13 research outputs found

    An Exploratory Study of Students’ Perception of their Online Learning Experiences in a Midwestern University

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    Online learning programs and online courses have seen a rapid rise in recent years; however, how to improve those online programs to enhance student learning often remains an issue. This study seeks to gain insights into learners’ perceptions of online learning and investigate problems that take place in online learning. 33 students enrolled in online courses offered by a Midwestern university participated in this study. A survey instrument of ten questions targeted three major domains, including course design, instructor facilitation, and social presence. Most students reported positively with course design and instructor facilitation. Interestingly, students demonstrated a relatively ambiguous and divergent perception on social presence, which suggested that social presence might no longer be perceived as a necessity in an online environment. Implications and suggestions for educators to adapt to this potential change are discussed as well

    Digital social support for undergraduate students during COVID-19: Pivotal support for the digital transformation

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    Background: In a time of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, digital social support can prove helpful in buffering the stress and anxiety especially for students whose lives were being affected both socially and academically. The present study aims to explore the emotional and informational social support available to students during the online transformation of their education. It further investigates factors affecting anxiety and stress among students. Design and Methods: An online survey was administered among 479 undergraduate students at a private university in Saudi Arabia from 2nd March till 17th June 2020. Descriptive analysis was used to report the findings of students’ self-reported data. Results: The results revealed that more than 70% of the students reported that they were satisfied with the informational and emotional support available to them via digital platforms. However, they felt less connected with the teachers and academic administration. Feeling sick (46%), being locked down at homes and isolation (43%) were major causes of stress and anxiety. 71% of the students reported their ability to keep themselves busy, however, only 55% of students mentioned that they did not feel lonely while confined to their homes. In these circumstances, the continuation of studies via online platforms helped students reduce stress and anxiety (52%). Conclusions: Although this online transformation was not planned, the university was able to provide adequate informational support to the students. However, students were dependent upon friends, family and relatives for emotional support. The results of the study point towards the need of training for teachers and academic administrative staff in order to better address students’ needs for social support during the crisis.  The results also contribute to the body of data reporting the various effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on students in a way to reach a sustainable framework for supporting students

    Pengembangan media interaktif berbasis website untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa dengan metode SAS

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    INDONESIA: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan media interaktif berbasis website untuk meningkatkan kemampaun membaca permulaan siswa kelas 1 MI Almaarif 02 Singosari. Produk media interaktif ini berupa google sites yang terintegrasi dengan wordwall dengan menu berupa beranda, KI, KD, materi guru, materi siswa, permainan, dan evaluasi. Pengembangan media Interaktif ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media yang teruji valid sehingga mampu meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan siswa kelas 1 MI Almaarif 02 Singosari. Metode pengembangan yang digunakan peneliti adalah Research and Development (R&D). kemudian model yang digunakan adalah ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation) adapatsai dari Dick and Carey. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 89 siswa kelas 1 MI Almaarif 02 Singosari, lalu sampel uji coba kelompok kecil sebanyak 5 siswa dan uji coba lapangan sebanyak 29 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian melalui observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Hasil persentase validasi ahli materi adalah 93% dan persentase dari ahli materi adalah 95%. Hasil validasi dari kedua ahli menunjukkan kelayakan media untuk diujicobakan. Dari uji coba lapangan dengan 29 siswa, sebanyak 65% mencapai nilai KKM. Kemudian sesuai dengan acuan tingkat keberhasilan siswa, maka pengembangan media interaktif berbasis website mendapatkan predikat efektif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan Media Interaktif Berbasis Website mampu meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa. ENGLISH: This study aims to develop a website-based interactive media to improve the early reading skills of 1st graders at MI Almaarif 02 Singosari. This interactive media product is in the form of google sites integrated with wordwall with menus in the form of a homepage, KI, KD, teacher materials, student materials, games, and evaluations. The development of interactive media aims to produce media that has been tested valid so that it can improve the initial reading ability of students in grade 1 MI Almaarif 02 Singosari. The development method used by the researcher is Research and Development (R&D). then the model used is ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation) adapted from Dick and Carey. The population of this study was 89 students of class 1 MI Almaarif 02 Singosari, then the sample for small group trials was 5 students and field trials were 29 students. Research data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The results of the percentage of material expert validation are 93% and the percentage of material experts is 95%. The validation results from the two experts showed the feasibility of the media to be tested. From the field trial with 29 students, 65% achieved the KKM score. Then according to the reference to the level of student success, the development of website-based interactive media gets an effective predicate. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the development of Website-Based Interactive Media is able to improve students' reading skills. ARABIC: الصف الأول في المدرسة الابتدائية المعارف الثانية سينجوساري. يأتي نتيجة هذه الوسائط في شكل مواقع غوغل مدمجة مع Wordwall مع القوائم في شكل صفحة رئيسية، الاختصاص الأساسي، الكفاءات الأساسية، مواد المعلم، مواد الطلاب، الألعاب، والتقييمات. يهدف تطوير الوسائط التفاعلية إلى إنتاج وسائط تم اختبار صلاحيتها حتى يمكنها ترقية قدرة القراءة الأساسية للطلاب في الصف الأول في المدرسة الابتدائية المعارف الثانية سينجوساري. طريقة التطوير التي استخدمها الباحث هي البحث والتطوير (R&D). ثم النموذج المستخدم هو ADDIE (تحليل، تصميم، تطوير، تنفيذ، تقييم) مقتبس من ديك وكاري. كان مجتمع هذه البحث 89 طالبًا من الفصل الأول في المدرسة الابتدائية المعارف الثانية سينجوساري، ثم كانت عينة التجارب الجماعية الصغيرة 5 طلاب والتجارب الميدانية 29 طالبًا. وتقنيات جمع البيانات البحثية من خلال الملاحظة والمقابلة والاستبيانة. نتائج النسبة المئوية للتحقق من صحة المواد هي 93٪ ونسبة مئوية من فقيه المواد 95٪. أظهرت نتائج التحقق من الخبيرين يدل على جدوى الوسائط لاختبارها. ومن التجربة الميدانية مع 29 طالبًا، حقق 65 ٪ درجة الحد الأدنى من معايير الاكتمال. ثم وفقًا للإشارة إلى مستوى نجاح الطالب، فإن تطوير الوسائط التفاعلية المستندة إلى موقع الإلكتروني يحصل على درجة فعال. بناءً على نتائج البحث يمكن استنتاج أن تطوير الوسائط التفاعلية المستندة إلى موقع الإلكتروني قادر لترقية مهارة القراءة لدى الطلاب

