16 research outputs found

    Antecedents of Employees\u27 Knowledge Sharing Intentions: An Integrated Perspective of Interpersonal Trust and Conflicts

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    Facilitating knowledge sharing among employees across different units in an organization is crucial in terms of facilitating collaboration for developing competitive advantages. While a significant numbers of previous studies have examined the facilitating and inhibiting factors of knowledge sharing among employees in organizations, very few of them have empirically examined the individual effects of different types of interpersonal conflicts on interpersonal trust and, consequently, on their knowledge sharing intentions. Data collected from 224 employees of organizations in the manufacturing industry in Taiwan was analyzed to examine the proposed theoretical model using the technique of component-based structural equation modeling. The results indicate that both relationship and task conflicts have significant indirect effects on employees’ knowledge sharing intentions via interpersonal trust. The theoretical and practical implications of this work are discussed

    PLM as a strategy for project structuring and coordination

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    Successful Project Management (PM) comes from the combination of skills, knowledge, tools and techniques to strategically plan, execute and control projects with a variety of requirements and constrains -- In recent years, there has been an increased interest in implementation methodologies that not only allows successful PM, but integrates Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Business Process Modelling (BPM) and Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) in order to achieve efficient planning and execution under low margin profits and strict time constrains demanded by clients -- In this paper, an integrated approach for product design and development in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) that requires PM and information integration is presented -- As a result, an implementation methodology in the Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry is proposed -- This methodology is applied to support the design and construction of waste treatment plants and includes a novel PLM implementation strategy that considers mechanisms that offer high potential for developing countries -- The design of the proposed approach is presented including how engineering processes were identified, analyzed and improved through BPM and PLM; the approach emphasizes in the standardization of process management guided by PLM tools through workflows -- This aims to impact coordination and efficiency in the company’s NPD processLa gestión exitosa de proyectos (PM) comprende desde la combinación de habilidades, conocimientos, herramientas y técnicas hasta la planeación, ejecución y control estratégico de proyectos con gran variedad de requisitos y restricciones -- En años recientes, ha habido un interés en metodologías de implementación que no solo permitan PM, sino que integren la gestión del ciclo-de-vida del producto (PLM), la reingeniería y la modelación de procesos de negocios (BPM), para lograr una planeación y ejecución eficiente bajo estrictos márgenes de rentabilidad y tiempo -- Este artículo presenta una propuesta para el diseño y desarrollo de productos en pequeñas y medianas empresas que requieran PM e integración de información -- Como resultado se propone una metodología de implementación para la industria de la arquitectura, ingeniería y construcción, e incluye una estrategia de implementación PLM que considera mecanismos que ofrecen alto potencial para países en desarrollo -- La propuesta muestra cómo se identificaron, analizaron y mejoraron los procesos de ingeniería a través de BPM y PLM; esta enfatiza en la estandarización de la gestión de procesos asistida por herramientas PLM a través de flujos de trabajo -- Con esto se pretende impactar la coordinación y eficiencia en el proceso de desarrollo de nuevos productos de la compañí

    The Evolution of IS Projects in Manufacturing Industries: The Case of Product Lifecycle Management

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    In this paper, we explore the evolution of product lifecycle management information systems projects in manufacturing industries over time. There is critical need because initiated projects routinely fail in terms of time, budget, or quality to which the academic discourse has not given adequate consideration. Therefore, we build up on an in-depth case study within the project setting of a leading European automotive supplier kicked-off in January 2016. As central results, the paper provides insights (1) how product lifecycle management information systems projects develop over time, (2) what may be underlying causes, and (3) which implications on project management may be deduced. In view of the limitations by the applied case study research strategy, we illumine the specifics of these information systems projects for scholars. For project managers, an overview on essential developments and their implications supports the successful project execution

    Forces for partnership working or farce: accountability and transparency practices in Nigeria local regeneration partnerships

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    Public Private Partnerships from western literature have been associated with the extent to which partner organisations are given an opportunity to participate in the collaboration process, how partner organisations exhibit accountability practices in the partnership process and the extent to which transparent procedures exist within partnerships. This paper seeks to address this phenomena from the perspective of the New Public Management literature and from the empirical context of a developing country, Nigeria. The paper explores if formal structures created under PPP arrangements have addressed challenges of transparency and upward and downward accountability that inundate traditional procurement approach of infrastructure and public services in the Nigerian context. A qualitative approach is employed using data collected through 14 semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders involved in a Transport Partnership and a Housing Partnership. Keywords - Transparency, Accountability, Public-Private Partnership, Nigeri

    Knowledge Sharing and Maturation in Circles of Trust: The case of New Product Development

