18,959 research outputs found

    Precise foreground detection algorithm using motion estimation, minima and maxima inside the foreground object

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    In this paper the precise foreground mask is obtained in a complex environment by applying simple and effective methods on a video sequence consisting of multi-colour and multiple foreground object environment. To detect moving objects we use a simple algorithm based on block-based motion estimation, which requires less computational time. To obtain a full and improved mask of the moving object, we use an opening-and-closing-by- reconstruction mechanism to identify the minima and maxima inside the foreground object by applying a set of morphological operations. This further enhances the outlines of foreground objects at various stages of image processing. Therefore, the algorithm does not require the knowledge of the background image. That is why it can be used in real world video sequences to detect the foreground in cases where we do not have a background model in advance. The comparative performance results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.The Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar (http://imsciences.edu.pk/) through Higher Education Commission Islamabad, Pakistan (http://hec.gov.pk/)

    Surveillance centric coding

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    PhDThe research work presented in this thesis focuses on the development of techniques specific to surveillance videos for efficient video compression with higher processing speed. The Scalable Video Coding (SVC) techniques are explored to achieve higher compression efficiency. The framework of SVC is modified to support Surveillance Centric Coding (SCC). Motion estimation techniques specific to surveillance videos are proposed in order to speed up the compression process of the SCC. The main contributions of the research work presented in this thesis are divided into two groups (i) Efficient Compression and (ii) Efficient Motion Estimation. The paradigm of Surveillance Centric Coding (SCC) is introduced, in which coding aims to achieve bit-rate optimisation and adaptation of surveillance videos for storing and transmission purposes. In the proposed approach the SCC encoder communicates with the Video Content Analysis (VCA) module that detects events of interest in video captured by the CCTV. Bit-rate optimisation and adaptation are achieved by exploiting the scalability properties of the employed codec. Time segments containing events relevant to surveillance application are encoded using high spatiotemporal resolution and quality while the irrelevant portions from the surveillance standpoint are encoded at low spatio-temporal resolution and / or quality. Thanks to the scalability of the resulting compressed bit-stream, additional bit-rate adaptation is possible; for instance for the transmission purposes. Experimental evaluation showed that significant reduction in bit-rate can be achieved by the proposed approach without loss of information relevant to surveillance applications. In addition to more optimal compression strategy, novel approaches to performing efficient motion estimation specific to surveillance videos are proposed and implemented with experimental results. A real-time background subtractor is used to detect the presence of any motion activity in the sequence. Different approaches for selective motion estimation, GOP based, Frame based and Block based, are implemented. In the former, motion estimation is performed for the whole group of pictures (GOP) only when a moving object is detected for any frame of the GOP. iii While for the Frame based approach; each frame is tested for the motion activity and consequently for selective motion estimation. The selective motion estimation approach is further explored at a lower level as Block based selective motion estimation. Experimental evaluation showed that significant reduction in computational complexity can be achieved by applying the proposed strategy. In addition to selective motion estimation, a tracker based motion estimation and fast full search using multiple reference frames has been proposed for the surveillance videos. Extensive testing on different surveillance videos shows benefits of application of proposed approaches to achieve the goals of the SCC

    Lossy and Lossless Video Frame Compression: A Novel Approach for the High-Temporal Video Data Analytics

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    The smart city concept has attracted high research attention in recent years within diverse application domains, such as crime suspect identification, border security, transportation, aerospace, and so on. Specific focus has been on increased automation using data driven approaches, while leveraging remote sensing and real-time streaming of heterogenous data from various resources, including unmanned aerial vehicles, surveillance cameras, and low-earth-orbit satellites. One of the core challenges in exploitation of such high temporal data streams, specifically videos, is the trade-off between the quality of video streaming and limited transmission bandwidth. An optimal compromise is needed between video quality and subsequently, recognition and understanding and efficient processing of large amounts of video data. This research proposes a novel unified approach to lossy and lossless video frame compression, which is beneficial for the autonomous processing and enhanced representation of high-resolution video data in various domains. The proposed fast block matching motion estimation technique, namely mean predictive block matching, is based on the principle that general motion in any video frame is usually coherent. This coherent nature of the video frames dictates a high probability of a macroblock having the same direction of motion as the macroblocks surrounding it. The technique employs the partial distortion elimination algorithm to condense the exploration time, where partial summation of the matching distortion between the current macroblock and its contender ones will be used, when the matching distortion surpasses the current lowest error. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach over state-of-the-art techniques, including the four step search, three step search, diamond search, and new three step search

    Art Neural Networks for Remote Sensing: Vegetation Classification from Landsat TM and Terrain Data

