765 research outputs found

    Breast pectoral muscle segmentation in mammograms using a modified holistically-nested edge detection network

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    This paper presents a method for automatic breast pectoral muscle segmentation in mediolateral oblique mammograms using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) inspired by the Holistically-nested Edge Detection (HED) network. Most of the existing methods in the literature are based on hand-crafted models such as straight-line, curve-based techniques or a combination of both. Unfortunately, such models are insufficient when dealing with complex shape variations of the pectoral muscle boundary and when the boundary is unclear due to overlapping breast tissue. To compensate for these issues, we propose a neural network framework that incorporates multi-scale and multi-level learning, capable of learning complex hierarchical features to resolve spatial ambiguity in estimating the pectoral muscle boundary. For this purpose, we modified the HED network architecture to specifically find ‘contour-like’ objects in mammograms. The proposed framework produced a probability map that can be used to estimate the initial pectoral muscle boundary. Subsequently, we process these maps by extracting morphological properties to find the actual pectoral muscle boundary. Finally, we developed two different post-processing steps to find the actual pectoral muscle boundary. Quantitative evaluation results show that the proposed method is comparable with alternative state-of-the-art methods producing on average values of 94.8 ± 8.5% and 97.5 ± 6.3% for the Jaccard and Dice similarity metrics, respectively, across four different databases

    2017 Robotic Instrument Segmentation Challenge

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    In mainstream computer vision and machine learning, public datasets such as ImageNet, COCO and KITTI have helped drive enormous improvements by enabling researchers to understand the strengths and limitations of different algorithms via performance comparison. However, this type of approach has had limited translation to problems in robotic assisted surgery as this field has never established the same level of common datasets and benchmarking methods. In 2015 a sub-challenge was introduced at the EndoVis workshop where a set of robotic images were provided with automatically generated annotations from robot forward kinematics. However, there were issues with this dataset due to the limited background variation, lack of complex motion and inaccuracies in the annotation. In this work we present the results of the 2017 challenge on robotic instrument segmentation which involved 10 teams participating in binary, parts and type based segmentation of articulated da Vinci robotic instruments

    ToolNet: Holistically-Nested Real-Time Segmentation of Robotic Surgical Tools

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    Real-time tool segmentation from endoscopic videos is an essential part of many computer-assisted robotic surgical systems and of critical importance in robotic surgical data science. We propose two novel deep learning architectures for automatic segmentation of non-rigid surgical instruments. Both methods take advantage of automated deep-learning-based multi-scale feature extraction while trying to maintain an accurate segmentation quality at all resolutions. The two proposed methods encode the multi-scale constraint inside the network architecture. The first proposed architecture enforces it by cascaded aggregation of predictions and the second proposed network does it by means of a holistically-nested architecture where the loss at each scale is taken into account for the optimization process. As the proposed methods are for real-time semantic labeling, both present a reduced number of parameters. We propose the use of parametric rectified linear units for semantic labeling in these small architectures to increase the regularization ability of the design and maintain the segmentation accuracy without overfitting the training sets. We compare the proposed architectures against state-of-the-art fully convolutional networks. We validate our methods using existing benchmark datasets, including ex vivo cases with phantom tissue and different robotic surgical instruments present in the scene. Our results show a statistically significant improved Dice Similarity Coefficient over previous instrument segmentation methods. We analyze our design choices and discuss the key drivers for improving accuracy.Comment: Paper accepted at IROS 201

    Object Contour and Edge Detection with RefineContourNet

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    A ResNet-based multi-path refinement CNN is used for object contour detection. For this task, we prioritise the effective utilization of the high-level abstraction capability of a ResNet, which leads to state-of-the-art results for edge detection. Keeping our focus in mind, we fuse the high, mid and low-level features in that specific order, which differs from many other approaches. It uses the tensor with the highest-levelled features as the starting point to combine it layer-by-layer with features of a lower abstraction level until it reaches the lowest level. We train this network on a modified PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset for object contour detection and evaluate on a refined PASCAL-val dataset reaching an excellent performance and an Optimal Dataset Scale (ODS) of 0.752. Furthermore, by fine-training on the BSDS500 dataset we reach state-of-the-art results for edge-detection with an ODS of 0.824.Comment: Keywords: Object Contour Detection, Edge Detection, Multi-Path Refinement CN

    CASENet: Deep Category-Aware Semantic Edge Detection

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    Boundary and edge cues are highly beneficial in improving a wide variety of vision tasks such as semantic segmentation, object recognition, stereo, and object proposal generation. Recently, the problem of edge detection has been revisited and significant progress has been made with deep learning. While classical edge detection is a challenging binary problem in itself, the category-aware semantic edge detection by nature is an even more challenging multi-label problem. We model the problem such that each edge pixel can be associated with more than one class as they appear in contours or junctions belonging to two or more semantic classes. To this end, we propose a novel end-to-end deep semantic edge learning architecture based on ResNet and a new skip-layer architecture where category-wise edge activations at the top convolution layer share and are fused with the same set of bottom layer features. We then propose a multi-label loss function to supervise the fused activations. We show that our proposed architecture benefits this problem with better performance, and we outperform the current state-of-the-art semantic edge detection methods by a large margin on standard data sets such as SBD and Cityscapes.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 201
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