    Fighting internet fraud: anti-phishing effectiveness for phishing websites detection

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    Recently, the Internet has become a very important medium of communication. Many people go online and conduct a wide range of business. They can sell and buy goods, perform different banking activities and even participate in political and social elections by casting a vote online. The parties involved in any transaction never need to meet and a buyer can sometimes be dealing with a fraudulent business that does not actually exist. So, security for conducting businesses online is vital and critical. All security-critical applications (e.g. online banking login pages) that are accessed using the Internet are at the risk of fraud. A common risk comes from so-called Phishing websites, which have become a problem for online banking and e-commerce users. Phishing websites attempt to trick people into revealing their sensitive personal and security information in order for the fraudster to access their accounts. They use websites that look similar to those of legitimate organizations and exploit the end-user's lack of knowledge of web browser clues and security indicators. This thesis addresses the effectiveness of Phishing website detection. It reviews existing anti-Phishing approaches and then makes the following contributions. First of all, the research in this thesis evaluates the effectiveness of the current most common users' tips for detecting Phishing websites. A novel effectiveness criteria is proposed and used to examine every tip and rank it based on its effectiveness score, thus revealing the most effective tips to enable users to detect Phishing attacks. The most effective tips can then be used by anti-Phishing training approaches. Secondly, this thesis proposes a novel Anti-Phishing Approach that uses Training Intervention for Phishing Websites' Detection (APTIPWD) and shows that it can be easily implemented. Thirdly, the effectiveness of the New Approach (APTIPWD) is evaluated using a set of user experiments showing that it is more effective in helping users distinguish between legitimate and Phishing websites than the Old Approach of sending anti-Phishing tips by email. The experiments also address the issues of the effects of technical ability and Phishing knowledge on Phishing websites' detection. The results of the investigation show that technical ability has no effect whereas Phishing knowledge has a positive effect on Phishing website detection. Thus, there is need to ensure that, regardless their technical ability level (expert or non-expert), the participants do not know about Phishing before they evaluate the effectiveness of a new anti-Phishing approach. This thesis then evaluates the anti-Phishing knowledge retention of the New Approach users and compares it with the knowledge retention of users who are sent anti-Phishing tips by email

    Fatores determinantes na adoção e uso continuado da plataforma moodle numa instituição de ensino superior

