40 research outputs found

    A Systematic Approach to Constructing Families of Incremental Topology Control Algorithms Using Graph Transformation

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    In the communication systems domain, constructing and maintaining network topologies via topology control (TC) algorithms is an important cross-cutting research area. Network topologies are usually modeled using attributed graphs whose nodes and edges represent the network nodes and their interconnecting links. A key requirement of TC algorithms is to fulfill certain consistency and optimization properties to ensure a high quality of service. Still, few attempts have been made to constructively integrate these properties into the development process of TC algorithms. Furthermore, even though many TC algorithms share substantial parts (such as structural patterns or tie-breaking strategies), few works constructively leverage these commonalities and differences of TC algorithms systematically. In previous work, we addressed the constructive integration of consistency properties into the development process. We outlined a constructive, model-driven methodology for designing individual TC algorithms. Valid and high-quality topologies are characterized using declarative graph constraints; TC algorithms are specified using programmed graph transformation. We applied a well-known static analysis technique to refine a given TC algorithm in a way that the resulting algorithm preserves the specified graph constraints. In this paper, we extend our constructive methodology by generalizing it to support the specification of families of TC algorithms. To show the feasibility of our approach, we reneging six existing TC algorithms and develop e-kTC, a novel energy-efficient variant of the TC algorithm kTC. Finally, we evaluate a subset of the specified TC algorithms using a new tool integration of the graph transformation tool eMoflon and the Simonstrator network simulation framework.Comment: Corresponds to the accepted manuscrip

    Programa莽茫o homog茅nea de redes de sensores usando o middleware muffin

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    Projeto de mestrado em Inform谩tica, apresentada 脿 Universidade de Lisboa, atrav茅s da Faculdade de Ci锚ncias, 2013No contexto das redes de sensores sem fios, que atualmente s茫o um t贸pico de bastante destaque e alvo de investiga莽茫o em diversos dom铆nios, surge a necessidade de programa莽茫o dos seus dispositivos. Os servi莽os web s茫o utilizados para disponibilizar uma interface o mais homog茅nea poss铆vel das funcionalidades das redes de sensores. O middleware MuFFIN permite inclusive a (re)programa莽茫o remota do comportamento de redes de sensores atrav茅s de servi莽os web. No entanto, esta reprograma莽茫o est谩 dependente das caracter铆sticas do hardware ou das linguagens de programa莽茫o disponibilizadas pelos fabricantes. De modo a generalizar esta funcionalidade, propomos uma extens茫o ao middleware para incluir a execu莽茫o de c贸digo em substitui莽茫o dos sensores, quando estes n茫o s茫o reprogram谩veis. Como prova de conceito, neste projeto utilizamos o middleware MuFFIN e a linguagem de programa莽茫o de sensores Callas conjuntamente com a sua m谩quina virtual. Adicionalmente estendemos o MuFFIN com um componente que permite a comunica莽茫o entre duas redes de sensores sem que as mensagens trocadas extravasem o middleware, com o objetivo de criar uma forma de comunica莽茫o entre redes de sensores e atuadores, sem que esta tenha necessidade de passar pelas aplica莽玫es cliente.In the context of wireless sensor networks, which are currently a topic of research in various fields, there is the need to program their devices. Web services are used to provide an homogeneous interface to sensor networks. The MuFFIN middleware even supports the remote (re)programming of sensors via web services. However, this (re)programming functionality dependents on the hardware characteristics as well as on the programming languages manufacturers provide. In order to generalize this functionality, we propose a middleware extension which executes the code on behalf of sensor devices, in case they are not (re)programmable. As a proof of concept we use the MuFFIN middleware and the sensor programming language Callas together with its virtual machine. Additionally, we extend the MuFFIN with a new component that supports the communication between two sensor networks. This way, messages can flow from one network to another one without the intervention of the client application, reducing the number of messages exchanged between sensor networks and client application

    Design of communication systems based on broadband sources for fiber and free space optical links

