483 research outputs found

    Education Reform for the Digital Era

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    Will the digital-learning movement repeat the mistakes of the charter-school movement? How much more successful might today's charter universe look if yesterday's proponents had focused on the policies and practices needed to ensure its quality, freedom, and resources over the long term? What mistakes might have been avoided? Damaging scandals forestalled? Missed opportunities seized

    Don’t Be Left out in the Cold: An Examination of Organizational Innovativeness and Its Influence on the Capacity to Innovate in Cold Chain Third Party Logistics Firms

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    The cold chain third-party logistics (3PLs) industry is comprised of 250 companies in the United States, representing a 5.7billiondollarmarket(G.C.C.Alliance,2019).Thecoldchain3PLindustrymanagesthestorageofthefoodproductsthemanufacturersproduceandthelogisticsactivitiesonbehalfoftheshipper.Currently,itisreportedthatover94billionpoundsoffoodarestoredincoldchain3PLwarehouses,withaprojectedgrowthto5.7 billion dollar market (G. C. C. Alliance, 2019). The cold chain 3PL industry manages the storage of the food products the manufacturers produce and the logistics activities on behalf of the shipper. Currently, it is reported that over 94 billion pounds of food are stored in cold chain 3PL warehouses, with a projected growth to 2 billion dollars of goods and services tracked annually by 2023 (G. C. C. Alliance, 2017). Given industry growth, regulatory pressures, and serious disintermediation in the chain due to changing business models and alternative channels of distribution, the need for innovation-driven value from traditionally conservative, slow-to-change 3PLs is urgent. Therefore, I addressed the following research questions with this study: (a) What is the state of Organizational Innovativeness in cold chain 3PL firms? and (b) What is the nature of the relationship between cold chain 3PL firms’ innovativeness and their capacity to innovate? I am embedded in a cold chain 3PL, and my firm has a vested interest in understanding where to focus its efforts to effect change and create high levels of innovation capacity. All levels of the organizations were represented in the 192 participants who responded to a survey. The tested model represents a five-dimensional second-order latent construct for organizational innovativeness and its influence on a firm’s capacity to innovate. I evaluated the model using WarpPLS™ 6.0 (Koch, 2017). The findings suggest that all five dimensions had a strong positive influence on organizational innovativeness, which validated prior research. In turn, organizational innovativeness, as a second-order construct, was a significant predictor of innovation capacity. Size was a control. Open-ended questions were asked to allow open commentary on innovation in the respective organization and for the industry at large

    Consulting report - Euromotors S.A

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    Euromotors S.A. is the exclusive brand representative of the Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche, and SEAT brands among others within 11 strategic business units in Peru. Since its foundation, the firm has since grown exceptionally in size, scope and sophistication from their original operational function as an automobile importer to their current status engaged in the sale of vehicles, new and used cars, servicing and sale of original spare parts. As a multi-brand firm, it maintains 1,052 employees who function relatively autonomously within each business division for the separate brands. In order to propel the firm forward as a cohesive unit, synergies within need to be created to eliminate the replication of processes and procedures and to ultimately streamline overall organizational function. After a few years of declining profitability, Euromotors is looking at opportunities to improve its competitive position within the Peruvian automotive retail sector, which is rapidly changing and increasingly competitive market. In order to withhold a competitive advantage, a micro-pilot project has been designed within the consulting process, which has taken deep rooted analysis at both the internal and external environmental factors, to be implemented with Euroshop, Euromotors’ most profitable division. A cultural transformation will impact the sales force team of Euroshop; however, before it can be properly administered, overcoming organizational resistance to change must be dealt with. The proposed solution develops method for Euromotors to incrementally overcome the resistance to change in a multi-step system, to increase employee motivation and unity while increasing intrinsic responsibility to function as a team throughout the entire firm. This proposal considers the necessity of maintaining commitment to the strategic goals of the company. Through the development of a strategic map and a KPI based scorecard, the firm will have visibility on the key factors in garnering true change. Project timeframe is estimated in six months and total budget in USD 25,500Euromotors S.A. es la representante exclusiva de las marcas Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche y SEAT entre otras dentro de once unidades estratégicas de negocios en Perú. Desde su fundación, la empresa ha crecido excepcionalmente en tamaño, alcance y sofisticación desde su función original de importador de automóviles hasta su estado actual de venta de vehículos, automóviles nuevos y usados, servicio y venta de repuestos originales. Como empresa multimarca, mantiene 1,052 empleados que funcionan de forma relativamente autónoma dentro de cada división de negocios para las marcas separadas. Con el fin de impulsar la empresa hacia adelante como una unidad cohesiva, las sinergias dentro de la necesidad de ser creado para eliminar la replicación de los procesos y procedimientos y, en última instancia, racionalizar la función organizativa en general. Después de unos años de caída en la rentabilidad, Euromotors está buscando oportunidades para mejorar su posición competitiva en el sector de la venta automotriz peruana, que está cambiando rápidamente y cada vez más competitivo en el mercado. Con el fin de retener una ventaja competitiva, se ha diseñado un proyecto de micro proyecto dentro del proceso de consultoría, que ha tenido un análisis profundamente arraigado tanto en factores ambientales internos como externos, para ser implementado con Euroshop, la división más rentable de Euromotors. Una transformación cultural fortaecerá al equipo de la fuerza de ventas de Euroshop; sin embargo, antes de que pueda administrarse adecuadamente, debe superarse la resistencia al cambio. La solución propuesta desarrolla un método para que Euromotors pueda superar gradualmente esta resistencia para aumentar la motivación y la unidad de los empleados, al tiempo que aumenta la responsabilidad intrínseca de funcionar como un equipo en toda la empresa. El objetivo de la propuesta busca mantener el compromiso con los objetivos estratégicos de la empresa. Mediante el desarrollo de un mapa estratégico y un cuadro de mando, la firma tendrá visibilidad sobre los factores clave para lograr una verdadera transformación. Se estima que la implementación del proyecto se realice en seis meses y que el presupuesto ascienda a 25,500 dólares americanosTesi

