19 research outputs found

    A Brief Review of Security in Emerging Programmable Computer Networking Technologies

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    Recent programmable networking paradigms, such as cloud computing, fog computing, software- defined networks, and network function virtualization gain significant traction in industry and academia. While these newly developed networking technologies open a pathway to new architectures and enable a faster innovation cycle, there exist many problems in this area. In this article, we provide a review of these programmable networking architectures for comparison. Second, we provide a survey of security attacks and defense mechanisms in these emerging programmable networking technologies

    The dark side of network functions virtualization: A perspective on the technological sustainability

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    The Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) paradigm is undoubtedly a key technological advancement in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) community, especially for the upcoming 5G network design. While most of its promise is quite straightforward, the implied reduction of the power consumption/carbon footprint is still debatable, and not in line with the energy efficiency perspective forecasted by the ETSI NFV working group (WG). In this paper, we provide an estimate of the possible future requirements of this upcoming technology when deployed according to the virtual Evolved Packet Core (vEPC) use case specified by the ETSI NFV WG. Our estimation is based on real performance levels, certified by independent third-party laboratories, and datasheet values provided by existing commercial products for both the legacy and NFV network architectures, under different deployment scenarios. Obtained results show that a massive deployment of the current NFV technologies in the EPC may lead to a minimum increase of 106 % in the carbon footprint/energy consumption with respect to the Business As Usual (BAU) network solutions. Moreover, these values tend to increase at a very high pace when the most suitable software/hardware combination is not applied, or when packet processing latency is taken into account

    Decentralized Scalable Dynamic Load Balancing among Virtual Network Slice Instantiations

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    In the virtualized environment of 5G networks, the control and management of dynamic network slices poses a set of challenges that are still largely unsolved. Though the architectural framework and the elements of abstraction and orchestration mechanisms have been defined, the dynamic orchestration of resources based on them entails the adoption of existing sophisticated control techniques, or the design of new ones for the specific environment. In the present paper, we address the problem of load balancing among multiple network service chains (which represent network slice instantiations of a Network Service Provider referring to a specific vertical application) originating from different Points of Presence (PoPs). For scalability reasons, we want to maintain the problem within an informationally decentralized setting, where each PoP has the knowledge of the aggregate workload generated by the slice users accessing through it, but not of that of the other PoPs (to avoid the exchange of information for control purposes). By taking also into account power consumption policies of the Infrastructure Provider, we find a set of candidate team-optimal solutions to this load-balancing problem, which are characterized by piecewise-linear functions, and compare their performance with that of other resource allocation strategies

    Migration cost optimization for service provider legacy network migration to software-defined IPv6 network

