12 research outputs found

    Holistic Assessment of Student’s Learning Outcome

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    The use of holistic assessment may have some potential benefits. Academicians need to develop courses in such ways that offer students teaching and learning materials, experiences and tasks that are relevant in the real world.  In addition, holistic assessment help to ensure that curriculum is designed to manifest real world tasks and provide challenging situations that stimulates the students.  Assessing these learning outcomes could be tricky, and no one modality could really capture a learner’s proficiency of learning content. This paper focused on the holistic assessment of student learning outcomes and their implications to curriculum planning. It also proffers some recommendations that could help in enhancing educational service delivery

    A Process-Based Approach to ABET Accreditation: A Case Study of a Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Program

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    ABET accreditation has become a well-known standard for academic programs not only in the U.S. but also across the globe. Instantiating the processes to systematically improve the quality of programs is a daunting task for higher education institutions. In this contribution, we provide a detailed process-based framework that can assist aspiring institutions to embed quality in their processes leading to ABET accreditation. Our contribution is a novel framework for a process-based approach to quality assurance, as most of the published literature is primarily concerned with the experience of ABET accreditation of a solitary program. However, in this paper, we have presented a generic framework that ABET aspiring programs can instantiate in their preparation for ABET accreditation. We have validated these processes in our successful ABET accreditation application of the Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics program. Our existing ABET-accredited programs were following old ABET criteria and the Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics program must apply based on the new criteria proposed by ABET. Another novelty of our contribution is that it is based on our work for the first application cycle for ABET cybersecurity-related programs, so the findings of our contribution may assist other aspiring cybersecurity related academic programs to well prepare in their ABET accreditation pursuit

    The effectiveness of simulated robots for supporting the learning of introductory programming: a multi-case case study

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    This work investigates the effectiveness of simulated robots as tools to support the learning of programming. After the completion of a Systematic Review and exploratory research a multi-case case study was undertaken. A simulator, named Kebot, was developed and used to run four ten-hour programming workshops. Twenty-three student participants (aged sixteen to eighteen) in addition to twenty-three pre-service, and three in-service, teachers took part. The effectiveness of this intervention was determined by considering opinions, attitudes and motivation as well as by analysing students’ programming performance. Pre- and post-questionnaires, in- and post-workshop exercises and interviews were used. Participants enjoyed learning using the simulator and believed the approach to be valuable and engaging. The performance of students indicates that the simulator aids learning as most completed tasks to a satisfactory standard. Evidence suggests robot simulators can offer an effective means of introducing programming. Recommendations to support the development of other simulators are provided.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08993408.2014.963362#.VGH9boXziEo

    A unit design : learning to code with Finches

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    The purpose of this project was to develop a coding unit for students in grades 5-8 as an introductory programming course using the programming language SNAP! with a Finch robotics platform. The robotics platform provides a means of student engagement that allows them to complete computer programming challenges that drive interest and motivation. A series of five major learning activities were created as part of a middle school technology exploratory course. The beta testers included the four course instructors and around 30 of middle school student volunteers. The designed unit was implemented once as a pilot, and was being implemented for the second time after making some modifications. The preliminary findings show that students enjoyed learning about basic programming concepts, or coding, and would be interested in pursuing similar types of projects and teachers had a positive experience. This model could be expanded to a full-term course as more modules are completed

