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    Identity construction by Aotearoa/New Zealand entrepreneurial professionals on LinkedIn : a tensional approach : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Organisational Communication at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    This study explores if, and how, the business social media site, LinkedIn, is providing for Aotearoa/New Zealand entrepreneurial professionals an alternative site for the construction of identity. The two foci of this study are; firstly, a shift to where we increasingly live our lives, the world of social media; and secondly, the tensions that this shift creates for identity and identity construction, or the basic human need to know ‘who we are’ and ‘how we fit in the social world’. The study began with the observation of family, friends and acquaintances, who had taken up self-employment, and were becoming involved in a virtual world of work-related social media through LinkedIn. The researcher’s interest was in if, and how, this virtual world acts as a site for construction of this new work identity, for an entrepreneur or small-business person. The definition of this identity was widened to include ‘professional’ when participants in the study repeatedly referred to themselves as ‘professionals’; thus, the study became a study of a hybrid identity, i.e. the entrepreneurial professional. The specific group identified was Aotearoa/New Zealand entrepreneurial professionals who engaged on LinkedIn. This research therefore is boundary spanning in that it spans the disciplines of: organisational communication and new forms of organisation; ICT and social media use; identity and identity construction, entrepreneurial, professional and digital; and globalisation, by juxtaposing the globalising effect of social media with local discourse. The research approach was from a social/constructionist paradigm, utilising a qualitative methodology. This methodology was considered appropriate as it emphasises an inductive relationship between theory and research that is consistent with the assumptions of the interpretive/ constructionist paradigm, by foregrounding the ways in which individuals interpret their social world, and embodying a view of social reality that is constantly shifting and emergent (Tracy, 2013). As this was an exploratory interpretive study, the researcher was concerned not to predict or pre-empt the findings. Accordingly, the exploration of the participants’ experience on LinkedIn was not organised around predicted or possible themes, but three interrelated communicative processes on LinkedIn identified by Putnam, Phillips, & Chapman, (1996) as three metaphors of communication itself. These were; ‘engagement’ in general terms, with an emphasis on the participants’ engaging in and making sense of the context of social media, secondly, ‘connecting’ or ‘networking,’ and thirdly, ‘interacting’. All three align with an overarching constructionist approach, but each highlight certain features that other two perspectives neglected and provide important and interrelated insights into identity construction on LinkedIn. Twenty-five in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with those who responded to a request, on NZ SME groups on LinkedIn, to be participants. The interview transcripts analysed through thematic analysis. In the process of analysis, tensions, contradictions and paradoxes emerged as a dominant concern. Tensions, such as identity tensions, have long been identified a part of organisational experience (Trethewey & Ashcraft, 2004), and a growing body of literature posits that irrationality is a normal condition of organisational life, and is reflected in the tensions evident in the discourses around the construction of identity in organisations (C. A. Clarke, Brown, & Hailey, 2009; Larson & Gill, 2017; Tracy & Trethewey, 2005; Trethewey & Ashcraft, 2004).These tensions have increased as work increasingly moves to alternative or “less predictable settings of organizing”(Cheney & Ashcraft, 2007, p. 161). The participants’ discourses revealed evidence that LinkedIn was in fact being utilised as a necessary, and for many a normal, site for the construction of entrepreneurial professional identity, yet one fraught with tensions. The identified tensions were complex and interrelated and were interpreted through the analysis as occurring in different levels and dimensions. Tensions at the first level were: two tensions around engagement in the virtual context of identity construction, four tensions around networking and making connections, and finally, five identity construction tensions around interacting and relationship-building on LinkedIn. Further interpretation of these tensions indicated underlying and overlaying tensions, or meta tensions, woven through the participants’ discourses in two dimensions One dimension identifies the tensions specific to the contexts of LinkedIn, Aotearoa/ New Zealand, and entrepreneurial professionals. This dimension of analysis accords with the advice of Cheney and Ashcraft (2007) to pay “particular sensitivity to institutional and contextual variation” (p.161) when researching identity construction in unpredictable organisational settings. The second dimension of analysis identified meta-tensions or overlaying tensional themes around identity work in organisations, that have taken on a different emphasis and character when experienced in the LinkedIn context. These tensions in two dimensions are presented as an integrated framework of identity construction tensions. For each individual these tensions will intersect at different points, illustrating that identity resides not in the person themselves, but in the context, in the broadest sense, in which they engage. The study makes several contributions. Firstly, it identifies the tensions inherent in engaging in LinkedIn and constructing a digital identity there. Secondly, it provides evidence that LinkedIn has, in fact, become, or at least was in the process of becoming, an alternative organisational site, and thus a site for organisational identity construction. Thirdly, it presents in a multi-level and two-dimensional framework for analysis of identity construction in this context. In one dimension it suggests that identity construction on LinkedIn needs to be understood, in the context of personal work situation of the individual, of a local yet global site of communication, and in the context the unique features of a virtual social world. In another dimension, the identity construction can be understood as the tensions likely in an organisational setting. Lastly it suggests utilising the lenses of three different metaphors of communication to explore communication on LinkedIn, engagement, networking, and interaction, and to analyse identity construction on LinkedIn. The study concludes with a discussion of how an understanding of managing these tensions can be utilised in tertiary education courses and to inform small business owners about LinkedIn use

