5 research outputs found

    The promise and practice of e-learning within complex tertiary environments

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    In advance of a change in learning management systems at a tertiary institution in New Zealand, the authors undertook a research study, the purpose of which was to provide a ‘snap-shot’ of existing online instructional practice within their School. They sought to identify existing pedagogical and technical issues and staff attitudes and preparedness for the new software. Although they found considerable staff good will toward e-learning, a number of problems were identified in the study. Findings from research have been organized and are discussed within five categories, including vision, skills, incentives, resources, and action plan. Conclusions describe plans for reorganizing how and in what manner e-learning can be supported within complex social environments, such as universities, when resources are limited

    Can Gamification Influence the Academic Performance of Students?

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    Special Issue: Mobile Technology, Gamification and Artificial Intelligence to Improve Sustainability in EducationThe data presented in this study are not available in accordance with Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD)[Abstract] Gamification along with a whole range of other active methodologies are being incorporated into university classrooms due to their potential benefits for student learning. The aim of this paper was to analyse how a multimodal learning environment based on gamification could affect the final grades of university students in a subject taught at the Faculty of Education in a spanish university. The research was made up of 133 Spanish university students (Mage = 19.60; SDage = 0.43 years old). A quasi-experimental post-test design with a control group was used. The control group and the intervention group consisted of 66 and 67 students respectively. A multimodal gamified learning environment was set up for the intervention group, in contrast to traditional teaching methods which were reserved for the control group. Each one was implemented throughout an academic year. The results revealed statistically significant differences in the final average grade (p < 0.001), with students from the intervention group obtaining higher overall scores. The same occurred in the voluntary learning tasks, with students from the intervention group earning more Health Points (p = 0.006), more Experience Points (p = 0.005), a higher Total Score (p = 0.002) and a higher Level Achieved (p = 0.002). These findings point to the fact that a multimodal gamified learning environment can influence the academic performance of students. However, more scientific research has to be carried out in order to support these findings

    How Does Educational Technology Benefit Humanity? Five Years of Evidence

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    This article presents a review of the 25 finalists (Laureates) in the Education category of the Technology Benefiting Humanity Awards, which started in 2001. Most of the applicants can be considered social entrepreneurs working to improve educational systems and the learning opportunities and experiences of their intended beneficiaries. While the benefits to humanity derived from educational technology are often taken for granted, the work of these 25 Laureates, working in countries around the world, provides an opportunity to critically examine how such benefits are actually obtained. Based on this analytical review, suggestions for further research and development in educational technology are presented

    Movalues : um método orientado a valores para a avaliação de redes sociais online

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    Orientador: Roberto PereiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 25/09/2019Inclui referências: p. 130-137Área de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: A área de Interação Humano-Computador (IHC) se preocupa com o design e avaliação de tecnologias computacionais para uso humano e com os principais fenômenos que os cercam, e tem reconhecido a necessidade de que métodos e práticas tradicionais da área sejam repensados com o intuito de atender a novas demandas, como valores humanos. Considerar valores humanos no design e avaliação de sistemas computacionais ainda é um desafio para a área de IHC, pois não existe um método bem estabelecido que apoie os profissionais da área nesse tipo de análise. Negligenciar valores no design e avaliação de sistemas computacionais pode resultar em um sistema que não faça sentido para seus usuários, que não atenda às expectativas das partes interessadas, e que ainda possa desencadear impactos não desejáveis, difíceis de prever e reverter, no contexto social em que o sistema é utilizado. Esta tese de doutorado apresenta o MOvalues, um método orientado a valores para a avaliação de Redes Sociais Online (RSO) em IHC. O MOvalues foi fundamentado no referencial teórico metodológico da Semiótica Organizacional (SO), que considera além do sistema técnico, em que os valores são compreendidos como características ou atributos de qualidade de uma tecnologia, também o sistema formal, cujo os valores estão conectados às normas sociais e os sistemas de leis, e o sistema informal, em que se caracterizam os valores de natureza pessoal. Métodos tradicionais da área de IHC (i.e., métodos de avaliação de usabilidade, métodos de avaliação de comunicabilidade) também foram estudados e considerados na fundamentação do MOvalues. O MOvalues foi avaliado com o público alvo, que são os especialistas em IHC. Os resultados dessa avaliação determinaram posicionamentos positivos tanto sobre a facilidade e utilidade de uso do método, como em relação à sua motivação. Espera-se também que o MOvalues possa contribuir com a discussão sobre valores na avaliação de sistemas computacionais interativos e que possa servir de base para novas pesquisas e aplicações. Palavras-chave: Métodos de avaliação, redes sociais online, semiótica organizacional.Abstract: The Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) area is concerned with the design and evaluation of computational technologies for human use and with the main phenomena that around them, and has recognized the need for traditional methods and practices in the area to be rethought in order to meet new demands, such as human values. Considering human values in the design and evaluation of computational systems is still a challenge for the HCI area, because there is no well established method that supports the professionals of the area in this type of analysis. Neglecting values in the design and evaluation of computer systems can result in a system that does not make sense to its users, does not meet the expectations of stakeholders, and can trigger undesirable impacts that are difficult to predict and deal with in the social context in which systems are used. This doctoral thesis presents MOvalues, a value-oriented method for the evaluation of online social networks. MOvalues was based on the theoretical methodological reference of Organizational Semiotics which considers beyond the technical system, in which values are understood as characteristics or quality attributes of a technology, also the formal system, whose values are connected to social norms and systems of laws, and the informal system in which values of a personal nature are characterized. Traditional HCI methods (i.e., usability evaluation methods, communicability evaluation methods) have also been studied and considered for grounding MOvalues. The method was evaluated with the target audience, specialists in HCI, and results suggested positive positions both on the ease of use and usefulness of the method. More than adding to the literature on the topic, it is expected that MOvalues can contribute with the discussion about values in the evaluation of interactive computational systems, serving as the basis for further research and applications. Keywords: Evaluation methods, online social networks, organizacional semiotics