8 research outputs found

    Самостійна робота студентів медиків, основні проблеми та методи їх подолання

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    У статті відображається роль самостійної роботи студентів у сучасному навчальному процесі і розкриваються питання, що виникають при організації самостійної роботи студентів. Показано, що правильно організована самостійна робота студентів передбачає підвищення якості освіти, призводить до засвоєння студентами навичок самостійної роботи, напрацювання досвіду самонавчання і як наслідок, формування фахівця, який націлений на самовдосконалення та професійний пошук. Відмічається, що самостійна робота студентів потребує високих вольових якостей, вміння спланувати та організувати роботу, а також провести заходи з контролю якості засвоєння матеріалу. Данні проведеного дослідження відображають проблемні питання самостійної роботи студентів-медиків вищого закладу освіти. На підставі проведеного дослідження встановлені місце виконання самостійної роботи та час, що витрачається на неї студентами. Відображаються джерела інформації, що використовуються під час самостійного опрацювання матеріалу та відношення студентів до запропонованих способів самоконтролю. Анонімність анкетування дозволила зменшити рівень викривлення інформації опитуваними особами та визначити провідні особисті проблеми під час самонавчання.На основі аналізу отриманих даних встановлено, що сучасна організація освітнього процесу потребує удосконалення як самостійної роботи студентів так і модернізації взаємодії між студентами і викладачем. Найважливішою метою взаємодії між викладачем та студентом є підвищення мотивації студентів до самостійної роботи, а також навчання студентів навичкам самостійної діяльності у тому числі плануванню, а також пояснення важливості заходів самоконтролю для продуктивної самостійної роботи. The article represents the role of students’ independent work in the modern educational process and reveals the issues that arise during organizing students’ independent work. It is shown that properly organized students’ independent work involves the improvement of the quality of education, leads to the mastery of students skills of independent work, the experience of self-study and, as a consequence, the formation of a specialist who aims at self-improvement and professional search. It is noted that students’ independent work requires high volitional qualities, ability to plan and organize work, as well as conduct measures for quality assimilation of material. The data of the conducted research reflect the problem issues of students’ independent work in higher educational establishment. The place of independent work and the time spent on it by students were established. The sources of information used during self-study of the material were shown. Students' relation to the proposed methods of self-control was determined. The anonymity of the questionnaire has allowed decreasing the level of information distortion by the interviewed persons and has identified the leading personal problems during self-study. Based on the analysis of the obtained data it was established that the modern organization of the educational process needs improving student’s independent work and the modernization of interaction between students and the teacher. The most important goal of interaction between a teacher and a student is the student’s motivation increasing to work independently, as well as to teach students the skills of independent activity, including planning, explaining the importance of self-monitoring activities for productive self-employment

    Management Matters

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    New indications of managerial innovations are created and then used to show that changes in organizational technologies are an important source of economic growth. Specifically, the analysis demonstrates that, first, in response to a positive managerial technology shock, output, productivity and hours significantly increase in the short run, second, these types of innovations are as important as non-managerial ones in explaining movements in these variables at business cycle frequencies, and, third, product and process innovations promote the development of new managerial techniques.Business Cycles; Productivity; Management techniques; Technical Change

    Software analysis of environmental monitoring results

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    The paper deals with the development of a computer monitoring system. Computer monitoring is increasingly used today to control the hygienic performance of water, air and soil. Not only does modern computer technology not only measure and store data, but also analyze, collate them against certain criteria. Creating any modern system requires the transfer of a certain amount of data, so the modern system can not be imagined without the network. The most common network to date is the global Internet. The Internet provides fast, remote access to the necessary data for users from all over the world, making it very flexible to use

    Volumes of Evidence - Examining Technical Change Last Century Through a New Lens

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    Although technical change is central in much of modern economics, traditional measures of it are, for a number of reasons, flawed. We discuss in this paper new indicators based on data drawn from the MARC records of the Library of Congress on the number of new technology titles in various fields published in the United States over the course of the last century. These indicators, we argue, overcome many of the shortcomings associated with patents, research and development expenditures, innovation counts, and productivity figures. We find, among other things, the following: the pattern and nature of technical change described by our indicators is, on the whole, consistent with that of other measures; they represent innovation not diffusion; a strong causal relationship between our indicators and changes in TFP and output per capita; innovations in some sub-groups have had a greater impact on output and productivity than others and, moreover, the key players have changed over time. Our indicators can be used to shed light on number of important issues including the empirical relationship between technology shocks and employment, the role of technology in cross-country productivity differences, and the part played by technological change in growing skills premia in the U.S. during the last few decades.Business Cycles, Technical change, productivity, measurement

    Measuring Our Ignorance, One Book at a Time: New Indicators of Technological Change, 1909-1949

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    We present new indicators of U.S. technological change for the period 1909-49 based on information in the Library of Congress’ catalogue. We use these indicators to estimate the connections between technological change and economic activity, and to investigate the relationship between fluctuations in innovative activity and the Great Depression. Although we do find links between technological change, output and productivity, our results suggest that the slowdown in technological progress in the early 1930s did not contribute significantly to the Great Depression. On the other hand, the remarkable acceleration in innovations after 1934 did play a role in the recovery.Technical Change, Productivity, the Great Depression

    The Freedom Collection 2017–2021: Part 1, The Composition of the Freedom Collection and UNCL’s Downloads by Member and Subject

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    With data provided by a colleague, the author looked at the University of Nebraska Consortium of Libraries (UNCL) downloading activity of Elsevier\u27s Freedom Collection for the 2017-2021 interval. Members include the University of Nebraska at Kearney, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Nebraska Medical Center, and University of Nebraska Omaha. The author looked at activity by member and by subject at the level of journals\u27 Library of Congress Classifications. This report was submitted in the fall of 2022 to the UNL Libraries Collections Strategies Committee (CSC) and to the members of the Collections Strategies and Open Scholarship (CSOS) department

    Read All About it!! What happens following a technology shock?

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    Existing indicators of technical change are plagued by shortcomings. I present here new measures based on books published in the field of technology that resolve many of these problems and use them to identify the impact of technology shocks on economic activity. They are positively linked to changes in R&D and scientific knowledge and capture the new technologies' commercialization dates. Changes in information technology are found to be important sources of economic fluctuations in the post-WWII period and total factor productivity, investment and, to a lesser extent, labor are all shown to increase following a positive technology shock.business cycles, technical change, information technologies

    Choix d\u27une classification et ses enjeux (classification de la bibliothèque du Congrès) (Le)

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