20 research outputs found

    Psychomotor Skills of Pre-service Teachers of Natural Science on Melde’s Experiment in Guided Inquiry Learning

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    This research aimed to describe the psychomotor skills of pre-service teachers of natural science on Melde’s Experiment through guided inquiry learning. Psychomotor skills were assessed by observation during students conduct the Melde’ s experiment. This research method used was descriptive quantitative in which the authors described the research variables from the collected data. The study was conducted on a pre-service natural science teacher who learns the Optic and Geometry Course. The data analysis uses descriptive statistical. The results showed that the psychomotor skills of pre-service teachers of natural science are categorized as very good in manipulation, good in precision and articulation; fair in imitation and naturalization domain. The lowest category of psychomotor indicators is naturalization. Naturalization is doing related activities according to the skills that are owned, a sample designing experiment with different variables. Different variables with the module make the prospective teacher’s students think hard to create the experimental draft, consequently, the experimental design and findings are not equal to the theory. Further research is expected to have a learning model that is capable of training better psychomotor skills

    Learning media development physical education sport and health that number athletic material based on Android application

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    This study aims to (1) produce development products for physical education sport and health learning media based on android applications on the athletic material of throwing numbers for high school students, (2) to find out the feasibility of developing learning media products for physical education sport and health learning media based on android applications on throwing number athletic materials for high school students and (3) determine the level of effectiveness of the development of learning media products for physical education sport and health based on android applications on athletics throwing numbers for high school students.This research and development are carried out in ten stages which refer to the steps developed by Borg & Gall, which include: (1) Research and information gathering, (2) Planning, (3) Initial product development, (4) Improvement of the initial design, (5) Formation of trial products, (6) Small group trials, (7) Revision of small group trial products, (8) Field trials, (9) Revision of field trial products, (10) Dissemination or dissemination. The subjects of the small group trial were 21 students of class XI SMA N 5 Yogyakarta, the subjects of the field trials were 112 students of class XI SMA N 8 Yogyakarta, the product trials included material expert trials, media experts, and small group trials and field trials. by students. Data obtained through observation, questionnaires, interviews, and learning outcomes tests. Data analysis used a t-test with a significance level of 0.05. Based on the results of the pretest and posttest that have been obtained, then the effectiveness test was carried out using the paired sample t-test using the SPSS program. 16 For Windows.The results of the research of the pretest and posttest data on the field test showed that the learning media had a significant effect on improving student or respondent achievement. The effectiveness of learning media can be seen in the descriptions of the results of the pretest and posttest on respondents or students of SMA N 8 Yogyakarta as follows. At the pretest the lowest score got a score of 33.00, then the highest score got a score of 100.00. The average number of values on the pretest reached 79.91, and if all the respondents' scores on the pretest were added up to reach a value of 8951.00. After being treated with the application of learning media, the lowest score in the posttest increased to 37.00 and the highest score reached a maximum score of 100.00. The average overall score on the posttest increased to 86.62, and the total score at the posttest reached a score of 9702.00.Thus, it can be concluded that the instructional media products of physical education sport and health, athletic number throwing materials based on android applications can be used by students and teachers as a medium in the teaching and learning process.Keywords: learning media, athletics throwing numbers, android application

    The Role of Teachers’ Pancasila and Civic Education as Motivator in Political Education

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    The aim of this study was to explore the role of teachers’ Pancasila and Civic Education (PPKn) as motivator in political education. The research was conducted at State of Senior High School 1 (SMAN 1) and State of Senior of High School 10 (SMAN 10) at Padang City. This research had employed a qualitative research with comparative studies. The data were analyzed using data analysis techniques, data presentation, and concluding. The validity of the data was tested by source triangulation. The result showed that the role of Teachers’ Pancasila and Civic Education not only educating the character of the nation's generation but emphasize the role of Teachers’ Pancasila and Civic Education as motivators in political education. Where the teacher as a motivator plays a role to give encouragement, enthusiasm, and intelligence to students in understanding political education. Keywords: Pancasila and Civic Education, PPkn, Political Educatio


