6,046 research outputs found

    Different competences, different modes in the globalization of innovation?. A comparative study of the Pune and Beijing regions

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    Since the seminal work of Archibugi and Michie (1995) on the globalization of innovation, several authors have tried to understand the complex relationship between innovation and internationalization, mainly using firm or sectoral level data. However, most of them tend to focus on just one form of globalization of innovation – exploitation of technology, research collaboration or offshoring of R&D – and often One traditional indicator of innovation, like patents or R&D investments, thus ignoring the complexity of the phenomenon. Furthermore, little attention has been paid to the interplay of the micro characteristics of firms, the region in which they are embedded and different forms of globalization of innovation. Our paper is based on three distinct modes of globalization of innovation: global exploitation of innovation, global sourcing of technology and global research collaboration, thus adapting Archibugi and Michie’s taxonomy to a developing country context. We then use this taxonomy to explore empirically the linkages of firm-level competences, the nature of the international activities and the region in which the firms are located: Pune in India and Beijing in China. We use primary data on the two regions to show that the Pune region is specialized in the three types of globalization of innovation, and in particular in the exploitation of innovation more than Beijing. A deeper analysis of the micro characteristics of the firms shows that the three modes of globalization of innovation are associated to different competences. Firms with technological and organizational competences show a higher propensity to develop international linkages, while firms with a high level of educated human resources seems to focus more on the domestic market.globalization; innovation; regions; competences; China; India

    Win-Win collaboration, functional product challenges and value-chain delivery: A case study approach

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    Functional products (FPs) comprises of integrated hardware, software, and a service support system components that are bundled together to offer higher customer value and possibility to generate revenue. However, offering FPs requires forming and managing win-win collaboration with diverse global value-chain organizations. Based on twenty explorative interviews at two Swedish manufacturing companies, we specifically focus on the collaboration between FP provider and its value-chain delivery organizations. Our result shows that such collaborations can lead to win-lose or lose-win situations. Furthermore, we identify six diverse relational challenges which could negatively influence the collaboration between FP providers and their value-chain delivery organizations.© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/fi=vertaisarvioimaton|en=nonPeerReviewed

    Ambidexterity in MNC knowledge sourcing in emerging economies: a microfoundational perspective

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    Innovation performance of multinational corporations (MNCs) derives from access to and utilization of a combination of explorative and exploitative knowledge across heterogeneous settings. These settings increasingly encompass flagship industries in emerging economies. There is limited research, however, that scrutinizes the processes of knowledge sourcing within such dynamic host environments, taking into account MNCs’ differing location capabilities. We draw on the concept of ambidexterity – the combination of exploration and exploitation – and the microfoundations approach to study eleven MNCs in the Bulgarian software development industry by focusing on their local R&D projects. We extend the explanatory capacity of ambidexterity at the micro level and clarify the relationship between exploration and exploitation by identifying four types of ambidexterity: global knowledge differentiator, global-local knowledge integrator, emerging local-global integrator, and local knowledge integrator. Our typology is underpinned by three specific dimensions of R&D capabilities: technical know-how, scope of expertise, and market potential

    What Are the Useful Past Inter-Organizational Relationships (IORs) for Forming Complex IORs?

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    Purpose: The purpose is to explore the relationship between prior and later inter-organizational relationships (IORs) by studying whether past experience can be leveraged on when forming new, more complex, IORs. Methodology: Participation in prior IORs is characterized in terms of both resource- transferring and resource-pooling IORs in home-country networks, while complex IORs are considered those with foreign partners. An empirical test on 366 Italian firms is performed using OLS with robust standard errors. Findings: Both resource-transferring and resource-pooling IORs have non-convergent effects. The former has controversial effects on the base of the position a firm occupies, that in turn affects the structure of interests between the partners. The latter has different effects in line with the information complexity of the objective of the relationship. Research Implications: Results provide support to the idea that structure of interests and information complexity represent \u201cdiscriminating characteristics\u201d that identify salient structural alternatives in the analysis of inter-firm organization. Practical Implications: The paper advances that firms can partially leverage on the exploitation of prior experience in settings that are explorative in nature, by carefully selecting within past experiences. Originality: A distinction between coordination \u201cgiving\u201d and coordination \u201ctaking\u201d IORs is proposed to discern among different types of inter-firm coordination forms