    Do entrepreneurs Link(ed)-In? Exploring Entrepreneurs’ Usage of Social Media to Manage Social Capital

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    L'esperit emprenedor Ă©s el procĂ©s d'iniciar un nou negoci oferint un producte o servei. Aquestes prĂ ctiques, i en particular les basades en desenvolupaments tecnolĂČgics, tenen importants implicacions en l'entorn competitiu actual, en termes de creixement econĂČmic, ocupaciĂł, canvi tecnolĂČgic i creaciĂł de riquesa. En aquest sentit, una de les principals preocupacions dels emprenedors Ă©s per fer front a entorns dinĂ mics caracteritzats per un alt grau d'incertesa; i l'accĂ©s als recursos Ă©s un element clau per avançar a travĂ©s de les diferents etapes d'aquest procĂ©s. En el marc de la Resource-Based Theory, es defineix el capital social com la xarxa social de l’emprenedor que li proporciona accĂ©s als recursos. En paral·lel, el social media ha qĂŒestionat com les persones manegen la seva xarxa social, ja que ofereix nous mitjans de comunicaciĂł i intercanvi d'informaciĂł entre individus. Aquest treball ha identificat que, tot i els emprenedors sĂłn usuaris actius del social media, no hi ha cap postura clara sobre com el seu Ășs en les xarxes socials ha afectat el seu accĂ©s als recursos: mentre algunes investigacions suggereixen que els emprenedors tenen noves oportunitats per la gestiĂł del seu capital social, altres suggereixen que l'Ășs del social media no estĂ  directament relacionat amb la millora del capital social, sinĂł que depĂšn del tipus d'informaciĂł compartida. AixĂČ suggereix que l'Ășs que fan els emprenedors del social media pot millorar alguns aspectes del seu capital social. Per tal de entendre millor aquests aspectes, la investigaciĂł actual suggereix que els emprenedors fan servir el social media per satisfer unes necessitats especĂ­fiques pel que fa al seu capital social, i per tant fa servir l'enfocament dels Usos i Gratificacions per explorar els motius i satisfaccions d'aquesta decisiĂł. En concret, aquest treball proposa la segĂŒent pregunta d'investigaciĂł: "ÂżEn quina mesura els emprenedors fan servir el social mitjana per gestionar el seu capital social?" i dues sub-preguntes per explorar en detall les seves motivacions: Per quĂš els emprenedors fan servir el social mitjana per gestionar el seu capital social? ", I les seves satisfaccions percebudes:" Com es beneficien del social mitjana els emprenedors per gestionar el seu capital social? ". Per respondre a la pregunta i sub-preguntes d'investigaciĂł esmentades, aquest treball va seguir un enfocament inductiu basat en un mĂštode mixt que va fer possible la combinaciĂł de la percepciĂł dels empresaris amb la seva xarxa i l'activitat en el social media. En concret, aquest disseny de la investigaciĂł es basa en un enfocament de mĂštode mixt que va incloure dos tipus de dades: (1) l'exploraciĂł de les percepcions dels emprenedors a travĂ©s d'entrevistes semiestructurades i (2) una anĂ lisi longitudinal dels entorns de social media dels emprenedors que recull de la seva xarxa social i la seva activitat en aquesta plataforma. Aquest treball identifica algunes idees sobre per quĂš i com els empresaris utilitzen el social media per millorar el seu capital social. En primer lloc, pel que fa als motius d'Ășs del social media, els resultats d'aquesta investigaciĂł suggereixen que els emprenedors no nomĂ©s utilitzen el social media per mantenir les seves estructures de xarxa social, sinĂł que tambĂ© estan immersos en un procĂ©s dinĂ mic de 'desenvolupament de la xarxa'. En segon lloc, pel que fa a les seves gratificacions, aquest treball identifica que els emprenedors perceben que tenen una millor oportunitat de connectar amb Ăšxit amb potencials propietaris de recursos. En conclusiĂł, els resultats d'aquesta investigaciĂł fan importants contribucions tant a acadĂšmics com a professionals. D'una banda, aquest treball porta noves idees sobre la investigaciĂł de l'esperit emprenedor mitjançant l'anĂ lisi dels motius i les gratificacions d'Ășs del social media per part de l'emprenedor a fi d'entendre millor com gestiona el seu capital social. D'altra banda, aquest treball tambĂ© ofereix als emprenedors noves idees sobre les possibles formes de millorar el seu capital.El espĂ­ritu emprendedor es el proceso de iniciar un nuevo negocio ofreciendo un producto o servicio. Estas prĂĄcticas, y en particular las basadas en desarrollos tecnolĂłgicos, tienen importantes implicaciones en el entorno competitivo actual, en tĂ©rminos de crecimiento econĂłmico, empleo, cambio tecnolĂłgico y creaciĂłn de riqueza. En este sentido, una de las principales preocupaciones de los emprendedores es para hacer frente a entornos dinĂĄmicos caracterizados por un alto grado de incertidumbre; y el acceso a los recursos es un elemento clave para avanzar a travĂ©s de las diferentes etapas de este proceso. En el marco de la Resource-Based Theory, se define el capital social como la red social del emprendedor que le proporciona acceso a los recursos. En paralelo, el social media ha cuestionado cĂłmo las personas manejan su red social, ya que ofrece nuevos medios de comunicaciĂłn e intercambio de informaciĂłn entre individuos. Este trabajo ha identificado que, a pesar de los emprendedores son usuarios activos del social media, no hay ninguna postura clara sobre cĂłmo su uso de las redes sociales ha afectado su acceso a los recursos: mientras algunas investigaciones sugieren que los emprendedores tienen nuevas oportunidades para la gestiĂłn de su capital social, otras sugieren que el uso del social media no estĂĄ directamente relacionado con la mejora del capital social, sino que depende del tipo de informaciĂłn compartida. Esto sugiere que el uso que realizan los emprendedores del social media puede mejorar algunos aspectos de su capital social. Con el fin de arrojar luz sobre estos aspectos, la investigaciĂłn actual sugiere que los emprendedores usan el social media para satisfacer unas necesidades especĂ­ficas con respecto a su capital social, y por tanto emplea el enfoque de los Usos y Gratificaciones para explorar los motivos y satisfacciones de esta decisiĂłn. En concreto, este trabajo propone la siguiente pregunta de investigaciĂłn: "ÂżEn quĂ© medida los emprendedores usan el social media para gestionar su capital social?" y dos