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