5,491 research outputs found

    AMM Historical Database

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    The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) is a leading scholarly organization for mathematics in North America. Their primary publication, the American Mathematical Monthly (AMM), comprises over 130 published volumes dating back to 1894. The sheer volume of text in the journal has made it difficult for those interested in the history of mathematics and the organization to locate information. Adding to this challenge, there is no central search tool for the AMM corpus consisting of over 30,000 individual documents. The project team was tasked with creating a website that provides enhanced search tools for the AMM repository. Working with a historian from the MAA and using an agile development process with regular feedback, the team identified ways to improve the search process for relevant data while navigating through the technical and legal challenges associated with the handling and presenting of the corpus. The tool suite will provide a centralized search function specific to this repository with filters that make it faster to find information. This full-stack solution relies on HTML/CSS, Python, Django, SQL, and an Apache Web Server presented to the user through a web browser. Ultimately, the project provides an e-reader and search tool for region-specific documents from participating MAA historians, simplifying the challenge of working with the large AMM corpus

    Sea Surface Salinity Measurements in the Historical Database

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    We have examined historical distributions of sea surface salinity (SSS) observations in a data set consisting of a combination of the World Ocean Database 1998 (WOD98) and a thermosalinograph and bucket salinity database collected from volunteer observing ships. It is well known that SSS in much of the world\u27s ocean is measured infrequently or not at all. We find that 27% of one-degree squares in the world ocean (open and coastal, excluding the Arctic Ocean) had no observations of SSS in the historical database, and 70% had 10 or fewer. Systematic sampling of SSS (more than 10,000 observations per year globally) did not start until after 1960. Most SSS observations in the WOD98 are concentrated in the North Sea and coast of northern Europe, the east and west coasts of North America, and around Japan. About 28% of SSS measurements are in coastal waters. We plotted frequency histograms of SSS for some selected well-sampled one-degree squares in the North Atlantic and tropical Pacific. We found most frequency histograms to be non-Gaussian. The main departure from normal distribution is due to anomalous low-salinity measurements creating a negative skewness. This conclusion is verified as a global phenomenon by examining statistics of mean-median SSS difference within one-degree squares. This quantity is found to be predominantly negative over the global ocean. These anomalous low-salinity values may be due to rainfall events, but there are other plausible physical mechanisms, like frontal movement and eddy activity. There were also areas where the distributions were bimodal due to the presence of meandering fronts with little cross-frontal mixing. Examples are shown where the non-Gaussian nature of the distributions in the areas examined is both a short-term and a long-term phenomenon. That is, the distributions are skewed on a nearly instantaneous (similar to1 month) basis and averaged over long time periods (1+years). This has important implications for climatologies because the differences between mean and modal SSS, for the analyzed one-degree squares, is of order 0.1. Furthermore, the implication for validation studies for remote sensing missions is that the studies must make enough measurements of SSS to determine the extent to which the probability density is not Gaussian

    "This is a Mummers' play I wrote": Modern compositions and their implications

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    It seems that may people feel compelled to rewrite folk plays. Working with a large sample of composed and adapted texts, the apparent personal and cultural motivations of these wannabe folk playwrights are explored. More specifically, this study examines the textual characteristics of the rewritten plays in an attempt to determine what it is that makes the authors think that they have written a mummers' play. These features are then compared with a historical database of “authentic” Quack Doctor plays. It is suggested that similar processes and criteria have existed throughout the history of the plays, and may indeed have been the prime factor in their evolution

    Migrants and the diffusion of low marital fertility in Belgium

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    Abstract in Undetermined Although the diffusion of fertility behavior between different social strata in historical communities has received considerable attention in recent studies, the relationship between the diffusion of fertility behavior and the diffusion of people (migration) during the nineteenth century remains largely underexplored. Evidence from population registers compiled in the Historical Database of the Liège Region, covering the period of 1812 to 1900, reveals that migrant couples in Sart, Belgium, from 1850 to 1874 and from 1875 to 1899 had a reduced risk of conception. The incorporation of geographical mobility, as well as the migrant status of both husbands and wives, into this fertility research sheds light not only on the spread of ideas and behaviors but also on the possible reasons why the ideas and behaviors of immigrants might have been similar to, or different from, those of a native-born population


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    A historical database management system (HDBMS) provides facilities for modelling of time and storage and retrieval of history data (i.e., past status). Past research on HDBMS has considered various but individual aspects of the problem and suggested many alternatives. In this paper, we first outline our approach, identifying facilities that are both adequate and practical, and then consider design of a realistic application using those facilities. The application design consists of design of the database schema, storage structures and processing tasks (both query and database maintenance types). The salient features of our approach include schema design with only current state perspective, same schema for accessing current and history data, efficient storage structures for history data, and simple extensions to the popular query language SQL


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    The concept of an historical database is introduced as a tool for modelling the dynamic nature of some part of the real world. Just as first-order logic has been shown to be a useful formalism for expressing and understanding the underlying semantics of the relational database model, intensional logic is presented as an analogous formalism for expressing and understanding the temporal semantics involved in an historical database. The various components of the relational model, as extended to include historical relations, are discussed in terms of the model theory for the logic ILs, a variation of the logic IL formulated by Richard Montague. The modal concepts of intensional and extensional data constraints and queries are introduced and contrasted. Finally, the potential application of these ideas to the problem of Natural Language Database Querying is discussed.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    The Ubuweb Electronic Music Corpus: An MIR investigation of a historical database

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    A corpus of historical electronic art music is available online from the UbuWeb art resource site. Though the corpus has some flaws in its historical and cultural coverage (not least of which is an over-abundance of male composers), it provides an interesting test ground for automated electronic music analysis, and one which is available to other researchers for reproducible work. We deploy open source tools for music information retrieval; the code from this project is made freely available under the GNU GPL 3 for others to explore. Key findings include the contrasting performance of single summary statistics for works versus time series models, visualisations of trends over chronological time in audio features, the difficulty of predicting which year a given piece is from, and further illumination of the possibilities and challenges of automated music analysis

    Eight Hundred Years of Financial Folly

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    The economics profession has an unfortunate tendency to view recent experience in the narrow window provided by standard datasets. With a few notable exceptions, cross-country empirical studies on financial crises typically begin in 1980 and are limited in other important respects. Yet an event that is rare in a three decade span may not be all that rare when placed in a broader context. In my paper with Kenneth Rogoff we introduce a comprehensive new historical database for studying debt and banking crises, inflation, currency crashes and debasements. The data covers sixty-six countries in across all regions. The range of variables encompasses external and domestic debt, trade, GNP, inflation, exchange rates, interest rates, and commodity prices. The coverage spans eight centuries, going back to the date of independence or well into the colonial period for some countries.Financial crises; inflation;, default

    The century of education

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    This paper presents a historical database on educational attainment in 74 countries for the period 1870-2010, using perpetual inventory methods before 1960 and then the Cohen and Soto (2007) database. The correlation between the two sets of average years of schooling in 1960 is equal to 0.96. We use a measurement error framework to merge the two databases, while correcting for a systematic measurement bias in Cohen and Soto (2007) linked to differential mortality across educational groups. Descriptive statistics show a continuous spread of education that has accelerated in the second half of the twentieth century. We find evidence of fast convergence in years of schooling for a sub-sample of advanced countries during the 1870-1914 globalization period, and of modest convergence since 1980. Less advanced countries have been excluded from the convergence club in both cases.education ; economic history ; database