210 research outputs found

    Информационное общество и библиотеки. Часть 1. Соблазн «разбиблиотечивания»

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    The economic basis of a future information society is characterized. Digital communications and the book communications which element are libraries are compared in the paper. The tendency of destroying library essence in the information society is revealed by the author. Personal features Homo informaticus and the phenomenon of reading’s dysfunction are considered.Характеризуется экономическая основа грядущего информационного общества. Сопоставлены электронная коммуникация и книжная коммуникация, элементом которой являются библиотеки. Раскрывается тенденция «разбиблиотечивания» библиотек в информационном обществе. Рассматриваются личностные особенности Homo informaticus и явление дисфункции чтения

    Human adaptation in the information environment: individual characteristics and mechanisms

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    The article deals with the problem of human adaptation in the modern information environment. The rationale for the approach to the study and prediction of adaptation based on the identification of humanspecific variant of the orienting reflex is givenВ статье рассматривается проблема адаптации человека в современной информационной среде. Приводится обоснование подхода к изучению и прогнозированию адаптации на основе выявления характерного для человека варианта ориентировочного рефлекс

    Intellectual elite and Homo intellectualis of the information civilization

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    The emergence of a new class of intellectuals - the intellectual elite - is associated with the transition to an information civilization, which is considered by futurologists as the modern stage of human development, when intelligence becomes the central concept, and intellectual culture determines the level of intelligence development.The study of the role of the intellectual elite in the society and the description of the "portrait" of a representative of the intellectual elite is the purpose of the research.The methodological basis of the research is a dialectical logic, which gives an idea of the patterns of the development; a systematic approach associated with the idea of an object as an integral system, with the identification of diverse types of connections of a complex object and bringing them into a single theoretical picture.As a result of the research, the main purpose of the intellectual elite has been revealed, the features of intellectual labor in a society with a network structure of interaction determined, and the conclusion made that the intellectual elite is at the same time a spiritual and moral elite, i.e. represents the modern intelligentsia.The rationale for the introduction of the new concept of "Homo intellectualis" (intellectual person) into scientific circulation can be considered as a key conclusion.The relevance of the topic and its practical significance is connected with the strategic line of the state to raise the prestige of intellectual labor and increase the intellectual potential of the nation

    Homo Informaticus in the Modern Information and Cultural Space: Challenges, Opportunities and Value Orientations

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    The author attempts to reveal the specifics of the modern information and cultural space as a phenomenon of being an individual and society – society ”fleeing”, ”elusive picture of the world”, ”fluid modernity”. Given the predictions of futurists with respect to culture ”new features”, its trends, and the role of human ”information” - the Posthuman in the digital civilization. Noting the complexity of understanding the actual culture (polyparadigmality of research positions, transit methodology, etc.), the author focuses on the importance of finding effective mechanisms of harmonization of cultural content and technological ”breakthroughs”, which, despite the axiological risks of cultural mutation and substitution of human artificial intelligence, have the potential for a positive impact on the world order through the institutions of science, education, culture, forming cultural” and human capital. Keywords: digital culture, information, identity, digital nomad

    Information as the fourth vital element and its influence on the culture of peoples

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    Almongst the various possible subjects that occurred to me within the fields of experimental science and the humanities, I decided to choose a question of great importance today –that of information and its influence on the historical evolution of the culture of peoples. Through this subject, I shall be able to explain, in general terms, my thoughts and opinions, which I would like to believe contain philosophical and historical traces. Inspired by contemporary philosophers, Dr. Martínez Fornes is of the idea that, as Alonso Quijano died unmarried and without issue, we are all children of Sancho Panza –positivistic, realistic, with our ___ the ground, somewhat pessimistic, without a trace of spirituality. I, if you will permit me, prefer to think that I have descended from Don Quijote´s niece; and that I have inherited some genes from an idealist, dreamer and, to some extent, and optimist. With this mixture of Don Quijote and Sancho, I shall now go on to give my talk on the subject “Information as the fourth vital element and its influence on the culture of peoples”

    Schools in a Media–Rich world: Opportunities and Constraints: ‘Changes of Environment’ in Civilisation and Informal Learning

