
Evaluating SMS parsing using automated testing software


Mobile phones are ubiquitous with millions of users acquiring them every day for personal, business and social usage or communication. Its enormous pervasiveness has created a great advantage for its use as a technological tool applicable to overcome the challenges of information dissemination regarding burning issues, advertisement, and health related matters. Short message services (SMS), an integral functional part of cell phones, can be turned into a major tool for accessing databases of information on HIV/AIDS as appreciable percentage of the youth embrace the technology. The common features by the users of the unique language are the un-grammatical structure, convenience of spelling, homophony of words and alphanumeric mix up of the arrangement of words. This proves it to be difficult to serve as query in the search engine architecture. In this work SMS query was used for information accessing in Frequently Asked Question FAQ system under a specified medical domain. Finally, when the developed system was measured in terms of proximity to the answer retrieved remarkable results were observed

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