    Strategic Human Resource Management and Employment Relations : An International Perspective

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    he theoretical roots for the study of human resource management (HRM) in organisations have existed in the Western contexts for over a century when seminal ideas of influential management thinkers such as Taylor, Drucker and McGregor were in prevalence. Earlier conceptualisations of work and employment adopted a different (pluralist) emphases and focused on terms such as labour welfare, labour relations, personnel management and industrial relations to name a few. One could argue, this view reflected contemporary developments in the field of HRM, albeit with different ideological and philosophical focus that have been in operation for several centuries. For example, in India, work practices were influenced by the ancient ideas of Chanakya (also referred to as Kautilya), whose pioneering work on Arthashastra was regarded as a treatise in the field of economics, politics, military strategy and governance. This seminal work had also developed ideas of organisation and administration in the fourth century BC. Indeed, one only needs to turn back and look at the practices of one of the world’s oldest multinational corporation–the erstwhile East India Company, which was founded in the early 1600 in India by the British to pursue trade with the East Indies. Even though it ended up trading, in the main, in the Indian subcontinent, its operations spanned across several borders

    Strategic plan of the program Generación +1

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    El presente documento se basa en la elaboración de un plan estratégico para el Programa Generación +1 que es parte de la empresa Libélula y que se llevará a cabo a partir del año 2015 al 2020. El plan fue elaborado utilizando como base el Proceso Estratégico propuesto por D´Alessio (2013). A través de la utilización del plan, una visión fue desarrollada con el propósito de llevar a Generación +1, un programa que busca educar sobre la problemática y el impacto del cambio climático en los jóvenes, a ser un programa competitivo, atractivo, que sea sostenible financieramente y que se encuentre en un posición única dentro de las organizaciones enfocadas al cambio climático. Actualmente, Generación +1 está enfocada en el desarrollo de un programa de educación gratuita para crear conocimiento y educar sobre los cambios climáticos. En la actualidad la organización cuenta con dos empleados y un número variable de 3 a 4 participantes, durante la realización de los programas tanto de Embajadores +1, así también como de Talento +1 para el apoyo y las coordinaciones necesarias. Estos participantes no solamente donan su tiempo, si no que se comprometen a la realización exitosa de transferencia de conocimientos. El programa aún no ha podido hacerle frente al poco involucramiento y participación de los jóvenes dentro de la agenda política, así como tampoco al impacto que está creando el cambio climático debido a la poca consciencia y cuidado de los recursos naturales. Como resultado, este plan estratégico ha desarrollado cuatro objetivos a largo plazo para mejorar la sostenibilidad financiera a través de relaciones con otras organizaciones, mejorar la fuerza de trabajo, aumentar el conocimiento público creando consciencia y a través del desarrollo de proyectos que disminuyan el impacto de la huella de carbono. Los objetivos a largo plazo se alcanzarán mediante la implementación de cinco estrategias claves propuestas para la organización. Asimismo, se propone la implementación del Tablero de Control Balanceado que supervisará el logro y medirá los resultados de los objetivos a corto plazo, ayudando a la empresa a alcanzar sus objetivos de largo plazo y visión y hacer las mejoras correspondientes en los objetivos que no se estén logrando. La realización de todos los objetivos y las estrategias propuestas será un esfuerzo conjunto entre todos los miembros interesados en lograr un cambio y que, servirán para el beneficio de la sociedad.Generación +1 is a program which is part of the company Libélula. The scope of this strategic plan is for five years (2015 to 2020). The plan was developed using the strategic process theory proposed in D'Alessio (2013). Through the use of the plan, a vision was developed with the purpose of bringing Generación +1—a program that seeks to educate the youth about the impacts of climate change—a strategy to become more sustainable. They are in a unique position within the popular global climate change industry, and needs to seize the growing opportunities available. Nowadays, Generación +1 is focused on the development of a free educational program for students, funded by scholarships. Currently the organization has two employees and three to four non-permanent participants during the implementation of both the Ambassadors +1 program and the Talento +1 program as for the support and the necessary coordination. These participants not only donate their time, but are committed to the successful completion of knowledge transfers. The program has not yet been able to cope with the lack of involvement and participation of young people in the political agenda, nor the impact that climate change is creating due to the lack of awareness and care of natural resources. As a result, this strategic plan developed four long-term goals to improve financial sustainability through relationships with other organizations, to improve the workforce, and increase public awareness and knowledge creating development projects that reduce the carbon footprint impacts. The long-term goals will be achieved by implementing five key strategies proposed for the organization. Also, the implementation of Balanced Score Card to monitor achievement and measure the results of short-term goals, helping the company achieve its long term goals and vision and make corresponding improvements in the proposed objectives that are not being achieve. The realization of all the objectives and strategies proposed will be a joint effort between all members of the organization that are interested in created a change.Tesi