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    The present study is an essay-like writing based partly on a – selective – review of the relevant literature and partly on the experiences gained during a multi-year university course. Its thematic foci are the following: mediated environment and learning; information vs. knowledge; the world of media with its values and models; ‘digital folklore’; and ‘homo informaticus’ as a new human race. It gives a description and analysis of the sources and background of new metaphors (such as ‘knowledge-based society’; ‘European Learning Space’ or the ‘European dimensions’ of education) appearing in teaching and learning environments. The study discusses the following questions: is the mediated environment an ‘agora’ for wider social dialogue or a tool for the massive manipulation of the masses? What is the role repertoire of the teacher in the new learning environment? What dynamics are at work in mixed-medium (image and text) communication trends in schools and society; how is the image-text ratio changing and what conclusion can be drawn from this change

    Foucault 2.0: Discipline, Governmentality and Ethics

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    The rise of globalisation, along with the proliferation of the internet and the development of groundbreaking technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain technology has, in the twenty-first century, given rise to a complex nexus of mutable relations that lends itself to a continuation and recontextualization of the kind of philosophical explorations and analyses that Michel Foucault started in the previous century. This then is what this thesis sets out to do, with the ultimate goal of seeing what lessons we can learn from Foucault, particularly in the context of the modern organisation and business ethics. This thesis tracks the trajectory of the subject through Foucault’s work on power, governmentality, and ethics. Central to this, is the question of how Foucault’s analysis may be applied to the contemporary networked, high-tech social context today’s subject finds himself in. I contend that today’s subject constitutes itself in a way that is very different from the subject of any preceding epoch. The subject of today is a divided subject, a type of Deleuzian "dividual" who occupies both the physical world as well as the virtual one. In order to understand how the modern subject constitutes itself within the current socio-economic and technological environment, I use a quasi-Foucauldian methodology. However, instead of analysing practices in hospitals, sanitariums, schools or clinics, my focus is on the twenty-first century enterprise - on companies and corporations as microcosms of a larger social, economic and technological macrocosm. This entails a thoroughgoing investigation into the twenty-first century organisation - its discourses, its mechanisms of power, domination, and control, “managementality”, and the care of the self or the self-constitution of the contemporary working subject. Ultimately, this results in an attempt to unearth an entirely new perspective on ethics, particularly in business.A importância cada vez mais reforçada da globalização, em conjunto com a expansão da internet e o desenvolvimento de tecnologias pioneiras, tais como a inteligência artificial, machine learning e as tecnologias de block chain, têm dado origem, no século XXI, a um nexo complexo de relações mutáveis que se adequa a uma continuação e uma recontextualização da atividade exploratória e analítica filosófica que Michel Foucault iniciou no século passado. Neste sentido, o principal objetivo desta tese prende-se com uma examinação das lições que podemos tirar dos conceitos de Foucault, e em particular, no contexto da organização empresarial contemporânea e de ética empresarial. Esta tese acompanha a trajetória do tema através da obra de Foucault nas áreas de poder, governamentalidade e ética, tendo como cerne especial a questão de como a análise de Foucault pode ser aplicada no contexto social, contemporâneo, high-tech, e online, no qual o tema se insere. O tema abordado, hoje em dia, é constituído de uma forma bem diferente a qualquer abordagem feita no passado, considerando, agora, que se trata de um sujeito dividido, um tipo de “dividual” Deleuziano que ocupa o mundo físico e o mundo virtual ao mesmo tempo. Para entender como o sujeito moderno se constitui no ambiente socioeconómico e tecnológico atual, uma metodologia quase-Foucaultiana é usada. Contudo, em vez de analisar estas práticas em hospitais, sanitários, escolas ou clínicas, pretende-se focar nas empresas do século XXI, olhando-as como microcosmos de um macrocosmo social, económico e tecnológico mais abrangente. Isto implica investigar a organização empresarial do século XXI – os seus discursos, os seus mecanismos de poder, a sua dominação e controlo, a sua managementality, e a noção de cuidar de si e como se constitui como um sujeito trabalhador contemporâneo. Por último, pretende-se apontar para uma nova perspetiva sobre a ética, sobretudo, na área de negócios

    The study of using information and communication technology in Hungary and in the 27 countries of the EU

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    The rate of personal computers and workstations in the 27 countries of the EU reached 96 %. The biggest backlog can be observed in the number of enterprises having and maintaining a website. Hungary's rate of 47 % is less than the EU average by 13 % and this rate was enough to overtake only two countries (Latvia and Portugal). In terms of small-sized enterprises having Internet access, Hungary, with 85 % came in last behind Lithuania (86 %) among the surveyed countries. The average penetration rate of intranet in the EU-25 was double than that of Hungary's