687 research outputs found

    Location Estimation of a Photo: A Geo-signature MapReduce Workflow

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    Location estimation of a photo is the method to find the location where the photo was taken that is a new branch of image retrieval. Since a large number of photos are shared on the social multimedia. Some photos are without geo-tagging which can be estimated their location with the help of million geo-tagged photos from the social multimedia. Recent researches about the location estimation of a photo are available. However, most of them are neglectful to define the uniqueness of one place that is able to be totally distinguished from other places. In this paper, we design a workflow named G-sigMR (Geo-signature MapReduce) for the improvement of recognition performance. Our workflow generates the uniqueness of a location named Geo-signature which is summarized from the visual synonyms with the MapReduce structure for indexing to the large-scale dataset. In light of the validity for image retrieval, our G-sigMR was quantitatively evaluated using the standard benchmark specific for location estimation; to compare with other well-known approaches (IM2GPS, SC, CS, MSER, VSA and VCG) in term of average recognition rate. From the results, G-sigMR outperformed previous approaches.Location estimation of a photo is the method to find the location where the photo was taken that is a new branch of image retrieval. Since a large number of photos are shared on the social multimedia. Some photos are without geo-tagging which can be estimated their location with the help of million geo-tagged photos from the social multimedia. Recent researches about the location estimation of a photo are available. However, most of them are neglectful to define the uniqueness of one place that is able to be totally distinguished from other places. In this paper, we design a workflow named G-sigMR (Geo-signature MapReduce) for the improvement of recognition performance. Our workflow generates the uniqueness of a location named Geo-signature which is summarized from the visual synonyms with the MapReduce structure for indexing to the large-scale dataset. In light of the validity for image retrieval, our G-sigMR was quantitatively evaluated using the standard benchmark specific for location estimation; to compare with other well-known approaches (IM2GPS, SC, CS, MSER, VSA and VCG) in term of average recognition rate. From the results, G-sigMR outperformed previous approaches

    Towards Urban General Intelligence: A Review and Outlook of Urban Foundation Models

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    Machine learning techniques are now integral to the advancement of intelligent urban services, playing a crucial role in elevating the efficiency, sustainability, and livability of urban environments. The recent emergence of foundation models such as ChatGPT marks a revolutionary shift in the fields of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Their unparalleled capabilities in contextual understanding, problem solving, and adaptability across a wide range of tasks suggest that integrating these models into urban domains could have a transformative impact on the development of smart cities. Despite growing interest in Urban Foundation Models~(UFMs), this burgeoning field faces challenges such as a lack of clear definitions, systematic reviews, and universalizable solutions. To this end, this paper first introduces the concept of UFM and discusses the unique challenges involved in building them. We then propose a data-centric taxonomy that categorizes current UFM-related works, based on urban data modalities and types. Furthermore, to foster advancement in this field, we present a promising framework aimed at the prospective realization of UFMs, designed to overcome the identified challenges. Additionally, we explore the application landscape of UFMs, detailing their potential impact in various urban contexts. Relevant papers and open-source resources have been collated and are continuously updated at https://github.com/usail-hkust/Awesome-Urban-Foundation-Models

    On the Representativeness of OpenStreetMap for the Evaluation of Country Tourism Competitiveness

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    [EN] Since 2007, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has issued data on the factors and policies that contribute to the development of tourism and competitiveness across countries worldwide. While WEF compiles the yearly report out of data from governmental and private stakeholders, we seek to analyze the representativeness of the open and collaborative platform OpenStreetMap (OSM) to the international tourism scene. For this study, we selected eight parameters indicative of the tourism development of each country, such as the number of beds or cultural sites, and we extracted the OSM objects representative of these indicators. Then, we performed a statistical and regression analysis of the OSM data to compare and model the data emitted by WEF with data from OSM. Our aim is to analyze the tourist representativeness of the OSM data with respect to official reports to better understand when OSM data can be used to complement the official information and, in some cases, when official information is scarce or non-existent, to assess whether the OSM information can be a substitute. Results show that OSM data provide a fairly accurate picture of official tourism statistics for most variables. We also discuss the reasons why OSM data is not so representative for some variables in some specific countries. All in all, this work represents a step towards the exploitation of open and collaborative data for tourism.This work has been supported by COLCIENCIAS through a PhD scholarship.Bustamante, A.; Sebastiá Tarín, L.; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, E. (2021). On the Representativeness of OpenStreetMap for the Evaluation of Country Tourism Competitiveness. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 10(5):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi10050301S12210