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    Dissertação de mestrado, Educação (Área de especialidade em Educação e Tecnologias Digitais), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2016Enquadrado pelo domínio de especialidade tecnologias da informação e comunicação na educação e com o propósito de identificar fatores determinantes no processo de adoção e uso continuado de sistemas de gestão de aprendizagem, pelos professores de uma instituição de ensino superior pública em Portugal, este estudo seguiu uma abordagem integradora de dois modelos teóricos explicativos do processo de adoção da tecnologia - Difusão da Inovação (Rogers, 1962) e Aceitação de Tecnologia (Davis, 1989) - , através da qual foram colocadas sob análise as atitudes dos docentes utilizadores e potenciais utilizadores do Moodle. Considerando a extensão do estudo e a natureza dos objetivos, assumiu-se uma abordagem metodológica quantitativa, assente no paradigma pós-positivista. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de dois questionários, desenvolvidos com base noutros estudos empíricos, tendo os itens e dimensões dos mesmos sido sujeitos a adaptações ao contexto nacional. Os dados obtidos apontam para uma utilização heterogénea ao nível da Instituição. De igual modo, foi possível identificar diferenças nas perceções dos diferentes grupos considerando os múltiplos fatores em análise, sugerindo que a implementação deste tipo de plataforma é feita de forma gradual, sendo necessário a criação de diferentes estratégias de implementação de acordo com os diferentes perfis de utilizador.Framed by the specialty domain of ICT in Education and with the proposal of identifying determinant factors in the adoption and utilization process of Learning Management Systems (LMS) by teachers of a higher education institution in Portugal, this study follows an integrative approach of two theoretical models that explain technology adoption processes – Diffusion of Innovation (Rogers, 1962) and User Acceptance of Computer Technology (Davis, 1989). These two theories were put through analysis towards the attitudes of Moodle real users and potential users among these teachers. Considering the extension and the objectives of this study, we assume a quantitative methodological approach through the post-positivist paradigm. Data were obtained through questionnaires developed over other empirical studies adapted to the local context. Data also indicate a heterogeneous use within the institution. It was also possible to identify differences on the perceptions of the different groups considering the multiple factors in analysis, suggesting a gradual implementation and different strategies for it according to diverse user profiles

    The transition of an oral communication course from traditional face-to-face to the online format: A faculty perspective

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    The purpose of this study is to examine instructor experiences regarding their transition from the face-to-face teaching format to the online format of a basic oral communication course. Qualitative interviews were conducted with ten instructors who have transitioned their basic oral communication class to online. Participants were recruited using the Basic Communication Course Directors List Serv and NCA’s CRTNET. Interviews were conducted face-to-face and over the phone using a set of twelve semi-structured interview questions. Participants were instructors from both community colleges and universities. This qualitative study explores all aspects of the transition, including levels of instructor training, the importance of building and maintaining community in the online classroom as well as various challenges experienced by the instructors as a result of the transition. Instructors shared the view that institutions should offer formal training for those who wish to teach online. The study also uncovered that instructors feel it is extremely important to strive for community in the online classroom. Finally, this study revealed unique challenges experienced by instructors including the overall uniqueness of online instruction, the resistance of some peers to teach online, lack of consistent accountability with online instruction and the overall perception of rigor with the online format

    The development and evaluation of an online tutorial to teach digitization and metadata indexing of library and archival resources.

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    Theses (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2009.The aim of the study was to evaluate an online tutorial designed to teach digitization and metadata indexing of library and archival resources. The online tutorial was designed according to constructivist teaching principles to promote collaborative learning. The tutorial was hosted on the OLS (Open learning System) of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). The research was concerned with answering three research questions: Is the online tutorial a teaching instrument capable of teaching metadata indexing and digitization skills? Is the online tutorial an effective teaching tool? Does the use of constructivist teaching elements in the tutorial design allow for a more effective communication of knowledge and skills? A total of 10 participants registered for and took part in the online tutorial. On completion of the tutorial a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the tutorial was done. In terms of the latter a self-administered questionnaire was used as the data collection technique. The qualitative evaluation was done via an analysis of discussions on the discussion forum and e-mail correspondence between learners and the researcher during the running of the tutorial. A more quantitative analysis was then conducted of the responses to the self-administered questionnaire. The qualitative and quantitative analysis identified significant issues that affected the running of the online tutorial. The main issues included problems relating to Internet access to the online tutorial, participation of learners on the tutorial and the functioning of the online learning environment. The analysis of the results of the evaluation provided answers for the three research questions. The analysis found that the online tutorial was able to teach metadata indexing and digitization skills. This was based on completed work that was submitted by participants and responses participants gave to questions on the postcourse questionnaire. However, the amount of work submitted by all participants for the metadata indexing and digitization exercises was generally low. The online tutorial was able to conduct effective teaching at certain times in the tutorial. However, there were a number of issues that disrupted the functioning of the online tutorial and this limited the effectiveness of teaching on the tutorial. The use of constructivist teaching elements in the tutorial design was unable to enable effective communication of knowledge and skills and the promotion of constructivist learning on the tutorial. This goal was hampered by various problems associated with the hosting of the online tutorial and Internet connectivity to the OLS site. Various suggestions for further research were made

    Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Digital

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    Sistematika buku ini dengan judul “Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Digital” terdiri atas 15 bab yang dijelaskan secara rinci dalam pembahasan mengenai konsep dan strategi dan analisis diantaranya: E-Learning, YouTube, Video Kartun, Video Animasi, Tutorial, Podcast, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Gamifikasion, Game Based Learning, Google Classroom, Flipbook, Komik Digital, Laboratorium Virtual dan Simulasi Digital

    Potenciação do e-learning no Ensino Básico e Secundário : o impacto da COVID-19

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    Tese de doutoramento em Gestão, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, 2021Exame público realizado em 24 de Janeiro de 2022Esta investigação foca-se na potenciação do e-learning e na sua evolução específica aplicada ao Ensino Básico e Secundário, tendo em consideração novas abordagens tecnológicas conforme vem sendo evidenciado pelas editoras escolares, e ao abrigo da Lei Portuguesa n.º 72/2017, que promove o desenvolvimento e generalização da desmaterialização dos diversos recursos educativos. Nesta abordagem de estudo de caso, a utilização heterogénea contraria os ambientes one size fits all e pode gerar a necessidade de diferentes estratégias de acordo com os perfis de utilizador, ou grupo de utilizadores. É assim necessário estudar o e‐learning através de uma abordagem sistémica, para identificar os principais obstáculos à potenciação e disseminação dos instrumentos tecnológicos, investigar as estratégias específicas para as ações de formação e do marketing empresarial, para promover a resolução de problemas na geração de valor (nível de adesão). A tecnologia pode não ser um fator impeditivo, mas a aplicabilidade da taxonomia das necessidades dos utilizadores, e as ações promocionais, podem não estar devidamente ajustados. A metodologia desta investigação explorou as necessidades e motivações com base no quadro conceptual que se apresenta na secção 3.2., que inclui o desenvolvimento dos processos de oferta do e-learning, de formação da demanda, e da interação entre a oferta e demanda, a qual pode ser potenciada por políticas públicas adequadas. Para esse efeito, foram entrevistados fornecedores, e professores com diversos níveis de responsabilidade nas escolas e agrupamentos de escolas, assim como analisadas notícias e documentos estatísticos de domínio público. Desta forma, as interpretações e classificações qualitativas, foram, sempre que possível, combinadas com confirmações de ordem quantitativa. Os resultados confirmaram que as crenças sobre o estudo de caso do e-learning são em geral influenciadas pela maioria dos processos de implementação anteriores, ainda geralmente considerados como um fracasso não ultrapassado. Contudo as evidencias são alteradas pelos novos dados revelados sobre o impacto que a COVID-19 está a ter em todo o processo de organização educativa, especificamente na disseminação e inovação tecnológica. A necessidade de formação específica para a utilização das diversas ferramentas de e-learning foi um obstáculo para os processos educativos mais eficientes e equitativos. Surgiram ofertas espontâneas e de emergência sobretudo promovidas pelas editoras escolares. Nesse sentido, evidencia-se a oportunidade para novas orientações e estratégias de potenciação de e-learning, que neste contexto e fase de implementação se focam no marketing empresarial e oportunidades de progressão na carreira dos professores.This research focuses on the “mise en valeur” of e-learning and its specific evolution applied to Basic and Secondary Education, taking into account new technological approaches, as it has been evidenced by school publishers, and under Portuguese Law No. 72/2017, which promotes the development and generalization of the dematerialization of various educational resources. In this case study approach, heterogeneous usage contradicts "one size fits all" environments and can generate the need for different strategies according to user profiles, or user group. It is therefore necessary to study e‐learning through a systemic approach, to identify the main obstacles to the potentiation and dissemination of technological instruments, investigate specific strategies for training and business marketing actions, to promote problem solving in value generation (level of adoption). Technology may not be an impediment, but the applicability of taxonomy to users' needs, and promotional actions, may not be properly adjusted. The methodology of this research explored the needs and motivations based on the conceptual framework presented in section 3.2., which includes the development of e-learning supply processes, demand formation, and the interaction between supply and demand, which can be enhanced with appropriate public policies. To this end, suppliers, and teachers with different levels of responsibility in schools and group of schools were interviewed, as well as analyzing news and statistical documents from the public domain. Thus, qualitative interpretations and classifications were, whenever possible, combined with quantitative confirmations. The results confirmed that beliefs about e-learning are generally influenced by most previous implementation processes still generally considered as an unsurpassed failure. However, the evidence is altered by the new data revealed on the impact that COVID-19 is having on the entire educational organization process, specifically on the technological dissemination and innovation. The need for specific training on the use of the various e-learning tools was an obstacle to the most efficient and equitable educational processes. Spontaneous and emergency offers emerged mainly promoted by school publishers. In this sense, the opportunity for new orientations and e-learning “mise en valeur” strategies are evidenced, which in this context and implementation phase focus on business marketing and on opportunities for teachers’ career progression