9 research outputs found

    A 3D Human Posture Approach for Activity Recognition Based on Depth Camera

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    Human activity recognition plays an important role in the context of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), providing useful tools to improve people quality of life. This work presents an activity recognition algorithm based on the extraction of skeleton joints from a depth camera. The system describes an activity using a set of few and basic postures extracted by means of the X-means clustering algorithm. A multi-class Support Vector Machine, trained with the Sequential Minimal Optimization is employed to perform the classification. The system is evaluated on two public datasets for activity recognition which have different skeleton models, the CAD-60 with 15 joints and the TST with 25 joints. The proposed approach achieves precision/recall performances of 99.8 % on CAD-60 and 97.2 %/91.7 % on TST. The results are promising for an applied use in the context of AAL

    Human Activity Recognition using Max-Min Skeleton-based Features and Key Poses

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    Human activity recognition is still a very challenging research area, due to the inherently complex temporal and spatial patterns that characterize most human activities. This paper proposes a human activity recognition framework based on random forests, where each activity is classified requiring few training examples (i.e. no frame-by-frame activity classification). In a first approach, a simple mechanism that divides each action sequence into a fixed-size window is employed, where max-min skeleton-based features are extracted. In the second approach, each window is delimited by a pair of automatically detected key poses, where static and max-min dynamic features are extracted, based on the determined activity example. Both approaches are evaluated using the Cornell Activity Dataset [1], obtaining relevant overall average results, considering that these approaches are fast to train and require just a few training examples. These characteristics suggest that the proposed framework can beuseful for real-time applications, where the activities are typicallywell distinctive and little training time is required, or to be integrated in larger and sophisticated systems, for a first quick impression/learning of certain activitie

    Human Action Recognition with RGB-D Sensors

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    none3noHuman action recognition, also known as HAR, is at the foundation of many different applications related to behavioral analysis, surveillance, and safety, thus it has been a very active research area in the last years. The release of inexpensive RGB-D sensors fostered researchers working in this field because depth data simplify the processing of visual data that could be otherwise difficult using classic RGB devices. Furthermore, the availability of depth data allows to implement solutions that are unobtrusive and privacy preserving with respect to classic video-based analysis. In this scenario, the aim of this chapter is to review the most salient techniques for HAR based on depth signal processing, providing some details on a specific method based on temporal pyramid of key poses, evaluated on the well-known MSR Action3D dataset.Cippitelli, Enea; Gambi, Ennio; Spinsante, SusannaCippitelli, Enea; Gambi, Ennio; Spinsante, Susann

    Human Action Recognition with RGB-D Sensors

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    Human action recognition, also known as HAR, is at the foundation of many different applications related to behavioral analysis, surveillance, and safety, thus it has been a very active research area in the last years. The release of inexpensive RGB-D sensors fostered researchers working in this field because depth data simplify the processing of visual data that could be otherwise difficult using classic RGB devices. Furthermore, the availability of depth data allows to implement solutions that are unobtrusive and privacy preserving with respect to classic video-based analysis. In this scenario, the aim of this chapter is to review the most salient techniques for HAR based on depth signal processing, providing some details on a specific method based on temporal pyramid of key poses, evaluated on the well-known MSR Action3D dataset

    Action recognition using Kinematics Posture Feature on 3D skeleton joint locations

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    Action recognition is a very widely explored research area in computer vision and related fields. We propose Kinematics Posture Feature (KPF) extraction from 3D joint positions based on skeleton data for improving the performance of action recognition. In this approach, we consider the skeleton 3D joints as kinematics sensors. We propose Linear Joint Position Feature (LJPF) and Angular Joint Position Feature (AJPF) based on 3D linear joint positions and angles between bone segments. We then combine these two kinematics features for each video frame for each action to create the KPF feature sets. These feature sets encode the variation of motion in the temporal domain as if each body joint represents kinematics position and orientation sensors. In the next stage, we process the extracted KPF feature descriptor by using a low pass filter, and segment them by using sliding windows with optimized length. This concept resembles the approach of processing kinematics sensor data. From the segmented windows, we compute the Position-based Statistical Feature (PSF). These features consist of temporal domain statistical features (e.g., mean, standard deviation, variance, etc.). These statistical features encode the variation of postures (i.e., joint positions and angles) across the video frames. For performing classification, we explore Support Vector Machine (Linear), RNN, CNNRNN, and ConvRNN model. The proposed PSF feature sets demonstrate prominent performance in both statistical machine learning- and deep learning-based models. For evaluation, we explore five benchmark datasets namely UTKinect-Action3D, Kinect Activity Recognition Dataset (KARD), MSR 3D Action Pairs, Florence 3D, and Office Activity Dataset (OAD). To prevent overfitting, we consider the leave-one-subject-out framework as the experimental setup and perform 10-fold cross-validation. Our approach outperforms several existing methods in these benchmark datasets and achieves very promising classification performance

