13,981 research outputs found

    Antiresonance phase shift in strongly coupled cavity QED

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    We investigate phase shifts in the strong coupling regime of single-atom cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). On the light transmitted through the system, we observe a phase shift associated with an antiresonance and show that both its frequency and width depend solely on the atom, despite the strong coupling to the cavity. This shift is optically controllable and reaches 140 degrees - the largest ever reported for a single emitter. Our result offers a new technique for the characterization of complex integrated quantum circuits.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    (Invited) mm-wave silicon ICs: An opportunity for holistic design

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    Millimeter-waves integrated circuits offer a unique opportunity for a holistic design approach encompassing RF, analog, and digital, as well as radiation and electromagnetics. The ability to deal with the complete system from the digital circuitry to on-chip antennas and everything in between offers unparalleled opportunities for completely new architectures and topologies, previously impossible due the traditional partitioning of various blocks in conventional design. This opens a plethora of new architectural and system level innovation within the integrated circuit platform. This paper reviews some of the challenges and opportunities for mm-wave ICs and presents several solutions to them

    The Future of High Frequency Circuit Design

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    The cut-off wavelengths of integrated silicon transistors have exceeded the die sizes of the chips being fabricated with them. Combined with the ability to integrate billions of transistors on the same die, this size-wavelength cross-over has produced a unique opportunity for a completely new class of holistic circuit design combining electromagnetics, device physics, circuits, and communication system theory in one place. In this paper, we discuss some of these opportunities and their associated challenges in greater detail and provide a few of examples of how they can be used in practice

    ERIGrid Holistic Test Description for Validating Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

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    Smart energy solutions aim to modify and optimise the operation of existing energy infrastructure. Such cyber-physical technology must be mature before deployment to the actual infrastructure, and competitive solutions will have to be compliant to standards still under development. Achieving this technology readiness and harmonisation requires reproducible experiments and appropriately realistic testing environments. Such testbeds for multi-domain cyber-physical experiments are complex in and of themselves. This work addresses a method for the scoping and design of experiments where both testbed and solution each require detailed expertise. This empirical work first revisited present test description approaches, developed a newdescription method for cyber-physical energy systems testing, and matured it by means of user involvement. The new Holistic Test Description (HTD) method facilitates the conception, deconstruction and reproduction of complex experimental designs in the domains of cyber-physical energy systems. This work develops the background and motivation, offers a guideline and examples to the proposed approach, and summarises experience from three years of its application.This work received funding in the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Program (H2020/2014–2020) under project “ERIGrid” (Grant Agreement No. 654113)

    Development of a Variable Roller Pump and Evaluation of its Power Saving Potential as a Charge Pump in Hydrostatic Drivetrains

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    Predložená doktorandská dizertačná práca (ďalej len práca) sa zaoberá rozsiahlou analýzou valčekového hydrogenerátora s premenlivým geometrickým objemom a predikciou výkonových úspor dosiahnutých aplikáciou navrhnutého valčekového hydrogenerátora s premenlivým geometrickým objemom v hydrostatickom pohone vybraných mobilných pracovných strojov. Teoretický rozbor princípov fungovania valčekového hydrogenerátora a teória jednorozmerného simulačného modelu sú popísané v prvej časti práce. Na základe odvodenej teórie je vytvorený simulačný model, ktorý je vhodný na predikciu priebehu tlaku v komorách valčekového hydrogenerátora, síl pôsobiacich na valček a na predikciu vnútorných únikov vzniknutých skratovaním rozvodovej dosky, ktoré majú priamy vplyv na objemovú účinnosť valčekového hydrogenerátora. Simulačný model bol úspešne použitý pre optimalizáciu rozvodových dosiek valčekového hydrogenerátora a vhodnosť simulačného modelu potvrdili následné merania Práca obsahuje aj analýzu síl pôsobiacich na vodiaci prstenec, ktorej výsledky boli taktiež potvrdené meraním. Analýza týchto síl môže vylepšiť v konečnom dôsledku parametre budúcich tlakových regulácii. Práca ďalej obsahuje základné porovnanie použitých tlakových regulácii. Všetky uskutočnené merania potvrdili, že valčekový hydrogenerátor s premenlivým geometrickým objemom s testovanými tlakovými reguláciami je schopný úspešne pracovať v hydrostatickej prevodovke. Druhá časť práce analyzuje potenciál výkonových úspor valčekového hydrogenerátora s premenlivým geometrickým objemom pre dve mobilné aplikácie - teleskopický nakladač s hmotnosťou 9 ton a kombajn s hmotnosťou 20 ton. Analýza vyžaduje jednorozmerný simulačný model hydrostatického pohonu s teplotnou predikciou hydrostatickej prevodovky. Dva rozdielne koncepty variabilného doplňovacieho systému hydrostatickej prevodovky sú porovnané so štandardným doplňovacím systémom pre pracovný a transportný režim oboch vybraných typov vozidiel. Simulácia pohonu vozidla s valčekovým hydrogenerátorom s premenlivým geometrickým objemom vo funkcii doplňovacieho hydrogenerátora a obtokovou clonou potvrdili vyššie úspory iba v prípadoch, kedy rýchlosť doplňovacieho hydrogenerátora bola výrazne vyššia a prietok cez obtokovú clonu do skrine hlavného hydrogenerátora zabezpečil dostatočné chladenie. Najvyššie výkonové úspory boli dosiahnuté s premenlivým preplachovacím systémom, ktorého prietok sa menil podľa požiadaviek hydrostatickej prevodovky. Záver druhej časti práce sa zaoberá metodikou dimenzovania veľkosti doplňovacieho hydrogenerátora.Presented doctoral thesis deals with an extensive hydraulic variable roller pump analysis and the power saving prediction of hydrostatic drivetrains in the mobile machines achieved with a variable roller charge pump implementation. At the first part of the work, the roller pump functionality was described and the theory of a 1-D simulation model was developed. Based on this developed simulation model is suitable for pressure profile prediction, roller force prediction and cross port leakage prediction which has a direct impact on the total volumetric efficiency. The simulation model was successfully used as a tool for optimization of the port plates, which was confirmed by measurements. The first part of the work includes the pump control force analysis validated by measurements and also the basic pressure compensator controls comparison. Developed control force prediction could help to improve the control performance. The measurements confirmed that the variable roller charge pump is able to successfully work in transmissions with measured types of the control. The second part of the work analyzed the power saving potential of a variable charge pump for two selected typical mobile applications: telehandler (9 ton) and combine harvester (20 ton). This part required a 1-D drivetrain simulation model together with thermal behaviour of the hydrostatic transmission. Two different modifications of the charging systems were compared with the conventional charging system in simulations performed for the working and transporting mode. The drivetrain simulation of the variable roller charge pump with a bypass orifice confirms higher power savings only in cases when the pump speed was significantly higher than normal speeds and a relatively constant flushing flow through the bypass orifice to the pump case still ensures suitable cooling. The highest power savings were achieved with variable flushing flows, where the demand for charging flow was adjusted according to the hydrostatic transmission cooling requirements. At the end of the second part, this thesis deals with a variable charge pump sizing.