sub-preguntas para explorar en detalle sus motivaciones: ÂżPor quĂ© los emprendedores usan el social media para gestionar su capital social?", y sus satisfacciones percibidas: "ÂżCĂłmo se benefician del social media los emprendedores para gestionar su capital social? ". Para responder a la pregunta y sub-preguntas de investigaciĂłn mencionadas, este trabajo siguiĂł un enfoque inductivo basado en un enfoque de mĂ©todo mixto que hizo posible la combinaciĂłn de la percepciĂłn de los emprendedores con su red y la actividad en el social media. En concreto, este diseño de la investigaciĂłn se basa en un enfoque de mĂ©todo mixto que incluyĂł dos tipos de datos: (1) la exploraciĂłn de las percepciones de los emprendedores a travĂ©s de entrevistas semiestructuradas y (2) un anĂĄlisis longitudinal de los entornos de social media de los emprendedores que recoge de su red social y su actividad en dicha plataforma. Este trabajo identifica algunas ideas sobre por quĂ© y cĂłmo los emprendedores usan el social media para mejorar su capital social. En primer lugar, en cuanto a los motivos de uso del social media, los resultados de esta investigaciĂłn sugieren que los emprendedores no sĂłlo utilizan el social media para mantener sus estructuras de red social, sino que tambiĂ©n estĂĄn inmersos en un proceso dinĂĄmico de 'desarrollo de la red'. En segundo lugar, con respecto a sus gratificaciones, este trabajo identifica que los emprendedores perciben que tienen una mejor oportunidad de conectarse con Ă©xito a los potenciales propietarios de recursos. En conclusiĂłn, los resultados de esta investigaciĂłn hacen importantes contribuciones tanto a acadĂ©micos como profesionales. Por un lado, este trabajo trajo nuevas ideas sobre la investigaciĂłn del espĂ­ritu emprendedor mediante el anĂĄlisis de los motivos y las gratificaciones de uso del social media por parte del emprendedor a fin de entender mejor como gestiona su capital social. Por otra parte, este trabajo tambiĂ©n ofrece a los emprendedores nuevas ideas sobre las posibles formas de mejorar su capital.Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a new business offering a product or service. These practices, and in particular technology-based ones have major implications in nowadays competitive environment in terms of economic growth, employability, technological change and wealth creation. In this vein, one of the main concerns for the entrepreneurs is to deal with dynamic environments characterised by a high degree of uncertainty and rapid change; and access to resources is a key element to advance through the different stages of this process. Under the framework of the Resource-Based Theory, social capital is defined here as the social network of the entrepreneur that provides him with access to resources. In parallel, social media has challenged how individuals manage their social network, as it offers new means for communication and information sharing among individuals. Research has found that despite entrepreneurs are active users of social media, there is no clear stance on how their usage of social media has impacted their access to resources: whilst some research suggests that entrepreneurs have new opportunities to manage their social capital, other work claims that the usage of social media is not directly related to enhancing social capital but it depends on the type of information shared and the active enrolment of the community into these platforms. This suggests that the entrepreneurs’ usage of social media (to manage their social networks) may improve some aspects of their social capital. In order to shed light on these aspects, the current research assumes that entrepreneurs use social media to fulfil specific needs regarding their social capital, and employs the Uses and Gratifications Approach to explore their motives and satisfactions with this decision. Specifically, this work proposes the following research question: “To what extent do entrepreneurs use social media to manage their social capital?” in order to explore the impact of social media in the early stages of the entrepreneurial process. Moreover, two sub-research questions have been proposed to explore this research gap in depth, to identify the entrepreneurs motives for engaging in social media: “Why do entrepreneurs use social media to manage their social capital?”, and their perceived satisfactions: “How do entrepreneurs use social media to manage their social capital?”. Consequently, to respond to the aforementioned research question and sub-research questions, this work followed an inductive approach based on a mixed method approach that made it possible to combine the entrepreneurs’ perceptions with their network and activity on social media platform. Specifically, this research design was based on a mixed method approach that included two types of data: (1) the exploration of the entrepreneurs’ perceptions through direct semi-structured interviews and (2) a longitudinal analysis of the entrepreneurs’ social media network and activity collected from their main online platforms. This work identified some insights on why and how entrepreneurs use social media to enhance their social capital. Firstly, regarding the entrepreneurs motives to use social media, the outcomes of this research suggest that entrepreneurs not only use social media to maintain their social network structures, but that they are also immersed in a dynamic process of ‘network development’, where their resource challenges along the entrepreneurial process encourage them to update their social network structure. Secondly, regarding their gratifications from social media, this work identified that entrepreneurs perceive that by using social media they have a better chance to successfully connect to resource owners through their social network. In conclusion, the outcomes of this research make important contributions to both scholars and practitioners. On one hand, this work brought new insights on entrepreneurship research by analysing the founder’s motives and gratifications for using social media in order to manage their social capital. On the other hand, this work also offers entrepreneurs novel ideas on the potential ways to improve their social capital in order to address changing resource requirements during the new venture formation process