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    There are many mobile applications (apps) for learning in Google Play Store. People usually evaluate the apps based on their personal view/criteria, and others have an idea about that app with its rating score and/or user comments. This study, aims to analyze the educational mobile apps objectively by using a reliable rubric tool; REVEAC (Rubric for the EValuation of Educational Apps for preschool Children). This is a descriptive research based on content analysis method. The mobile apps were selected in this study based on their following characteristics: belonging to educational category for children five years old and under; being free, trial or freemium; and having Turkish content. Android apps were selected because of its commonly usage in worldwide. The selected 44 apps have scores from 2.9 to 5 according to Google’s five-star rating system. The selected mobile apps had medium level of rubric scores. The rubric scores ranged from 29 to 66 points with a mean of 43.20 ± 7.89. There was no statistically significant correlation between rubric scores and a) Google Play scores; b) the number of people who voted for the mobile app, and c) how many times the mobile app downloaded. The 39 apps could be categorized as games, and five apps were interactive e-books. The most popular five contents of the apps were; animals, numbers, colors, fruits and vegetables, and shapes. Almost all of the apps were promoting learning through repetitive practices. The study also presented additional notes for the apps in terms of four domain; educational content, design, functionality, and technical characteristics.   Article visualizations

    Using digital devices in a first year classroom: a focus on the design and use of phonics software applications

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    When integrated within a holistic literacy program, phonics applications can be used in classrooms to facilitate students’ self-directed learning of letter-sound knowledge; but are they designed to allow for such a purpose? With most phonics software applications making heavy use of image cues, this project has more specifically investigated whether the design of the images used in such applications may impact on the effectiveness of their self-directed use in classrooms. Using a quasi-experimental study, we compared two types of pictorial mnemonics used in tablet applications, along with teacher-led activity in three first-year classrooms from the one school. The difference between teacher-led activity and integrated picture cues was significant, with teacher-led activity proving more effective. The difference between teacher-led activity and form-taking picture cues, however, was not statistically significant. Given that the outcomes of this small-scale study suggest that image design may be a significant design feature contributing to the educational value of using phonics applications in the classroom, we recommend that the design features of phonics software applications attract further research

    Aplicações educacionais para crianças: jogos para entretenimento ou recursos educacionais

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    The purpose of this study is the analysis of educational apps for children based on the design of a content analysis model. After an extensive review of international studies that propose specific models and rubrics for assessing educational apps for pre-schoolers, a model is designed in order to give a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the pedagogical and technical characteristics of these programs. Based on this model, following a qualitative and deductive content analysis methodology, ten popular apps in Spain, selected from an app analytics platform by applying a series of filters, are examined. The results of this study show that the applications classified as "educational" do not meet all the necessary conditions to be considered as such, being mainly educational computer games or serious games of simulation and drill and practice activities oriented more to rote learning than to meaningful learning. It can be said that, although they have an “assumed” educational purpose, they are more directed to entertainment, also working as bait for obtaining data, advertising and selling products.La finalidad de este trabajo es el estudio de apps educativas para el público infantil, a partir de la creación de un modelo de análisis de contenido. Tras una amplia revisión de trabajos de carácter internacional que presentan modelos y rúbricas específicas para evaluar apps educativas para niños y niñas de la etapa de educación infantil, se crea un modelo que, de forma detallada y comprensiva, permite abordar las características pedagógicas, técnicas y de diseño de estos programas. A partir de este modelo, y siguiendo la metodología de análisis de contenido deductivo y cualitativo, se examinan diez apps populares en España, que son seleccionadas en una plataforma de analítica de apps mediante una serie de filtros. Los resultados muestran que las aplicaciones clasificadas como educativas no reúnen todas las condiciones necesarias para ser consideradas como tales, obedecen principalmente a juegos de ordenador o juegos serios de simulación y de ejercitación y práctica, orientados a un aprendizaje más memorístico que significativo. Se puede afirmar que, a pesar de tener un supuesto propósito educativo, cumplen más una función de entretenimiento, además de cebo para la obtención de datos, publicidad y venta de productos.O objetivo deste estudo é a análise de aplicações educacionais para crianças a partir da criação de um modelo de análise de conteúdo. Após uma extensa revisão de trabalhos em nível internacional que apresentam modelos e rubricas específicas para a análise de aplicações educacionais para meninos e meninas da educação infantil, é criado um modelo que, de forma detalhada e abrangente, permite analisar as características pedagógicas, técnicas e desenho desses programas. Com base neste modelo, seguindo a metodologia de análise de conteúdo dedutiva e qualitativa, dez aplicações populares na Espanha são examinados, os quais são selecionados em uma plataforma de análise de aplicativos através da aplicação de uma série de filtros. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que as aplicações classificadas como "educacionais" não reúnem todas as condições necessárias para serem consideradas como tal, sendo principalmente jogos sérios de simulação e exercício e prática orientados para a aprendizagem mais mecanizada do que significativa. Pode-se dizer que, apesar de terem uma pretensa finalidade educacional, cumprem mais uma função de entretenimento, sendo também isca para obtenção de dados, publicidade e venda de produtos