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    This paper is about knowledge sharing and maturation in new product development (NPD). We show how knowledge items mature as they are shared in expanding circles of trust until the items are exhausted and transformed to new knowledge items to serve new activities. Our conceptual framework integrates knowledge sharing, circles of trust and knowledge maturation. We explore knowledge maturation patterns through six in-depth case studies of NPD projects using Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) technology. Our results show that knowledge maturation patterns are contextual and complex. Knowledge is shared in circles of trust, where one circle feeds into another during the maturation process. Psychological safety plays a role in the choice of circles of trust for knowledge maturation. These results suggest that formal NPD process and progress across circles of trust interact and reinforce knowledge transformation. These results have implications for articulating the IT architecture for NPD

    Improving product design with IPS-DFX methodology incorporated in PLM software

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    Rad predstavlja unapređenje proizvoda kroz aplikaciju alata za konstruiranje za izvrsnost (DFX) za montažu, proizvodnju i zaštitu životne sredine koji su ugrađeni u komercijalni softver Siemens Teamcenter za menadžment životnog ciklusa proizvoda (PLM). Kompleksna baza podataka, koja je srce svakog PLM softvera, dopušta lak pristup svim potrebnim podacima DFX analiza, od funkcionalnih zahtjeva, geometrijskih CAD modela, do podataka o tehnologiji i procesima vezanim za proizvodni sustav, a može se također uporabiti kao baza znanja (KDB) za objedinjavanje iskustava jedne kompanije. S druge strane, modul za upravljanje tokovima kompleksnih procesa, kao što su prijedlozi za izmjene u konstruiranju, evaluacija, verifikacija i modifikacija nove verzije proizvoda, dopušta olakšan paralelni rad svih učesnika u procesu s minimalnim preprekama. Uspješna implementacija istraživanja provedena je na modelu mehaničke vage za kupaonicu, kroz potreban broj iteracija.The paper presents improvement of a product through the application of Design for Excellence (DFX) tools for assembly, manufacturing and environmental protection that are incorporated into the commercial software Siemens Teamcenter for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). Complex database, that is a heart of every PLM software, allows easy access to all necessary data for DFX analyses starting from functional requirements, geometric CAD models, technology and process data related to the production system, and can be also used as a Knowledge Database (KDB) for collecting company’s experience. On the other hand, a module for management of complex processes flows, such as proposals for design changes, evaluation, verification and modification of a new revision of the product, allows easy parallel work of all participants in the process with minimum drawbacks. Successful implementation of the research is done on the model of the mechanical bathroom scale, through the required number of iterations

    O processo de colaboração comprador-fornecedor para a inovação: um estudo da indústria eletrônica Brasil-China

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    Purpose: This study aimed to study the process of collaboration for innovation in a Brazilian electronics company with its Chinese suppliers, specifically in the bonds generated for the development of new products.Methodology: Firstly, it brings the theoretical ground about this field of study, related to the collaborative ties for the development of new products with international suppliers, focusing on the learning processes and innovation capacity. For the data collection, twelve interviews were made with internal actors and Chinese suppliers, as well as documental research. The data analysis was descriptive and interpretative through categorical content analysis.Findings: This study results show that the company does not have a solid supplier database nor stimulate internal collaborative practices of portfolio definition, which makes products sourcing slow and inefficient. In regards to the collaboration with suppliers, the interactions are reactive and focused on problem-solving. Besides, regarding the new product developments with suppliers, there is no formal policy that values learning processes and knowledge sharing practices internally.Originality/Value: These glimpses the possibility of improving the collaboration processes with suppliers regarding new products’ development impacting on the time-to-market and innovation capacity.Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o processo de colaboração para inovação de uma empresa de produtos eletrônicos brasileira com fornecedores chineses, nos vínculos gerados a partir do desenvolvimento de novos produtos.Desenho: Primeiramente buscou-se os fundamentos teóricos sobre a temática, relacionados aos vínculos cooperativos de desenvolvimentos de novos produtos com fornecedores internacionais, com enfoque aos processos de aprendizagem e capacidade de inovação. Para a coleta de dados foram realizadas doze entrevistas com atores internos e fornecedores chineses, e pesquisa documental. A análise dos dados foi descritiva e interpretativa, por meio de análise de conteúdo categorial.Resultados: O estudo de caso em questão mostrou que a Empresa I não possui uma base de dados sólida de fornecedores e não executa práticas internas colaborativas de definição de portfólio, o que torna os sourcings morosos e por vezes ineficazes. Em relação à colaboração com os fornecedores, as interações são bastante reativas e focadas na resolução de problemas. Também não existe uma política formal de valorização de práticas de aprendizagem e de disseminação interna do conhecimento adquirido em projetos.Originalidade/valor: Vislumbra-se a possibilidade de aprimorar os processos de colaboração com fornecedores no que tange ao desenvolvimento de novos produtos, impactando no time-to-market e capacidade de inovação