7 research outputs found


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    We present four contributions to visual surveillance: (a) an action recognition method based on the characteristics of human motion in image space; (b) a study of the strengths of five regression techniques for monocular pose estimation that highlights the advantages of kernel PLS; (c) a learning-based method for detecting objects carried by humans requiring minimal annotation; (d) an interactive video segmentation system that reduces supervision by using occlusion and long term spatio-temporal structure information. We propose a representation for human actions that is based solely on motion information and that leverages the characteristics of human movement in the image space. The representation is best suited to visual surveillance settings in which the actions of interest are highly constrained, but also works on more general problems if the actions are ballistic in nature. Our computationally efficient representation achieves good recognition performance on both a commonly used action recognition dataset and on a dataset we collected to simulate a checkout counter. We study discriminative methods for 3D human pose estimation from single images, which build a map from image features to pose. The main difficulty with these methods is the insufficiency of training data due to the high dimensionality of the pose space. However, real datasets can be augmented with data from character animation software, so the scalability of existing approaches becomes important. We argue that Kernel Partial Least Squares approximates Gaussian Process regression robustly, enabling the use of larger datasets, and we show in experiments that kPLS outperforms two state-of-the-art methods based on GP. The high variability in the appearance of carried objects suggests using their relation to the human silhouette to detect them. We adopt a generate-and-test approach that produces candidate regions from protrusion, color contrast and occlusion boundary cues and then filters them with a kernel SVM classifier on context features. Our method exceeds state of the art accuracy and has good generalization capability. We also propose a Multiple Instance Learning framework for the classifier that reduces annotation effort by two orders of magnitude while maintaining comparable accuracy. Finally, we present an interactive video segmentation system that trades off a small amount of segmentation quality for significantly less supervision than necessary in systems in the literature. While applications like video editing could not directly use the output of our system, reasoning about the trajectories of objects in a scene or learning coarse appearance models is still possible. The unsupervised segmentation component at the base of our system effectively employs occlusion boundary cues and achieves competitive results on an unsupervised segmentation dataset. On videos used to evaluate interactive methods, our system requires less interaction time than others, does not rely on appearance information and can extract multiple objects at the same time

    Petri Net Models for Event Recognition in Surveillance Videos

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    Video surveillance is the process of monitoring the behavior of people and objects within public places, e.g. airports and traffic intersections, by means of visual aids (cameras) usually for safety and security purposes. As the amount of video data gathered daily by surveillance cameras increases, the need for automatic systems to detect and recognize suspicious activities performed by people and objects is also increasing. The first part of the thesis describes a framework for modeling and recognition of events from surveillance video. Our framework is based on deterministic inference using Petri nets. Events can be composed by combining primitive events and previously defined events by spatial, temporal and logical relations. We provide a graphical user interface (GUI) to formulate such event models. Our approach automatically maps each of these models into a set of Petri net filters that represent the components of the event. Lower-level video processing modules, e.g. background subtraction, tracking and classification, are used to detect the occurrence of primitive events. These primitive events are then filtered by Petri nets filters to recognize composite events of interest. Our framework is general enough and we have applied it to many surveillance domains. In the second part of the thesis, we address the problem of detecting carried objects. Detecting carried objects is the main step to solve the problem of left object detection. We present two approaches to the left object detection problem. Both approaches poses the problem as a classification problem. For both approaches, we trained SVM classifiers on a laboratory database that contains examples of people seen with and without two common objects, namely backpacks and suitcases. We used a boosting technique, AdaBoost, to select the most discriminative features used by the SVMs and to enhance the performance of the classifiers. We give recognition results for each approach and then compare both approaches and describe the advantages of each one. We also compare the performance of both approaches on real world videos captured at the Munich airport