    Application of the mobile app Memrise as a vocabulary learning tool for 10th grade students

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    A great deal of studies have been conducted on vocabulary learning; however, there are still relatively few effective vocabulary learning materials available for upper secondary school students. Research has shown that in the aspect of language learning, mobile apps are quite helpful for memorization and vocabulary learning due to the fact that language learning apps are equipped with vocabulary-learning flashcards and games. The aim of this study is to determine whether mobile app Memrise helps improve the memorization of vocabulary and how Memrise can be integrated into 10th grade students’ regular class learning routine.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5237242*es

    Effects of using iPad on First Grade Students\u27 Achievements in Arabic Language Classes In Saudi Arabia

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    Although the iPad device has become a new trend as a teaching and learning tool in schools, using it in Saudi schools is still relatively new. So, the purpose of the study was to investigate whether the iPad enhances the teaching and learning styles in Arabic language classes for first grade in Albushra primary school. It also examined how this new educational tool affects students\u27 skills and achievements, how teachers and students use it in their Arabic language classes, and what are advantages and disadvantages of using it in a class and at home. The study data was collected by conducting (1) the pre-and-post tests on two groups: Technology group taught by using iPad in Arabic language classes and Traditional group taught by using traditional teaching methods in order to know students\u27 progress in reading, writing, and cognitive skills; and (2) interviews with Arabic teachers and parents whose children were taught by using iPad. The results of the study shows that the iPad is an effective teaching and learning tool in Arabic language classes, especially as it created very notable progress in students’ cognitive and reading skills. However, it may weaken handwriting skills of students if they learned writing Arabic by using their fingers on iPads instead of using stylus the most of the time, especially when they are at young age and need to learn how to hold pencil to write properly. As well, providing the iPad for each student might lead to less communication and cooperation between students in classrooms

    Exploring How Preschoolers Use IPads to Develop Phonemic Awareness: A Case Study

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    The purpose of this qualitative case study was to describe how iPads may be used to develop phonemic awareness as part of emergent literacy skills acquisition for six preschool students at Little Lambs Christian Preschool (pseudonym) in central Tennessee. The theories guiding this study were the social constructivist theory, as it related to the use of play for the development of new skills, and the emergent literacy theory, which provided a framework for identifying and defining the skills children need to develop before learning to read. The following was the proposed central research question: How does the use of iPads in the preschool classroom affect young children’s development of phonemic awareness? This study used three methods of data collection – observations, document analysis, and interviews – to describe how children use iPads to acquire phonemic awareness skills in the preschool setting. Data analysis was conducted using patterns in the data that developed into themes. The goal was to gain insight into ways children develop phonemic awareness while using iPads and to enhance teachers’ understanding of how to use iPads in the early childhood education setting. The findings indicated that while students were able to use iPads to practice phonemic awareness, teachers had concerns surrounding the lack of human interaction when students engage with technology. Despite teacher concerns, student-participants engaged with each other and with the iPads in creative ways while practicing phonemic awareness