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    [ES] Las comunicaciones 贸pticas inal谩mbricas (OWC) constituyen una tecnolog铆a muy prometedora para el desarrollo de futuras comunicaciones inal谩mbricas. De hecho, ha despertado un inter茅s creciente entre los investigadores y varias empresas de todo el mundo trabajan actualmente en el desarrollo de redes inal谩mbricas de muy alta velocidad. Las comunidades cient铆fica e industrial consideran la OWC como una tecnolog铆a complementaria en sus diversas formas: comunicaciones 贸pticas en el espacio libre (FSO), comunicaciones de luz visible (VLC) o fidelidad de la luz (Li-Fi). El espectro 贸ptico ha sido considerado durante muchos a帽os como una gran oportunidad para las comunicaciones inal谩mbricas, especialmente debido a la saturaci贸n del espectro de radiofrecuencia (RF). Esta disertaci贸n trata del uso de fuentes de banda ancha en sistemas de transmisi贸n de luz visible (VLC), as铆 como en sistemas de transmisi贸n en el espectro infrarrojo por fibra 贸ptica. En el trabajo de investigaci贸n realizado se pueden distinguir tres partes: En la primera parte, se considera el estudio y la simulaci贸n de componentes de Diodos Emisores de Luz (LED) con el software WIEN2k centr谩ndose en las propiedades 贸pticas y el茅ctricas de los elementos II-VI. La segunda parte trata del dise帽o, la implementaci贸n y las pruebas de diferentes prototipos de comunicaci贸n VLC para la transmisi贸n anal贸gica y digital en modo simplex y semid煤plex. Hemos demostrado un sistema OWC empleando una fuente de banda ancha (LED) para la transmisi贸n no s贸lo de datos, sino tambi茅n para la transmisi贸n inal谩mbrica de energ铆a. Adem谩s, se aborda el problema de la sincronizaci贸n y la detecci贸n del nivel "1" o "0" de un bit en los sistemas de comunicaci贸n inal谩mbrica 贸ptica implementados que surge como consecuencia de la atenuaci贸n de la luz a lo largo de la distancia y al problema de la p茅rdida de l铆nea de visi贸n (NLOS) entre el emisor y el receptor. Para hacer frente a este problema, se ha proporcionado un protocolo de comunicaci贸n que garantiza la transmisi贸n fiable de datos digitales con un algoritmo de detecci贸n de nivel de bits adaptativo y se ha demostrado su eficacia mediante la transmisi贸n de textos e im谩genes. Adem谩s, esta tesis aporta una soluci贸n para la implementaci贸n de transmisores multiplexados en redes con divisi贸n de longitud de onda (WDM) para formatos de modulaci贸n con multiplexaci贸n por divisi贸n de frecuencia ortogonal (OFDM) basados en el uso de fuentes de banda ancha en el espectro infrarrojo para redes de fibra bidireccionales centralizadas. A pesar de las limitaciones impuestas por la dispersi贸n crom谩tica en el uso de este tipo de fuentes 贸pticas, la inclusi贸n de ciertas estructuras antes de la detecci贸n permite la transmisi贸n de se帽ales OFDM en enlaces 贸pticos. En este trabajo se ha demostrado experimentalmente la reutilizaci贸n de portadoras, la asignaci贸n din谩mica de ancho de banda y la transmisi贸n de se帽ales OFDM multibanda mediante el uso de fuentes 贸pticas de banda ancha en redes WDM. Los principales resultados obtenidos en cada parte de esta tesis doctoral muestran los procedimientos de estudio, la eficacia de las soluciones propuestas y las limitaciones encontradas.[CA] Les comunicacions 貌ptiques sense fils (OWC) constitueixen una tecnologia molt prometedora per al desenvolupament de futures comunicacions sense fils. De fet, ha despertat un inter茅s creixent entre els investigadors i diverses empreses de tot el m贸n treballen actualment en el desenvolupament de xarxes sense fils de molt alta velocitat. Les comunitats cient铆fica i industrial consideren la OWC com una tecnologia complement脿ria en les seues diverses formes: comunicacions 貌ptiques en l'espai lliure (FSO), comunicacions de llum visible (VLC) o fidelitat de la llum (Li-Fi). L'espectre 貌ptic ha sigut considerat durant molts anys com una gran oportunitat per a les comunicacions sense fils, especialment a causa de la saturaci贸 de l'espectre de radiofreq眉猫ncia (RF). Aquesta dissertaci贸 tracta de l'煤s de fonts de banda ampla en sistemes de transmissi贸 de llum visible (VLC), aix铆 com en sistemes de transmissi贸 en l'espectre infraroig per fibra 貌ptica. En el treball de recerca realitzat es poden distingir tres parts: 驴 En la primera part, es considera l'estudi i la simulaci贸 de components de D铆odes Emissors de Llum (LED) amb el software WIEN2k centrant-se en les propietats 貌ptiques i el猫ctriques dels elements II-VI. 