711 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Nama ditentukan melalui referensi yang sesuai konsep dan fungsinya. Penamaan tersebut merupakan penggabungkan pemikiran manusia yang mengacu pada makna. Kendaraan perang yang telah ada pada sebelum perang dunia kedua sampai saat ini mempunyai berbagai nama. Salah satu keunikannya adalah nama diambil dari kata nama hewan. Salah satu contoh   nama jenis UH-60 Helikopter Pengangkat Menengah adalah Elang Hitam yang diambil dari jenis burung. Beberapa jenis hewan lain juga mengisi konsep pada nama-nama kendaraan perang. Pertimbanganya adalah alasan keunikan khusus pada pada nama-nama ini. Bingkai Semantik menilai alasan-alasan dengan mengkombinasikan perilaku hewan dan pengetahuan linguistik untuk mendiskripsikan makna dan tujuan.  Proses ini dapat mengkategorikan aspek yang ditinjau mengenai pandangan inti. Ini dimaksudkan untuk mencari karakter dan keunikan hewan dengan kendaraan perang untuk menentukan kecanggihan alat pada kendaraan perang. Metode yang digunakan pada permasalahan ini adalah deskripsi kualitatif. Sumber data nama kendaraan perang  dan perilaku hewan beserta gambar didapatkan dan dikelompokkan yang diambil dari situs terpercaya. Dengan setiap pemahaman proses diskusi, skripsi ini akan didapatkan pemahaman mengenai persamaan perilaku hewan dan kecanggihan alat kendaraan perang. Pada hasilnya, terdapat bingkai kategorisasi yang dapat meliputi artian alasan apa pada nama kendaraan perang. Ini dapat menangani perspektif manusia melalui pemilihan hewan yang sesuai. Kemudian, hubungan makna kenapa kendaraan perang menggunakan nama hewan terjelaskan. Kata Kunci: kognitif hewan, kognitif semantik, bingkai semantik   Abstract A name can make a consideration upon the reference that has been taken to fill its concept and also function. It connects the human thought to catch the meaning. Military vehicle  have already been named since world war II. One of the feature is obtained by the name of animal. One of the Helicopter names is named with the name UH-60 Black Hawk, which is adapted by the name of bird. Other types of animal’s name come to fill a concept in military vehicle names. The consideration is based on what and why the reason of animal name is choosen in military vehicle and become its particular feature as this problem. Frame Semantics examines those reasons by combining animal cognition and linguistic knowledge to describe the meaning and goal. The process categorizes them with aspect which is reviewed in related point in perspective. It aims to seek what animal behavior and what function and feature in military vehicle to dispose what advaced features inside the military vehicle when it is reviewed in those animal reason. This method is suitable to get the descriptive qualitative. The source of the data both military vehicle name and animal cognition in information and picture was collected  from realible sites. To understand every discussion process, this thesis is obtained from the understanding related relevance with the animal character through military vehicle.  As the result, there are three frame categorisations that can cover the meaning to find reasons in military vehicle name. It can handle the human perspective trough the selected animal. Then the relation meaning why military vehicle uses animal name is explained. Keywords: animal cognition, cognitif semantic, frame semantic&nbsp

    Prospects of a mathematical theory of human behavior in complex man-machine systems tasks

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    A hierarchy of human activities is derived by analyzing automobile driving in general terms. A structural description leads to a block diagram and a time-sharing computer analogy. The range of applicability of existing mathematical models is considered with respect to the hierarchy of human activities in actual complex tasks. Other mathematical tools so far not often applied to man machine systems are also discussed. The mathematical descriptions at least briefly considered here include utility, estimation, control, queueing, and fuzzy set theory as well as artificial intelligence techniques. Some thoughts are given as to how these methods might be integrated and how further work might be pursued

    Using websites to disseminate research on urban spatialities

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    This paper reviews a selection of websites that explore urban geographies. Many sites use the web as a depository for large amounts of research data. However, many are using websites to disseminate research findings, and the paper focuses on these. It suggests that, thus far, there are three significant ways in which urban researchers are exploiting the potentialities of web technologies to interpret urban spaces: by evoking a sense of the complexity of urban spatialities; by inviting site visitors to engage actively and performatively with the research materials; and by emphasising the sensory qualities of urban spaces. The paper discusses how one website in particular invites its visitors to engage with complex, sensory urban spatialities. The paper compares geographers' use of collage and montage as part of this discussion, and ends by reflecting on current work and commenting on its future development