    Strategic ambidexterity in green product innovation:Obstacles and implications

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    Scholars and managers routinely point to various uncertainties in explaining why manufacturing firms struggle with green product innovation and why green product innovation is different from conventional product innovation. This explanation is yet unsatisfactory as a thorough understanding of how a firm deals with uncertainty exists in conventional innovation literature. At the same time, there is a lack of agreement and understanding how a firm's capabilities shape its green product innovation practices, which could contribute to this gap. Based on a case study at five multinational manufacturers, this paper sets out to contribute to the capability perspective on green product innovation by understanding how manufacturing firms learn and innovate in order to make and sell greener products. A powerful and favored way for firms to learn and innovate under uncertainty is through strategic ambidexterity. With this learning strategy, firms rely on existing competences in one area (exploitation) while they simultaneously explore new competences in another area (exploration). However, our results show that strategic ambidexterity is oftentimes unachievable due to several factors, and as result, firms are forced to choose between a highly uncertain and risky alternative strategy and a more conservative but also less green strategy based on exploitation only, which is often the preferred option. In addition, our findings shed a new light on the role of uncertainty in green product innovation as we conclude that uncertainties firms face in green product innovation are indeed abundant, but are fundamentally not new nor caused by external sources only

    Developing the scales on evaluation beliefs of student teachers

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    The purpose of the study reported in this paper was to investigate the validity and the reliability of a newly developed questionnaire named ‘Teacher Evaluation Beliefs’ (TEB). The framework for developing items was provided by the two models. The first model focuses on Student-Centered and Teacher-Centered beliefs about evaluation while the other centers on five dimensions (what/ who/ when/ why/ how). The validity and reliability of the new instrument was investigated using both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis study (n=446). Overall results indicate that the two-factor structure is more reasonable than the five-factor one. Further research needs additional items about the latent dimensions “what” ”who” ”when” ”why” “how” for each existing factor based on Student-centered and Teacher-centered approaches

    An ontology co-design method for the co-creation of a continuous care ontology

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    Ontology engineering methodologies tend to emphasize the role of the knowledge engineer or require a very active role of domain experts. In this paper, a participatory ontology engineering method is described that holds the middle ground between these two 'extremes'. After thorough ethnographic research, an interdisciplinary group of domain experts closely interacted with ontology engineers and social scientists in a series of workshops. Once a preliminary ontology was developed, a dynamic care request system was built using the ontology. Additional workshops were organized involving a broader group of domain experts to ensure the applicability of the ontology across continuous care settings. The proposed method successfully actively engaged domain experts in constructing the ontology, without overburdening them. Its applicability is illustrated by presenting the co-created continuous care ontology. The lessons learned during the design and execution of the approach are also presented

    Implementing the "Wiki Way" in a course in higher education

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    Self-organised collaborative wiki work is reality in today’s businesses and students have to be prepared for the resulting requirements. Therefore, the aim of our paper is to demonstrate and to evaluate a way to practice self-organised and loosely coordinated wiki work in higher education. We simulate a common enterprise 2.0 collaboration situation to convey competences in a graduate-level classroom and identify challenges in this context following action research principles. We conclude with a series of insights that help higher education teachers to overcome organisational barriers and provide technical requirements for wiki software engineering

    Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence and Vocational Occupations and Skills: What are the needs for training Teachers and Trainers?

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    The paper seeks to explore the impact AI and automation have on vocational occupations and skills and to examine what that means for teachers and trainers in VET. It looks at how AI can be used to shape learning and teaching processes, through for example, digital assistants which support teachers. It also focuses on the transformative power of AI that promises profound changes in employment and work tasks. The paper is based on research being undertaken through the EU Erasmus+ Taccle AI project. It presents the results of an extensive literature review and of interviews with VET managers, teachers and AI experts in five countries. It asks whether machines will complement or replace humans in the workplace before going to look at developments in using AI for teaching and learning in VET. Finally, it proposes extensions to the EU DigiCompEdu Framework for training teachers and trainers in using technology