    Studenters opplevelse av meningsskapende samsvar

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    Meningsskapende samsvar er en student-sentrert modell utviklet av pedagogen John Biggs, som hevdes å forbedre kvaliteten på læring og undervisning. Med et konstruktivistisk grunnsyn tar modellen sikte på å skape et samsvar mellom tiltenkt læringsutbytte, undervisnings- og læringsaktiviteter og vurdering. Ved hjelp av kvalitativ metode, er det i denne studien gjennomført tre fokusgruppeintervju for å svare på problemstillingen «Studenters opplevelse av meningsskapende samsvar i biologiemner ved Universitetet i Bergen». Tre obligatoriske biologiemner på bachelorutdanningen undersøkes, og disse omtales som BIO-A, BIO-B, og BIO-C. Studentenes perspektiver er viktig for å skaffe informasjon om hvordan undervisning fungerer i praksis. Gjennom kvalitativ analyse av intervjutranskript fra de tre fokusgruppeintervjuene, er de viktigste funnene knyttet til studentenes opplevelse av meningsskapende samsvar hentet ut. Studien er på emnenivå, og de presenterte resultatene er derfor knyttet til det spesifikke emnet. BIO-A-informantene mente at de fikk god innføring i hva som var tiltenkt læringsutbytte i emnet, og la vekt på at gruppearbeid som undervisnings- og læringsaktivitet bidro til å oppnå dette. Et flertall uttrykte at sluttvurderingen ikke samsvarte med tiltenkte læringsutbyttet og undervisnings- og læringsaktivitetene. BIO-B-informantene uttrykte at tiltenkt læringsutbytte i emnet var uklart, spesielt for oppgavene underveis i semesteret. De savnet større vektlegging på dette samsvaret. Under intervjuet kunne de se denne sammenhengen i større grad. Flertallet syntes det var nyttig med en vurderingsoppgave som krevde at de måtte bli kjent med læringsutbyttebeskrivelsene. BIO-C-informantene mente at undervisere burde påpeke koblingene mellom undervisnings- og læringsaktivitetene og læringsutbyttebeskrivelsene tydeligere. Det var enighet om at de opplevde at rapporter bidro til sterkere samsvar i emnet. Likevel mente de at det var skjev vektlegging av tema i undervisnings- og læringsaktivitetene i forhold til læringsutbyttebeskrivelsene. De ønsket mer fokus på annet faglig innhold.Masteroppgave i biologiBIO399KMAMN-BI

    Examining the Impact of Game-Based Learning on Student Engagement and Performance in an Introductory Computer Programming Course at the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC)

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    At the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC) students often struggle with learning programming. Because of this struggle, they often become disengaged with the programming courses, with some transferring to other degree programmes or withdrawing from the programme. While several strategies have been used to ensure that students can problem- solve, design, and develop coded solutions, it has not been enough to alleviate the issues. Game- based learning (GBL) emerged as a possible strategy that can potentially help students develop these skills while keeping them engaged with the course content. Implementing such a strategy within the department requires evidence that it can be an effective technique for teaching and learning programming. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of GBL on student engagement and overall performance in an introductory programming course. The research was designed as a deductive exploratory single case study research strategy and method. It approaches the aims and objectives from a pragmatic perspective, and as a result, uses a mixed methodological approach to data collection and analysis. The findings show that while GBL does not alleviate the common negative reactions to learning programming, it does provide a learning environment engaging enough for students to overlook these. This results in students having an enhanced perception of the knowledge and improved performance. In implementing GBL in other programming courses, some features that are potentially the most impactful on students learning are immediate feedback, freedom to fail, user interface, code without limitations, and a visual representation of progress