    Personality and content preferences on social network sites in South Africa

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management in Strategic Marketing Johannesburg, 2016Worldwide, visual content, such as photos and videos, have increased dramatically on social network sites (SNS), with South Africa being no exception. Due to these developments, marketers are increasingly interested in the factors that impact the usage of these sites, in order to develop branded content that will attract and engage users. However, there is a lack of academic research revealing how individual consumer factors, such as personality, influence SNS users’ preferences for different types of content on SNS, particularly within an emerging market such as South Africa. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between two personality traits – need for cognition (NFC) and need for affect (NFA) – and visual and verbal content preference on SNS in South Africa. The study also briefly examined whether demographic variables (gender and age) and SNS usage factors had an impact on the relationships between these variables. An online survey and pen-and-paper questionnaire were conducted. 307 social network site users were obtained primarily from two South African universities through convenience sampling. Data was analysed using correlation analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and standard multiple linear regression on SPSS. The main findings showed that personality does have an influence (albeit small) on SNS users’ preference for visual or verbal content, and warrants consideration by marketing organisations in the design of SNS content. Visual content preference on SNS was found to have a positive relationship with NFA and a negative relationship with NFC. Verbal content preference had a positive relationship with NFC but no significant relationship with NFA. Demographic and SNS usage variables showed mixed results in their impact on SNS content preference. It was recommended that future studies include other variables that could affect SNS content preference, as well as use more objective measures (rather than self-reporting) to determine SNS users’ actual behaviour. Key words: Social network sites, personality traits, need for cognition, need for affect, visual content, verbal content, South Africa, emerging marketGR201