    Um arcabouço multimodal para geocodificação de objetos digitais

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    Orientador: Ricardo da Silva TorresTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Informação geográfica é usualmente encontrada em objetos digitais (como documentos, imagens e vídeos), sendo de grande interesse utilizá-la na implementação de diferentes serviços. Por exemplo, serviços de navegação baseados em mapas e buscas geográficas podem se beneficiar das localizações geográficas associadas a objetos digitais. A implementação destes serviços, no entanto, demanda o uso de coleções de dados geocodificados. Este trabalho estuda a combinação de conteúdo textual e visual para geocodificar objetos digitais e propõe um arcabouço de agregação de listas para geocodificação multimodal. A informação textual e visual de vídeos e imagens é usada para definir listas ordenadas. Em seguida, elas são combinadas e a nova lista ordenada resultante é usada para definir a localização geográfica de vídeos e imagens. Uma arquitetura que implementa essa proposta foi projetada de modo que módulos específicos para cada modalidade (e.g., textual ou visual) possam ser aperfeiçoados independentemente. Outro componente é o módulo de fusão responsável pela combinação das listas ordenadas definidas por cada modalidade. Outra contribuição deste trabalho é a proposta de uma nova medida de avaliação da efetividade de métodos de geocodificação chamada Weighted Average Score (WAS). Ela é baseada em ponderações de distâncias que permitem avaliar a efetividade de uma abordagem, considerando todos os resultados de geocodificação das amostras de teste. O arcabouço proposto foi validado em dois contextos: desafio Placing Task da iniciativa MediaEval 2012, que consiste em atribuir, automaticamente, coordenadas geográficas a vídeos; e geocodificação de fotos de prédios da Virginia Tech (VT) nos EUA. No contexto do desafio Placing Task, os resultados mostram como nossa abordagem melhora a geocodificação em comparação a métodos que apenas contam com uma modalidade (sejam descritores textuais ou visuais). Nós mostramos ainda que a proposta multimodal produziu resultados comparáveis às melhores submissões que também não usavam informações adicionais além daquelas disponibilizadas na base de treinamento. Em relação à geocodificação das fotos de prédios da VT, os experimentos demostraram que alguns dos descritores visuais locais produziram resultados efetivos. A seleção desses descritores e sua combinação melhoraram esses resultados quando a base de conhecimento tinha as mesmas características da base de testeAbstract: Geographical information is often enclosed in digital objects (like documents, images, and videos) and its use to support the implementation of different services is of great interest. For example, the implementation of map-based browser services and geographic searches may take advantage of geographic locations associated with digital objects. The implementation of such services, however, demands the use of geocoded data collections. This work investigates the combination of textual and visual content to geocode digital objects and proposes a rank aggregation framework for multimodal geocoding. Textual and visual information associated with videos and images are used to define ranked lists. These lists are later combined, and the new resulting ranked list is used to define appropriate locations. An architecture that implements the proposed framework is designed in such a way that specific modules for each modality (e.g., textual and visual) can be developed and evolved independently. Another component is a data fusion module responsible for combining seamlessly the ranked lists defined for each modality. Another contribution of this work is related to the proposal of a new effectiveness evaluation measure named Weighted Average Score (WAS). The proposed measure is based on distance scores that are combined to assess how effective a designed/tested approach is, considering its overall geocoding results for a given test dataset. We validate the proposed framework in two contexts: the MediaEval 2012 Placing Task, whose objective is to automatically assign geographical coordinates to videos; and the task of geocoding photos of buildings from Virginia Tech (VT), USA. In the context of Placing Task, obtained results show how our multimodal approach improves the geocoding results when compared to methods that rely on a single modality (either textual or visual descriptors). We also show that the proposed multimodal approach yields comparable results to the best submissions to the Placing Task in 2012 using no additional information besides the available development/training data. In the context of the task of geocoding VT building photos, performed experiments demonstrate that some of the evaluated local descriptors yield effective results. The descriptor selection criteria and their combination improved the results when the used knowledge base has the same characteristics of the test setDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutora em Ciência da Computaçã

    Automatic Synchronization of Multi-User Photo Galleries

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    In this paper we address the issue of photo galleries synchronization, where pictures related to the same event are collected by different users. Existing solutions to address the problem are usually based on unrealistic assumptions, like time consistency across photo galleries, and often heavily rely on heuristics, limiting therefore the applicability to real-world scenarios. We propose a solution that achieves better generalization performance for the synchronization task compared to the available literature. The method is characterized by three stages: at first, deep convolutional neural network features are used to assess the visual similarity among the photos; then, pairs of similar photos are detected across different galleries and used to construct a graph; eventually, a probabilistic graphical model is used to estimate the temporal offset of each pair of galleries, by traversing the minimum spanning tree extracted from this graph. The experimental evaluation is conducted on four publicly available datasets covering different types of events, demonstrating the strength of our proposed method. A thorough discussion of the obtained results is provided for a critical assessment of the quality in synchronization.Comment: ACCEPTED to IEEE Transactions on Multimedi