    Exploring the use of robotics in the learning of programming.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Computer Programming is seen as a valuable skill in the digital era that we presently live in. However, for the novice programmer, it is often accompanied with difficulties resulting in negative reactions. The dawning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has catapulted many initiatives local and global to promote Computer Programming and Robotics. A major initiative by the South African government is the planning and implementing of a new subject in school to raise the awareness of coding at an early age. The lack of coding exposure and awareness leads to little or no interest in Computer Programming related courses after schooling years. This study focuses on exploring the learning of coding through the use of Robotics among computer registered students with no prior coding knowledge at a University in South Africa. Unlike the traditional use of block-based programming to introduce Computer Programming, which is limited to screen output, the study opted to use a physical manipulative by using a robotic element through prototype building using text-based programming, resulting in live autonomous output of code. The Arduino kit was used as the robot element to acquire knowledge development to the fundamental concepts of Computer Programming using the Python programming language. Participants' coding knowledge was assessed through a series of hands-on online activities. Design Based Research was adopted with the integration of Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle, framed within the second-generation Activity Theory. Mix methods were supported as it is in accordance with the pragmatic paradigm favoured by Design Based Research. All data collection took place online through workshops, surveys, questionnaires and a focus group interview. The sample size was 75 achieving a significant partial least squares structural equation model as a minimum of 50 participants was needed based on the ten times rule. The results show that students acquiring a direct learning experience with text-based code with the aid of the robotic element proved to be successful. The robot coding simplified the assimilation of text-based coding as participants could see the execution of their code on the prototype in reality. The eradication of the abstract nature of Computer Programming through Robotics as a physical manipulative solidified the understanding of coding structures. Furthermore, students' belief, interest, motivation, confidence, and Mathematics skill set were found to contribute success in Computer Programming. It was revealed that learning to code in a text-based environment can be made fun. In addition, learning programming with the use of the robot is effective for first time learning of text-based code. The researcher proposes that the introduction of learning programming integrated through the building of prototypes and coding resulting in autonomous robots enhances the learning experience of text-based code

    The Design and Evaluation of an Educational Software Development Process for First Year Computing Undergraduates

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    First year, undergraduate computing students experience a series of well-known challenges when learning how to design and develop software solutions. These challenges, which include a failure to engage effectively with planning solutions prior to implementation ultimately impact upon the students’ competency and their retention beyond the first year of their studies. In the software industry, software development processes systematically guide the development of software solutions through iterations of analysis, design, implementation and testing. Industry-standard processes are, however, unsuitable for novice programmers as they require prior programming knowledge. This study investigates how a researcher-designed educational software development process could be created for novice undergraduate learners, and the impact of this process on their competence in learning how to develop software solutions. Based on an Action Research methodology that ran over three cycles, this research demonstrates how an educational software development methodology (termed FRESH) and its operationalised process (termed CADET which is a concrete implementation of the FRESH methodology), was designed and implemented as an educational tool for enhancing student engagement and competency in software development. Through CADET, students were reframed as software developers who understand the value in planning and developing software solutions, and not as programmers who prematurely try to implement solutions. While there remain opportunities to further enhance the technical sophistication of the process as it is implemented in practice, CADET enabled the software development steps of analysis and design to be explicit elements of developing software solutions, rather than their more typically implicit inclusion in introductory CS courses. The research contributes to the field of computing education by exploring the possibilities of – and by concretely generating – an appropriate scaffolded methodology and process; by illustrating the use of computational thinking and threshold concepts in software development; and by providing a novel evaluation framework (termed AKM-SOLO) to aid in the continuous improvement of educational processes and courses by measuring student learning experiences and competencies

    Blended learning in large class introductory programming courses: an empirical study in the context of an Ethiopian university

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    This study was motivated by a desire to address the challenges of introductory programming courses. Ethiopian universities teach such courses in large classes (80+ students) and students complain about the difficulty of the courses and teaching variation of instructors. The study was set to explore optimum course and learning environment design approaches. The research question raised was: how can a blended learning approach be used to improve large class teaching of programming? In an action design research approach, the study was initiated with redesigning two consecutive courses and a supportive blended learning environment on the basis of existing learning theories and educational design frameworks. Two cycles of action research were conducted for a dual goal of refinement and evaluation of the intervention. The action research was conducted during the 2012/13 academic year with 240 students at the beginning. A predominantly quantitative first cycle of action research produced a mixed outcome. The students’ marks from assessment activities were fairly close to results from two other international universities. A pre- and post-implementation survey of students’ approach to learning showed a slight class level change towards the deep learning approach. Conversely, some students were found at-risk (not progressing well) and certain technologies, particularly program visualisation tools, were found underutilised. The second action research cycle aimed to explain the result from the first round. A grounded action research evaluation of data from focus group discussions, interviews and participants’ memos identified plausible factors for meaningful programming learning in a large class. These factors were use of collaborative and pair programming; alignment of learning and assignment activities; integrated use of e-learning; and use of large class strategies like student mentors and team teaching. A critical realist interpretation of the result of the action research suggested that students can learn programming in large classes, 200+ in this study, with a course and learning environment design that keeps them engaged in learning and assessment activities. The study concludes that improved learning of programming can be possible with the use of students as mentors and changed role-dynamics of instructors, which presupposes adaptation of suitable pedagogical approaches and use of technologies.School of ComputingD. Litt. et Phil. (Information Systems