    Investigating factors that affect willingness to pay an analysis on freemium social media apps

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    While social media has grown in popularity and usage in recent years, little is known about users' willingness to pay for the premium version of them. In this study, we investigate how consumers' perceived value is associated with their intention to use freemium services and to purchase premium content. We employ data gathered through an online survey (N=200) among the users of freemium social media networks, like LinkedIn, YouTube, Reddit and Flickr and tested 15 different hypotheses, using PLS-SEM. Firstly, we find support for the security hypothesis proposed in this study, indicating that if users value the security component of the freemium social media, they will have a higher intention to use the service overall. Secondly, the higher quality of the freemium service leads to higher usage intentions, which further leads to higher purchase intentions. Thirdly, the price value of freemium services shows to have a negative association with the intention to purchase premium content. Fourthly, social platform community is found to positively affect premium purchases. Lastly, we find support for the usage frequency hypothesis proposed in this study, indicating that if a user establishes a habit of using a social media, he will eventually decide to buy the premium version. The current study's findings contribute to the uniqueness of the freemium business model, implying that increasing perceived value of the freemium service, improving security, or increasing usage frequency can all contribute to and subtract from future profitability via increased retention on the one hand and reduced monetization on the other.Embora as redes sociais tenham crescido em popularidade e utilização nos Ășltimos anos, pouco se sabe sobre a vontade dos utilizadores de pagar pela versĂŁo premium das mesmas. Neste estudo, investigamos como o valor percebido pelos consumidores estĂĄ associado Ă  sua intenção de utilizar os serviços freemium e de adquirir conteĂșdos premium. Investigamos os dados recolhidos atravĂ©s de um inquĂ©rito online (N=200) e testamos 15 hipĂłteses diferentes, utilizando PLS-SEM. Em primeiro lugar, encontrĂĄmos suporte para a hipĂłtese de Segurança proposta neste estudo, indicando que os utilizadores que valorizam a componente de segurança nas redes sociais freemium terĂŁo uma maior intenção de utilizar o serviço. Em segundo lugar, a maior qualidade da rede social leva a maiores intençÔes de utilização, o que leva a maiores intençÔes de compra. Em terceiro lugar, o valor do preço dos serviços freemium mostra ter uma associação negativa com a intenção de compra de conteĂșdos premium. Em quarto lugar, observĂĄmos que a comunidade social afeta positivamente as compra da versĂŁo premium. Finalmente, encontrĂĄmos apoio para a hipĂłtese de frequĂȘncia de utilização proposta neste estudo, indicando que se um utilizador estabelecer o hĂĄbito de utilizar uma rede social freemium, acabarĂĄ por decidir comprar a versĂŁo premium. As conclusĂ”es do presente estudo realçam a singularidade do modelo de negĂłcio freemium, implicando que o aumento do valor percebido do serviço, a melhoria da segurança, ou o aumento da frequĂȘncia de utilização podem contribuir ou subtrair da rentabilidade futura atravĂ©s do aumento da retenção ou da redução da monetização

    The Power Over Private Information in Big Data-Society: Power Structures of User-generated Data Manifested by Privacy and Data Policies

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    The starting point of this thesis is the managing of user-generated data in the online ecosystem and expanding development of big data. Many are worried that companies and authorities are invading their online privacy, and the lack of control by the provider of data, the citizens, can be considered one of our time’s most pressing civil rights issues. At the same time, media and information literacy become more and more important for the ability to actively be part of society. Libraries have an educational role to gain awareness of information issues, which includes privacy issues. The aim of this study is to investigate the power structures of privacy, ownership, gathering, store and use, of user-generated data, through the discourses manifested by privacy and data policies of social media services. This is done by deploying a theoretical framework of power and language with critical discourse analysis, CDA, and of mechanisms of privacy with communication privacy management, CPM, theory, complemented by a discursive understanding of power and normative manifestation in online interfaces. Methodologically the study is conducted by a critical discourse analysis of the privacy and data policies of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Youtube, Tumblr, Pinterest, Snapchat, Reddit, Linkedin and Ello. An interface analysis is also conducted on the same social media services’ mobile phone applications and websites, pre and post login. By this, different discourses are identified. The companies claim that the users’ privacy is something valuable and important but this is not mirrored by the interfaces, where links to privacy policies mainly are placed in the bottom of pages and menus. In the policies privacy is constructed as possession, claiming to belong to, and be controlled by, the user. However, later statements contest this by manifesting great restrictions on both ownership and control. At the same time, the language of the policies is used to portray the user as responsible for all of the services’ practices. The policies of Reddit and Ello constitute exceptions in some respects and also express discursive struggle. In conclusion, this study shows that power in the policies is manifested by uncertainties, the users’ lack of control and influence and the social media companies’ lack of transparency