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Dawadi, BR, Rawat, DB, Joshi, SR, Manzoni, P, Keitsch, MM. Migration cost optimization for service provider legacy network migration to software-defined IPv6 network. Int J Network Mgmt. 2021; 31:e2145, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/nem.2145. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] This paper studies a problem for seamless migration of legacy networks of Internet service providers to a software-defined networking (SDN)-based architecture along with the transition to the full adoption of the Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) connectivity. Migration of currently running legacy IPv4 networks into such new approaches requires either upgrades or replacement of existing networking devices and technologies that are actively operating. The joint migration to SDN and IPv6 network is considered to be vital in terms of migration cost optimization, skilled human resource management, and other critical factors. In this work, we first present the approaches of SDN and IPv6 migration in service providers' networks. Then, we present the common concerns of IPv6 and SDN migration with joint transition strategies so that the cost associated with joint migration is minimized to lower than that of the individual migration. For the incremental adoption of software-defined IPv6 (SoDIP6) network with optimum migration cost, a greedy algorithm is proposed based on optimal path and the customer priority. Simulation and empirical analysis show that a unified transition planning to SoDIP6 network results in lower migration cost.U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Grant/Award Number: CNS 1650831 and HRD 1828811; ERASMUS+ KA107; Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST); Norwegian University of Science and Technology; University Grant Commission (UGC), Nepal, Grant/Award Number: FRG/74_75/Engg-1Dawadi, BR.; Rawat, DB.; Joshi, SR.; Manzoni, P.; Keitsch, MM. (2021). Migration cost optimization for service provider legacy network migration to software-defined IPv6 network. International Journal of Network Management. 31(4):1-24. https://doi.org/10.1002/nem.2145S124314APNIC.IPv6 capability measurement.https://stats.labs.apnic.net/ipv6. Accessed April 22 2020.Google Incl. IPv6 user access status.https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html. Accessed February 16 2020.Rawat, D. B., & Reddy, S. R. (2017). Software Defined Networking Architecture, Security and Energy Efficiency: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 19(1), 325-346. doi:10.1109/comst.2016.2618874Dai, B., Xu, G., Huang, B., Qin, P., & Xu, Y. (2017). Enabling network innovation in data center networks with software defined networking: A survey. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 94, 33-49. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2017.07.004Kobayashi, M., Seetharaman, S., Parulkar, G., Appenzeller, G., Little, J., van Reijendam, J., 
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ACM Computing Surveys, 51(2), 1-35. doi:10.1145/3165290Contreras, L. M., Doolan, P., LĂžnsethagen, H., & LĂłpez, D. R. (2015). Operational, organizational and business challenges for network operators in the context of SDN and NFV. Computer Networks, 92, 211-217. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2015.07.016Amin, R., Reisslein, M., & Shah, N. (2018). Hybrid SDN Networks: A Survey of Existing Approaches. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 20(4), 3259-3306. doi:10.1109/comst.2018.2837161Audi Marc Amjad A.The Advancement in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Economic Development: A Panel Analysis. MPRA.https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/93476/. Published 2019. Accessed November 29 2019.Main, A., Zakaria, N. A., & Yusof, R. (2015). Organisation Readiness Factors Towards IPv6 Migration: Expert Review. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 1882-1889. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.06.427Dawadi, B. R., Rawat, D. B., Joshi, S. R., & Baral, D. S. (2019). 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    Economic Viability of Software Defined Networking (SDN)

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    Economical and operational facets of networks drive the necessity for significant changes towards fundamentals of networking architectures. Recently, the momentum of programmable networking attempts illustrates the significance of economic aspects of network technologies. Software Defined Networking (SDN) has got the attention of researchers from both academia and industry as a means to decrease network costs and generate revenue for service providers due to features it promises in networking. In this article, we investigate how programmable network architectures, i.e. SDN technology, affect the network economics compared to traditional network architectures, i.e. MPLS technology. We define two metrics, Unit Service Cost Scalability and Cost-to-Service, to evaluate how SDN architecture performs compared to MPLS architecture. Also, we present mathematical models to calculate certain cost parts of a network. In addition, we compare different popular SDN control plane models, Centralized Control Plane (CCP), Distributed Control Plane (DCP), and Hierarchical Control Plane (HCP), to understand the economic impact of them with regards to the defined metrics. We use video traffic with different patterns for the comparison. This work aims at being a useful primer to providing insights regarding which technology and control plane model are appropriate for a specific service, i.e. video, for network owners to plan their investments

    MPLS & QoS in Virtual Environments

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    The rise of high performance computing has seen a shift of services from locally managed Data Centers, to centralized globally redundant Data Centers (Cloud Computing). The scale of operation and churn required for cloud computing has in turn led to the rise of faster and programmable network pathing, via SDN & NFV. Cloud compute resources are accessible to individual researchers, as well as larger organizations. Cloud computing relies heavily on virtualization and abstraction of resources. The interconnect between these resources is more complex than ever, due to the need to seamlessly move from virtual to physical to hybrid networks and resources. MPLS as a technology is robust and has been used as transport for decades with a good track record. QoS has been available within most protocols to ensure service levels are maintained. The integration of MPLS, QoS and virtual environments is a space of increasing interest. It would allow for the seamless movement of traffic from end to end without the need for specialized hardware or vendor lock-in. In this thesis, the performance gains of IP/MPLS networks utilizing QoS on commercially available virtual environments has been investigated and studied. Latency was captured via round trip time metrics and tabulated for voice, video and data, with QoS and congestion as the primary differentiators. The study discusses the approach taken, the common thinking, and finally analyzes the results of a simulation, in order to show that MPLS & QoS benefits are viable in virtualized environments