驴 La segona part tracta del disseny, la implementaci贸 i les proves de diferents prototips de comunicaci贸 VLC per a la transmissi贸 anal貌gica i digital de manera simplex i semid煤plex. Hem demostrat un sistema OWC emprant una font de banda ampla (LED) per a la transmissi贸 no sols de dades, sin贸 tamb茅 per a la transmissi贸 sense fil d'energia. A m茅s, s'aborda el problema de la sincronitzaci贸 i la detecci贸 del nivell "1" o "0" d'un bit en els sistemes de comunicaci贸 sense fil 貌ptica implementats, que sorgeix a conseq眉猫ncia de l'atenuaci贸 de la llum al llarg de la dist脿ncia i al problema de la p猫rdua de l铆nia de visi贸 (NLOS) entre l'emissor i el receptor. Per a fer front a aquest problema, s'ha proporcionat un protocol de comunicaci贸 que garanteix la transmissi贸 fiable de dades digitals amb un algorisme de detecci贸 de nivell de bits adaptatiu i s'ha demostrat la seua efic脿cia mitjan莽ant la transmissi贸 de textos i imatges. 驴 A m茅s, aquesta tesi aporta una soluci贸 per a la implementaci贸 de transmissors multiplexats en xarxes amb divisi贸 de longitud d'ona (WDM) per a formats de modulaci贸 amb multiplexaci贸 per divisi贸 de freq眉猫ncia ortogonal (OFDM) basats en l'煤s de fonts de banda ampla en l'espectre infraroig per a xarxes de fibra bidireccionals centralitzades. Malgrat les limitacions imposades per la dispersi贸 crom脿tica en l'煤s d'aquest tipus de fonts 貌ptiques, la inclusi贸 d'unes certes estructures abans de la detecci贸 permet la transmissi贸 de senyals OFDM en enlla莽os 貌ptics. En aquest treball s'ha demostrat experimentalment la reutilitzaci贸 de portadores, l'assignaci贸 din脿mica d'amplada de banda i la transmissi贸 de senyals OFDM multibanda mitjan莽ant l'煤s de fonts 貌ptiques de banda ampla en xarxes WDM. Els principals resultats obtinguts en cada part d'aquesta tesi doctoral mostren els procediments d'estudi, l'efic脿cia de les solucions proposades i les limitacions trobades.[EN] Optical wireless communication (OWC) is a very promising technology for future wireless communications developments. It has attracted increasing interest from researchers and several companies around the world are currently working on the development of very high-speed wireless networks. The scientific and industrial communities believe that OWC will be a complementary technology in its various forms: Free Space Optical communications (FSO), Visible Light Communications (VLC), Light Fidelity (Li-Fi). In fact, the optical spectrum has been considered for many years as a great opportunity for wireless communications especially due to the saturation of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. This dissertation deals with the use of broadband sources in visible light transmission systems (VLC) as well as fiber optic systems. To carry out the research, three parts can be distinguished: In the first part, we consider the study and simulation of Light Emitting Diode (LED) components with the WIEN2k software by focusing on the optical and electrical properties of elements II-VI. The second part deals with the design, implementation and testing of different VLC communication prototypes for analog and digital transmission in simplex and half-duplex mode. We have demonstrated that an OWC system using a broadband source (i.e. an LED) can be used not only for data transmission, but also for wireless power transmission. Moreover, the synchronization problem and the detection of level "1" or "0" of a bit often arise in the optical wireless communication systems. This is a result of the attenuation nature of the light over the distance and the problem of Non Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) between the emitter and the receiver. To deal with this problem, a communication protocol ensuring reliable digital data transmission with an adaptive bit level detection algorithm has been provided and its effectiveness has been demonstrated by the transmission of texts and images. In addition, this thesis provides a solution for the implementation of wavelength division multiplexed - orthogonal frequency division multiplexed (WDM-OFDM) transmitters based on the use of broadband sources in the infrared spectrum for centralized bidirectional fiber networks. Despite the chromatic dispersion that avoids the use of this type of optical sources, the inclusion of certain structures before detection allows the transmission of OFDM signals in optical links. Carrier reuse, dynamic bandwidth allocation and multiband OFDM signals transmission will be experimentally demonstrated by using optical broadband sources in WDM networks. The main results obtained during this thesis work demonstrate the study procedures, for each part, the effectiveness of the proposed solutions as well as the constraints encountered.Sekkiou, I. (2021). Design of communication systems based on broadband sources for fiber and free space optical links [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172542TESI