    A human activity recognition framework using max-min features and key poses with differential evolution random forests classifier

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    This paper presents a novel framework for human daily activity recognition that is intended to rely on few training examples evidencing fast training times, making it suitable for real-time applications. The proposed framework starts with a feature extraction stage, where the division of each activity into actions of variable-size, based on key poses, is performed. Each action window is delimited by two consecutive and automatically identified key poses, where static (i.e. geometrical) and max-min dynamic (i.e. temporal) features are extracted. These features are first used to train a random forest (RF) classifier which was tested using the CAD-60 dataset, obtaining relevant overall average results. Then in a second stage, an extension of the RF is proposed, where the differential evolution meta-heuristic algorithm is used, as splitting node methodology. The main advantage of its inclusion is the fact that the differential evolution random forest has no thresholds to tune, but rather a few adjustable parameters with well-defined behavior

    A Hybrid Duo-Deep Learning and Best Features Based Framework for Action Recognition

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    Human Action Recognition (HAR) is a current research topic in the field of computer vision that is based on an important application known as video surveillance. Researchers in computer vision have introduced various intelligent methods based on deep learning and machine learning, but they still face many challenges such as similarity in various actions and redundant features. We proposed a framework for accurate human action recognition (HAR) based on deep learning and an improved features optimization algorithm in this paper. From deep learning feature extraction to feature classification, the proposed framework includes several critical steps. Before training fine-tuned deep learning models – MobileNet-V2 and Darknet53 – the original video frames are normalized. For feature extraction, pre-trained deep models are used, which are fused using the canonical correlation approach. Following that, an improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO)-based algorithm is used to select the best features. Following that, the selected features were used to classify actions using various classifiers. The experimental process was performed on six publicly available datasets such as KTH, UT-Interaction, UCF Sports, Hollywood, IXMAS, and UCF YouTube, which attained an accuracy of 98.3%, 98.9%, 99.8%, 99.6%, 98.6%, and 100%, respectively. In comparison with existing techniques, it is observed that the proposed framework achieved improved accuracy

    Human action recognition and mobility assessment in smart environments with RGB-D sensors

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    Questa attività di ricerca è focalizzata sullo sviluppo di algoritmi e soluzioni per ambienti intelligenti sfruttando sensori RGB e di profondità. In particolare, gli argomenti affrontati fanno riferimento alla valutazione della mobilità di un soggetto e al riconoscimento di azioni umane. Riguardo il primo tema, l'obiettivo è quello di implementare algoritmi per l'estrazione di parametri oggettivi che possano supportare la valutazione di test di mobilità svolta da personale sanitario. Il primo algoritmo proposto riguarda l'estrazione di sei joints sul piano sagittale utilizzando i dati di profondità forniti dal sensore Kinect. La precisione in termini di stima degli angoli di busto e ginocchio nella fase di sit-to-stand viene valutata considerando come riferimento un sistema stereofotogrammetrico basato su marker. Un secondo algoritmo viene proposto per facilitare la realizzazione del test in ambiente domestico e per consentire l'estrazione di un maggior numero di parametri dall'esecuzione del test Timed Up and Go. I dati di Kinect vengono combinati con quelli di un accelerometro attraverso un algoritmo di sincronizzazione, costituendo un setup che può essere utilizzato anche per altre applicazioni che possono beneficiare dell'utilizzo congiunto di dati RGB, profondità ed inerziali. Vengono quindi proposti algoritmi di rilevazione della caduta che sfruttano la stessa configurazione del Timed Up and Go test. Per quanto riguarda il secondo argomento affrontato, l'obiettivo è quello di effettuare la classificazione di azioni che possono essere compiute dalla persona all'interno di un ambiente domestico. Vengono quindi proposti due algoritmi di riconoscimento attività i quali utilizzano i joints dello scheletro di Kinect e sfruttano un SVM multiclasse per il riconoscimento di azioni appartenenti a dataset pubblicamente disponibili, raggiungendo risultati confrontabili con lo stato dell'arte rispetto ai dataset CAD-60, KARD, MSR Action3D.This research activity is focused on the development of algorithms and solutions for smart environments exploiting RGB and depth sensors. In particular, the addressed topics refer to mobility assessment of a subject and to human action recognition. Regarding the first topic, the goal is to implement algorithms for the extraction of objective parameters that can support the assessment of mobility tests performed by healthcare staff. The first proposed algorithm regards the extraction of six joints on the sagittal plane using depth data provided by Kinect sensor. The accuracy in terms of estimation of torso and knee angles in the sit-to-stand phase is evaluated considering a marker-based stereometric system as a reference. A second algorithm is proposed to simplify the test implementation in home environment and to allow the extraction of a greater number of parameters from the execution of the Timed Up and Go test. Kinect data are combined with those of an accelerometer through a synchronization algorithm constituting a setup that can be used also for other applications that benefit from the joint usage of RGB, depth and inertial data. Fall detection algorithms exploiting the same configuration of the Timed Up and Go test are therefore proposed. Regarding the second topic addressed, the goal is to perform the classification of human actions that can be carried out in home environment. Two algorithms for human action recognition are therefore proposed, which exploit skeleton joints of Kinect and a multi-class SVM for the recognition of actions belonging to publicly available datasets, achieving results comparable with the state of the art in the datasets CAD-60, KARD, MSR Action3D