    Analyses and design of a new integrated mobile SIP proxy to enhance the scalability in mobile network operators

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    The emergence of the two new technologies, namely Software Defined Network (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) have radically changed the development of computer network fun etions and the evolution of mobile network operators (MN Os) infrastructures. The se two technologies bring to MN Os the promises of reducing costs, enhancing network flexibility and scalability to handle the growth in the number of mobile users and the need to extend its coverage to rural areas. The aim of this thesis 1s to exploit the advantages of the NFV concept to support the implementation of full y integrated solution with an external Session Initial Protocol (SIP) proxy application to enhance the scalability in MN Os. The proposed solution offers a hosted SIP proxy application installed on a virtual machine (VM) environment. The SIP proxy provides full Private Branch Exchange (PBX) and Switch (SW) functionality with Interactive Voice Response (IVR) capabilities. It maximizes the capacity in the existing servers and value-added services (VAS) data centers within the MNOs. The proposed solution enhances the usage of the existing bandwidth by using the unlicensed radio frequency (RF) spectrum bandwidth instead of the licensed RF spectrum to support a larger number of smartphones and data plans. In the initial experimental testbed, TeleFinity IP PBX, which is an external SIP proxy, 1s deployed on a virtual platform and integrated with the mobile network. The integration 1s realized by establishing a point to point protocol (PPP) SIP trunk connection between TeleFinity IP PBX and the Gateway Mobile Switch Center (GMSC). Severa! Testing scenarios were carried out over a local area network (LAN) and a wide area network (W AN) using different voice codees: G.711 u-law, G. 723, and G. 729 to validate the voice cali quality offered by the proposed solution. The Network analyzer software solutions: 1) Startrinity SIP tester, 2) Commview and 3) Resource Monitor are used to measure severa! Quality of Service (QoS) metrics. These include voice jitter, delay, packet Joss, and MOS. This procedure ensures that the proposed solution can handle voice communications with acceptable quality compared to LTE standards