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    A new methodology for automatic mapping from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and terrain data, based on the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network, is developed. System capabilities are tested on a challenging remote sensing classification problem, using spectral and terrain features for vegetation classification in the Cleveland National Forest. After training at the pixel level, system performance is tested at the stand level, using sites not seen during training. Results are compared to those of maximum likelihood classifiers, as well as back propagation neural networks and K Nearest Neighbor algorithms. ARTMAP dynamics are fast, stable, and scalable, overcoming common limitations of back propagation, which did not give satisfactory performance. Best results are obtained using a hybrid system based on a convex combination of fuzzy ARTMAP and maximum likelihood predictions. A prototype remote sensing example introduces each aspect of data processing and fuzzy ARTMAP classification. The example shows how the network automatically constructs a minimal number of recognition categories to meet accuracy criteria. A voting strategy improves prediction and assigns confidence estimates by training the system several times on different orderings of an input set.National Science Foundation (IRI 94-01659, SBR 93-00633); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-l-0409, N00014-95-0657

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    Investigating Genotype-Phenotype relationship extraction from biomedical text

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    During the last decade biomedicine has developed at a tremendous pace. Every day a lot of biomedical papers are published and a large amount of new information is produced. To help enable automated and human interaction in the multitude of applications of this biomedical data, the need for Natural Language Processing systems to process the vast amount of new information is increasing. Our main purpose in this research project is to extract the relationships between genotypes and phenotypes mentioned in the biomedical publications. Such a system provides important and up-to-date data for database construction and updating, and even text summarization. To achieve this goal we had to solve three main problems: finding genotype names, finding phenotype names, and finally extracting phenotype--genotype interactions. We consider all these required modules in a comprehensive system and propose a promising solution for each of them taking into account available tools and resources. BANNER, an open source biomedical named entity recognition system, which has achieved good results in detecting genotypes, has been used for the genotype name recognition task. We were the first group to start working on phenotype name recognition. We have developed two different systems (rule-based and machine-learning based) for extracting phenotype names from text. These systems incorporated the available knowledge from the Unified Medical Language System metathesaurus and the Human Phenotype Onotolgy (HPO). As there was no available annotated corpus for phenotype names, we created a valuable corpus with annotated phenotype names using information available in HPO and a self-training method which can be used for future research. To solve the final problem of this project i.e. , phenotype--genotype relationship extraction, a machine learning method has been proposed. As there was no corpus available for this task and it was not possible for us to annotate a sufficiently large corpus manually, a semi-automatic approach has been used to annotate a small corpus and a self-training method has been proposed to annotate more sentences and enlarge this corpus. A test set was manually annotated by an expert. In addition to having phenotype-genotype relationships annotated, the test set contains important comments about the nature of these relationships. The evaluation results related to each system demonstrate the significantly good performance of all the proposed methods

    Image analysis using visual saliency with applications in hazmat sign detection and recognition

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    Visual saliency is the perceptual process that makes attractive objects stand out from their surroundings in the low-level human visual system. Visual saliency has been modeled as a preprocessing step of the human visual system for selecting the important visual information from a scene. We investigate bottom-up visual saliency using spectral analysis approaches. We present separate and composite model families that generalize existing frequency domain visual saliency models. We propose several frequency domain visual saliency models to generate saliency maps using new spectrum processing methods and an entropy-based saliency map selection approach. A group of saliency map candidates are then obtained by inverse transform. A final saliency map is selected among the candidates by minimizing the entropy of the saliency map candidates. The proposed models based on the separate and composite model families are also extended to various color spaces. We develop an evaluation tool for benchmarking visual saliency models. Experimental results show that the proposed models are more accurate and efficient than most state-of-the-art visual saliency models in predicting eye fixation.^ We use the above visual saliency models to detect the location of hazardous material (hazmat) signs in complex scenes. We develop a hazmat sign location detection and content recognition system using visual saliency. Saliency maps are employed to extract salient regions that are likely to contain hazmat sign candidates and then use a Fourier descriptor based contour matching method to locate the border of hazmat signs in these regions. This visual saliency based approach is able to increase the accuracy of sign location detection, reduce the number of false positive objects, and speed up the overall image analysis process. We also propose a color recognition method to interpret the color inside the detected hazmat sign. Experimental results show that our proposed hazmat sign location detection method is capable of detecting and recognizing projective distorted, blurred, and shaded hazmat signs at various distances.^ In other work we investigate error concealment for scalable video coding (SVC). When video compressed with SVC is transmitted over loss-prone networks, the decompressed video can suffer severe visual degradation across multiple frames. In order to enhance the visual quality, we propose an inter-layer error concealment method using motion vector averaging and slice interleaving to deal with burst packet losses and error propagation. Experimental results show that the proposed error concealment methods outperform two existing methods