    Human action recognition and mobility assessment in smart environments with RGB-D sensors

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    openQuesta attività di ricerca è focalizzata sullo sviluppo di algoritmi e soluzioni per ambienti intelligenti sfruttando sensori RGB e di profondità. In particolare, gli argomenti affrontati fanno riferimento alla valutazione della mobilità di un soggetto e al riconoscimento di azioni umane. Riguardo il primo tema, l'obiettivo è quello di implementare algoritmi per l'estrazione di parametri oggettivi che possano supportare la valutazione di test di mobilità svolta da personale sanitario. Il primo algoritmo proposto riguarda l'estrazione di sei joints sul piano sagittale utilizzando i dati di profondità forniti dal sensore Kinect. La precisione in termini di stima degli angoli di busto e ginocchio nella fase di sit-to-stand viene valutata considerando come riferimento un sistema stereofotogrammetrico basato su marker. Un secondo algoritmo viene proposto per facilitare la realizzazione del test in ambiente domestico e per consentire l'estrazione di un maggior numero di parametri dall'esecuzione del test Timed Up and Go. I dati di Kinect vengono combinati con quelli di un accelerometro attraverso un algoritmo di sincronizzazione, costituendo un setup che può essere utilizzato anche per altre applicazioni che possono beneficiare dell'utilizzo congiunto di dati RGB, profondità ed inerziali. Vengono quindi proposti algoritmi di rilevazione della caduta che sfruttano la stessa configurazione del Timed Up and Go test. Per quanto riguarda il secondo argomento affrontato, l'obiettivo è quello di effettuare la classificazione di azioni che possono essere compiute dalla persona all'interno di un ambiente domestico. Vengono quindi proposti due algoritmi di riconoscimento attività i quali utilizzano i joints dello scheletro di Kinect e sfruttano un SVM multiclasse per il riconoscimento di azioni appartenenti a dataset pubblicamente disponibili, raggiungendo risultati confrontabili con lo stato dell'arte rispetto ai dataset CAD-60, KARD, MSR Action3D.This research activity is focused on the development of algorithms and solutions for smart environments exploiting RGB and depth sensors. In particular, the addressed topics refer to mobility assessment of a subject and to human action recognition. Regarding the first topic, the goal is to implement algorithms for the extraction of objective parameters that can support the assessment of mobility tests performed by healthcare staff. The first proposed algorithm regards the extraction of six joints on the sagittal plane using depth data provided by Kinect sensor. The accuracy in terms of estimation of torso and knee angles in the sit-to-stand phase is evaluated considering a marker-based stereometric system as a reference. A second algorithm is proposed to simplify the test implementation in home environment and to allow the extraction of a greater number of parameters from the execution of the Timed Up and Go test. Kinect data are combined with those of an accelerometer through a synchronization algorithm constituting a setup that can be used also for other applications that benefit from the joint usage of RGB, depth and inertial data. Fall detection algorithms exploiting the same configuration of the Timed Up and Go test are therefore proposed. Regarding the second topic addressed, the goal is to perform the classification of human actions that can be carried out in home environment. Two algorithms for human action recognition are therefore proposed, which exploit skeleton joints of Kinect and a multi-class SVM for the recognition of actions belonging to publicly available datasets, achieving results comparable with the state of the art in the datasets CAD-60, KARD, MSR Action3D.INGEGNERIA DELL'INFORMAZIONECippitelli, EneaCippitelli, Ene