    Fuzzy Logic

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    The capability of Fuzzy Logic in the development of emerging technologies is introduced in this book. The book consists of sixteen chapters showing various applications in the field of Bioinformatics, Health, Security, Communications, Transportations, Financial Management, Energy and Environment Systems. This book is a major reference source for all those concerned with applied intelligent systems. The intended readers are researchers, engineers, medical practitioners, and graduate students interested in fuzzy logic systems

    Embedded System Design

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    A unique feature of this open access textbook is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental knowledge in embedded systems, with applications in cyber-physical systems and the Internet of things. It starts with an introduction to the field and a survey of specification models and languages for embedded and cyber-physical systems. It provides a brief overview of hardware devices used for such systems and presents the essentials of system software for embedded systems, including real-time operating systems. The author also discusses evaluation and validation techniques for embedded systems and provides an overview of techniques for mapping applications to execution platforms, including multi-core platforms. Embedded systems have to operate under tight constraints and, hence, the book also contains a selected set of optimization techniques, including software optimization techniques. The book closes with a brief survey on testing. This fourth edition has been updated and revised to reflect new trends and technologies, such as the importance of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and the Internet of things (IoT), the evolution of single-core processors to multi-core processors, and the increased importance of energy efficiency and thermal issues

    Embedded System Design

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    A unique feature of this open access textbook is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental knowledge in embedded systems, with applications in cyber-physical systems and the Internet of things. It starts with an introduction to the field and a survey of specification models and languages for embedded and cyber-physical systems. It provides a brief overview of hardware devices used for such systems and presents the essentials of system software for embedded systems, including real-time operating systems. The author also discusses evaluation and validation techniques for embedded systems and provides an overview of techniques for mapping applications to execution platforms, including multi-core platforms. Embedded systems have to operate under tight constraints and, hence, the book also contains a selected set of optimization techniques, including software optimization techniques. The book closes with a brief survey on testing. This fourth edition has been updated and revised to reflect new trends and technologies, such as the importance of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and the Internet of things (IoT), the evolution of single-core processors to multi-core processors, and the increased importance of energy efficiency and thermal issues

    Dual-Use Space Technology Transfer Conference and Exhibition

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    This document contains papers presented at the Dual-Use Space Technology Transfer Conference and Exhibition held at the Johnson Space Center February 1-3, 1994. Possible technology transfers covered during the conference were in the areas of information access; innovative microwave and optical applications; materials and structures; marketing and barriers; intelligent systems; human factors and habitation; communications and data systems; business process and technology transfer; software engineering; biotechnology and advanced bioinstrumentation; communications signal processing and analysis; new ways of doing business; medical care; applications derived from control center data systems; human performance evaluation; technology transfer methods; mathematics, modeling, and simulation; propulsion; software analysis and decision tools systems/processes in human support technology; networks, control centers, and distributed systems; power; rapid development perception and vision technologies; integrated vehicle health management; automation technologies; advanced avionics; ans robotics technologies. More than 77 papers, 20 presentations, and 20 exhibits covering various disciplines were presented b experts from NASA, universities, and industry

    Just-in-time Pastureland Trait Estimation for Silage Optimization, under Limited Data Constraints

