7 research outputs found

    A Survey of Research on Health Monitoring System using Mobile Cloud Computing by Home Node Base Station

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    This paper presents a E-health monitoring scheme based on HNB (home node base station) and mobile cloud computing. In this method, the health data of each user is captured by using sensors and sent to the corresponding devices (i.e desktop, laptop, mobile). From that device the health data is transferred to cloud under which the mobile device is registered. In HNB it is verified whether the user’s health is normal using a database stored inside the HNB. If any abnormality is detected it will shows some indication through some sounds or light. The E-health data are send to cloud for each 15 seconds. In cloud also the data is verified with the normal data and if any abnormalities found it will indicate by sending message to the corresponding healthcare center. The health data in the cloud are stored with high security and only authentic healthcare center can access the data. Based on health data the healthcare centre takes proper action to cure the patient. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15027

    Using Wireless Networks for Enhanced Monitoring of Patients

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    Evaluating SMS parsing using automated testing software

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    Mobile phones are ubiquitous with millions of users acquiring them every day for personal, business and social usage or communication. Its enormous pervasiveness has created a great advantage for its use as a technological tool applicable to overcome the challenges of information dissemination regarding burning issues, advertisement, and health related matters. Short message services (SMS), an integral functional part of cell phones, can be turned into a major tool for accessing databases of information on HIV/AIDS as appreciable percentage of the youth embrace the technology. The common features by the users of the unique language are the un-grammatical structure, convenience of spelling, homophony of words and alphanumeric mix up of the arrangement of words. This proves it to be difficult to serve as query in the search engine architecture. In this work SMS query was used for information accessing in Frequently Asked Question FAQ system under a specified medical domain. Finally, when the developed system was measured in terms of proximity to the answer retrieved remarkable results were observed

    A Wireless Emergency Telemedicine System for Patients Monitoring and Diagnosis

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    Recently, remote healthcare systems have received increasing attention in the last decade, explaining why intelligent systems with physiology signal monitoring for e-health care are an emerging area of development. Therefore, this study adopts a system which includes continuous collection and evaluation of multiple vital signs, long-term healthcare, and a cellular connection to a medical center in emergency case and it transfers all acquired raw data by the internet in normal case. The proposed system can continuously acquire four different physiological signs, for example, ECG, SpO2, temperature, and blood pressure and further relayed them to an intelligent data analysis scheme to diagnose abnormal pulses for exploring potential chronic diseases. The proposed system also has a friendly web-based interface for medical staff to observe immediate pulse signals for remote treatment. Once abnormal event happened or the request to real-time display vital signs is confirmed, all physiological signs will be immediately transmitted to remote medical server through both cellular networks and internet. Also data can be transmitted to a family member’s mobile phone or doctor’s phone through GPRS. A prototype of such system has been successfully developed and implemented, which will offer high standard of healthcare with a major reduction in cost for our society

    Sistema para telemetria de eletrocardiograma utilizando tecnologia Bluetooth

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnolóigco. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica.A tecnologia wireless Bluetooth está surgindo como um novo padrão para transmissão de dados digitais a curto alcance. Esta tecnologia incorpora diversas vantagens como baixo consumo, baixo custo e operação em banda ISM disponível mundialmente. Estas características podem também ser exploradas em sistemas de telemetria médica. O presente trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento e a implementação de um sistema para telemetria de eletrocardiograma (ECG) utilizando a recente tecnologia wireless Bluetooth. O sistema desenvolvido contém um dispositivo portátil microcontrolado que capta duas derivações de ECG através de eletrodos colocados na superfície do corpo do paciente. Os sinais são amostrados e transmitidos através da tecnologia Bluetooth a um computador pessoal (PC) para visualização em tempo real. Para a validação do sistema proposto, foram realizados testes de qualidade do canal de comunicação e avaliações do consumo do dispositivo portátil, alimentado por baterias. Foram observadas baixas taxas de erro de transmissão e de jitter, de forma que a qualidade da visualização do sinal em tempo real não foi comprometida. Os resultados mostram que a tecnologia Bluetooth constitui uma boa solução para sistemas de telemetria médica. Além da incorporação dos benefícios tecnológicos, sistemas de telemetria com Bluetooth podem ser usados na implementação de sistemas TeleHomeCare de baixo custo, aproveitando-se infra-estruturas de comunicação já existentes, como a Internet, para o envio dos dados a hospitais e clínicas

    The Use of multimedia in Telecare systems to improve the performance of users with different cognitive skills.

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    This thesis is concerned with the investigation of methods of providing support to non-expert users of telecare systems by creating easy-to-use interfaces and assessing the effect of adapting the interface to suit the cognitive style of individual users. The contributions to knowledge fall into three main areas; firstly the innovations built into a prototype adaptive telecare system, secondly the identification of the sort of tasks and the types of media that best suit different cognitive style groups, and thirdly the proposal of a new dimension of cognitive style that classifies individuals by their perception of visual compared to auditory information. The first phase of the project is concerned with the design and implementation of a prototype adaptive telecare system that demonstrates existing usability principles. The prototype system enables users to communicate over the Internet using text, audio and video, and to enable access to information stored within the system and on the Internet. The adaptive features include the automatic selection of information based on the knowledge of the user and the automatic selection of a presentation style that is based on the way the user perceives information. The system contains a number of innovations that relate to the application of the technology used to build the system, how information is structured, and the design of the style of interaction. The second phase of the project is concerned with assessing the effect of designing interfaces using different media that are suitable for individual users based on how they perceive and process information. Cognitive style is found to significantly affect performance in few tasks, but relative differences of performance are observed between the cognitive style groups in the different types of task and in the different media versions of each task. A major contribution to knowledge is the identification of the tasks and the types of media that suit different cognitive style groups, as this will help developers of multimedia systems to design interfaces that will improve the performance ofusers in each cognitive style group. The major contribution to the field is the proposal of a new visual-auditory dimension of cognitive style. The assessment of cognitive style using a visual test is found to be significantly different to an assessment using an auditory test. An individual's style can be calculated using an existing cognitive styles analysis test augmented by the new audio test presented in chapter 8. The new visual and auditory classification of cognitive style is found to explain the performance of subjects to a greater degree than the old purely visual classification