
Perception and cognition in Parkinson's disease: a neural network perspective


Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder commonly presenting with perceptual and cognitive dysfunction. Whereas previous work in PD suggests that abnormal basal ganglia activity has profound effects on integrated functioning of widespread cortical networks, the relation of specific network functions to the perceptual and cognitive impairments is still poorly understood. Here, I present a series of fMRI investigations of network-level functioning in non-demented individuals with PD with the aim of elucidating these associations. Study 1 examined the neural correlates of optic flow processing in 23 individuals with PD and 17 age-matched control participants (MC). An optic flow network comprising visual motion areas V6, V3A, MT+ and visuo-vestibular areas PIVC and CSv is known to be important for parsing egomotion depth cues in humans. The hypothesis was that individuals with PD would show less activation in these regions than MC when processing optic flow. While MC participants showed robust activation in this network, PD participants showed diminished activity within MT+ and CSv. Diminished CSv activity also correlated with greater disease severity. Study 2 investigated intrinsic network organization in PD with a focus on the functional coupling among three neurocognitive networks: the default-mode network (DMN), the salience network (SN), and the central executive network (CEN). Twenty-four individuals with PD and 20 MC participants were scanned at rest. The hypothesis was that PD participants would demonstrate dysfunctional SN coupling with the DMN and CEN. Relative to MC, in PD the CEN was less positively coupled with the SN and less anti-correlated with the DMN. Study 3 investigated the association between functional coupling and cognition in the same group that participated in Study 2. As hypothesized, anti-correlated functional coupling between the SN and DMN was related to successful performance on tests of executive function, psychomotor speed, and memory retrieval in MC but not in PD, suggesting that dysfunction within these networks could underlie early cognitive deficits in PD. Together, the results from the three studies suggest that dysfunctional activity in cortical networks important for visual motion processing and neurocognitive efficiency may underlie aspects of perceptual and cognitive impairment in PD.2017-12-06T00:00:00

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