    O Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) enquanto instrumento de regulação das políticas educativas de Macau

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    Esta tese de doutoramento investiga na Região Administrativa Especial de Macau (RAEM) o impacto nas políticas educativas do “Programme for International Student Assessment” (PISA), promovido pela Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico (OCDE), identificado como instrumento de regulação, produtor de conhecimento e ao mesmo tempo regulador das ações dos diversos atores que participam direta ou indiretamente na educação. A tese filia-se na abordagem das políticas sob a perspetiva da ação pública, tomando os fenómenos de receção e uso do PISA como um analisador dos efeitos - e dos limites dos efeitos - da regulação transnacional no contexto da RAEM. A investigação tem como objetivos conhecer as reações dos diversos atores responsáveis pela definição das políticas públicas em Macau (Governo e Assembleia Legislativa, responsáveis da Administração Pública, em particular a Direção dos Serviços de Educação e Juventude, Escolas, direção e professores), aos resultados dos estudantes da RAEM, e a sua repercussão junto dos órgãos de comunicação social, em língua Chinesa, Portuguesa e Inglesa. Tomando por base esse estudo conhecer qual o impacto do PISA nas políticas públicas de educação em Macau. No trabalho de investigação recorreu-se a uma metodologia qualitativa. Trata-se, assim, de um estudo naturalista, descritivo o qual assume uma abordagem interpretativa. A análise dos dados da investigação realizada permitiu-nos concluir que a participação de Macau no PISA teve impacto nas políticas públicas de educação em Macau, influenciando os modos de regulação institucional do ensino não-superior, evoluindo da regulação burocrática para a pós-burocrática. O PISA é um instrumento apropriado pelos atores que transformaram e adaptaram a política aos seus interesses e quadros cognitivos e normativos e, ainda, que o PISA é um instrumento de regulação transnacional, soft, compósito, que encerra influências dos níveis global, nacional e local.This Doctoral Thesis investigates, at Macau’s Special Administrative Region, the impact on the educational politics from the “Programme for International Students Assessment” (PISA), which is promoted by the Organization for Cooperation and Development of the Economy (OCDE), identified as an instrument of regulation, producer of knowledge and simultaneously a regulator of the actions from the diverse actors that participate, directly or indirectly, in education. The Thesis affiliates in the approach of the politics under the perspective of public action, taking the reception phenomena and the usage of PISA as an analyzer of the effects – and the effects limits – from the transnational regulation in the context of MSAR. This investigation work has per objectives knowing the reactions of the diverse responsible actors for the definition of public policies in Macau (Government, Legislative Council, Public Administration Responsible, in particular the Direction of Youth and Education Services, Schools, Direction and Teachers) to PISA´s results at MSAR and its repercussions along the Social Media in Chinese, Portuguese and English languages. Having this Study per basis, knowing what is the impact of PISA in the Public Policies of Education in Macau. It is, like this, about a naturalistic study, descriptive which assumes an interpretative approach. The analysis of the investigation data gathered has allowed us to conclude that the participation of Macau in Pisa´s has had an impact in the public policies of education in Macau, influencing the ways of institutionally regulating the public policies towards non superior level education, evolving from the bureaucratic regulation to the post bureaucratic. Pisa is an appropriate tool used by the actors who transformed and adapted the policy to their interests and cognitive frames and standard, and, as well, Pisa is an instrument of transnational regulation, soft, composite , that encloses/contains influences on global, national and local levels