353 research outputs found

    Business Process Redesign in the Perioperative Process: A Case Perspective for Digital Transformation

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    This case study investigates business process redesign within the perioperative process as a method to achieve digital transformation. Specific perioperative sub-processes are targeted for re-design and digitalization, which yield improvement. Based on a 184-month longitudinal study of a large 1,157 registered-bed academic medical center, the observed effects are viewed through a lens of information technology (IT) impact on core capabilities and core strategy to yield a digital transformation framework that supports patient-centric improvement across perioperative sub-processes. This research identifies existing limitations, potential capabilities, and subsequent contextual understanding to minimize perioperative process complexity, target opportunity for improvement, and ultimately yield improved capabilities. Dynamic technological activities of analysis, evaluation, and synthesis applied to specific perioperative patient-centric data collected within integrated hospital information systems yield the organizational resource for process management and control. Conclusions include theoretical and practical implications as well as study limitations

    Typology of digital organizations in the context of digital transformation

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    The article aims at a conceptual explanation of the components of digital transformation, including such concepts as “digital organization”, “digitization”, “digitalization”, and “digital “destruction”. The reviews of research in the field of digital transformation have shown that there are different explicit definitions of concepts and they are quite heterogeneous. This made it possible to develop definitions of the relevant concepts, resulting in two different conceptual clusters: arbitrary and involuntary concepts. The first cluster covers concepts grouped around the result of a digital organization. The second cluster refers to violations that give rise to a marginal organization. Based on the review of research on digitalization the author presented a typology of digital organizations, which includes four types: analog organization, digital organization of the first, second and third types. The developed typology is a classic version of the typology: two types with minimum and maximum digitalization, which correspond to the end points of this combination. Between them are two more types with a consistently increasing intensity of digitization. It is obvious that the digitalization of organizations begins with the second type, which is characterized by the rapid application of digital technologies and gradually increases to the fourth type, which represents the strategic integration of digital technologies

    Exploring the Digital Transformation Based on Big Data with Ubiquitous Internet of Everything

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    Digital technologies present both game-changing opportunities for and existential threats to companies. Digital services in consumer-facing organizations offer novelty value propositions, closer consumer relationships and higher automation of consumer-facing processes. Facing big digital data streams generated by ubiquitous Internet of Everything(IoE) and savvy customers with mobile computing and social media, this paper focuses on digital transformation journeys seeking digital capabilities and digital leadership to upgrade organizational performance, one is discovering big data value, the other is dual methods with agile. The finding provides practical implications that can help guide practitioners in digital transformation

    Leadership Competencies for Digital Transformation : Evidence from Multiple Cases

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    Digital transformation (DT) is disrupting industrial organizations, which require significant changes in their properties to remain competitive. This calls for strong leadership to drive this transformation. However, what leadership competencies are required to lead DT impactfully is unclear. Therefore, we seek to identify the key leadership competencies by employing a qualitative, grounded theory approach. By conducting interviews of ten DT experts from two hardcore industrial organizations, we highlight five key leadership competencies that industrial organizations need to develop in their leaders: digital vision, digital knowledge, failing fast, empowerment, and managing diverse teams. The results of this study will help industrial organizations to strategically prepare their leadership for the requirements of DT.©2020 Springer. This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership: Proceedings of the AHFE 2020 Virtual Conferences on Human Factors, Business Management and Society, and Human Factors in Management and Leadership, July 16-20, 2020, USA. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/0.1007/978-3-030-50791-6_11.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    SME Digitization: How do Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Firms Digitize

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    Information technology (IT) and digitization have profoundly transformed the economy. However, research on the IT implementation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), a key component of the economy, is limited or treats all SMEs as homogeneous. This paper studies how SMEs are differentially digitizing by analyzing their digitization architecture. We apply clustering to find interesting observations on the digitization architecture of over 60,000 micro, small, and medium-sized businesses in the United States. The preliminary results shed light on the digital architecture of SMEs, the differences in digitization among SMEs, and inform the digital technology suppliers that cater to SMEs

    Exploration of Ideas for Sustaining Digital Innovation Management: A Case Study in the Ostrobothnia Region of Finland

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    Disruption of technologies, climate changes and epidemic crises have significantly affected individuals, organizations, and society. These phenomena force organizations to extend and innovate their business models to adapt to new circumstances. However, literature provides a limited coverage on how sustainable innovations ideas form and evaluate in practice. We thus focus on this issue in the present study. We used nominal focus group technique, C-K design theory for innovative design with citizen sciences as our study’s lenses. Data collection was from three groups of 81 participants who live in three cities in the Ostrobothnia region of Finland. The findings illustrate the process of establishing a sustainable innovation management idea and lesson learned on how to facilitate innovation groups in practice

    Exploration of Ideas for Sustaining Digital Innovation Management : A Case Study in the Ostrobothnia Region of Finland