    Consolidating iworkinsport´s position in the emerging virtual event industry

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    The team worked with iWorkin Sport during this field lab, a company playing an intermediary role between students, schools, and companies, in the sport industry. Thereby, we articulated our thesis using the following structure: a first part analyzing the industry and the environment with qualitative and quantitative data, a second part divided in three sub topics addressing more specific solutions to these challenges from a data, marketing, and strategic perspective. Finally, we addressed apart aiming to provide recommendations based on the research and analysis performed

    The Bottom Line: Investing for Impact on Economic Mobility in the U.S.

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    There is no greater challenge in the United States today than income inequality. It has been 50 years since the War on Poverty began. We have made progress but not enough. More than 32 million children live in low-income families, and racial and gender gaps persist. For the first time, Americans do not believe life will be better for the next generation. We have both a moral and an economic imperative to fuel social and economic mobility in this country.The Aspen Institute was founded in 1950 as a place to address the critical issues of our time. Today, ensuring that the American dream can be a possibility for all and be passed from one generation to the next is that issue. This commitment is at the heart of the work of many policy programs at the Aspen Institute. Ending the cycle of poverty requires leadership and hard work across all sectors, from nonprofit organizations, philanthropies, and academia to the government and private sector. This report recognizes the importance of learning from all sectors in tackling any challenge. Specifically, it builds on opportunities in the growing impact investment field. The report draws on the lessons from market-based approaches to identify tools and strategies that can help move the needle on family economic security. In this report, you will find the following: Case studies -- An opportunity to go under the hood on deals with the Bank of America, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Acelero Learning, and others; Point of view essays -- Insights and lessons from leaders in the field; Deals at a glance -- Snapshots of impact investors and what they have learned, including the Kresge Foundation, Living Cities, and the MacArthur Foundation; and Survey results and lessons learned -- Trends among active and emerging players in the U.S. impact investment field and the lessons that can be applied to economic mobility in the U.S. We are pleased to offer this expanded perspective on impact investing in the U.S. and the lessons for investors, philanthropists, and non-profits working to build strong and prosperous families and communities

    Strategies to Recruit Skilled Workers in Manufacturing

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    Manufacturing hiring managers in the United States who fail to implement adequate recruitment strategies for skilled production workers experience reduced profits and sustainability challenges. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies that successful manufacturing hiring managers in North Carolina used to recruit skilled production workers to sustain business profitability. Inductive analysis was guided by the human capital theory, and trustworthiness of interpretations was strengthened by member checking. The population for the study consisted of 4 business leaders who demonstrated the use of effective recruitment strategies to sustain profitability in manufacturing businesses in southeastern North Carolina. Data were collected from face-to-face interviews with the leaders and review of artifacts pertaining to employee recruitment strategies. Six themes emerged: fueling competition for local labor market, enhancing advertising methods, networking, providing job training, growing talent, and building new perceptions of manufacturing. The application of the findings from this study could contribute to positive social change by providing manufacturing business leaders with effective strategies for recruiting skilled workers. Business leaders could contribute to positive social change by increasing workplace stability and employees\u27 abilities to support their families. Businesses and individuals could benefit from improved standards of living, thereby contributing to the sustainment and prosperity of communities

    The Challenges of Technology and Economic Catch-up in Emerging Economies

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    This book synthesizes and interprets existing knowledge on technology upgrading failures as well as lessons from successes and failures in order to better understand the challenges of technology upgrading in emerging economies. The objective is to bring together in one volume diverse evidence regarding three major dimensions of technology upgrading: paths of technology upgrading, structural changes in the nature of technology upgrading, and the issues of technology transfer and technology upgrading. The knowledge of these three dimensions is being synthesized at the firm, sector, and macro levels across different countries and world macro-regions. Compared to the old and new challenges and uncertainties facing emerging economies, our understanding of the technology upgrading is sparse, unsystematic, and scattered. While our understanding of these issues from the 1980s and 1990s is relatively more systematized, the changes that took place during the globalization and proliferation of GVCs, the effects of the post-2008 events, and the effects of the current COVID-19 and geopolitical struggles on technology upgrading have not been explored and compared synthetically. Moreover, the recent growth slowdown in many emerging economies, often known as a middle-income trap, has reinforced the importance of understanding the technology upgrading challenges of catching-up economies. We believe that the time is ripe for “taking stock of the area” in order to systematize and evaluate the existing knowledge on processes of technology upgrading of emerging economies at the firm, sector, and international levels and to make further inroads in research on this issue. This volume aims to significantly contribute towards this end