5 research outputs found

    Towards a hybrid testing process unifying exploratory testing and scripted testing

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    CONTEXT Given the current state of the art in research, practitioners are faced with the challenge of choosing scripted testing (ST) or exploratory testing (ET). OBJECTIVE This study aims at systematically incorporating strengths of ET and ST in a hybrid testing process to overcome the weaknesses of each. METHOD We utilized systematic review and practitioner interviews to identify strengths and weaknesses of ET and ST. Strengths of ET were mapped to weaknesses of ST and vice versa. Noblit and Hare's lines-ofargument method was used for data analysis. The results of the mapping were used as input to codesign a hybrid process with experienced practitioners. RESULTS We found a clear need to create a hybrid process as follows: (i) both ST and ET provide strengths and weaknesses, and these depend on some particular conditions, which prevents preference of one approach to another; and (ii) the mapping showed that it is possible to address the weaknesses in one process by the strengths of the other in a hybrid form. With the input from literature and industry experts, a flexible and iterative hybrid process was designed. CONCLUSIONS Practitioners can clearly benefit from using a hybrid process given the mapping of advantages and disadvantage

    Propuesta de Procedimiento para realizar pruebas de Caja Blanca a las aplicaciones que se desarrollan en lenguaje Python

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    Uno de los mayores problemas que se afrontan en la esfera de la informática es la calidad de software. El proceso de pruebas al software (también conocido como beta testing) es uno de losaspectos fundamentales para medir el estado de calidad de un sistema informático e introducirlo satisfactoriamente en el mercado mundial. El objetivo del presente trabajo de diploma, es elaborar la propuesta de un procedimiento para realizar pruebas, aplicando el método de Caja Blanca, a las aplicaciones que se desarrollan con lenguaje Python en el Centro de Desarrollo de la Facultad Regional Granma de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas.En esta investigación se hizo un análisis de las principales bibliografías especializadas en el tema, profundizando en los diferentes métodos de pruebas que existen, fundamentalmente en las técnicas encaminadas a la revisión del código fuente de un sistema informático.El trabajo propone un procedimiento para realizar pruebas de Caja Blanca a los sistemas que se desarrollan en Python. En el mismo se exponen las actividades a seguir por el Grupo de Calidadde la Facultad Regional Granma, refl ejando cada uno de los artefactos de entrada y salida que se generan, indicando cómo se utilizan y se completan.Para confi rmar la validez del trabajo realizado se aplicó el procedimiento al Sistema de Gestión de Información para la Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Granma. De acuerdo a lo planteado en la propuesta se realizaron sus actividades y se evidenciaron los resultados en cada uno de los artefactos involucrados.&nbsp

    System design and the cost of architectural complexity

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 159-166).Many modern systems are so large that no one truly understands how they work. It is well known in the engineering community that architectural patterns (including hierarchies, modules, and abstraction layers) should be used in design because they play an important role in controlling complexity. These patterns make a system easier to evolve and keep its separate portions within the bounds of human understanding so that distributed teams can operate independently while jointly fashioning a coherent whole. This study set out to measure the link between architectural complexity (the complexity that arises within a system due to a lack or breakdown of hierarchy or modularity) and a variety of costs incurred by a development organization. A study was conducted within a successful software firm. Measures of architectural complexity were taken from eight versions of their product using techniques recently developed by MacCormack, Baldwin, and Rusnak. Significant cost drivers including defect density, developer productivity, and staff turnover were measured as well. The link between cost and complexity was explored using a variety of statistical techniques. Within this research setting, we found that differences in architectural complexity could account for 50% drops in productivity, three-fold increases in defect density, and order-of-magnitude increases in staff turnover. Using the techniques developed in this thesis, it should be possible for firms to estimate the financial cost of their complexity by assigning a monetary value to the decreased productivity, increased defect density, and increased turnover it causes. As a result, it should be possible for firms to more accurately estimate the potential dollar-value of refactoring efforts aimed at improving architecture.by Daniel J. Sturtevant.Ph.D

    A Model for Transforming Legacy Systems in a client/Server Environment Based on the Unified Modeling Language(UML)

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    In this dissertation the researcher developed the methodology for the migration of computer programs from a legacy architecture to client/server architecture. System migrations have failed frequently, and even so-called successful migrations may have serious usability problems. Additional difficulties include missing documentation of the existing program(s), the persons who developed the existing system are not available for consultation, and, frequently, there are important operational and economic issues that must be considered. The client/server environment is quite different from the source environment; the operating system and implementation languages have changed, and system requirements may have been greatly expanded, frequently including the Internet. User interface equipment and techniques are more comprehensive, system response times may be more demanding, significant software system components may be purchased instead of developed in-house, and other elements of the operating theater may be either entirely new or greatly revised. The methodology for developing systems has evolved significantly. In order to make use of the advantages of client/server equipment, new concepts will need to be embodied in the migrated program, such as the use of middleware, object technology to permit the development of higher quality software, and the separation of functionality into server-side and client-side procedures. This dissertation identifies those factors that most critically affect the possibility of success or of failure in the migration. These factors will make it possible to lessen or eliminate the potential for failure. In addition, this dissertation will provide a model for the conversion of legacy systems to more reliable and scalable client/server systems. For this dissertation, the researcher gathered published material relating to the migration of computer systems from one hardware/software platform to a second. Some of the material discussed the conversion process itself. Other material described successes, failures, general techniques and approaches to the migration. Still others discussed nontechnical aspects, including the creation of migration teams and user training. From this material, the most pertinent factors were identified, and from them, a plan of success was developed. That plan of success is this dissertation