84 research outputs found

    Approaches for enriching and improving textual knowledge bases

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    The Impact of Social Computing on the EU Information Society and Economy

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    This report provides a systematic empirical assessment of the creation, use and adoption of specific social computing applications and its impact on ICT/media industries, personal identity, social inclusion, education and training, healthcare and public health, and government services and public governance.JRC.J.4-Information Societ

    Stock Prediction Based on Social Media Data via Sentiment Analysis: a Study on Reddit

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    With the development of internet and information technology, online text data has become available and accessible for research in many fields including stock prediction. Social media, being one of the biggest content generators on the internet, is a great data resource for text mining and stock prediction. It has a large capacity, high data density, and fast information spread. In this thesis, analyses on the relationship between the stock-related text in social media (Reddit) and the price changes of corresponding stocks are implemented. In the analysis, sentiment analysis is first applied to extract the individual users’ emotions and opinions about the stocks. After that, the extracted features are analyzed via descriptive statistics and predictive analysis using the Pearson correlation coefficient and machine learning models. The predictive analysis is designed to examine the dependence between the social media text data and stock price change by evaluating the performance of predictions, four indicators are used in the evaluation including “prediction accuracy on price change direction” and three indicators in simulated algorithm trading experiments based on prediction results. They are “total profit with trading strategy for single stock”, “daily profit efficiency of trading strategy” and “total profit with Portfolio trading strategy”. From the results and the comparison with a Buy and Hold (B&H) baseline strategy, the predictions show good results in terms of “daily profit efficiency” and “total profit with Portfolio trading strategy”. Therefore, the online forum text from Reddit are proved to be correlated with future stock price changes and might be used to make more profit than B&H strategy by incorporating their information in portfolio trading strategies

    Digital activism in Asia reader

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    The digital turn might as well be marked as an Asian turn. From flash-mobs in Taiwan to feminist mobilisations in India, from hybrid media strategies of Syrian activists to cultural protests in Thailand, we see the emergence of political acts that transform the citizen from being a beneficiary of change to becoming an agent of change. In co-shaping these changes, what the digital shall be used for, and what its consequences will be, are both up for speculation and negotiation. Digital Activism in Asia marks a particular shift where these questions are no longer being refracted through the ICT4D logic, or the West’s attempts to save Asia from itself, but shaped by multiplicity, unevenness, and urgencies of digital sites and users in Asia. This reader crowd-sources critical tools, concepts, analyses, and annotations, self-identified by a network of change makers in Asia as important in their own practices within their own contexts

    Be Credible: Information Literacy for Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising and Marketing Students

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    This project was funded by KU Libraries’ Parent’s Campaign with support from the David Shulenburger Office of Scholarly Communication & Copyright and the Open Educational Resources Working Group in the University of Kansas Libraries.This free and open textbook teaches college-level journalism students to become information experts. Using the themes of credibility and information literacy, the book helps today’s students, who start out all their research with Google and Wikipedia, to specialize in accessing, evaluating, and managing information that often is not accessible through Google searches. The book includes chapters on public records, freedom of information requests, nonprofit organizations, for-profit companies, scholarly research, public data, interviews and more. Through current examples, instructional videos, suggested classroom activities, and practitioner insights, the authors challenge students to examine the credibility of the sources they use as current and future professional communicators

    Information Management and Market Engineering. Vol. II

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    The research program Information Management and Market Engineering focuses on the analysis and the design of electronic markets. Taking a holistic view of the conceptualization and realization of solutions, the research integrates the disciplines business administration, economics, computer science, and law. Topics of interest range from the implementation, quality assurance, and advancement of electronic markets to their integration into business processes and legal frameworks

    The Missing Perspectives of Women in News

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    Women's voices continue to be underrepresented in the global news media. This report examines women's representation in newsrooms, newsgathering, and news coverage in India, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, the UK, and the US. Analyzing three audiences – journalists, decision makers, and the public – the report seeks to understand the status of women in the news media through the political, economic, socio-cultural, regulatory, technological and news consumption contexts of each country.The report finds that women's representation in the news has flatlined – if not reversed – in the 21st century. This alarming marginalization is clear in all areas of the news media: women are underrepresented in newsroom leadership, gender equality stories are going untold, and men remain the vast majority of quoted experts and sources.These issues are particularly clear in 2020. An accompanying special report, "The Missing Perspectives of Women in COVID-19 News," finds that though women are disproportionately affected by the economic, social and political impacts of COVID-19, coverage of the virus remains dominated by male voices.To address the challenges uncovered by this research, the report offers 50 evidence-based recommendations and a checklist for newsrooms to use as they work to increase women's representation, challenge biases and work to achieve gender parity. With these recommendations, the journalism industry can further its work to uplift women's voices and create a more diverse, free global news landscape

    Off and Online Journalism and Corruption

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    This book provides a new theoretical framework of determinants that interact together in five hierarchical levels to restrain or produce corruption. The theory suggests a multilevel analysis that tests hypotheses regarding the relations of journalism and corruption within each level and across levels in international comparative research designs. Corruption as the abuse of power for private gain is built into the journalistic, economic, political, and cultural structures of any society and is affected by its interaction within the international system. The important questions of how differences in corruption across countries can be explained or what makes it more or less in a particular society and how press freedom and social media contribute to the fight against corruption are still unanswered. This book represents a significant contribution on the way to answer these critical questions. It discusses a variety of journalism-corruption experiences that provide a wealth of results and analyses. The cases it examines extend from Cuba to Algeria, India, Saudi Arabia, Sub-Saharan African, Gulf Cooperation Countries, Arab World, and Japan. The primary contribution of this book is both theoretical and empirical. Its details as well as the general theoretical frameworks make it a useful book for scholars, academics, undergraduate and graduate students, journalists, and policy makers

    Born Digital / Grown Digital: Assessing the Future Competitiveness of the EU Video Games Software Industry

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    This report reflects the findings of the JRC-IPTS study on the Video games Industry, with a focus on two specific activities: online and mobile video games. The report starts by introducing the technologies, their characteristics, market diffusion and barriers to take up, and their potential economic impact, before moving to an analysis of their contribution to the competitiveness of the European ICT industry. The research is based on internal and external expertise, literature reviews and desk research, several workshops and syntheses of the current state of the knowledge. The results were reviewed by experts and in dedicated workshops. The report concludes that the general expectations for the next years foresee a speeded up migration of contents and services to digital, in a scenario of rapidly increasing convergence of digital technologies and integration of media services taking advantage of improved and permanent network connections. The role of the so-called creative content industry is expected to increase accordingly. Communication services and media industry will co-evolve on the playground of the Internet of services, along with a product to service transformation of the software market in general. In this general context the Video games Software industry plays and is expected to play a major role. The games industry may become a major driver of the development of networks as it has been in the past for the development of computer hardware.JRC.DDG.J.4-Information Societ

    24th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa)

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