1,808 research outputs found

    Collaborative trails in e-learning environments

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    This deliverable focuses on collaboration within groups of learners, and hence collaborative trails. We begin by reviewing the theoretical background to collaborative learning and looking at the kinds of support that computers can give to groups of learners working collaboratively, and then look more deeply at some of the issues in designing environments to support collaborative learning trails and at tools and techniques, including collaborative filtering, that can be used for analysing collaborative trails. We then review the state-of-the-art in supporting collaborative learning in three different areas – experimental academic systems, systems using mobile technology (which are also generally academic), and commercially available systems. The final part of the deliverable presents three scenarios that show where technology that supports groups working collaboratively and producing collaborative trails may be heading in the near future

    The Aging Navigational System

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    The discovery of neuronal systems dedicated to computing spatial information, composed of functionally distinct cell types such as place and grid cells, combined with an extensive body of human-based behavioral and neuroimaging research has provided us with a detailed understanding of the brain's navigation circuit. In this review, we discuss emerging evidence from rodents, non-human primates, and humans that demonstrates how cognitive aging affects the navigational computations supported by these systems. Critically, we show 1) that navigational deficits cannot solely be explained by general deficits in learning and memory, 2) that there is no uniform decline across different navigational computations, and 3) that navigational deficits might be sensitive markers for impending pathological decline. Following an introduction to the mechanisms underlying spatial navigation and how they relate to general processes of learning and memory, the review discusses how aging affects the perception and integration of spatial information, the creation and storage of memory traces for spatial information, and the use of spatial information during navigational behavior. The closing section highlights the clinical potential of behavioral and neural markers of spatial navigation, with a particular emphasis on neurodegenerative disorders

    Envisioning the Future Role of 3D Wireless Networks in Preventing and Managing Disasters and Emergency Situations

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    In an era marked by unprecedented climatic upheavals and evolving urban landscapes, the role of advanced communication networks in disaster prevention and management is becoming increasingly critical. This paper explores the transformative potential of 3D wireless networks, an innovative amalgamation of terrestrial, aerial, and satellite technologies, in enhancing disaster response mechanisms. We delve into a myriad of use cases, ranging from large facility evacuations to wildfire management, underscoring the versatility of these networks in ensuring timely communication, real-time situational awareness, and efficient resource allocation during crises. We also present an overview of cutting-edge prototypes, highlighting the practical feasibility and operational efficacy of 3D wireless networks in real-world scenarios. Simultaneously, we acknowledge the challenges posed by aspects such as cybersecurity, cross-border coordination, and physical layer technological hurdles, and propose future directions for research and development in this domain

    Survey of Inter-satellite Communication for Small Satellite Systems: Physical Layer to Network Layer View

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    Small satellite systems enable whole new class of missions for navigation, communications, remote sensing and scientific research for both civilian and military purposes. As individual spacecraft are limited by the size, mass and power constraints, mass-produced small satellites in large constellations or clusters could be useful in many science missions such as gravity mapping, tracking of forest fires, finding water resources, etc. Constellation of satellites provide improved spatial and temporal resolution of the target. Small satellite constellations contribute innovative applications by replacing a single asset with several very capable spacecraft which opens the door to new applications. With increasing levels of autonomy, there will be a need for remote communication networks to enable communication between spacecraft. These space based networks will need to configure and maintain dynamic routes, manage intermediate nodes, and reconfigure themselves to achieve mission objectives. Hence, inter-satellite communication is a key aspect when satellites fly in formation. In this paper, we present the various researches being conducted in the small satellite community for implementing inter-satellite communications based on the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model. This paper also reviews the various design parameters applicable to the first three layers of the OSI model, i.e., physical, data link and network layer. Based on the survey, we also present a comprehensive list of design parameters useful for achieving inter-satellite communications for multiple small satellite missions. Specific topics include proposed solutions for some of the challenges faced by small satellite systems, enabling operations using a network of small satellites, and some examples of small satellite missions involving formation flying aspects.Comment: 51 pages, 21 Figures, 11 Tables, accepted in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Perception and cognition in Parkinson's disease: a neural network perspective

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder commonly presenting with perceptual and cognitive dysfunction. Whereas previous work in PD suggests that abnormal basal ganglia activity has profound effects on integrated functioning of widespread cortical networks, the relation of specific network functions to the perceptual and cognitive impairments is still poorly understood. Here, I present a series of fMRI investigations of network-level functioning in non-demented individuals with PD with the aim of elucidating these associations. Study 1 examined the neural correlates of optic flow processing in 23 individuals with PD and 17 age-matched control participants (MC). An optic flow network comprising visual motion areas V6, V3A, MT+ and visuo-vestibular areas PIVC and CSv is known to be important for parsing egomotion depth cues in humans. The hypothesis was that individuals with PD would show less activation in these regions than MC when processing optic flow. While MC participants showed robust activation in this network, PD participants showed diminished activity within MT+ and CSv. Diminished CSv activity also correlated with greater disease severity. Study 2 investigated intrinsic network organization in PD with a focus on the functional coupling among three neurocognitive networks: the default-mode network (DMN), the salience network (SN), and the central executive network (CEN). Twenty-four individuals with PD and 20 MC participants were scanned at rest. The hypothesis was that PD participants would demonstrate dysfunctional SN coupling with the DMN and CEN. Relative to MC, in PD the CEN was less positively coupled with the SN and less anti-correlated with the DMN. Study 3 investigated the association between functional coupling and cognition in the same group that participated in Study 2. As hypothesized, anti-correlated functional coupling between the SN and DMN was related to successful performance on tests of executive function, psychomotor speed, and memory retrieval in MC but not in PD, suggesting that dysfunction within these networks could underlie early cognitive deficits in PD. Together, the results from the three studies suggest that dysfunctional activity in cortical networks important for visual motion processing and neurocognitive efficiency may underlie aspects of perceptual and cognitive impairment in PD.2017-12-06T00:00:00

    Harnessing Technology: new modes of technology-enhanced learning: opportunities and challenges

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    A report commissioned by Becta to explore the potential impact on education, staff and learners of new modes of technology enhanced learning, envisaged as becoming available in subsequent years. A generative framework, developed by the researchers is described, which was used as an analytical tool to relate the possibilities of the technology described to learning and teaching activities. This report is part of the curriculum and pedagogy strand of Becta's programme of managed research in support of the development of Harnessing Technology: Next Generation Learning 2008-14. A system-wide strategy for technology in education and skills. Between April 2008 and March 2009, the project carried out research, in three iterative phases, into the future of learning with technology. The research has drawn from, and aims to inform, all UK education sectors

    Navigating Secure Banking IT Landscapes: Insights for Solution Architects and Technical Leaders

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    In "Navigating Secure Banking IT Landscapes: Insights for Solution Architects and Technical Leaders," the authors examine the evolving strategies and intricate problems associated with banking IT infrastructure security. The purpose of this research is to offer technical professionals and solution architects useful information about the critical need for better cybersecurity measures. Examining new technology, industry standards, and innovative approaches tailored to the banking IT landscape, the study integrates theoretical frameworks with practical implications. Abstract: The study aims to empower banking sector leaders to make informed decisions, enhance technological foundations, and proactively navigate the ever-changing terrain of safe banking IT and persistent cyber threats. Research concludes that proactive incident response planning, frequent audits and continual monitoring are steps that IT executives may do to guarantee the long-term financial viability of the banking business. The auditor performed a thorough job of detecting cybersecurity occurrences, differentiating between genuine and fraudulent payment gateways, and determining the false positive rate ratio by applying networking theory
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