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    To ensure that pasture-based farming meets production and environmental targets for a growing population under increasing resource constraints, producers need to know pastureland traits. Current proximal pastureland trait prediction methods largely rely on vegetation indices to determine biomass and moisture content. The development of new techniques relies on the challenging task of collecting labelled pastureland data, leading to small datasets. Classical computer vision has already been applied to weed identification and recognition of fruit blemishes using morphological features, but machine learning algorithms can parameterise models without the provision of explicit features, and deep learning can extract even more abstract knowledge although typically this is assumed to be based around very large datasets. This work hypothesises that through the advantages of state-of-the-art deep learning systems, pastureland crop traits can be accurately assessed in a just-in-time fashion, based on data retrieved from an inexpensive sensor platform, under the constraint of limited amounts of labelled data. However the challenges to achieve this overall goal are great, and for applications such as just-in-time yield and moisture estimation for farm-machinery, this work must bring together systems development, knowledge of good pastureland practice, and also techniques for handling low-volume datasets in a machine learning context. Given these challenges, this thesis makes a number of contributions. The first of these is a comprehensive literature review, relating pastureland traits to ruminant nutrient requirements and exploring trait estimation methods, from contact to remote sensing methods, including details of vegetation indices and the sensors and techniques required to use them. The second major contribution is a high-level specification of a platform for collecting and labelling pastureland data. This includes the collection of four-channel Blue, Green, Red and NIR (VISNIR) images, narrowband data, height and temperature differential, using inexpensive proximal sensors and provides a basis for holistic data analysis. Physical data platforms built around this specification were created to collect and label pastureland data, involving computer scientists, agricultural, mechanical and electronic engineers, and biologists from academia and industry, working with farmers. Using the developed platform and a set of protocols for data collection, a further contribution of this work was the collection of a multi-sensor multimodal dataset for pastureland properties. This was made up of four-channel image data, height data, thermal data, Global Positioning System (GPS) and hyperspectral data, and is available and labelled with biomass (Kg/Ha) and percentage dry matter, ready for use in deep learning. However, the most notable contribution of this work was a systematic investigation of various machine learning methods applied to the collected data in order to maximise model performance under the constraints indicated above. The initial set of models focused on collected hyperspectral datasets. However, due to their relative complexity in real-time deployment, the focus was instead on models that could best leverage image data. The main body of these models centred on image processing methods and, in particular, the use of the so-called Inception Resnet and MobileNet models to predict fresh biomass and percentage dry matter, enhancing performance using data fusion, transfer learning and multi-task learning. Images were subdivided to augment the dataset, using two different patch sizes, resulting in around 10,000 small patches of size 156 x 156 pixels and around 5,000 large patches of size 240 x 240 pixels. Five-fold cross validation was used in all analysis. Prediction accuracy was compared to older mechanisms, albeit using hyperspectral data collected, with no provision made for lighting, humidity or temperature. Hyperspectral labelled data did not produce accurate results when used to calculate Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), or to train a neural network (NN), a 1D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) or Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) models. Potential reasons for this are discussed, including issues around the use of highly sensitive devices in uncontrolled environments. The most accurate prediction came from a multi-modal hybrid model that concatenated output from an Inception ResNet based model, run on RGB data with ImageNet pre-trained RGB weights, output from a residual network trained on NIR data, and LiDAR height data, before fully connected layers, using the small patch dataset with a minimum validation MAPE of 28.23% for fresh biomass and 11.43% for dryness. However, a very similar prediction accuracy resulted from a model that omitted NIR data, thus requiring fewer sensors and training resources, making it more sustainable. Although NIR and temperature differential data were collected and used for analysis, neither improved prediction accuracy, with the Inception ResNet model鈥檚 minimum validation MAPE rising to 39.42% when NIR data was added. When both NIR data and temperature differential were added to a multi-task learning Inception ResNet model, it yielded a minimum validation MAPE of 33.32%. As more labelled data are collected, the models can be further trained, enabling sensors on mowers to collect data and give timely trait information to farmers. This technology is also transferable to other crops. Overall, this work should provide a valuable contribution to the smart agriculture research space

    Beyond input devices : a new conceptual framework for the design of physical-digital objects

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Program in Media Arts & Sciences, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 108-111).Matthew G. Gorbet.M.S

    2016 Oklahoma Research Day Full Program

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    This document contains all abstracts from the 2016 Oklahoma Research Day held at Northeastern State University