    Yleiskatsaus ympÀristövaatimuksiin talonrakennusliiketoiminnassa

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    Ilmastonmuutos on meitÀ kaikkia maailmanlaajuisesti koskettava uhka. Rakentamisesta ja rakennusten koko elinkaaresta aiheutuu suuri mÀÀrÀ ympÀristöÀ kuormittavia pÀÀstöjÀ. Euroopan unionilla on tavoitteena saavuttaa hiilineutraalius vuoteen 2050 mennessÀ. Kyseinen tavoite on siirtynyt sitÀ myötÀ myös kansalliselle tasolle ja Suomen osalta se on asetettu jo vuoteen 2035; ollen yksittÀisten kuntien osalta sitÀkin kunnianhimoisempi. Tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi niin kansallisella kuin kansainvÀlisellÀkin tasolla on ryhdytty toimenpiteisiin. Talonrakentamisen osalta nÀmÀ kyseiset toimenpiteet nÀyttÀytyvÀt erilaisina vapaaehtoisina sekÀ pakollisina ympÀristövaatimuksina. Eri tahoilta tulevat ympÀristövaatimukset muodostavat erittÀin laajan ja vaikeasti ymmÀrrettÀvÀn kokonaisuuden. TÀstÀ johtuen tÀmÀn tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on koota eri tahoilta tulevat talonrakentamista koskettavat ympÀristövaatimuksia yhteen, jotta niiden kokonaisuuden hallinnasta tulisi helpommin ymmÀrrettÀvÀÀ. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen osalta taksonomia-asetus osoittautui merkittÀvimmÀksi kansainvÀliseksi ympÀristövaatimukseksi. Tutkimuksessa paneudutaan syvemmin kahteen ensimmÀiseen taksonomiaa koskevaan pÀÀtavoitteeseen, jotka ovat ilmastonmuutoksen hillintÀ ja ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutuminen. LisÀksi ilmastonmuutoksen hillintÀÀn liittyviin, talonrakentamista koskeviin, teknisiin arviointikriteereihin tutustutaan tarkemmin. Kansallisten ympÀristövaatimusten osalta merkittÀvimpiÀ ovat uusi kaavoitus- ja rakentamislaki sekÀ kuntien ja tilaajien ympÀristövaatimukset. TÀmÀ tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen tapaustutkimus. Sen tavoitteena on auttaa pohjoismaisen rakennusliikkeen case-esimerkin kautta ymmÀrtÀmÀÀn paremmin ympÀristövaatimuksia ja niiden merkitystÀ sen talonrakentamisen liiketoiminnassa. Työn alussa laadittiin kirjallisuuskatsaus, jolla muodostettiin kokonaiskuva aiheesta. Teoriaosuudessa perehdyttiin merkittÀvimpiin talonrakentamista koskeviin kansallisiin ja kansainvÀlisiin ympÀristövaatimuksiin. Aiheeseen tutustumisen jÀlkeen jÀrjestettiin kohdeyritystÀ koskeva sisÀinen haastattelukierros, jolla luotiin kÀsitys kohdeyrityksen ympÀristöraportoinnin nykytilasta. Nykytilan kartoittamiseksi apuna oli kÀytössÀ myös kohdeyrityksen sisÀisiÀ ja julkisia asiakirjoja. SisÀisistÀ haastatteluista jÀrjestettiin toinen haastattelukierros, jonka avulla pyrittiin syventÀmÀÀn ymmÀrrystÀ kohdeyrityksen nykytilasta ja toimista vastata ympÀristövaatimusten mukanaan tuomiin haasteisiin. SisÀisten haastatteluiden lisÀksi jÀrjestettiin kohdeyrityksen ulkoisia haastatteluita, joiden avulla oli tarkoitus saada lisÀnÀkemystÀ niin kansallisiin kuin kansainvÀlisiinkin ympÀristövaatimuksiin. Tutkimusaineisto osoittaa, ettÀ talonrakentamista koskevat ympÀristövaatimukset ovat kokonaisuudessaan hyvin monimutkainen ja laaja kokonaisuus. Taksonomia-asetuksen voidaan todeta olevan kokonaisuudessaan vielÀ keskenerÀinen. TÀrkeintÀ taksonomia-asetuksen suhteen olisikin pysyÀ ajanhermolla ja luoda valmiudet sille, ettÀ yrityksellÀ on kykyÀ vastata sen sisÀltÀmiin vaatimuksiin tulevaisuudessa. Kansallisten vaatimusten osalta kohdeyrityksen tilanne on hyvÀ pakollisten ympÀristövaatimusten, niin nykyisten kuin tulevienkin, suhteen. Sen sijaan huomio tulisikin siirtÀÀ vapaaehtoisiin vaatimuksiin, jotka ovat useimmiten perÀisin kunnilta ja tilaajilta. Niiden osalta tulisi pyrkiÀ luomaan toimivat toimintamallit, jotta vapaaehtoisten vaatimusten tunnistettaisiin yleistyvÀt vuosi vuodelta ja jotta niihin olisi helpompi vastata nyt ja tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimuksen lopussa kansallisista vaatimuksista laadittiin tiekartta. LisÀksi tÀssÀ tutkimuksessa nÀkemykset talonrakentamiselle osoitettujen ympÀristövaatimuksiin liittyvistÀ uhista ja mahdollisuuksista tuotiin esille SWOT-analyysin avulla