    Detecting Carried Objects in Short Video Sequences

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    Abstract. We propose a new method for detecting objects such as bags carried by pedestrians depicted in short video sequences. In common with earlier work [1, 2] on the same problem, the method starts by averaging aligned foreground regions of a walking pedestrian to produce a rep-resentation of motion and shape (known as a temporal template) that has some immunity to noise in foreground segmentations and phase of the walking cycle. Our key novelty is for carried objects to be revealed by comparing the temporal templates against view-specific exemplars generated offline for unencumbered pedestrians. A likelihood map ob-tained from this match is combined in a Markov random field with a map of prior probabilities for carried objects and a spatial continuity as-sumption, from which we obtain a segmentation of carried objects using the MAP solution. We have re-implemented the earlier state of the art method [1] and demonstrate a substantial improvement in performance for the new method on the challenging PETS2006 dataset [3]. Although developed for a specific problem, the method could be applied to the de-tection of irregularities in appearance for other categories of object that move in a periodic fashion.

    Carried baggage detection and recognition in video surveillance with foreground segmentation

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    Security cameras installed in public spaces or in private organizations continuously record video data with the aim of detecting and preventing crime. For that reason, video content analysis applications, either for real time (i.e. analytic) or post-event (i.e. forensic) analysis, have gained high interest in recent years. In this thesis, the primary focus is on two key aspects of video analysis, reliable moving object segmentation and carried object detection & identification. A novel moving object segmentation scheme by background subtraction is presented in this thesis. The scheme relies on background modelling which is based on multi-directional gradient and phase congruency. As a post processing step, the detected foreground contours are refined by classifying the edge segments as either belonging to the foreground or background. Further contour completion technique by anisotropic diffusion is first introduced in this area. The proposed method targets cast shadow removal, gradual illumination change invariance, and closed contour extraction. A state of the art carried object detection method is employed as a benchmark algorithm. This method includes silhouette analysis by comparing human temporal templates with unencumbered human models. The implementation aspects of the algorithm are improved by automatically estimating the viewing direction of the pedestrian and are extended by a carried luggage identification module. As the temporal template is a frequency template and the information that it provides is not sufficient, a colour temporal template is introduced. The standard steps followed by the state of the art algorithm are approached from a different extended (by colour information) perspective, resulting in more accurate carried object segmentation. The experiments conducted in this research show that the proposed closed foreground segmentation technique attains all the aforementioned goals. The incremental improvements applied to the state of the art carried object detection algorithm revealed the full potential of the scheme. The experiments demonstrate the ability of the proposed carried object detection algorithm to supersede the state of the art method

    Activity Analysis; Finding Explanations for Sets of Events

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    Automatic activity recognition is the computational process of analysing visual input and reasoning about detections to understand the performed events. In all but the simplest scenarios, an activity involves multiple interleaved events, some related and others independent. The activity in a car park or at a playground would typically include many events. This research assumes the possible events and any constraints between the events can be defined for the given scene. Analysing the activity should thus recognise a complete and consistent set of events; this is referred to as a global explanation of the activity. By seeking a global explanation that satisfies the activity’s constraints, infeasible interpretations can be avoided, and ambiguous observations may be resolved. An activity’s events and any natural constraints are defined using a grammar formalism. Attribute Multiset Grammars (AMG) are chosen because they allow defining hierarchies, as well as attribute rules and constraints. When used for recognition, detectors are employed to gather a set of detections. Parsing the set of detections by the AMG provides a global explanation. To find the best parse tree given a set of detections, a Bayesian network models the probability distribution over the space of possible parse trees. Heuristic and exhaustive search techniques are proposed to find the maximum a posteriori global explanation. The framework is tested for two activities: the activity in a bicycle rack, and around a building entrance. The first case study involves people locking bicycles onto a bicycle rack and picking them up later. The best global explanation for all detections gathered during the day resolves local ambiguities from occlusion or clutter. Intensive testing on 5 full days proved global analysis achieves higher recognition rates. The second case study tracks people and any objects they are carrying as they enter and exit a building entrance. A complete sequence of the person entering and exiting multiple times is recovered by the global explanation

    Human Appearance Change Detection

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