    Initial Practices for Abstraction of Body and Space in Design Education

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    The relationship between space and human occurs through the actions performed with the body. The abstraction study as an exploration of the body is one of the significant practices for first-year design students. However, there are not enough investigations for design students regarding body, space and basic design principles. This paper aims to explore the potentiality and limitations of the body-abstraction process by comparing the impact of two different educational models on students' perception and improvement. The applied methodology includes comparing two design processes of the basic design course depending on parameters: Given example, source of the video, type of movement, the number of the selected-used scenes, mode of sketching, the method for production, requested outcome, the scale of the study, the material of models and critique of the video. The results present that the activation of the body through mental practice, drawing and modelling stages is critical to understand its abstract and spatial capabilities. The realisation of the potentials in the relationship between body and abstraction in spatial perception would enable us to create an advanced design process addressing more original concepts

    Human operator performance of remotely controlled tasks: Teleoperator research conducted at NASA's George C. Marshal Space Flight Center

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    The capabilities within the teleoperator laboratories to perform remote and teleoperated investigations for a wide variety of applications are described. Three major teleoperator issues are addressed: the human operator, the remote control and effecting subsystems, and the human/machine system performance results for specific teleoperated tasks

    Fit for the future

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    Giving shape to time: An investigation into mixed-media installation

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    This research investigates ways of shaping time and identifying the characteristics of time that evolve in my art practice with reference to a synthesis of two and three-dimensional material, sound, and video. The nature of this study is a three-way material exchange between theoretical discourses, my practice, and audience response. The theoretical discourse includes a survey of the notions of time from different fields of knowledge from science, literature, anthropology, and memory studies. Additionally, an analysis of two contemporary installations, Normal & Nature by a Thai artist, Kamin Lertchaiprasert, and Going Forth by Day by an American artist, Bill Viola, is included. Project 1, A solo show by Toeingam Srisubut, featured three art pieces: time-scape, container site, and ... and a real TV. The first project explored the potential media that can give shape to time and make the characteristics of time explicit. My evaluation of this project focuses on analysing the characteristics of time that grow out of my three works, and examining the audience's multiple readings of time that reveal various indicators, e.g. spaces, narratives, audience's and my memories, and certain Thai social and economic elements. In Project 2, a sound and performance installation Rush Hour, narrative, space, and audience participation are considered specifically. I am testing out how effective the three indicators can give shape to time, and identifying the different characteristics of time of the installation placed in a specific environment of Koh Samui. Project 3, a mix-media installation, When I grow rich, say the bells of Shoreditch, re-tested the three indicators. This project demonstrates my personal, cultural engagements and interpretations of these indicators. The research identifies further areas for potential studies within various aspects of time as well as practical ways of giving shape to it

    Disconnect: An Animated Short Narrative Critiquing Our Society\u27s Digital Dependence

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    Disconnect is an animated short narrative critiquing our society’s increasing focus on communication through digital devices at the expense of traditional human interaction

    Dreams as Sources of Artistic Production

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    Art is an expression of the mind, either consciously or unconsciously, in relief, or in two or three dimension through different media. The manifest or conscious experience is visible and could be fully expressed while the latent or unconscious which is invisible, is beyond human understanding unless it is interpreted. Sleeping dream experiences relate to issues of deeper levels of understanding which could be recast, and if systematically analyzed paves the way to solving many psychological problems. This paper is about some hidden meanings of symbols in dreams and looks at how to use sleeping dream experiences in producing art in relief sculpture. Data was collected using the qualitative and descriptive methods through mainly interviews. The qualitative experimental method was used to portray the experiences from the researcher’s dreams while the descriptive method was employed to describe the researcher’s personal encounters of dreams. Interviews with knowledgeable individuals who can interpret dreams were carried out to support the researcher’s own understanding of dreams. This has helped the author to interpret the dream scenes employed in the paper. Dream experiences were presented in words and transformed into two-dimensional sketches, representing the important activities of the dream. The central ideas within them, which were the finished sketches, were developed and used to portray the dream experiences. Papié mâché, which is marched paper mixed with cement as a binding agent in a paste form was used to produce the work with a touch of multi-coloured finish. Each dream experience employed in the production, from the narration to the finished works, has a unique meaning and understanding which allowed the free flow of the mind to capture scenes from the dreams and their presentation artistically. Works presented in this way, created memorable pictures in the mind of both the dreamer and the observer.   Keywords: Conscious, "De l’étèrnité à l’étèrnité” (from eternity to eternity), dream, papié mâché, surreal, sub-conscious
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