    Personal Learning Environments For Business Organizations

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    This exploratory, mixed-methods case study investigated supervisor/manager-level employees in a hospital health care organization to examine how they created and used personal learning environments (PLEs), what internet/Web 2.0 technologies were used to solve work-related problems (or for professional development), and what strategies were engaged to meet learning goals. Research questions addressed: what internet/Web 2.0 technologies were used to find and retrieve information, build networks, collaborate, and create and share knowledge; what triggered employees to use internet/Web 2.0 technologies to solve work-related problems; how they evaluated information found; how they determined completion of learning goals; how much confidence they had in their in their abilities to locate, analyze, and use information; what actions they took; and what types of learning activities they engaged in. Results indicated that the work environment influences decisions employees made regarding use of internet/Web 2.0 technologies. Almost 40% of survey participants reported that they did not use social network sites. Two factors played an inhibitory role: (1) perceptions of lack of organizational support for use of these technologies and (2) concern over accidental violation of confidentiality rules specific to the healthcare industry. The majority of study participants were confident in their abilities to find, critically analyze, and apply information they found (an important requisite for success in a PLE). Participants rated “traditional” technologies of online courses and Webcasts as having the most credible information. In general, learning needs for interviewees were stimulated when they needed more information to answer questions. Participants judged the quality of their learning based on a sense of accomplishment and on the end result, as well on opinions of others (e.g., co-workers and supervisors) or on a set of industry standards. The top six learning activities listed were: accessing email, accessing the internet, reading information on the internet or social media sites, seeking consultation, participating in webinars, and online courses offered by the company. The nature of participants’ PLEs, as defined in this study, were in early stages of development, both in the variety and complexity of the tools/technologies being employed, and in the learning strategies used

    Assessing social media adoption and maturity in small and medium enterprises: case of Saudi Arabia

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    The proliferation of social media has changed marketing and branding of organisations around the world. Social media has proved to create business value for companies; however, there is a lack of coherent and sequent studies in the field of social media for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Saudi Arabia. In addition, the literature lacks a systematic approach providing a practical means to support SMEs in getting value through social media. Since companies are affected by the social, economic and political circumstances in which they operate, this research focuses on Saudi Arabia-based SMEs. The research aims to develop an online tool based on a social media maturity assessment model that includes maturity criteria, levels of progress and a formula to automatically calculate the overall maturity and provide guidance. Developing such a tool requires studying different aspects related to the use of social media in business and examining their statistical associations. The areas include investigation of social media adoption factors, examination of the social media value to SMEs as well as identification of barriers to success. Moreover, the research examines the maturity level of SMEs in using social media as well as consumers` social media readiness related to interacting with corporate social media accounts in Saudi Arabia. The research used cross-sectional surveys to collect primary data from SMEs, experts and social media users to answer the research questions. The findings revealed that there is high awareness of the usefulness of social media as a marketing channel and strong support from the owners and top management in using such interactive technologies among Saudi SMEs. However, there is also clear evidence that there is a need for training in using social media in these companies which is something that the majority of companies do not provide. The main obstacles that SMEs face when using social media are insufficient dedicated staff as well as a lack of time and skills. The main reasons why SMEs do not use social media are the low perceived usefulness, the perception that there are types of businesses that do not need social media engagement as well as the lack of knowledge and skills in the field. Also, the findings demonstrate that Saudi consumers have positive perception towards using social media to interact with brands. However, there are concerns regarding trust and privacy when using corporate social media accounts. The research develops a social media maturity assessment model for SMES and also discovers new maturity criteria which are statistically associated with the overall social media maturity of companies. These new criteria include: Number of hours dedicated for social media per week, LinkedIn corporate presence, perceived usefulness of social media, consistency of business goals with social media, providing social media training to employees, availability of financial resources and social media infrastructure in the company