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    Disruption of technologies, climate changes and epidemic crises have significantly affected individuals, organizations, and society. These phenomena force organizations to extend and innovate their business models to adapt to new circumstances. However, literature provides a limited coverage on how sustainable innovations ideas form and evaluate in practice. We thus focus on this issue in the present study. We used nominal focus group technique, C-K design theory for innovative design with citizen sciences as our study’s lenses. Data collection was from three groups of 81 participants who live in three cities in the Ostrobothnia region of Finland. The findings illustrate the process of establishing a sustainable innovation management idea and lesson learned on how to facilitate innovation groups in practice.©2022 Association for Information Systems.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Peculiarities of the company's digital strategy depending on the business size

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    Дослідження полягає в ініціюванні обговорення цифрової стратегії та її відмінностей для підприємств залежно від розміру бізнесу. Метою дослідження було визначення сутності та особливості цифрової стратегії підприємств залежно від розміру бізнесу підприємства. Для досягнення поставленої мети визначено такі наукові завдання: розкрити сутність поняття цифрова стратегія підприємства; визначити складові цифрової стратегії підприємства залежно від розміру бізнесу. Проведено аналіз показників використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій на підприємствах України (в т. ч. й малого бізнесу) та у країнах ЄС у 2019 р. Аналіз статистичної інформації дав змогу зробити висновок, що впровадження цифрових стратегій або їх елементів на підприємствах України стало можливим завдяки щорічному зростанню частки цифрових даних, що створюються, зберігаються та опрацьовуються. Здійснено узагальнення результатів наукових напрацювань щодо сутності поняття «цифрова стратегія» підприємства. Комплексний підхід до визначення місця та ролі цифрової стратегії визначає, що цифрова стратегія підприємства підпорядковується корпоративній стратегії, а її застосування передбачає впровадження стратегічних завдань підприємства через використання можливостей цифрової економіки за рахунок використання цифрових ресурсів. У великому та середньому бізнесі експлуатація та інтеграція цифрових технологій часто стосується значної частини компанії й може виходити за їх межі, впливаючи на продукти, бізнес-процеси, канали збуту і ланцюги постачання. Потенційні переваги інтеграції цифрових технологій впливають на збільшення продажів чи зростання продуктивності, створення нової вартості чи нових форм взаємодій із контрагентами. Щодо цифрової стратегії малого бізнесу, то вона є бізнес-стратегію підприємства, яка формується інтуїтивно, виходячи з потреб ринку, та базується на можливостях цифрової економіки за рахунок використання цифрових ресурсів у різних бізнес-функціях. Основні складові цифрової стратегії малого бізнесу є більш гнучкими та базуються на персоналізованих способах залучення клієнтів і формують нову ціннісну пропозицію підприємства через інтеграцію ІКТ у продукти та послуги. Зокрема, цілі цифрової стратегії підприємства малого бізнесу досягатимуться через такі інструменти: цифрового маркетингу; діджиталізації бізнес-процесів; присутності в Інтернеті; e-commerce; управління бізнес-гнучкістю.The purpose of this investigation is to initiate the discussion of the digital strategy and its differences for the enterprises depending on the business size. The objective of this investigation is to define the essence of digital strategy for enterprises depending on the enterprise business size. In order to achieve this goal the following scientific tasks are defined: to reveal the essence of the concept of the enterprise digital strategy; to determine the components of the enterprise digital strategy depending on the s business. In order to achieve these objectives, analysis of indicators of information and communication technologies application at the enterprises of Ukraine (including small businesses) and EU countries in 2019 is carried out. Analysis of statistical information makes it possible to conclude that implementation of digital strategies or their elements at Ukraine enterprises is due to the annual growth of the digital data share which is created, stored and processed. The authors summarized the results of scientific developments concerning the essence of the enterprise «digital strategy» concept. An integrated approach for the determination of the digital strategy place and role defines that the enterprise digital strategy is subordinate to the enterprise corporate strategy, and its application provides the implementation of enterprise strategic objectives due to the digital resources use. In large and medium-sized businesses, the operation and integration of digital technology deals with a large part of the company and can go beyond its limits affecting products, business-processes, sales channels and supply chains. The potential benefits of digitalization have the impact on sales or productivity growth, creation of new value or new forms of interaction with contractors. As for small business digital strategy, it is the basis for the enterprise business strategy formed intuitively taking into account the market needs and it is based on the capabilities of the digital economy due to the application of digital resources in various business functions. The main components of the small business digital strategy are more flexible and are based on personalized ways of attracting customers and form a new value proposition of the enterprise by integration of information and communication technologies in products and services. Particularly, the objectives of small business digital strategy will be achieved by means of the following tools: digital marketing; business process digitization; Internet presence; e-commerce; business flexibility management

    Utilization of Digital Technology for Management Effectiveness Micro Small and Medium Enterprises

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    Abstract The development of digital technology benefits business people and society as consumers in terms of accessing information, market opportunities, as well as the management of goods and business finance. The research objective is to find out how effective the management of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises using digital applications. The ADDIE approach (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) was used in this study. When compared with a manual system, the use of digital applications is more effective and efficient in business management. The results obtained that the use of accounting points of sale and inventory management are in the category of appropriate use in business management. This is based on the evaluation of thefeasibility test, the results of expert validation and the assessment by MSME entrepreneurs